0install-core / 0desktop(1)
0desktop add programs to the desktop environment
0install-core / 0install(1)
0install a decentralised software installation system
0install-core / 0launch(1)
0launch download and run programs by url
0install-core / 0store(1)
0store manage the implementation cache
0install-core / 0store-secure-add(1)
0store-secure-add add an implementation to the system cache
xml2 / 2csv(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
xml2 / 2html(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
lrslib / 2nash(1)
Find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
transtermhp / 2ndscore(1)
python2.7 / 2to3-2.7(1)
Python2 to python3 converter
python3.4 / 2to3-3.4(1)
Python2 to python3 converter
2vcard / 2vcard(1)
Convert addressbooks to vcard format
xml2 / 2xml(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
3depict / 3depict(1)
3d scalar point cloud visualization and analysis
survex / 3dtopos(1)
3dtopos produce a .pos file from a .3d file
ubuntu-dev-tools / 404main(1)
Check if all build dependencies of a package are in main
netpbm / 411toppm(1)
Convert sony mavica .411 image to ppm
4g8 / 4g8(1)
Packet capture and interception for switched networks
6tunnel / 6tunnel(1)
Tunnelling for application that don't speak ipv6
p7zip-full / 7z(1)
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
p7zip-full / 7za(1)
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
p7zip / 7zr(1)
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
9mount / 9bind(1)
Mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9menu / 9menu(1)
Create a menu to run commands
9mount / 9mount(1)
Mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9mount / 9umount(1)
Mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9wm / 9wm(1)
\*(85-like window manager for x
aclock.app / AClock(1)
Analog dockapp clock for gnustep
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-analyse(1)
Automatic data capture from scans for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-annote(1)
Completed answer sheets annotation after marking for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-association(1)
Manual association between students and answer sheets for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-association-auto(1)
Automatic association between students and answer sheets for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-export(1)
Exports marks for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-getimages(1)
Prepares scan images before sending them to amc-analyse(1) for analysis
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-imprime(1)
Prints amc multiple choice answer sheets to be distributed to the students
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-mailing(1)
Mail pdf annotated completed answer sheets to students
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-meptex(1)
Gets the layout information from the working document to the layout database
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-note(1)
Computes marks after scans data capture for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-prepare(1)
Prepares working documents from latex source file
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-regroupe(1)
Merge jpeg annotated amc multiple choice answer sheets to get a pdf file per student.
ants / ANTS(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSIntegrateVectorField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSIntegrateVelocityField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSJacobian(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSUseDeformationFieldToGetAffineTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetAffineTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetBSplineDisplacementField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
axiom / AXIOMsys(1)
A general purpose computer algebra system
topp / AccurateMassSearch(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / AdditiveSeries(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
adun.app / AdunCore(1)
Core module of the adun molecular simulator
adun.app / AdunServer(1)
Server for the adun molecular simulator
affiche.app / Affiche(1)
An application to "stick" little notes on the desktop
ants / Atropos(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageAffineTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageAffineTransformNoRigid(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageTensorImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ballview / BALLView(1)
A free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool
dirac / BMPtoRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
brp-pacu / BRP_PACU(1)
Dual fft live audio analysis program
topp / BaselineFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / BermudanSwaption(1)
Example of using quantlib
quantlib-examples / Bonds(1)
Example of bond pricing
quantlib-examples / CDS(1)
Example of credit-default swap pricing
topp / CVInspector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
gnustep-examples / Calculator(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
quantlib-examples / CallableBonds(1)
Example of callable-bond pricing
camera.app / Camera(1)
Downloads files from your digital camera
haxml / Canonicalise(1)
\(oqcat\(cq filters for xml documents
haxml / CanonicaliseLazy(1)
\(oqcat\(cq filters for xml documents
cenon.app / Cenon(1)
Vector graphics software for gnustep
charmap.app / Charmap(1)
A character map
cigi-ccl-examples / CigiDummyIG(1)
Sample cigi image generator
cigi-ccl-examples / CigiMiniHost(1)
Sample cigi host
clonalframe / ClonalFrame(1)
Inference of bacterial microevolution using multilocus sequence data
ants / ClusterImageStatistics(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ncbi-tools-x11 / Cn3D-3.0(1)
A 3-dimensional viewer for biological molecules
topp / CompNovo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / CompNovoCID(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ComposeMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CompositeTransformUtil(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ConsensusID(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ConsensusMapNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ConvertImagePixelType(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ConvertInputImagePixelTypeToFloat(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ConvertScalarImageToRGB(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ConvertTSVToTraML(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ConvertToJpg(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ConvertTraMLToTSV(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ConvertTransformFile(1)
Part of ants registration suite
quantlib-examples / ConvertibleBonds(1)
Example of using quantlib to value convertible bonds
ants / CopyImageHeaderInformation(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateDTICohort(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateDisplacementField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
dbus-java-bin / CreateInterface(1)
Createinterface create a java interface definition from dbus introspection data.
ants / CreateJacobianDeterminantImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateTiledMosaic(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateWarpedGridImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
cura-engine / CuraEngine(1)
Stl to gcode converter
gnustep-examples / CurrencyConverter(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
cutesdr / CuteSdr(1)
A simple demodulation and spectrum display program
cynthiune.app / Cynthiune(1)
Music player for gnustep
topp / DBExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DBImporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
dbus-java-bin / DBusCall(1)
Dbuscall calls methods on dbus
dbus-java-bin / DBusDaemon(1)
Dbusdaemon runs a d-bus daemon
dbus-java-bin / DBusViewer(1)
Dbusviewer show connections to the bus and introspect on them.
logcentral-tools / DIETtestTool(1)
Example of a tool that connects to the logcentral without any filter and that display all the messages published. it is used as an example for the diet program. all received published messages are also stored in a log file.
oce-draw / DRAWEXE(1)
Opencascade test harness
drawxtl / DRAWxtl55(1)
Display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
topp / DTAExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DeMeanderize(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / DeNrrd(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / Decharger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DecoyDatabase(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
pixelmed-apps / DicomSRValidator(1)
Works with dicom files
dictionaryreader.app / DictionaryReader(1)
Dict client for gnustep
topp / Digestor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DigestorMotif(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / DiscreteHedging(1)
Example of using quantlib
haxml / DtdToHaskell(1)
A xml dtd to haskell translator
edtsurf / EDTSurf(1)
Quick and accurate construction of macromolecular surfaces
topp / EICExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ERPairFinder(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
etl-dev / ETL-config(1)
Get information about an etl installation
edenmath.app / EdenMath(1)
Scientific calculator for gnustep
emma / Emma(1)
Extendable mysql managing assistant
quantlib-examples / EquityOption(1)
Example of using quantlib to value equity options
eterm / Esetroot(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Etbg(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Etbg_update_list(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Etcolors(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Eterm(1)
The enlightened terminal emulator for the x window system
eterm / Etsearch(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Ettable(1)
Eterm accessory programs
topp / ExecutePipeline(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
uniutils / ExplicateUTF8(1)
Explain the status of a sequence of bytes as a utf8 encoding
ants / ExtractRegionFromImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ExtractRegionFromImageByMask(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ExtractSliceFromImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / FFEval(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
spass / FLOTTER(1)
Automated theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality
quantlib-examples / FRA(1)
Example of using quantlib
ftp.app / FTP(1)
File transfer protocol application
topp / FalseDiscoveryRate(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderCentroided(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderIsotopeWavelet(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderMRM(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderMetabo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderRaw(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderSuperHirn(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureLinkerLabeled(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureLinkerUnlabeled(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureLinkerUnlabeledQT(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
llvm-3.4 / FileCheck-3.4(1)
Flexible pattern matching file verifier
llvm-3.5 / FileCheck-3.5(1)
Flexible pattern matching file verifier
topp / FileConverter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FileFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FileInfo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FileMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / FittedBondCurve(1)
Example of using quantlib to fit discount curves
freefem++ / FreeFem++(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-glx(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-mpi(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-nw(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-x11(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
fritzing / Fritzing(1)
From prototype to product
topp / FuzzyDiff(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
fvwm / FvwmAnimate(1)
The fvwm animate module
fvwm1 / FvwmAudio1(1)
The fvwm audio module
fvwm / FvwmAuto(1)
The fvwm auto-raise module
fvwm1 / FvwmAuto1(1)
The fvwm auto-raise module
fvwm / FvwmBacker(1)
The fvwm background changer module
fvwm1 / FvwmBacker1(1)
The fvwm background changer module
fvwm / FvwmBanner(1)
The fvwm banner module
fvwm1 / FvwmBanner1(1)
The fvwm banner
fvwm / FvwmButtons(1)
The fvwm buttonbox module
fvwm1 / FvwmClean1(1)
The fvwm desktop clutter reduction module
fvwm / FvwmCommand(1)
Fvwm command external interface
fvwm / FvwmConsole(1)
An fvwm command input interface
fvwm / FvwmConsoleC.pl(1)
Command editor for fvwm command input interface
fvwm / FvwmCpp(1)
The fvwm cpp pre-processor
fvwm / FvwmDebug(1)
The fvwm module debugger
fvwm1 / FvwmDebug1(1)
The fvwm module debugger
fvwm / FvwmDragWell(1)
A xdnd drag well
fvwm / FvwmForm(1)
Input form module for fvwm
fvwm / FvwmGtkDebug(1)
Graphical interactive fvwm module debugger
fvwm / FvwmIconBox(1)
The fvwm icon box module
fvwm1 / FvwmIconBox1(1)
The fvwm iconbox module
fvwm / FvwmIconMan(1)
An fvwm icon manager
fvwm / FvwmIdent(1)
The fvwm identify-window module
fvwm1 / FvwmIdent1(1)
The fvwm identify-window module
fvwm / FvwmM4(1)
The fvwm m4 pre-processor
fvwm / FvwmPager(1)
The fvwm pager module
fvwm1 / FvwmPager1(1)
The fvwm pager module
fvwm / FvwmPerl(1)
The fvwm perl manipulator and preprocessor
fvwm / FvwmProxy(1)
The fvwm proxy module
fvwm / FvwmRearrange(1)
Rearrange fvwm windows
fvwm / FvwmSave(1)
The fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm1 / FvwmSave1(1)
The fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm / FvwmSaveDesk(1)
Another fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm1 / FvwmSaveDesk1(1)
Another fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm / FvwmScript(1)
Module to build graphic user interface
fvwm / FvwmScroll(1)
The fvwm scroll-bar module
fvwm1 / FvwmScroll1(1)
The fvwm scroll-bar module
fvwm / FvwmTabs(1)
A generic tabbing module for the fvwm window manager.
fvwm / FvwmTaskBar(1)
The fvwm taskbar module
fvwm / FvwmTheme(1)
An fvwm module for managing the appearance of fvwm and its modules
fvwm / FvwmWharf(1)
The afterstep application "dock" module ported to fvwm.
fvwm / FvwmWinList(1)
The fvwm window list module
fvwm1 / FvwmWinList1(1)
The fvwm window list module
fvwm / FvwmWindowMenu(1)
Open configurable fvwm menu listing current windows
gentle / GENtle(1)
Program to plan genetic cloning experiments
librenaissance0-dev / GSMarkupBrowser(1)
Gnustep development framework
librenaissance0-dev / GSMarkupLocalizableStrings(1)
Gnustep development framework
gnustep-gui-common / GSSpeechServer(1)
Gnustep speech server
gnustep-examples / GSTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gtamsanalyzer.app / GTAMSAnalyzer(1)
Qualitative research software
gworkspace.app / GWorkspace(1)
Gnustep workspace manager
nsis / GenPat(1)
A program to create patch files in vpatch format.
topp / GenericWrapper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / GetConnectedComponentsFeatureImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
goldencheetah / GoldenCheetah(1)
Cycling performance software
fvwm1 / GoodStuff1(1)
The fvwm button panel module
gorm.app / Gorm(1)
Graphical objects relationship modeler
libgraphicsmagick++1-dev / GraphicsMagick++-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of magick++
libgraphicsmagick1-dev / GraphicsMagick-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of graphicsmagick
libgraphicsmagick1-dev / GraphicsMagickWand-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of graphicsmagick
wcslib-tools / HPXcvt(1)
Reorganise healpix data into a 2-d fits image
gnustep-base-runtime / HTMLLinker(1)
Tool to fix up href references in html files
handbrake-cli / HandBrakeCLI(1)
Versatile dvd ripper and video transcoder (command line)
helpviewer.app / HelpViewer(1)
Online help viewer for gnustep programs
herculesstudio / HerculesStudio(1)
Hercules gui interface
herwig++ / Herwig++(1)
Multi-purpose monte-carlo event generator for particle physics.
topp / HighResPrecursorMassCorrector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
hscolour / HsColour(1)
Generate colourised output for haskell code
topp / IDConflictResolver(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDDecoyProbability(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDEvaluator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDEvaluatorGUI(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDFileConverter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDMapper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDMassAccuracy(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDPosteriorErrorProbability(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDRTCalibration(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDRipper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDSplitter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-common / INIFILE(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource ini file editor
topp / INIFileEditor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / INIUpdater(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / ISQL-VT(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource sql interface (unicode)
topp / ITRAQAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ImageCompare(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ImageCreator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ImageMath(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ImageSetStatistics(1)
Part of ants registration suite
pixelmed-apps / ImageToDicom(1)
Works with dicom files
topp / InclusionExclusionListCreator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
gnustep-examples / Ink(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
topp / InspectAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / InternalCalibration(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IsobaricAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
jfractionlab / JFractionLab(1)
Educative program to practice fractions
libjxr-tools / JxrDecApp(1)
Jpeg xr decoder utility
libjxr-tools / JxrEncApp(1)
Jpeg xr encoder utility
kwstyle / KWStyle(1)
Style checker for source code
libkate-tools / KateDJ(1)
Edits and remixes kate streams in ogg
ants / KellyKapowski(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / KellySlater(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / LabelClustersUniquely(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / LabelGeometryMeasures(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / LabelOverlapMeasures(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / LabeledEval(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / LaplacianThickness(1)
Part of ants registration suite
leaktracer / LeakCheck(1)
A memory-usage debugger for c++ programs
leaktracer / LeakTracer(1)
A memory-usage debugger for c++ programs
nsis / LibraryLocal(1)
A program to get version numbers from dll files for use with nsis.
dbus-java-bin / ListDBus(1)
Listdbus list the names on a dbus
logcentral / LogCentral(1)
Service using the publisher/subscriber model, where components publish tagged messages and tools get back appropriate messages .
logol / LogolExec(1)
Program to parse a logol grammar and search pattern in a sequence.
logol / LogolMultiExec(1)
Program to parse a logol grammar and search pattern in a sequence, it allows one to run the logolexec program on multi fasta input and to dispatch the treatements on a drmaa compliant grid or on multi-cpu servers.
lusernet.app / LuserNET(1)
News reader for gnustep
lynkeos.app / Lynkeos(1)
Application dedicated to the processing of astronomical (mainly planetary) images taken with a webcam through a telescope.
gpac / MP4Box(1)
Mpeg-4 systems toolbox
gpac / MP4Client(1)
Gpac mpeg-4 command-line player
mpdcon.app / MPDCon(1)
Music player daemon controller
mriconvert / MRIConvert(1)
Interactive mri conversion software
topp / MRMMapper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MRMPairFinder(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MSSimulator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
pyfai / MX-calibrate(1)
python-sardana / MacroServer(1)
Manual page for macroserver 1.4.2
python-sardana / MacroServer.py(1)
Manual page for macroserver.py 1.4.2
topp / MapAlignerIdentification(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapAlignerPoseClustering(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapAlignerSpectrum(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapAlignmentEvaluation(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapRTTransformer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapStatistics(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / MarketModels(1)
Example of monte carlo pricing with market models
topp / MascotAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MascotAdapterOnline(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MassCalculator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MassTraceExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / MeasureImageSimilarity(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / MeasureMinMaxMean(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / MemoryTest(1)
Part of ants registration suite
mixer.app / Mixer.app(1)
Mixer application designed for windowmaker
haxml / MkOneOf(1)
A helper program to use with dtdtohaskell
clam-networkeditor / MonoOfflinePlayer(1)
Plays clam networks off-line.
ants / MultiplyImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / MyriMatchAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MzTabExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / N3BiasFieldCorrection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / N4BiasFieldCorrection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
byobu / NF(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
pixelmed-apps / NIfTI1ToDicom(1)
Works with dicom files
netpipe-lam / NPlam(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-lam / NPlam2(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-mpich2 / NPmpich2(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-openmpi / NPopenmpi(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-openmpi / NPopenmpi2(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-pvm / NPpvm(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-tcp / NPtcp(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
pixelmed-apps / NRRDToDicom(1)
Works with dicom files
gnustep-examples / NSBrowserTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-examples / NSImageTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-examples / NSPanelTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-examples / NSScreenTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
netanim / NetAnim(1)
Network animator based on qt4 working with ns-3
clam-networkeditor / NetworkEditor(1)
Edits clam networks
topp / NoiseFilterGaussian(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / NoiseFilterSGolay(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OMSSAAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
clam-networkeditor / OfflinePlayer(1)
Plays clam networks off-line
ogre-1.8-tools / OgreMeshUpgrader(1)
Upgrades .mesh files to the latest version
ogre-1.9-tools / OgreMeshUpgrader(1)
Upgrades .mesh files to the latest version
ogre-1.8-tools / OgreXMLConverter(1)
Converts data between xml and ogre binary formats
ogre-1.9-tools / OgreXMLConverter(1)
Converts data between xml and ogre binary formats
topp / OpenMSInfo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathChromatogramExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathConfidenceScoring(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathDIAPreScoring(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathDecoyGenerator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathFeatureXMLToTSV(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathMzMLFileCacher(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathRTNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathRewriteToFeatureXML(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
orthanc / Orthanc(1)
Lightweight, restful dicom server for healthcare and medical research
pcp / PCPIntro(1)
Introduction to the performance co-pilot (pcp)
pixelmed-apps / PDFToDicomImage(1)
Works with dicom files
pgapack / PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary(1)
Encodes an integer value as a binary string
pgapack / PGAEncodeIntegerAsGrayCode(1)
Encodes a real value as a binary reflected gray code sequence
pgapack / PGAEncodeRealAsBinary(1)
Encodes a real value as a binary string
pgapack / PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode(1)
Encodes a real value as a binary reflected gray code sequence
pgapack / PGAEvaluate(1)
Calls a user-specified function to return an evaluation of each string in the population.
pgapack / PGAFitness(1)
Maps the user's evaluation function value to a fitness value.
pgapack / PGAGetBinaryAllele(1)
Returns the value of a (binary) allele in a pga_datatype_binary string
pgapack / PGAGetCharacterAllele(1)
Returns the value of character allele in a pga_datatype_character string
pgapack / PGAGetEvaluation(1)
Returns the evaluation function value for string p in population pop
pgapack / PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag(1)
Returns true/false to indicate whether the evaluate function value is up to date
pgapack / PGAGetFitness(1)
Returns the fitness value for a string
pgapack / PGAGetFitnessCmaxValue(1)
Returns the value of the multiplier used by pgafitnessmincmax.
pgapack / PGAGetFitnessMinType(1)
Returns the type of fitness transformation used for minimization problems.
pgapack / PGAGetFitnessType(1)
Returns the type of fitness transformation used.
pgapack / PGAGetIntegerAllele(1)
Returns the value of allele i of member p in population pop.
pgapack / PGAGetIntegerFromBinary(1)
Interpets a binary string as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
pgapack / PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode(1)
Interpets a binary reflected gray code sequence as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
pgapack / PGAGetMaxFitnessRank(1)
Returns the maximum value used in rank-based fitness.
pgapack / PGAGetRealAllele(1)
Returns the value of real-valued allele i in string p in population pop
pgapack / PGAGetRealFromBinary(1)
Interpets a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it represents.
pgapack / PGAGetRealFromGrayCode(1)
Interpets a binary reflected gray code sequence in a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it represents.
pgapack / PGARank(1)
Returns the rank of a string in a population.
pgapack / PGASetBinaryAllele(1)
Sets a binary allele to the specified value.
pgapack / PGASetCharacterAllele(1)
Sets the value of an allele in a pga_datatype_character string.
pgapack / PGASetEvaluation(1)
Set the evaluation function value for a string to a specified value.
pgapack / PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag(1)
Sets the flag associated with a string to pga_true or pga_flase to indicate whether the evaluate function value is out-of-date or not.
pgapack / PGASetFitnessCmaxValue(1)
The value of the multiplier used by pgafitnessmincmax so that the worst string has a nonzero fitness.
pgapack / PGASetFitnessMinType(1)
Sets the type of algorithm used if a minimization problem is specified to determine how values are remapped for maximization.
pgapack / PGASetFitnessType(1)
Set the type of fitness algorithm to use.
pgapack / PGASetIntegerAllele(1)
Sets the value of a (integer) allele.
pgapack / PGASetMaxFitnessRank(1)
The value of the parameter max when using linear ranking for fitness determination.
pgapack / PGASetRealAllele(1)
Sets the value of real-valued allele i in string p in population pop
topp / PILISIdentification(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PILISModelCV(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PILISModelTrainer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PILISSpectraGenerator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
gettext-lint / POFileChecker(1)
Searches for common mistakes in po/pot files
gettext-lint / POFileClean(1)
Resets the msgstr for situations where it's just a copy of msgid
gettext-lint / POFileEquiv(1)
Glossary generator
gettext-lint / POFileFill(1)
Fill a file with entries already translated in other files
gettext-lint / POFileGlossary(1)
Checks a collection of po files against a glossary
gettext-lint / POFileStatus(1)
Validator and status reporting
ftools-pow / POWplot(1)
Vizualize fits data
price.app / PRICE(1)
Image filtering and manipulation
libpano13-bin / PTAInterpolate(1)
Interpolate intermediate images between stereo photos.
topp / PTModel(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PTPredict(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
libpano13-bin / PTblender(1)
Colour and brightness correction of panoramas
libpano13-bin / PTcrop(1)
Crop tiff images
libpano13-bin / PTmender(1)
Replacement for ptstitcher
libpano13-bin / PTroller(1)
Merge several images into a single one
libpano13-bin / PTtiff2psd(1)
Convert a set of tiff files into a photoshop psd file
libpano13-bin / PTtiffdump(1)
Compare two tiff images
paje.app / Paje(1)
Generic visualization tool (gantt chart and more)
ants / PasteImageIntoImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / PeakPickerHiRes(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PeakPickerWavelet(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PepNovoAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PeptideIndexer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / PhosphoScoring(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
plopfolio.app / PlopFolio(1)
Personal dashboard for gnustep
poe.app / Poe(1)
A vorbis comment editor
polybori-gui / PolyGUI(1)
An graphical user interface for polybori's groebner_basis
polybori-gui / PolyGUI2(1)
An graphical user interface for polybori's groebner_basis
polybori-gui / PolyGUI2.7(1)
An graphical user interface for polybori's groebner_basis
python-sardana / Pool(1)
Manual page for pool 1.4.2
posterazor / PosteRazor(1)
Splits an image across multiple pages for assembly into a poster
topp / PrecursorIonSelector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PrecursorMassCorrector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
preview.app / Preview(1)
General purpose image viewer for gnustep
ants / PrintHeader(1)
Part of ants registration suite
projectcenter.app / ProjectCenter(1)
The official gnustep ide
topp / ProteinInference(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ProteinQuantifier(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ProteinResolver(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
clam-networkeditor / Prototyper(1)
Runs clam networks with a qt interface
ncbi-tools-x11 / Psequin(1)
Submit sequences to genbank, embl, and ddbj
model-builder / PyMB(1)
Graphical ode simulator
python-nwsclient / PythonNWSSleighWorker(1)
Executes the python nws sleigh worker
qrisk2 / Q77_qrisk2_2013_0_commandLine(1)
Female version of 2013 risk analysis
qrisk2 / Q77_qrisk2_2013_1_commandLine(1)
Male version of 2013 risk analysis
topp / QCCalculator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCEmbedder(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCImporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCShrinker(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
morse / QSO(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
r-base-core / R(1)
A language for data analysis and graphics
dirac / RGBtoBMP(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoUYVY(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV411(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV420(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV422(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV444(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
topp / RNPxl(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RNPxlXICFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RTEvaluation(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RTModel(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RTPredict(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ray / Ray(1)
Assemble genomes in parallel using the message-passing interface
ants / RebaseTensorImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ReorientTensorImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
quantlib-examples / Replication(1)
Example of using quantlib
quantlib-examples / Repo(1)
Example of using quantlib
ants / ResampleImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ResampleImageBySpacing(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / Resampler(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ResetDirection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
r-base-core / Rscript(1)
Front end for scripting with r
sibsim4 / SIBsim4(1)
Align rna sequences with a dna sequence, allowing for introns
topp / SILACAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
spass / SPASS(1)
Automated theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality
stk / STKDemo(1)
Sound synthesis toolkit demo application
swish-e / SWISH-CONFIG(1)
Configuration file directives
swish-e / SWISH-FAQ(1)
The swish-e faq. answers to common questions
swish-e / SWISH-LIBRARY(1)
Interface to the swish-e c library
swish-e / SWISH-RUN(1)
Running swish-e and command line switches
swarp / SWarp(1)
Resample and combine fits images
python-sardana / Sardana(1)
Manual page for sardana 1.4.2
atfs / Save(1)
Save revision of a file
inventor-clients / SceneViewer(1)
3d editor and viewer for inventor scenes
topp / SeedListGenerator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SemanticValidator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SequenceCoverageCalculator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / SetDirectionByMatrix(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SetOrigin(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SetSpacing(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SmoothImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / SpecLibCreator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpecLibSearcher(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterBernNorm(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterMarkerMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterNLargest(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterParentPeakMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterScaler(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterSqrtMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterThresholdMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterWindowMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / StackSlices(1)
Part of ants registration suite
pixelmed-apps / StructuredReport(1)
Works with dicom files
ants / SurfaceBasedSmoothing(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SurfaceCurvature(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / SvmTheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorTrainer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / SwapValuation(1)
Example of using quantlib
systempreferences.app / SystemPreferences(1)
Edit your personal settings for gnustep
topp / TMTAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
tm-align / TMalign(1)
Protein structure alignment
tm-align / TMscore(1)
An algorithm to calculate the similarity of topologies of two protein structures
topp / TOFCalibration(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / TOPPAS(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / TOPPView(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
terminal.app / Terminal(1)
Gnustep terminal emulator
textedit.app / TextEdit(1)
Basic editor for gnustep
topp / TextExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ThresholdImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
thunar / Thunar(1)
File manager for the xfce desktop environment
ants / TileImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
timemon.app / TimeMon(1)
Cpu time usage monitor
ants / TimeSCCAN(1)
Part of ants registration suite
sumo / TraCITestClient(1)
Tracitestclient for the road traffic simulation sumo
topp / TransformationEvaluation(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
trimmomatic / TrimmomaticPE(1)
Flexible read trimming tool for illumina ngs data
trimmomatic / TrimmomaticSE(1)
Flexible read trimming tool for illumina ngs data
udj-desktop-client / UDJ(1)
A social music player
adun.app / UL(1)
Molecular simulator
dirac / UYVYtoRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / UYVYtoYUV422(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / VIRTUOSO-T(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource server
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / VIRT_MAIL(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource mail interface
haxml / Validate(1)
Simple validation tool for xml documents
pixelmed-apps / VerificationSOPClassSCU(1)
Works with dicom files
visualboyadvance / VisualBoyAdvance(1)
volumecontrol.app / VolumeControl(1)
Audio mixer for gnustep
surfraw / W(1)
Surfraw(1) search tools
ants / WarpImageMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / WarpTensorImageMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
wrapperfactory.app / WrapperFactory(1)
Application wrappers configuration tool
topp / XMLValidator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / XTandemAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
sloccount / X_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
xdmx / Xdmx(1)
Distributed multi-head x server
xserver-xephyr / Xephyr(1)
X server outputting to a window on a pre-existing x display
x11-apps / Xmark(1)
Summarize x11perf results
xnest / Xnest(1)
A nested x server
xserver-xorg-core / Xorg(1)
X11r7 x server
xserver-common / Xserver(1)
X window system display server
tightvncserver / Xtightvnc(1)
An x server providing vnc connectivity
haxml / Xtract(1)
Structured \(oqgrep\(cq-like programs for xml documents
haxml / XtractLazy(1)
Structured \(oqgrep\(cq-like programs for xml documents
xvfb / Xvfb(1)
Virtual framebuffer x server for x version 11
vnc4server / Xvnc4(1)
The x vnc server
dirac / YUV411toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420Down2x2(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420ItoYUV422I(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420pt75filter(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420toYUV422(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422ItoYUV420I(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422toUYVY(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422toYUV420(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV444toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
zipper.app / Zipper(1)
Inspect and extract compressed archives
coreutils / [(1)
Check file types and compare values
aplus-fsf / a+(1)
A+ interpreter
chordii / a2crd(1)
Attempts the conversion of lyrics file into chordii input
a2jmidid / a2j(1)
Wrapper script to simulate a2jmidid's non-dbus behaviour though a2jmidid actually being in dbus mode
a2jmidid / a2j_control(1)
Utility to control a2jmidid daemon
a2jmidid / a2jmidi_bridge(1)
Static bridge with one alsa playback port and one jack midi input port
a2jmidid / a2jmidid(1)
Jack midi daemon for alsa midi
a2ps / a2ps(1)
Format files for printing on a postscript printer
a2ps / a2ps-lpr-wrapper(1)
A2ps-lpr-wrapper lp/lpr wrapper script for gnu a2ps on debian
asciidoc / a2x(1)
A toolchain manager for asciidoc (converts asciidoc text files to other file formats)
liba52-0.7.4-dev / a52dec(1)
Decode atsc a/52 audio streams
a56 / a56(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler
a56 / a56-keybld(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler - build finite-state parser
a56 / a56-tobin(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler - convert to binary
a56 / a56-toomf(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler - convert to omf
astronomical-almanac / aa(1)
Astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions
aa3d / aa3d(1)
An ascii art stereogram generator
python-aafigure / aafigure(1)
Convert ascii art to an image
libaa-bin / aafire(1)
Aalib example programs
aview / aaflip(1)
An ascii art video player
libaa-bin / aainfo(1)
Aalib example programs
aajm / aajm(1)
Ascii art jugglemaster
libaa1-dev / aalib-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of aalib
aaphoto / aaphoto(1)
Automatic color correction of photos
aapt / aapt(1)
Android asset packaging tool
libaa-bin / aasavefont(1)
Aalib example programs
libaa-bin / aatest(1)
Aalib example programs
xine-console / aaxine(1)
An ascii art video player
apache2-utils / ab(1)
Apache http server benchmarking tool
abacas / abacas(1)
Algorithm based automatic contiguation of assembled sequences
abcmidi / abc2abc(1)
A simple abc checker/re-formatter/transposer
lilypond / abc2ly(1)
Manual page for abc2ly (lilypond) 2.18.2
abcmidi / abc2midi(1)
Converts abc file to midi file(s)
abcde / abcde(1)
Grab an entire cd and compress it to ogg/vorbis, mp3, flac, ogg/speex and/or mpp/mp+(musepack) format.
abcm2ps / abcm2ps(1)
Abcm2ps translate abc music notation to postscript
abcmidi / abcmatch(1)
Search for specific sequences of notes in an abc file composed of many tunes.
abi-compliance-checker / abi-compliance-checker(1)
Tool to compare abi compatibility of shared c/c++ library versions
abi-dumper / abi-dumper(1)
A tool to dump abi of an elf object containing dwarf debug info
abicheck / abicheck(1)
Check application binaries for calls to private or evolving symbols in libraries and for static linking of some system libraries.
abinit / abinit(1)
Ab initio atomic-scale simulation software
abiword / abiword(1)
Abiword flexible cross-platform word processor
abook / abook(1)
Text-based address book program
abootimg / abootimg(1)
Manipulate android boot images.
abr2gbr / abr2gbr(1)
Converts photoshop and paint shop pro brushes to gimp
abtransfers / abtransfers(1)
Online banking application
acct / ac(1)
Print statistics about users' connect time
aspectc++ / ac++(1)
Aspectc++ aspect weaver for c++
atool / acat(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
accerciser / accerciser(1)
An interactive accessibility explorer.
atfs / accs(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
libace-perl / ace(1)
Interactive perl client for acedb
ace-gperf / ace_gperf(1)
Generate a perfect hash function from a key set
ace-netsvcs / ace_netsvcs(1)
Ace_netsvcs ace network services driver.
achilles / achilles(1)
Opengl simulation of artificial life and evolution
xymon / ackinfo.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to acknowledge alerts
xymon / acknowledge.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to acknowledge alerts
cakephp-scripts / acl.php(1)
Manages access control lists (acls) for cakephp applications
acl2 / acl2(1)
A computational logic
direwolf-docs / aclients(1)
Compare aprs clients
automake1.11 / aclocal-1.11(1)
Manual page for aclocal 1.11.6
automake / aclocal-1.14(1)
Manual page for aclocal 1.14.1
alsa-utils / aconnect(1)
Alsa sequencer connection manager
aconnectgui / aconnectgui(1)
Aconnectgui fltk based frontend for aconnect
acoustid-fingerprinter / acoustid-fingerprinter(1)
Audio fingerprint submission tool
acpi / acpi(1)
Shows battery status and other acpi information
powermgmt-base / acpi_available(1)
Test whether acpi subsystem is available
acpica-tools / acpibin(1)
Acpi binary aml file utility
acpica-tools / acpidump-acpica(1)
Acpi table dump utility
acpica-tools / acpiexec(1)
Acpi aml execution and debug utility
acpica-tools / acpihelp(1)
Acpi help utility
acpica-tools / acpinames(1)
Acpi name space dump utility
acpica-tools / acpisrc(1)
Acpica source code conversion utility
acpitail / acpitail(1)
Show acpi information in a tail-like style
acpitool / acpitool(1)
A linux acpi client, allowing you to query or set acpi values
acpica-tools / acpixtract-acpica(1)
Acpica source code conversion utility
scotch / acpl(1)
Compile a target architectures
scotch / acpl-int32(1)
Compile a target architectures
scotch / acpl-int64(1)
Compile a target architectures
scotch / acpl-long(1)
Compile a target architectures
python-actdiag / actdiag(1)
Generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-actdiag / actdiag3(1)
Generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file.
actionaz / actexec(1)
Task automation
actionaz / actionaz(1)
Task automation
amanda-server / activate-devpay(1)
Create the token and certificate files for amazon s3
python-argcomplete / activate-global-python-argcomplete(1)
Activate-global-python-argcomplete - argcomplete utility script
activity-log-manager / activity-log-manager(1)
Configure activity logging behavior
sumo / activitygen(1)
Generates routes of persons throughout a day for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo
graphviz / acyclic(1)
Make directed graph acyclic
libaws-bin / ada2wsdl(1)
Generate a wdsl document from an ada package specification
sloccount / ada_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
adabrowse / adabrowse(1)
Generate fully cross-referenced html rendering of ada 95 specs
adacontrol / adactl(1)
Ada rules controller
libadasockets5-dev / adasockets-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed adasockets library
android-tools-adb / adb(1)
Android debug bridge
mhc-utils / adb2mhc(1)
Convert adb db of hp200lx into mhc format
ctn / add-accession-numbers(1)
Generic ctn manual page
software-properties-common / add-apt-repository(1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d or removes an existing one
devscripts / add-patch(1)
Tool for preparing patches for debian source packages
flowscan / add_ds.pl(1)
Program to add datasources to an existing rrd
flowscan / add_txrx(1)
Add two new data sources called 'tx' and 'rx' to an rrd file
ucspi-tcp / addcr(1)
Inserts a cr (015) before each lf (012)
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / addcr(1)
Add a cr before each lf
kdesdk-scripts / adddebug(1)
Modifies makefile(s) to add debug info
groff / addftinfo(1)
Add information to troff font files for use with groff
wcstools / addpix(1)
ndisc6 / addr2name(1)
Perform dns lookups from scripts
ipv6toolkit / addr6(1)
An ipv6 address analysis and manipulation tool
sofia-sip-bin / addrinfo(1)
Resolve network services
canna-utils / addwords(1)
Adding words to specified dictionary collectively
cgns-convert / adf2hdf(1)
Convert from afd to hdf5
atool / adiff(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
admesh / admesh(1)
A program for processing triangulated solid meshes
afnix / adp(1)
Afnix documentation processor
adplay / adplay(1)
Adplay/unix console-based opl2 audio player
adplug-utils / adplugdb(1)
Adplug database maintenance utility
autopkgtest / adt-build-lxc(1)
Create or update autopkgtest container for adt-virt-lxc
autopkgtest / adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud(1)
Create ubuntu cloud image based vm for adt-virt-qemu
autopkgtest / adt-run(1)
Test an installed binary package using the source package's tests
autopkgtest / adt-virt-chroot(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using a chroot
autopkgtest / adt-virt-lxc(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using lxc
autopkgtest / adt-virt-null(1)
Autopkgtest null virtualisation server
autopkgtest / adt-virt-qemu(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using qemu
autopkgtest / adt-virt-schroot(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using a schroot
autopkgtest / adt-virt-ssh(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using ssh
advancecomp / advdef(1)
Advancecomp deflate compression utility
advene / advene(1)
Annotate digital videos, exchange on the net
cloop-utils / advfs(1)
Convert and extract a filesystem to/from a cloop volume
advi / advi(1)
A dvi previewer and presenter with some eye candy effects for presentation.
advancecomp / advpng(1)
Advancecomp png compression utility
advancecomp / advzip(1)
Advancecomp zip compression utility
aewan / aecat(1)
Display an aewan document
aegisub / aegisub-3.1(1)
Advanced subtitle editor
aewan / aemakeflic(1)
Produce an animation from an aewan document
aeolus / aeolus(1)
Synthesised pipe organ emulator
aes2501-wy / aes2501(1)
Aes2501 program to acquire fingerprints from aes2501 scanner
aesfix / aesfix(1)
Correct bit errors in an aes key schedules
aeskeyfind / aeskeyfind(1)
Locates 128-bit and 256-bit aes keys in a captured memory image.
aeskulap / aeskulap(1)
Opensource dicom viewer
bwctl-server / aespasswd(1)
Used to create and manage an aes keyfile.
i2util-tools / aespasswd(1)
Used to create and manage an aes keyfile.
aespipe / aespipe(1)
Aes encrypting or decrypting pipe
aevol / aevol_create(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_ancstats(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_compute_pop_stats(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_create_eps(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_extract(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_fixed_mutations(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_gene_families(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_lineage(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_robustness(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_view_generation(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_modify(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_propagate(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_run(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aewan / aewan(1)
An ascii-art editor
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_appbar(1)
A small application launcher
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_fspanel(1)
Small panel
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_setrootimage(1)
Puts a nice diagonal gradient image on the root window
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_xsession(1)
Keeps an xsession alive
apf-client / afclient(1)
Active port forwarder client
biosquid / afetch(1)
afflib-tools / affcat(1)
Output contents of an image file to stdout.
afflib-tools / affcompare(1)
Compare the contents of an iso file to an aff file
afflib-tools / affconvert(1)
Convert files between raw and aff formats
afflib-tools / affcopy(1)
Reorder and recompress aff files
afflib-tools / affcrypto(1)
Handle encryption issues
afflib-tools / affdiskprint(1)
Create a diskprint aff structure
afflib-tools / affinfo(1)
Print information about an aff file
afflib-tools / affix(1)
Fix a corrupted aff file
afflib-tools / affrecover(1)
Recover broken pages of an aff file
afflib-tools / affsegment(1)
Segment manipulation tool
afflib-tools / affsign(1)
Sign an existing aff file
afflib-tools / affstats(1)
Print specific statistics about one or more aff files
afflib-tools / affuse(1)
Provide access to aff containers
afflib-tools / affverify(1)
Verify the digital signature on a signed file
afflib-tools / affxml(1)
Print aff information as xml
texlive-binaries / afm2tfm(1)
Convert adobe font metrics to tex font metrics
groff / afmtodit(1)
Create font files for use with groff -tps and -tpdf
apf-server / afserver(1)
Active port forwarder server
ssh-agent-filter / afssh(1)
Wrapper around ssh-agent-filter and ssh
aft / aft(1)
"free form" document preparation system
libafterimage-dev / afterimage-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libafterimage
libafterimage-dev / afterimage-libs(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libafterimage
afuse / afuse(1)
Automounting file system implemented in user-space using fuse
silversearcher-ag / ag(1)
The silver searcher. like ack, but faster.
aspectc++ / ag++(1)
Ag++ a frontend to ac++ and g++
agave / agave(1)
Colorscheme designer for the gnome desktop
agedu / agedu(1)
Correlate disk usage with last-access times to identify large and disused data
multicat / aggregartp(1)
Splits a single rtp stream to several contribution links with load balancing.
aggregate / aggregate(1)
Optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short filters
aggregate / aggregate-ios(1)
Optimise a concatenated set of cisco/ios prefix filters to help make them nice and short.
aghermann / agh-profile-gen(1)
Sleep profile generator using various metrics.
aghermann / aghermann(1)
A sleep research experiment manager and achermann et al (1993) model simulator
agtl / agtl(1)
Tool for paperless geocaching
aha / aha(1)
Ansi html adapter
aiccu / aiccu(1)
Automatic ipv6 connectivity configuration utility
id-utils / aid(1)
Query id database and report results.
rivet / aida2flat(1)
Convert aida data files to a flat format
rivet-root-converter / aida2root(1)
Convert aida xml format to root tgraph object
aide / aide(1)
Advanced intrusion detection environment
aide-dynamic / aide(1)
Advanced intrusion detection environment
aide-xen / aide(1)
Advanced intrusion detection environment
aide-common / aide-attributes(1)
Decode and compare hex-encoded attribute numbers
aiksaurus / aiksaurus(1)
English-language thesaurus
fai-client / ainsl(1)
air-quality-sensor / air-quality-sensor(1)
User space driver for appliedsensor's indoor air monitor
aircrack-ng / aircrack-ng(1)
A 802.11 wep / wpa-psk key cracker
aircrack-ng / airdecap-ng(1)
Decrypt a wep/wpa crypted pcap file
aircrack-ng / airdecloak-ng(1)
Removes wep cloaked framed from a pcap file.
aircrack-ng / airolib-ng(1)
Manage and create a wpa/wpa2 pre-computed hashes tables
airport-utils / airport-config(1)
Configurator for the original apple airport base station ("graphite") and the lucent rg-1000 base station
airport-utils / airport-hostmon(1)
Host monitor for the original apple airport base station ("graphite"), the lucent rg-1000 base station and the apple airport extreme base station
airport-utils / airport-linkmon(1)
Wireless link quality monitor for the original apple airport base station ("graphite") and the lucent rg-1000 base station
airport-utils / airport-modem(1)
Modem monitoring and hangup utility for the original apple airport base station ("graphite"), the lucent rg-1000 base station and the apple airport extreme base station
airport-utils / airport2-config(1)
Configurator for the apple airport extreme base station ("snow")
airport-utils / airport2-ipinspector(1)
Wan monitoring utility for the apple airport extreme base station ("snow")
airport-utils / airport2-portinspector(1)
Port maps inspector for the apple airport extreme base station ("snow")
airspy / airspy_info(1)
Probe device and show configuration
airspy / airspy_r820t(1)
The airspy is a tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver. this application lets the user probe the device and show configuration.
airspy / airspy_rx(1)
Probe device and show configuration
airspy / airspy_si5351c(1)
Chip register read/write tool
airspy / airspy_spiflash(1)
Program flash
aspectj / aj(1)
Aj, aj5 command-line launchers for load-time weaving
aj-snapshot / aj-snapshot(1)
aspectj / aj5(1)
Aj, aj5 command-line launchers for load-time weaving
ajaxterm / ajaxterm(1)
Web based terminal written in python
aspectj / ajbrowser(1)
Ajbrowser gui to compile programs with ajc and navigate crosscutting structure
aspectj / ajdoc(1)
Ajdoc generate html api documentation, including crosscutting structure
mono-devel / al(1)
Mono assembly linker
mono-devel / al2(1)
Mono assembly linker
alacarte / alacarte(1)
Edit freedesktop.org menus
alarm-clock-applet / alarm-clock-applet(1)
Alarm clock for your notification area
alarm-clock / alarmclock(1)
Alarm clock for gtk+ environments
aldo / aldo(1)
A fully console morse code trainer written in iso c++.
ale / ale(1)
A synthetic capture engine and renderer
ale / ale-bin(1)
A synthetic capture engine and renderer
alembic / alembic(1)
Lightweight database migration tool for usage with the sqlalchemy
texlive-binaries / aleph(1)
Extended unicode tex
dvb-apps / alevt(1)
A teletext browser for analogue and dvb channels.
alevt / alevt-cap(1)
Simple capture of teletext pages
dvb-apps / alevt-cap(1)
Capture teletext windows.
alevt / alevt-date(1)
Display/set time received via teletext
dvb-apps / alevt-date(1)
Print out utc date.
alevtd / alevtd(1)
Webserver for videotext pages
alex / alex(1)
The lexical analyser generator for haskell
seqan-apps / alf(1)
Alignment free sequence comparison synopsis alf [options] -i in.fasta [-o out.txt] description compute pairwise similarity of sequences using alignment-free methods in in.fasta and write out tab-delimited matrix with pairwise scores to out.txt. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information -v, --verbose when given, details about the progress are printed to the screen. input / output: -i, --input-file file name of the multi-fasta input file. valid filetypes are: fa and fasta. -o, --output-file file name of the file to which the tab-delimtied matrix with pairwise scores will be written to. default is to write to stdout. valid filetype is: alf.tsv. general algorithm parameters: -m, --method method select method to use. one of n2, d2, d2star, and d2z. default: n2. -k, --k-mer-size k size of the k-mers. default: 4. -mo, --bg-model-order order order of background markov model. default: 1. n2 algorithm parameters: -rc, --reverse-complement mode which strand to score. use both_strands to score both strands simultaneously. one of input, both_strands, mean, min, and max. default: input. -mm, --mismatches mismatches number of mismatches, one of 0 and 1. when 1 is used, n2 uses the k-mer-neighbour with one mismatch. default: 0. -mmw, --mismatch-weight weight real-valued weight of counts for words with mismatches. default: 0.1. -kwf, --k-mer-weights-file file.txt print k-mer weights for every sequence to this file if given. valid filetype is: txt. contact and references for questions or comments, contact: jonathan goeke [email protected] please reference the following publication if you used alf or the n2 method for your analysis: jonathan goeke, marcel h. schulz, julia lasserre, and martin vingron. estimation of pairwise sequence similarity of mammalian enhancers with word neighbourhood counts. bioinformatics (2012). project homepage: http://www.seqan.de/projects/alf version alf version: 1.1 last update january 5, 2012
audiolink / alfilldb(1)
Add/update information of music files in the audiolink database
algobox / algobox(1)
Algorithmics introduction software
algotutor / algotutor(1)
An interactive program for observing the intermediate steps of algorithms.
gff2aplot / ali2gff(1)
Module to translate a mummer output files into gff formatted output.
alice / alice(1)
An altogether lovely internet chatting experience
alien-hunter / alien_hunter(1)
Interpolated variable order motifs for identification of horizontally acquired dna
aliki / aliki(1)
Measurement tool for impulse responses
aliki / aliki-rt(1)
Measurement tool for impulse responses
hmmer / alimask(1)
Add mask line to a multiple sequence alignment
biosquid / alistat(1)
texlive-base / allcm(1)
Force the most important computer-modern-fonts to be calculated
texlive-base / allec(1)
Force the most important ec-fonts to be calculated
liballegro4-dev / allegro-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of allegro
liballegro4-dev / allegro-dev-tools(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
alleyoop / alleyoop(1)
Valgrind memory checker front-end for gnome
texlive-base / allneeded(1)
Force the calculation of all fonts now needed
alltray / alltray(1)
Dock any program into the system tray.
almanah / almanah(1)
Small gtk+ diary application
alot / alot(1)
Mail user agent for the notmuch mail system
alpine / alpine(1)
An alternatively licensed program for internet news and email
alpine / alpinef(1)
An alternatively licensed program for internet news and email
atool / als(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
zita-alsa-pcmi-utils / alsa_delay(1)
Measure round-trip latency of a soundcard
jackd1 / alsa_in(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
jackd2 / alsa_in(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
zita-alsa-pcmi-utils / alsa_loopback(1)
Loop back the first two channels of a alsa device to another device
jackd1 / alsa_out(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
jackd2 / alsa_out(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
alsa-utils / alsactl(1)
Advanced controls for alsa soundcard driver
alsa-utils / alsaloop(1)
Command-line pcm loopback
alsa-utils / alsamixer(1)
Soundcard mixer for alsa soundcard driver, with ncurses interface
alsamixergui / alsamixergui(1)
Alsamixergui fltk based frontend for alsamixer
alsaplayer-common / alsaplayer(1)
Plays various sound files
audiolink / alsearch(1)
Search the audiolink database for music
alsoft-conf / alsoft-conf(1)
Openal-soft configuration utility
alt-ergo / alt-ergo(1)
An automatic theorem prover dedicated to program verification
alt-key / alt-key(1)
Generate keyboard accelerators
simh / altair(1)
Simulate an altair computer
simh / altairz80(1)
Simulate an altair z80 computer
altermime / altermime(1)
Mime encoded email pack alteration tool
altos / altosui(1)
Rocket flight monitor
alure-utils / alurecdplay(1)
Example program for playing cd tracks with alure
alure-utils / alureplay(1)
Example program for playing sounds with alure
alure-utils / alurestream(1)
Example program for sound streaming with alure
amap-align / amap(1)
Protein multiple alignment by sequence annealing
amarok / amarok(1)
The audio player for kde
amarok-utils / amarokcollectionscanner(1)
Collection scanner for amarok
amarok / amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon(1)
Handles autosync for the mp3tunes service in amarok.
ambdec / ambdec(1)
Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
ambdec / ambdec_cli(1)
Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
tesseract-ocr / ambiguous_words(1)
Generate sets of words tesseract is likely to find ambiguous
slic3r / amf-to-stl(1)
Amf to stl converter
amide / amide(1)
Amide's a medical image data examiner
amideco / amideco(1)
Decompress flashfiles equipped with an ami bios
alsa-utils / amidi(1)
Read from and write to alsa rawmidi ports
amispammer / amispammer(1)
The way to know if your mx ips are blacklisted
alsa-utils / amixer(1)
Command-line mixer for alsa soundcard driver
scotch / amk_ccc(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_ccc-int32(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_ccc-int64(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_ccc-long(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_grf(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
scotch / amk_grf-int32(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
scotch / amk_grf-int64(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
scotch / amk_grf-long(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
mozilla-devscripts / amo-changelog(1)
Fetch version history of an addon
ampache / ampache(1)
Is a web-based audio file manager.
ample / ample(1)
Ample mp3 server
amqp-tools / amqp-consume(1)
Amqp-consume consume messages from a queue on an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-declare-queue(1)
Amqp-declare-queue declare (create or assert the existence of) a queue on an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-delete-queue(1)
Amqp-delete-queue delete a queue from an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-get(1)
Amqp-get get a message from a queue on an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-publish(1)
Amqp-publish publish a message on an amqp server
ams / ams(1)
A software synthesizer modeled after modular patching synthesizers
amsn / amsn(1)
An msn messenger client written in tcl
amsn / amsn-remote(1)
Sever to connect to amsn remotely.
amsn / amsn-remote-CLI(1)
Program to connect to amsn remotely.
texlive-math-extra / amstex(1)
Structured text formatting and typesetting
amsynth / amsynth(1)
Amsynth program included in the demudi distribution
amtterm / amtterm(1)
Intel amt serial-over-lan (sol) client.
amtterm / amttool(1)
Remotely control intel amt managed machines.
amule-emc / amule-emc(1)
List links inside emulecollection files
analog / analog(1)
Web server logfile analyser
ladspa-sdk / analyseplugin(1)
Analyse plugin syntax
imms-common / analyzer(1)
Program to analyze the music file(s) and put the data into imms database
anfo / anfo(1)
Find best alignment of short reads to database
anfo / anfo-tool(1)
Process native anfo binary files
imagemagick / animate-im6(1)
Animates an image or image sequence on any x server.
anjuta / anjuta(1)
Gnome integrated development environment
anjuta / anjuta-launcher(1)
Gnome integrated development environment anjuta-launcher normally is not called directly by the user but invoked by anjuta
anki / anki(1)
Flexible, intelligent flashcard program
mace2 / anldp(1)
Implementation of davis-putnam propositional satisfiability procedure
libgd-tools / annotate(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
devscripts / annotate-output(1)
Annotate program output with time and stream
uima-utils / annotationViewer(1)
Tool for viewing analysis results that have been saved
anomaly / anomaly(1)
Anomalous data detection
kbtin / ansi2html(1)
Ansi to html converter
kbtin / ansi2txt(1)
Ansi to plain text converter
ansible / ansible(1)
Run a command somewhere else
ansible / ansible-doc(1)
Show documentation on ansible modules
ansible / ansible-galaxy(1)
Manage roles using galaxy.ansible.com
ansible / ansible-playbook(1)
Run an ansible playbook
ansible / ansible-pull(1)
Set up a remote copy of ansible on each managed node
ansible / ansible-vault(1)
Manage encrypted yaml data.
ant / ant(1)
A java based make tool.
antennavis / antennavis(1)
Antenna radiation pattern visualization software
antiword / antiword(1)
Show the text and images of ms word documents
pccts / antlr(1)
Another tool for language recognition
antpm / antpm-fit2gpx(1)
Console based fit to gpx converter
antpm / antpm-garmin-ant-downloader(1)
Console based ant+ information retrieval client for garmin gps products
antpm / antpm-usbmon2ant(1)
Tool to convert ant usb traffic traces
ants / antsAffineInitializer(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsAlignOrigin(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsApplyTransforms(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsApplyTransformsToPoints(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsMotionCorr(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsMotionCorrDiffusionDirection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsMotionCorrStats(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsRegistration(1)
Part of ants registration suite
djvulibre-bin / any2djvu(1)
Convert .ps/.ps.gz/.pdf to .djvu
anypaper / anypaper(1)
Front-end for wallpapersetter
netpbm / anytopnm(1)
Attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
altos / ao-bitbang(1)
Low-level cc1111 interface diagnostic tool
altos / ao-cal-accel(1)
Calibrate altos flight computer accelerometers
altos / ao-dbg(1)
Hex debugger for cc1111 processors
altos / ao-dump-up(1)
Dump flight log from micropeak flight computer
altos / ao-dumpflash(1)
Fetch flash memory contents from altos device
altos / ao-edit-telem(1)
Edit telemetry file, creating new telemetry stream
altos / ao-eeprom(1)
Fetch eeprom contents from telemetrum device
altos / ao-ejection(1)
Compute rocket ejection charges
altos / ao-elftohex(1)
Convert a program to ihx format
altos / ao-flash-lpc(1)
Flash a program to an lpc11u14-based altos device using openocd
altos / ao-flash-stm(1)
Flash a program to an stm32-based altos device using st-flash
altos / ao-list(1)
List connected altos devices
altos / ao-load(1)
Flash a program to a altos device
altos / ao-rawload(1)
Flash a program to a altos device
altos / ao-send-telem(1)
Re-transmit stored telemetry file
altos / ao-sky-flash(1)
Flash gps firmware program to a skytraq gps chip
altos / ao-telem(1)
Analyse a flight log (either telemetry or eeprom)
altos / ao-test-baro(1)
Test altos flight computer barometric sensor
altos / ao-test-flash(1)
Test altos flight computer igniters
altos / ao-test-igniter(1)
Test altos flight computer igniters
altos / ao-usbload(1)
Flash a program to an arm-based altos device
aoeui / aoeui(1)
A lightweight visual editor optimized for the dvorak keyboard
alsa-oss / aoss(1)
Wrapper script to facilitate use of the alsa oss compatibility library.
apachetop / apachetop(1)
Display real-time web server statistics
atool / apack(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
apbs / apbs(1)
Adaptive poisson boltzmann solver
apcupsd / apcaccess(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
apcupsd / apcnisd(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
apcupsd / apctest(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
apertium / apertium(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.sf.net.
apertium / apertium-deshtml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-desodt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-despptx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-desrtf(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-destxt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-deswxml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-desxlsx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-filter-ambiguity(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-deformat(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-lextorbil(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-lextormono(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-modes(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-reformat(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-stopwords-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-wlist-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-wlist-lextor-translation(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-interchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-multiple-translations(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-postchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-preprocess-corpus-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-preprocess-transfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the open-source apertium machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-pretransfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rehtml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-reodt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-repptx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rertf(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-retxt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rewxml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rexlsx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-tagger(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-tagger-apply-new-rules(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium-tolk / apertium-tolk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-transfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-unformat(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.sf.net.
apertium / apertium-validate-acx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-dictionary(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-interchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-modes(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-postchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-tagger(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-transfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apf-firewall / apf(1)
Easy iptables based firewall system
apg / apg(1)
Generates several random passwords
apg / apgbfm(1)
Apg bloom filter management program
apgdiff / apgdiff(1)
Another postgresql diff tool
api-sanity-checker / api-sanity-checker(1)
An automatic generator of basic unit tests for a c/c++ library api.
php-apigen / apigen(1)
Api documentation generator
alsa-utils / aplay(1)
Command-line sound recorder and player for alsa soundcard driver
alsa-utils / aplaymidi(1)
Play standard midi files
apmd / apm(1)
Interface with the apm subsystem
powermgmt-base / apm_available(1)
Test whether apm subsystem is available
apmd / apmsleep(1)
Go into suspend or standby mode and wake-up later
apng2gif / apng2gif(1)
Convert apng animated images to gif files
apngasm / apngasm(1)
Assemble individual png files int to animated png file.
apngdis / apngdis(1)
Deconstruct apng file into a sequence of png frames
apngopt / apngopt(1)
Optimize animated png image files
setools-gui / apol(1)
Selinux policy analysis tool
apophenia-bin / apop_db_to_crosstab(1)
Command line utility to convert a three-column table to a crosstab
apophenia-bin / apop_plot_query(1)
Command line utility to take in a query and put out a gnuplot table file
apophenia-bin / apop_text_to_db(1)
Command line utility to convert a text file into a database table
listaller-devtools / appcompile(1)
Compile software automatically
apper / apper(1)
An application and package manager using packagekit
apper / apper-appsetup(1)
A listaller application installer kde gui
xymon / appfeed.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi feeder for smartphone apps
python-coherence / applet-coherence(1)
Is a python upnp framework which enabling your application to participate in digital living networks, at the moment primarily the upnp universe. its goal is to relieve your application from all the membership and upnp related tasks as much as possible. the core of coherence provides a (hopefully complete) implementation of:
mate-gnome-main-menu-applet / application-browser(1)
Application-browser browse installed applications
argyll / applycal(1)
Apply device calibration to an icc profile.
ladspa-sdk / applyplugin(1)
Apply ladspa plugin to an audio file
x11-utils / appres(1)
List x application resource database
appstream-index / appstream-index(1)
Manage the appstream component index
appstream-util / appstream-util(1)
Manipulate appstream, appdata and metainfo metadata
appstream-index / appstream-validate(1)
Validate appstream metadata
libapr1-dev / apr-1-config(1)
Return metainformation about apr library
libapr1-dev / apr-config(1)
Return metainformation about apr library
man-db / apropos(1)
Search the manual page names and descriptions
software-properties-common / apt-add-repository(1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d or removes an existing one
apt-build / apt-build(1)
Fetch sources and build packages optimized for your architecture.
apt-dater-host / apt-dater-host(1)
Host helper application for apt-dater.
apt-utils / apt-extracttemplates(1)
Utility to extract debconf config and templates from debian packages
apt-file / apt-file(1)
Apt package searching utility -- command-line interface
apt-utils / apt-ftparchive(1)
Utility to generate index files
haskell-debian-utils / apt-get-build-depends(1)
Apt-get install build depends
emdebian-grip / apt-grip(1)
Extend emdebian grip to add debian packages on-the-fly
apt-listbugs / apt-listbugs(1)
Lists critical bugs before each apt installation/upgrade
apt-listchanges / apt-listchanges(1)
Apt-listchanges show new changelog entries from debian package archives
apt-listdifferences / apt-listdifferences(1)
Source differences notification tool
apt-rdepends / apt-rdepends(1)
Performs recursive dependency listings similar to apt-cache
apt-show-source / apt-show-source(1)
Lists source-packages.
apt-utils / apt-sortpkgs(1)
Utility to sort package index files
apt-venv / apt-venv(1)
Apt virtual environment
aptdaemon / aptd(1)
Package managing daemon proving a d-bus interface
aptdaemon / aptdcon(1)
Command line client for aptdaemon
apticron / apticron(1)
Generate a mail listing packages which are pending an upgrade
aptitude-common / aptitude-create-state-bundle(1)
Bundle the current aptitude state
aptitude-common / aptitude-run-state-bundle(1)
Unpack an aptitude state bundle and invoke aptitude on it
aptly / aptly(1)
Debian repository management tool
aptoncd / aptoncd(1)
Cd/dvd-based repository creator for debian packages
aptsh / aptsh(1)
Interactive apt shell
apwal / apwal(1)
Powerful application launcher
apache2-dev / apxs(1)
Apache extension tool
apache2-dev / apxs2(1)
Apache extension tool
libaqbanking34-dev / aqbanking-config(1)
A little program to output installation paths
aqemu / aqemu(1)
Qt4 front-end to qemu and kvm emulators
aqbanking-tools / aqhbci-tool4(1)
Command line tools for setup, modification and debugging of hbci settings.
aqsis / aqsis(1)
Renderer from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
aqsis / aqsl(1)
Shader compiler from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
aqsis / aqsltell(1)
Shader inspection tool from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
bin86 / ar86(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archive file
ara / ara(1)
A utility for doing boolean regexp queries on the the debian package database
aragorn / aragorn(1)
Detect trna genes in nucleotide sequences
arandr / arandr(1)
Visual front end for xrandr 1.2
aranym / aranym(1)
Atari running on any machine
aranym / aranym-jit(1)
Atari running on any machine - jit enabled
aranym / aranym-mmu(1)
Atari running on any machine with 68040 mmu enabled
aranym / aratapif(1)
Atari running on any machine - aratapif
arbtt / arbtt-capture(1)
Collect data samples for arbtt
arbtt / arbtt-dump(1)
Dumps arbtt data samples
arbtt / arbtt-import(1)
Imports dumped arbtt data samples
arbtt / arbtt-recover(1)
Tries to recover a broken arbtt data log
arbtt / arbtt-stats(1)
Generate statistics from the arbtt data samples
arc / arc(1)
Pc archive utility
nordugrid-arc-arex / arc-config-check(1)
Checks the arc.conf for inconsistencies, known problems or (in a future development) just general bad taste.
nordugrid-arc-client / arcacl(1)
Arc access control
nordugrid-arc-client / arccat(1)
Arc catenate
nordugrid-arc-client / arcclean(1)
Arc clean
nordugrid-arc-client / arccp(1)
Copy files
nordugrid-arc-client / arcecho(1)
Arc echo client
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / arcemiestest(1)
Perform simple operations on emi es service
nordugrid-arc-client / arcget(1)
Arc get
coreutils / arch(1)
Print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
rdiff-backup-fs / archfs(1)
Filesystem for accessing rdiff-backup archives.
ctn / archive_agent(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / archive_cleaner(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / archive_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
archivemail / archivemail(1)
Archive and compress your old email
archivemount / archivemount(1)
Mounts an archive for access as a file system
archmage / archmage(1)
Chm(compiled html) decompressor.
archmbox / archmbox(1)
A simple email archiver
devscripts / archpath(1)
Output arch (tla/bazaar) archive names, with support for branches
nordugrid-arc-client / arcinfo(1)
Arc info
nordugrid-arc-client / arckill(1)
Arc kill
nordugrid-arc-client / arcls(1)
List files or directories
nordugrid-arc-client / arcmigrate(1)
Arc migration
nordugrid-arc-client / arcmkdir(1)
Create directories
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / arcperftest(1)
Arc service performance tester
nordugrid-arc-dev / arcplugin(1)
Arc plugin management utility
nordugrid-arc-client / arcproxy(1)
Arc credentials proxy generation utility
nordugrid-arc-client / arcrename(1)
Rename file or directory
nordugrid-arc-client / arcrenew(1)
Arc proxy renewal
nordugrid-arc-client / arcresub(1)
Arc resubmission
nordugrid-arc-client / arcresume(1)
Arc resume
nordugrid-arc-client / arcrm(1)
Delete files
nordugrid-arc-client / arcslcs(1)
Arc credentials short-lived credential generation utility
nordugrid-arc-client / arcstat(1)
Arc status
nordugrid-arc-client / arcsub(1)
Arc submission
nordugrid-arc-client / arcsync(1)
Arc synchronize
nordugrid-arc-client / arctest(1)
Arc test suite
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / arcwsrf(1)
Run wsrf query against service
arduino-mk / ard-reset-arduino(1)
Reset arduino board
arden / arden-analyze(1)
Analyze the results of the artificial reference genome mapping
arden / arden-create(1)
Generate an artificial reference genome (ar) from a given input
arden / arden-filter(1)
Filter a sam file based on the analysis with arden
ardour / ardour2(1)
A digital audio workstation
ardour3 / ardour3(1)
A digital audio workstation
arduino / arduino(1)
An ide and uploader for arduino development boards.
arduino / arduino-add-groups(1)
Permission fixer for arduino development boards.
alsa-utils / arecord(1)
Command-line sound recorder and player for alsa soundcard driver
alsa-utils / arecordmidi(1)
Record standard midi files
arename / arename(1)
Automatically rename audio files by tagging information
atool / arepack(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
argonaut-client / argonaut-client(1)
Running actions given by the argonaut server
argonaut-fai-mirror / argonaut-debconf-crawler(1)
Extract debconf templates from packages
argonaut-fai-server / argonaut-fai-monitor(1)
Read status of installation from fai-monitor and send them to argonaut-server
argonaut-fuse / argonaut-fuse(1)
Fuse/tftp supplicant targeted to work with ldap entries written by fusiondirectory
argonaut-ldap2zone / argonaut-ldap2zone(1)
Creating bind zone files and refreshing the server
argonaut-quota / argonaut-quota(1)
Applying quota from data stored in the ldap server
argonaut-fai-mirror / argonaut-repository(1)
Creating debian repositories cronjob for the argonaut deployment system.
argonaut-server / argonaut-server(1)
Dispatching action received from fusiondirectory to the clients
ucommon-utils / args(1)
Manipulate and output command arguments.
ucspi-tcp / argv0(1)
Runs a program with a specified 0th argument.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / argv0(1)
Run a program with a specified 0th argument
libaria-demo / aria-demo(1)
Demonstration program for the aria library
aria2 / aria2c(1)
The ultra fast download utility
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_chk(1)
Aria table-maintenance utility
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_dump_log(1)
Dump content of aria log pages.
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_ftdump(1)
Display full-text index information
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_pack(1)
Generate compressed, read-only aria tables
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_read_log(1)
Display aria log file contents
aribas / aribas(1)
Multiprecision arithmetic interpreter
ario / ario(1)
Graphical client for music player daemon
arista / arista-gtk(1)
Graphical interface for arista transcoder
arista / arista-transcode(1)
Multimedia transcoding tool for the gnome desktop
arj / arj(1)
Archiver for .arj files
arj / arj-register(1)
Register the arj archiver
arj / arjdisp(1)
Arj simple graphical interface
ark / ark(1)
Kde archiving tool
tor-arm / arm(1)
Terminal tor status monitor
gdb-arm-none-eabi / arm-none-eabi-run(1)
Manual page for simulator (7.7.1+dfsg-1+6) 7.7.1
armada-backlight / armada-backlight(1)
Adjust compaq armada backlight
arno-iptables-firewall / arno-fwfilter(1)
A filter script to make iptables firewall logs more readable for humans
arora / arora(1)
Lightweight web browser based on qt and webkit
arora / arora-cacheinfo(1)
A tool for extracting files and metadata out of arora cache files.
arora / arora-placesimport(1)
A tool for importing browser history from firefox 3 and up
arp-scan / arp-fingerprint(1)
Fingerprint a system using arp
arp-scan / arp-scan(1)
The arp scanner
bind9 / arpaname(1)
Translate ip addresses to the corresponding arpa names
array-info / array-info(1)
Check the status of a hp (compaq) smartarray controller
arriero / arriero(1)
Simplifies management of several debian packages
artha / artha(1)
An cross-platform thesaurus based on wordnet
alsa-tools / as10k1(1)
Assembler for the emu10k1(emu10k2) dsp
sdcc / as2gbmap(1)
Gameboy binary image file format utility.
swftools / as3compile(1)
Compile .as actionscript 3.0 files to swf.
bin86 / as86(1)
Assembler for 8086..80386 processors
code-aster-gui / as_client(1)
Launch the astk gui
code-aster-run / as_run(1)
As_run command
html-xml-utils / asc2xml(1)
Convert &#
ascd / ascd(1)
An afterstep and windowmaker cd player
ascdc / ascdc(1)
Afterstep cd changer
ascii / ascii(1)
Report character aliases
minicom / ascii-xfr(1)
Upload/download files using the ascii protocol
ascii2binary / ascii2binary(1)
Convert ascii numbers to binary
uni2ascii / ascii2uni(1)
Convert 7-bit ascii representations to utf-8 unicode
asciidoc / asciidoc(1)
Converts an asciidoc text file to html or docbook
asciidoctor / asciidoctor(1)
Converts asciidoc source files to html, docbook and other formats
asciinema / asciinema(1)
Record and share your terminal sessions
asciio / asciio(1)
Plain ascii diagram
netpbm / asciitopgm(1)
Convert ascii graphics into a portable graymap
aview / asciiview(1)
A high quality ascii art image viewer
aoeui / asdfg(1)
A lightweight visual editor optimized for the qwerty keyboard
aseprite / aseprite(1)
Sprite editor
alsa-utils / aseqdump(1)
Show the events received at an alsa sequencer port
alsa-utils / aseqnet(1)
Alsa sequencer connectors over network
asis-programs / asistant(1)
Interactive command-line asis tool
ask / ask(1)
Adaptive sampling kit, a toolkit for sampling big experimental spaces
ask / ask-compare-time-series(1)
Ask-compare-time-series- compares times series generated by ask
cc1111 / aslink(1)
Companion linker for the asxxxx assemblers.
sloccount / asm_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
asmail / asmail(1)
The afterstep e-mail monitor
asmix / asmix(1)
The afterstep volume control knob
asmixer / asmixer(1)
The afterstep mixer
asmon / asmon(1)
A system resource monitor dockapp for afterstep and windowmaker
ssmping / asmping(1)
Check if you can receive ipv4/ipv6 multicast data from an internet host
libtasn1-bin / asn1Coding(1)
Asn.1 der encoder
libtasn1-bin / asn1Decoding(1)
Asn.1 der decoder
libtasn1-bin / asn1Parser(1)
Asn.1 syntax tree generator for libtasn1
asn1c / asn1c(1)
Asn.1 compiler
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2all(1)
Generate reports from asn.1 biological data
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2asn(1)
Convert ncbi data between text and binary asn.1
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2ff(1)
Convert asn.1 biological data to a flat format (old version)
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2fsa(1)
Convert biological sequence data from asn.1 to fasta
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2gb(1)
Convert asn.1 biological data to a genbank-style flat format
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2idx(1)
Index asn.1 bioseq-sets for fast access to individual sequences
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2xml(1)
Translate biological data from asn.1 to xml
ncbi-tools-bin / asndhuff(1)
Decompress compressed asn.1 (casn) files
ncbi-tools-bin / asndisc(1)
Check asn.1 biological sequence records for discrepancies
ncbi-tools-bin / asnmacro(1)
Process asn.1 biological data per sequin macros
ncbi-tools-bin / asntool(1)
Process asn.1 module specifications
ncbi-tools-bin / asnval(1)
Validate asn.1 biological sequence records
asp / asp(1)
Find an host ip address by its name
mono-xsp2 / asp-state2(1)
Mono asp.net session state server
mono-xsp4 / asp-state4(1)
Mono asp.net session state server
aspcud / aspcud(1)
Solve dependencies between packages
aspell / aspell(1)
Interactive spell checker
aspell / aspell-import(1)
Import old personal dictionaries into gnu aspell
aspic / aspic(1)
A line-art processor
splash / asplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
spline / aspline(1)
Akima spline interpolation
libassa3.5-5-dev / assa-genesis-3.5(1)
Generates skeleton files for rad development with assa library
assimp-utils / assimp(1)
Open asset import library tool
qt4-dev-tools / assistant-qt4(1)
On-line documentation browser for qt4
assword / assword(1)
Simple and secure password database and retrieval system
asterisk-testsuite / asterisk-tests-run(1)
Run tests for the asterisk-testsuite
code-aster-gui / astk(1)
Launch the astk gui
asterisk / astman(1)
A client to asterisk's manager interface
astyle / astyle(1)
Multi-language indentation and reformatting filters
asunder / asunder(1)
Graphical audio cd ripper and encoder
cc1111 / asx8051(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
cc1111 / asxxxx(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
sdcc / asxxxx(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
asymptote / asy(1)
Asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language
at / at(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
arename / ataglist(1)
Print audio file metadata
hatari / atari-hd-image(1)
Tool for creating a harddisk image for use with hatari
libatd-ocaml-dev / atdcat(1)
Syntax check and transformations of atd files
libatdgen-ocaml-dev / atdgen(1)
Atd compiler and code generator
aterm / aterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
aterm-ml / aterm-ml(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
aterm / aterm-xterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
atfs / atfsit(1)
A program to prepare files for version control
atfs / atfsrepair(1)
Repair corrupted atfs repository, or convert old repository to new format.
atftp / atftp(1)
Tftp client (rfc1350).
atheist / atheist(1)
A general prupose test framework.
atig / atig(1)
Another twitter irc gateway
gatos / atisplit(1)
Conversion utility from the gatos package.
gatos / atitogif(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
gatos / atitojpg(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
gatos / atitoppm(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
gatos / atitv(1)
Simple text-mode program from the gatos package.
atitvout / atitvout(1)
Ati rage/radeon tv out configuration program
netpbm / atktopbm(1)
Convert andrew toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev / atlas_convert(1)
Convert atlas data files
fslview / atlasquery(1)
Commandline tool to query brain atlases about stereotaxic coordinates
atlc / atlc(1)
An arbitrary transmission line calculator
x11-apps / atobm(1)
Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x window system
atool / atool(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
atop / atop(1)
At computing's system & process monitor
atop / atopsar(1)
At computing's system activity report (atop related)
atp / atp(1)
Convert an ascii or a text file to postscript format for printing
at / atq(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
atril / atril(1)
The mate document viewer
atril / atril-previewer(1)
Show print preview for a document
atril / atril-thumbnailer(1)
Create png thumbnails from atril supported documents
at / atrm(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
atsar / atsar(1)
Atsar system activity report
dvb-apps / atsc_epg(1)
An electronic program guide using atsc devices.
ats-lang-anairiats / atscc(1)
Ats compiler frontend
ats-lang-anairiats / atslex(1)
Lexer generator for ats
ats-lang-anairiats / atsopt(1)
Ats to c compiler
scotch / atst(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
scotch / atst-int32(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
scotch / atst-int64(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
scotch / atst-long(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
ladr4-apps / attack(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
attr / attr(1)
Extended attributes on xfs filesystem objects
aubio-tools / aubiocut(1)
A command line tool to slice sound files at onset or beat timestamps
aubio-tools / aubiomfcc(1)
A command line tool to compute mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients
aubio-tools / aubionotes(1)
A command line tool to extract musical notes
aubio-tools / aubioonset(1)
A command line tool to extract musical onset times
aubio-tools / aubiopitch(1)
A command line tool to extract musical pitch
aubio-tools / aubioquiet(1)
A command line tool to extracts quiet and loud regions from a file
aubio-tools / aubiotrack(1)
A command line tool to extract musical beats from audio signals
audacious / audacious(1)
An advanced audio player.
audacity / audacity(1)
Graphical cross-platform audio editor
audex / audex(1)
Audio grabber tool for kde4
fuse-emulator-utils / audio2tape(1)
Audio2tape sinclair zx spectrum audio to tape file converter
audiolink / audiolink(1)
Create audiolink config file, databases and tables
audiopreview / audiopreview(1)
Play previews of your audio and video files, and also internet media streams.
libccaudio2-dev / audiotool(1)
Manipulate audio data files.
policycoreutils / audit2allow(1)
Generate selinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from logs of denied operations audit2why - translates selinux audit messages into a description of why the access was denied (audit2allow -w)
policycoreutils / audit2why(1)
Generate selinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from logs of denied operations audit2why - translates selinux audit messages into a description of why the access was denied (audit2allow -w)
audacious / audtool(1)
A small tool to modify behavior of a running audacious instance.
augeas-tools / augparse(1)
Execute an augeas module
augeas-tools / augtool(1)
Inspect and modify configuration files
atool / aunpack(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
dsbltesters / auth-relaytest(1)
Attempt to use authenticated smtp to relay to a dsbl-compliant host
authbind / authbind(1)
Bind sockets to privileged ports without root
courier-authlib / authpasswd(1)
Generate login passwords
courier-authlib / authtest(1)
Test the courier authentication library
auto-07p / auto-07p(1)
The auto command line user interface
auto-apt / auto-apt(1)
On demand package installation tool
auto-multiple-choice-common / auto-multiple-choice(1)
Automated treatment of mcqs
autoclass / autoclass(1)
Automatically discover classes in data
autoconf / autoconf(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autoconf2.13 / autoconf(1)
Wrapper for distinguishing autoconf 2.13 and 2.50
autoconf-dickey / autoconf-dickey(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autoconf2.13 / autoconf2.13(1)
Creates scripts to configure source code packages using templates
autoconf2.59 / autoconf2.59(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autoconf2.64 / autoconf2.64(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autocutsel / autocutsel(1)
Keep the x clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
autodns-dhcp / autodns-dhcp_cron(1)
A cron script to check for changes to the dhcp.leases file
autodns-dhcp / autodns-dhcp_ddns(1)
The script that updates the dns and settles the dhcp stuff
autodock / autodock4(1)
Docking of chemical ligands to protein receptors
expect / autoexpect(1)
Generate an expect script from watching a session
pcp / autofsd-probe(1)
Probe autofs mount/unmount daemon
autogrid / autogrid4(1)
Preparing protein and ligand for autodock analysis
gnustep-base-runtime / autogsdoc(1)
Gnustep api documentation generator and xml-html converter
autoconf / autoheader(1)
Create a template header for configure
autoconf2.13 / autoheader(1)
Wrapper for distinguishing autoconf 2.13 and 2.50
autoconf-dickey / autoheader-dickey(1)
Create a template header for configure
autoconf2.13 / autoheader2.13(1)
Creates a template file of c #define's for use by configure.
autoconf2.59 / autoheader2.59(1)
Create a template header for configure
autoconf2.64 / autoheader2.64(1)
Create a template header for configure
autojump / autojump(1)
A faster way to navigate your filesystem
autokey-gtk / autokey-gtk(1)
Keyboard automation utility for gnome and gtk
autokey-qt / autokey-qt(1)
Keyboard automation utility for kde and qt
autokey-common / autokey-run(1)
Command-line execution utility for autokey
autoconf / autom4te(1)
Generate files and scripts thanks to m4
autoconf2.59 / autom4te2.59(1)
Generate files and scripts thanks to m4
autoconf2.64 / autom4te2.64(1)
Generate files and scripts thanks to m4
automake1.11 / automake-1.11(1)
Manual page for automake 1.11.6
automake / automake-1.14(1)
Manual page for automake 1.14.1
tiled / automappingconverter(1)
A converter for old tiled automapping rules
automx / automx-test(1)
Automx command line client
autogen / autoopts-config(1)
Script to get information about installed version of autoopts
autoradio / autoplayerd(1)
Autoradio player daemon
autoradio / autoplayergui(1)
Autoradio player gui
autopoint / autopoint(1)
Copies standard gettext infrastructure
autoproject / autoproject(1)
Create a skeleton source package for a new program
autopsy / autopsy(1)
Autopsy forensic browser
mgetty-pvftools / autopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
autoradio / autoradioctrl(1)
Autoradio controller tool
autoradio / autoradiod(1)
Autoradiod daemon for autoradio suite
autoradio / autoradiodbusd(1)
Autoradio dbus daemon
autoradio / autoradioweb(1)
Autoradioweb daemon for autoradio suite
autoconf / autoreconf(1)
Update generated configuration files
autoconf2.13 / autoreconf(1)
Wrapper for distinguishing autoconf 2.13 and 2.50
autoconf-dickey / autoreconf-dickey(1)
Update generated configuration files
autoconf2.13 / autoreconf2.13(1)
Update configure scripts
autoconf2.59 / autoreconf2.59(1)
Update generated configuration files
autorenamer / autorenamer(1)
Program to rename files so they sort according to given ordering
autorevision / autorevision(1)
Extract current-revision metadata from version-control repositories
autoconf / autoscan(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
autoconf-dickey / autoscan-dickey(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
autoconf2.13 / autoscan2.13(1)
Help to create a configure.in file for a software package
autoconf2.59 / autoscan2.59(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
autoconf2.64 / autoscan2.64(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
ladr4-apps / autosketches4(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
autotrash / autotrash(1)
Autotrash program to automatically purge old files from the freedesktop.org trash
autoconf / autoupdate(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
autoconf-dickey / autoupdate-dickey(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
autoconf2.13 / autoupdate2.13(1)
Updates an old configure.in file to version 2
autoconf2.59 / autoupdate2.59(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
autoconf2.64 / autoupdate2.64(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
isdnvboxclient / autovbox(1)
Isdn voice box (sound converter)
bibtex2html / aux2bib(1)
Extracts a bibtex database according to an aux file.
dvb-apps / av7110_loadkeys(1)
A program to load keymaps.
avahi-utils / avahi-browse(1)
Browse for mdns/dns-sd services using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-browse-domains(1)
Browse for mdns/dns-sd services using the avahi daemon
avahi-discover / avahi-discover(1)
Browse for mdns/dns-sd services using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-publish(1)
Register an mdns/dns-sd service or host name or address mapping using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-publish-address(1)
Register an mdns/dns-sd service or host name or address mapping using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-publish-service(1)
Register an mdns/dns-sd service or host name or address mapping using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-resolve(1)
Resolve one or more mdns/dns host name(s) to ip address(es) (and vice versa) using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-resolve-address(1)
Resolve one or more mdns/dns host name(s) to ip address(es) (and vice versa) using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-resolve-host-name(1)
Resolve one or more mdns/dns host name(s) to ip address(es) (and vice versa) using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-set-host-name(1)
Change mdns host name
avarice / avarice(1)
Provides an interface from avr-gdb to atmel's jtagice box.
survex-aven / aven(1)
Aven sophisticated cave viewer for unix and ms windows
argyll / average(1)
Average or merge values in .ti3 like files.
grinder / average_genome_size(1)
Calculate the average genome size in grinder libraries
python-libavg / avg_audioplayer(1)
Audio player
python-libavg / avg_checktouch(1)
Test application for multitouch devices
python-libavg / avg_checkvsync(1)
Vsync test application
python-libavg / avg_chromakey(1)
Test application for libavg chromakey filter
python-libavg / avg_showcamera(1)
Camera discovery and display tool
python-libavg / avg_showfile(1)
Display an avg file
python-libavg / avg_showfont(1)
Font enumeration and preview tool
python-libavg / avg_showsvg(1)
Basic svg rasterizer
python-libavg / avg_videoinfo(1)
Video inspection tool
python-libavg / avg_videoplayer(1)
Video player
libavifile-0.7-bin / avibench(1)
Benchmarking tool
libavifile-0.7-bin / avicap(1)
V4l capturing and pvr tool
libavifile-0.7-bin / avicat(1)
Cat tool for joining files
aview / aview(1)
A high quality ascii art image viewer
libavifile-0.7-dev / avifile-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of avifile
transcode / avifix(1)
Fix header of avi-file
transcode / aviindex(1)
Write and read text files describing the index of an avi file
libavifile-0.7-bin / avimake(1)
Making tool
transcode / avimerge(1)
Merge several avi-files into one
libavifile-0.7-bin / aviplay(1)
Qt-based movie player
libavifile-0.7-bin / avirec(1)
Video recording tool
libavifile-0.7-bin / avirecompress(1)
Video recompression tool
transcode / avisplit(1)
Split avi-files into chunks of a maximum size
transcode / avisync(1)
Adjust audio synchronisation
libavifile-0.7-bin / avitype(1)
Show video info
binutils-avr / avr-gasp(1)
A preprocessor for assembly programs
avr-libc / avr-man(1)
A man(1) replacement to access the avr-libc manual pages
gdb-avr / avr-run(1)
Runsimulator front-end
avra / avra(1)
Assembler for the atmel avr microcontroller family
avrp / avrp(1)
Atmel avr programming software to use with atmel's serial-port programmers
avrprog / avrprog(1)
Programmer for atmel avr microcontrolers
raster3d / avs2ps(1)
Convert avs image input on stdin to monochrome postscript on stdout
awardeco / awardeco(1)
Decompress flashfiles equipped with an award bios
away / away(1)
Terminal locking program
aweather / aweather(1)
Advanced weather reporting program
awesome / awesome(1)
Awesome window manager
awesome / awesome-client(1)
Awesome window manager remote execution
awffull / awffull(1)
A webalizer fork, full o' features
awffull / awffull_history_regen(1)
sloccount / awk_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
ruby-aws-sdk / aws-rb(1)
Ruby repl interface to amazon web services api.
aws-status / aws-status(1)
Gui indicator/gtk status icon for monitoring ec2 instances.
libaws-bin / aws_password(1)
Create a password for the hotplug server authorization file
awesome / awsetbg(1)
Awesome wrapper tool to set background
libaws-bin / awsres(1)
Build resource files for ada web server applications
awstats / awstats(1)
A free web server logfile analyzer to show you advanced web statistics
afnix / axc(1)
Afnix cross compiler
ax25-apps / axcall(1)
Make an ax.25, net/rom or rose connection.
afnix / axd(1)
Afnix cross debugger
axel / axel(1)
A light download accelerator for linux.
axel-kapt / axel-kapt(1)
Axel front-end
ax25mail-utils / axgetlist(1)
Read the message list from the bbs
ax25mail-utils / axgetmail(1)
Automaticaly download messages from the f6fbb bbs
ax25mail-utils / axgetmsg(1)
Download selected messages from f6fbb bbs
ax25-tools / axgetput(1)
Upload or download files via ax.25 / axspawn linux login session.
afnix / axi(1)
Afnix cross interpreter
apt-xapian-index / axi-cache(1)
Query the apt xapian index
axiom / axiom(1)
A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-test / axiom-test(1)
Run the axiom regression testsuite
python-axiom / axiomatic(1)
Command-line tool for creating, configuring, and inspecting an axiom database
afnix / axl(1)
Afnix cross librarian
ax25-apps / axlisten(1)
Monitor ax.25 traffic
ayttm / ayttm(1)
Universal instant messaging client
ayttm / ayttm_streamer_wrapper(1)
Universal instant messaging client
dvb-apps / azap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
azr3-jack / azr3(1)
Organ synth with distortion and rotating speakers
xemacs21-bin / b2m.xemacs21(1)
This program converts a babyl mailbox to a standard unix mailbox.
babeltrace / babeltrace(1)
Babeltrace babeltrace trace viewer and converter
babeltrace / babeltrace-log(1)
Babeltrace-log babeltrace log converter
babiloo / babiloo(1)
Dictionary viewer with multi-languages support
backintime-common / backintime(1)
A simple backup tool for linux. this is command line tool. the graphical tools are: backintime-gnome and backintime-kde4.
backintime-common / backintime-config(1)
Backintime configuration files.
backintime-gnome / backintime-gnome(1)
A simple backup tool for gnome.
backintime-kde / backintime-kde4(1)
A simple backup tool for kde4.
ubuntu-dev-tools / backportpackage(1)
Helper to test package backports
chiark-backup / backup-checkallused(1)
Check chiark-backup configuration
chiark-backup / backup-driver(1)
Entry point for cron or inittab to start backups
chiark-backup / backup-labeltape(1)
Display or change tape label
chiark-backup / backup-loaded(1)
Tell the chiark-backup system what to do with a new tape
chiark-backup / backup-takedown(1)
Bring some system services down for backups
chiark-backup / backup-whatsthis(1)
Read an id off a tape and display it
backupninja / backupninja(1)
A lightweight, extensible meta-backup system "a silent flower blossom death strike to lost data."
ruby-bacon / bacon(1)
Small rspec clone
bacula-console-qt / bacula-console-qt(1)
Bacula administration tool console
bacula-traymonitor / bacula-tray-monitor(1)
Bacula's 'system tray' monitor
bacula-traymonitor / bacula-traymonitor(1)
Bacula's 'system tray' monitor
cakephp-scripts / bake.php(1)
Generates skeleton cakephp applications
balance / balance(1)
A simple tcp proxy with load balancing and failover mechanisms.
raster3d / balls(1)
Preprocessor for space-filling models in raster3d molecular graphics package
bam / bam(1)
Fast and flexible build system
bamtools / bamtools(1)
Toolkit for manipulating bam (genome alignment) files
bangarang / bangarang(1)
Bangarang a kde media player
bangarang / bangarangnepomukwriter(1)
Manages bangarang's media metadata in the nepomuk store
sysvbanner / banner(1)
Print large banner
banshee / banshee(1)
Media management and playback application muinshee - media management and playback application
baobab / baobab(1)
A graphical tool to analyze disk usage
bar / bar(1)
Show information about a data transfer
barcode / barcode(1)
A stand alone program to run the barcode library
exactimage / bardecode(1)
Barcode recognition tool of the exactimage toolkit
bareftp / bareftp(1)
Graphical file transfer client
bareos-traymonitor / bareos-tray-monitor(1)
Bareos's 'system tray' monitor
barman / barman(1)
Backup and recovery manager for postgresql
barnowl / barnowl(1)
Tty\(hybased zephyr client
coreutils / base64(1)
Base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
coreutils / basename(1)
Strip directory and suffix from filenames
basex / basex(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (command line mode)
basex / basexclient(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (client mode)
basex / basexgui(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (graphical mode)
basex / basexserver(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (server mode)
bash / bash(1)
Gnu bourne-again shell
bash-static / bash-static(1)
Gnu bourne-again shell
bash / bashbug(1)
Report a bug in bash
bashburn / bashburn(1)
A bash script cd burner writer
mgetty-pvftools / basictopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
basket / basket(1)
Note-taking application
bacula-console-qt / bat(1)
Bacula administration tool console
bareos-bat / bat(1)
Bareos administration tool console
gerris / bat2gts(1)
Takes a bathymetry file (three columns: longitude, latitude (degree), depth (meters)) and generates a gts depth file for the given domain.
gerris-mpi / bat2gts(1)
Takes a bathymetry file (three columns: longitude, latitude (degree), depth (meters)) and generates a gts depth file for the given domain.
at / batch(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
libvips-tools / batch_crop(1)
Crop a set of images
libvips-tools / batch_image_convert(1)
Use vips to convert a set of images to a new type
libvips-tools / batch_rubber_sheet(1)
Warp a set of images with a rubber-sheet transformation
batmon.app / batmon(1)
Battery monitor for gnustep
bauble / bauble(1)
Software application to manage a collection of botanical specimens
bauble / bauble-admin(1)
Create bauble's database and change some of its properties
dbacl / bayesol(1)
A bayes solution calculator for use with dbacl.
bb / bb(1)
An ascii-art demo
bbdb / bbdb-areacode-split(1)
Looks for phone numbers in your .bbdb
bbdb / bbdb-cid(1)
bbdb / bbdb-srv(1)
Converts mail-headers to an emacs-lisp string.
bbdb / bbdb-unlazy-lock(1)
Removes crap from lazy-lock from your .bbdb
bbe / bbe(1)
Binary block editor
bbmail / bbmail(1)
Mailbox flag for x
ps2eps / bbox(1)
Prints out the bounding box of a rawppm or rawpbm image
impose+ / bboxx(1)
The program outputs the page number and the bounding box parameters for every page in the file filename, by postprocessing the output from the gs bbox device.
bbpager / bbpager(1)
Pager for the blackbox window manager
bbrun / bbrun(1)
An elegant tool for the blackbox window manager that runs commands
bbtime / bbtime(1)
Display the time in a small blackbox style window
speech-tools / bcat(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
bcc / bcc(1)
Bruce's c compiler
bluez / bccmd(1)
Utility for the csr bccmd interface
bcfg2 / bcfg2(1)
Bcfg2 client tool
samtools / bcftools(1)
Utilities for the sequence alignment/map (sam) format bcftools - utilities for the binary call format (bcf) and vcf
bchunk / bchunk(1)
Cd image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
graphviz / bcomps(1)
Biconnected components filter for graphs
bareos-bconsole / bconsole(1)
Bareos's management console
libboost1.55-tools-dev / bcp(1)
Extract subsets of boost
bcpp / bcpp(1)
Make c++ beautifier
bcron / bcrontab(1)
Manage users crontab files
bcrypt / bcrypt(1)
Blowfish file encryption
cbootimage / bct_dump(1)
Bct_dump tegra boot config table (bct) dumping utility
libbluray-bin / bd_info(1)
Show bd disc info
bdf2psf / bdf2psf(1)
Convert a bdf font to psf format for the linux console
unifont-bin / bdfimplode(1)
Convert a bdf font into gnu unifont .hex format
bdfresize / bdfresize(1)
Resize bdf format font
libbogl-dev / bdftobogl(1)
Bogl/bterm font convertor
libgd-tools / bdftogd(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
xfonts-utils / bdftopcf(1)
Convert x font from bitmap distribution format to portable compiled format
xfonts-utils / bdftruncate(1)
Generate truncated bdf font from iso 10646-1-encoded bdf font
macs / bdgbroadcall(1)
Fine-tuning script to call broad peaks from a single bedgraph track for scores
macs / bdgcmp(1)
Calculate scores using certain method by comparing a bedgraph file from treatment and a file from control representing local bias
macs / bdgdiff(1)
Naive call differential peaks from 4 bedgraph tracks for scores
macs / bdgpeakcall(1)
Naive call peaks from a single bedgraph track for scores
bdii / bdii-update(1)
The bdii update process
libbiniou-ocaml-dev / bdump(1)
Visualization of biniou data
bugs-everywhere / be(1)
Distributed bug tracking from the command line
beanstalkd / beanstalkd(1)
Simple, fast work queue
bear / bear(1)
Build ear
beav / beav(1)
Binary file editor and viewer
beef / beef(1)
Flexible brainfuck interpreter
beep / beep(1)
Beep the pc speaker any number of ways
gerstensaft / beer(1)
Graphical frontend to saft
beets / beet(1)
Music tagger and library organizer
belier / bel(1)
Open a shell or execute a command on a remote computer through several machines
acedb-other-belvu / belvu(1)
View multiple alignments in good-looking colours.
ben / ben(1)
Transition tracker manager
snacc / berdecode(1)
Decode ber encoded data
berkeley-abc / berkeley-abc(1)
A system for sequential synthesis and verification
db5.1-util / berkeley_db5.1_svc(1)
Berkeley db rpc server
db5.3-util / berkeley_db5.3_svc(1)
Berkeley db rpc server
mcrl2 / besinfo(1)
Display basic information about a bes
kde-style-bespin / bespin(1)
The bespin style configurator
mcrl2 / bespp(1)
Pretty print a bes
aircrack-ng / besside-ng-crawler(1)
Filter eapol frames from a directory of capture files.
betaradio / betaradio(1)
An easy way to listen to internet radio of taiwan.
bear-factory / bf-animation-editor(1)
Bf-animation-editor the animation editor for the bear engine.
bear-factory / bf-level-editor(1)
Bf-level-editor the level editor for the bear engine.
bear-factory / bf-model-editor(1)
Bf-model-editor the model editor for the bear engine.
bogofilter-common / bf_compact(1)
Shell script to compact a bogofilter directory
bogofilter-common / bf_copy(1)
Shell script to copy a bogofilter working directory
bogofilter-common / bf_tar(1)
Shell script to write a tar file of a bogofilter directory to stdout
bfbtester / bfbtester(1)
Brute force binary tester
bfgminer / bfgminer(1)
Multi-threaded multi-pool asic, fpga, gpu and cpu bitcoin miner.
ax25-tools / bget(1)
Upload or download files via ax.25 / axspawn linux login session.
tabix / bgzip(1)
Block compression/decompression utility tabix - generic indexer for tab-delimited genome position files
biabam / biabam(1)
Biabam is a bash attachment mailer
bibtex2html / bib2bib(1)
Filter bibtex data bases
cb2bib / bib2pdf(1)
Script to convert bibtex format files to pdf format files
bibutils / bib2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
bibclean / bibclean(1)
Prettyprint and syntax check bibtex and scribe bibliography data base files
texlive-bibtex-extra / bibdoiadd(1)
Add doi numbers to papers in a given bib file
hevea / bibhva(1)
A bibtex wrapper for use with hevea
bibutils / biblatex2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
bible-kjv / bible(1)
Lookup words and verses in the bible (king james version)
bibledit-bibletime / bibledit-bibletime(1)
Bibledit bibletime helper
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-git(1)
Internal command for bibledit, a bible editor
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-gtk(1)
A bible editor
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-rdwrt(1)
Read or writes data to or from a bibledit-gtk bible or project
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-shutdown(1)
Internal command for bibledit, a bible editor
bibledit-xiphos / bibledit-xiphos(1)
Bibledit xiphos helper
texlive-binaries / bibtex.original(1)
Make a bibliography for (la)tex
pybliographer / bibtex.pybliographer(1)
Use bibliographic databases in latex files
pybtex / bibtex.pybtex(1)
Bibtex-compatible bibliography processor in python
bibtex2html / bibtex2html(1)
A translator of bibliography databases into html
texlive-binaries / bibtex8(1)
8-bit big bibtex version 0.99c
bibtool / bibtool(1)
Bibtex file manipulation tool
bibus / bibus(1)
Bibus is a bibliographic database
bibutils / bibutils(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
texlive-bibtex-extra / bibzbladd(1)
Add zbl numbers to papers in a given bib file
bidiv / bidiv(1)
Bidirectional text filter
bijiben / bijiben(1)
An intuitive note editor integrated with gnome 3
a56 / bin2h(1)
Converter to header file
fp-utils-2.6.4 / bin2obj-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal binary to pascal include file converter.
ascii2binary / binary2ascii(1)
Convert binary numbers to textual representation
wcstools / bincat(1)
binclock / binclock(1)
Prints time in binary format
bind9 / bind9-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of isc bind
bindechexascii / bindechexascii(1)
Converts ascii, binary, decimal, hexadecimal and prints results on the in screen
bindfs / bindfs(1)
Bindfs \(hy mount --bind in user-space
binfmtc / binfmtasm-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc assembly handler
binfmtc / binfmtc-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc c handler
binfmtc / binfmtcxx-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc c++ handler
binfmtc / binfmtf-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtc / binfmtf95-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtc / binfmtgcj-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc gcj handler
macutils / binhex(1)
Hexifies a series of files
bino / bino(1)
A 3d video player with multi-display support.
bins / bins(1)
Bins generate a static html photo albums using xml and exif tags
bins / bins_cleanupgallery(1)
Remove any unused file in your html galleries
bins / bins_edit(1)
Bins_edit set fields in xml picture description files for bins
binstats / binstats(1)
Display statistics about programs and libraries
octomap-tools / binvox2bt(1)
Convert 3d mesh voxelizer meshes to a single bonsai tree file
binwalk / binwalk(1)
Tool for searching binary images for embedded files and executable code
libbio2jack0-dev / bio2jack-config(1)
Bio2jack build information script
rss-glx / biof(1)
Rotating stack of quads.
biogenesis / biogenesis(1)
Biogenesis, an artificial life program focused on evolution
biomaj / biomaj(1)
Downloads and transform remote biological data banks
netpbm / bioradtopgm(1)
Convert a biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bip / bip(1)
Bip irc proxy
bip / bipgenconfig(1)
Bip irc proxy configuration program
bip / bipmkpw(1)
Password hasher for bip
birthday / birthday(1)
Warn about upcoming birthdays and other events
bisho / bisho(1)
Bisho program to set the account information for meego web services
bison / bison(1)
Gnu project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison++ / bison(1)
Gnu project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison++ / bison++(1)
Generate a parser in c or c++.
bison++ / bison++.yacc(1)
Gnu project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison / bison.yacc(1)
Gnu project parser generator
bist / bist(1)
A chemical drawing tool.
fpgatools / bit2fp(1)
Bitstream to floorplan
ubuntu-dev-tools / bitesize(1)
Add bitesize tag to bugs and add a comment.
bitpim / bitfling(1)
Secure remote access to bitfling
x11-apps / bitmap(1)
Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x window system
bitpim / bitpim(1)
Utility to communicate with many cdma phones
bitstormlite / bitstormlite(1)
Bittorrent client based on c++/gtk+2.0
trac-bitten-slave / bitten-slave(1)
Performs a build and sends result to the bitten master.
bittornado / bittorrent-downloader.bittornado(1)
Bittorrent-downloader download files using a scatter-gather network
bittorrent / bittorrent-downloader.bittorrent(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
bittornado / bittorrent-multi-downloader.bittornado(1)
Bittorrent-multi-downloader download multiple files using a scatter-gather network
bittorrent / bittorrent-multi-downloader.bittorrent(1)
Multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittwist / bittwist(1)
Pcap based ethernet packet generator
bittwist / bittwiste(1)
Pcap capture file editor
xoscope / bitxoscope(1)
Configuration tool for xoscope
libboost1.55-tools-dev / bjam(1)
Software build tool
bkchem / bkchem(1)
A free chemical drawing program
ants / bl(1)
Part of ants registration suite
blast2 / bl2seq(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blackbox / blackbox(1)
A window manager for x11
bladerf / bladeRF-cli(1)
Command line interface and test utility
blahtexml / blahtexml(1)
Converts tex equations into mathml
blam / blam(1)
A nice rss aggregator for gnome
rcs-blame / blame(1)
Annotate rcs files
blast2 / blast(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blast2(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastall(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastall_old(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastcl3(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastclust(1)
Blast score-based single-linkage clustering
blast2 / blastpgp(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
gff2aplot / blat2gff(1)
Converts blat output files to gff formatted files
blazeblogger / blaze(1)
Allows you to run blazeblogger utilities with a single command
blazeblogger / blaze-add(1)
Adds a blog post or a page to the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-config(1)
Displays or sets blazeblogger configuration options
blazeblogger / blaze-edit(1)
Edits a blog post or a page in the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-init(1)
Creates or recovers a blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-list(1)
Lists blog posts or pages in the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-log(1)
Displays the blazeblogger repository log
blazeblogger / blaze-make(1)
Generates a blog from the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-remove(1)
Removes a post or page from the blazeblogger repository
bleachbit / bleachbit(1)
Delete unnecessary files from the system
blender-data / blender(1)
A 3d modelling and rendering package
blender-data / blenderplayer(1)
The blender game engine runner
bless / bless(1)
Graphical hexadecimal gtk# editor
bley / bley(1)
Intelligent greylisting daemon for postfix
bley / bleygraph(1)
Stats plotter for bley
retty / blindtty(1)
Run command in a detached terminal
bliss / bliss(1)
Compute automorphism groups and canonical labelings of graphs
libqimageblitz-dev / blitztest(1)
Program to test blitz imaging filter library
sleuthkit / blkcalc(1)
Converts between unallocated disk unit numbers and regular disk unit numbers.
sleuthkit / blkcat(1)
Display the contents of file system data unit in a disk image.
sleuthkit / blkls(1)
List or output file system data units.
blktrace / blkparse(1)
Produce formatted output of event streams of block devices
blktrace / blkrawverify(1)
Verifies an output file produced by blkparse
sleuthkit / blkstat(1)
Display details of a file system data unit (i.e. block or sector)
python-blockdiag / blockdiag(1)
Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-blockdiag / blockdiag3(1)
Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file.
blockfinder / blockfinder(1)
Enumerates network information for countries
blogofile / blogofile(1)
Static website compiler and blog engine
ruby-bluecloth / bluecloth(1)
Convert markdown input to html
ruby-bluefeather / bluefeather(1)
bluefish / bluefish(1)
Editor for experienced web designers and programmers
blueman / blueman-adapters(1)
An utility to set adapter properties
blueman / blueman-applet(1)
A tray applet for managing bluetooth
blueman / blueman-assistant(1)
Application for configuring and pairing bluetooth devices
blueman / blueman-browse(1)
Helper application for launching an obex browser
blueman / blueman-manager(1)
Bluetooth device manager
blueman / blueman-sendto(1)
Application for sending files to bluetooth devices
blueman / blueman-services(1)
Configure local bluetooth services
bluemindo / bluemindo(1)
Simple yet powerful audio player
bluemon / bluemon(1)
Bluemon activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link quality
bluemon / bluemon-client(1)
Bluemon-client activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link quality
bluemon / bluemon-query(1)
Bluemon-query query the state of and send commands to bluemon(1)
blueproximity / blueproximity(1)
Locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device
gnome-bluetooth / bluetooth-sendto(1)
Gtk application for transferring files over bluetooth
bluez / bluetoothctl(1)
Bluetooth control tool
bmap-tools / bmaptool(1)
Create block map (bmap) for a file or copy a file using bmap
bmf / bmf(1)
Efficient bayesian mail filter
bmf / bmfconv(1)
Database converter for bmf
bvi / bmore(1)
Browse through a binary file
ztex-bmp / bmp(1)
Babel universal macro processor
libtiff-tools / bmp2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from a microsoft windows device independent bitmap image file
netpbm / bmptopnm(1)
Convert a bmp file into a portable anymap
netpbm / bmptoppm(1)
Convert a bmp file into a portable anymap
x11-apps / bmtoa(1)
Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x window system
blktrace / bno_plot(1)
Generate interactive 3d plot of io blocks and sizes
boa-constructor / boa-constructor(1)
Rad tool for python and wxwindows
boats / boats(1)
A race scenario drawing tool
python-sponge / bob(1)
Utility script for the sponge web framework
bochs / bochs(1)
Portable x86 emulator.
bochs / bochs-bin(1)
Portable x86 emulator.
bogofilter-common / bogofilter(1)
Fast bayesian spam filter
bogofilter-common / bogolexer(1)
Utility program for separating email messages into tokens
bogofilter-common / bogotune(1)
Find optimum parameter settings for bogofilter
bogofilter-common / bogoupgrade(1)
Upgrades bogofilter database to current version
bogofilter-common / bogoutil(1)
Dumps, loads, and maintains bogofilter database files
boinc-client / boinc(1)
The boinc client program.
boinc-client / boinccmd(1)
The command line interface to the boinc client.
boinc-manager / boincmgr(1)
The graphical boinc manager for the client.
boinctui / boinctui(1)
Fullscreen text mode manager for boinc client
siege / bombardment(1)
Run siege with an ever-increasing number of users
bonnie++ / bon_csv2html(1)
Bon_csv2html program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to a html form using tables suitable for display on a web page. nb lynx can't display this properly, and due to the size it probably requires 1024x768 monitor to display properly. bon_csv2txt program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to plain-text format suitable for pasting into an email or reading on a braille display.
bonnie++ / bon_csv2txt(1)
Bon_csv2html program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to a html form using tables suitable for display on a web page. nb lynx can't display this properly, and due to the size it probably requires 1024x768 monitor to display properly. bon_csv2txt program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to plain-text format suitable for pasting into an email or reading on a braille display.
libteam-utils / bond2team(1)
Bond2team converts bonding configuration to team
hearse / bones-info(1)
Display information about a nethack bones file
libbonobo2-common / bonobo-activation-server(1)
Gnome component tracker
weboob / boobank(1)
Manage bank accounts
weboob / boobathon(1)
Participate in a boobathon
weboob / boobcoming(1)
See upcoming events
weboob / boobill(1)
Get and download bills
weboob / booblyrics(1)
Search and display song lyrics
weboob / boobmsg(1)
Send and receive message threads
weboob / boobooks(1)
Manage rented books
weboob / boobsize(1)
Display sensors and gauges values
weboob / boobtracker(1)
Manage bug tracking issues
boo / booc(1)
Boo compiler
boo / booi(1)
Boo interpreter
boo / booish(1)
Boo interactive shell
bookletimposer / bookletimposer(1)
An utility to reorganize pdf pages
txt2man / bookman(1)
Generate a book from man pages
bookview / bookview(1)
Ndtp (network dictionary transfer protocol) client written in tcl/tk
boolstuff / booldnf(1)
Converts a boolean expression to the dnf
boolector / boolector(1)
Smt solver for bit-vectors and arrays
bootcd / bootcd(1)
Utils to run diskless systems from cd
bootcd / bootcd2disk(1)
Copy a system running from bootcd to a disk
bootcd / bootcdbackup(1)
Create a bootable offline backup of a unix system
bootcd / bootcdflopcp(1)
Copy changes made after booting from bootcd to floppy
bootcd / bootcdwrite(1)
Build a bootcd image from a running system
bootchart2 / bootchart2(1)
Collects and analyses data from boot process
bootchart2 / bootchartd(1)
Collects and analyses data from boot process
bootstrap-vz / bootstrap-vz(1)
Program is creating debian images to be run in cloud environments like amazons ec2, openstack, google cloud compute and other which are sharing api with those
bopm / bopm(1)
Blitzed open proxy monitor
python-mlpy / borda(1)
Command line interface to borda in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
bosh / bosh(1)
Browsable output shell
bosixnet-daemon / bosixnet_daemon(1)
Shell script which periodically sends information about current ipv6 address to remote server and updates local /etc/hosts based on data received from that remote server. it is expected that bosixnet-webui is launched on that remote server.
bosixnet-webui / bosixnet_webui(1)
Fastcgi program which passively listens for incoming connections and generates list of hosts in your ipv6 network. this daemon prepares data which may be put directly into /etc/hosts.
bossa / bossa(1)
Gui programmer for atmel sam arm microcontrollers
bossa-cli / bossac(1)
Command line programmer for atmel sam arm microcontrollers
bossa-cli / bossash(1)
Interactive shell programmer for atmel sam arm microcontrollers
libbotan1.10-dev / botan-config-1.10(1)
Botan configuration query program
python-bottle-doc / bottle(1)
Command line interface starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:
qmail / bouncesaying(1)
Perhaps bounce each incoming message
boxes / boxes(1)
Text mode box and comment drawing filter
boxshade / boxshade(1)
Pretty-printing of multiple sequence alignments
bplay / bplay(1)
Buffered sound recording/playing
bpm-tools / bpm(1)
Calculate the tempo of music files
bpm-tools / bpm-graph(1)
Calculate the tempo of music files
bpm-tools / bpm-tag(1)
Calculate the tempo of music files
python-mygpoclient / bpsync(1)
Synchronize bashpodder subscriptions with gpodder.net
ax25-tools / bput(1)
Upload or download files via ax.25 / axspawn linux login session.
bpython / bpython(1)
A fancy {curses, gtk+, urwid} interface to the python interactive interpreter
bpython3 / bpython3(1)
A fancy {curses, gtk+, urwid} interface to the python interactive interpreter
bottlerocket / br(1)
Utility to interact with firecracker device
ruby-bio / br_biofetch(1)
Br_biofetch.rb biofetch client
ruby-bio / br_bioflat(1)
Br_bioflat.rb obda flat file indexer
ruby-bio / br_biogetseq(1)
Br_biogetseq odba sequence retrieval
ruby-bio / br_pmfetch(1)
Br_pmfetch pubmed client
brag / brag(1)
Grab multipart binaries from news server
brailleutils / brailleutils(1)
Convert and emboss pef documents
braindump / braindump(1)
Directly from your brain to the computer
brandy / brandy(1)
A portable bbc basic v interpreter
brasero / brasero(1)
Simple and easy to use cd/dvd burning application for the gnome desktop
python-breadability / breadability(1)
Readbility formatter for html
sloccount / break_filelist(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
brebis / brebis(1)
Check your backup for corruption or unexpected content
bplay / brec(1)
Buffered sound recording/playing
bareos-tools / bregex(1)
Bareos's 'regex' engine
brewtarget / brewtarget(1)
Helps you brew beer.
brightd / brightd(1)
A brightness control daemon
bristol / brighton(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
bristol / bristol(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
bristol / bristolengine(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
bristol / bristoljackstats(1)
Ancillary program for bristol
brltty / brltty(1)
Refreshable braille display driver for linux/unix
libgtk-3-bin / broadwayd(1)
Broadway display server
browser-history / browser-history(1)
External history of web browsers, such as netscape
node-browserify-lite / browserify-lite(1)
Bundle client-side javascript using node.js-style module syntax
netpbm / brushtopbm(1)
Convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
brutefir / brutefir(1)
Brutefir program included in the demudi distribution
openwince-jtag / bsdl2jtag(1)
urjtag / bsdl2jtag(1)
Urjtag declaration file conversion
blackbox / bsetbg(1)
Utility to manipulate the appearance of the x11 desktop's root window.
blackbox / bsetroot(1)
Blackbox utility to change root window appearance
code-aster-gui / bsf(1)
Bsf command
bsfilter / bsfilter(1)
Bsfilter bayesian spam filter
bsh / bsh(1)
Beanshell: a java scripting environment (command-line version).
bsign / bsign(1)
Embed and verify secure hashes and digital signatures
ddskk / bskk(1)
Bayesian estimation for skk
bacula-common / bsmtp(1)
Bacula's smtp client (mail submission program)
bareos-common / bsmtp(1)
Bareos's smtp client (mail submission program)
mongodb-clients / bsondump(1)
Mongodb bson utility
freetds-bin / bsqldb(1)
Batch sql script processor using db-library
freetds-bin / bsqlodbc(1)
Batch sql script processor using odbc
avahi-ui-utils / bssh(1)
Browse for ssh/vnc servers on the local network
blackbox / bstyleconvert(1)
A blackbox style conversion utility
octomap-tools / bt2vrml(1)
Convert from voxels to vrml2.0
btag / btag(1)
A command line based multimedia tagger
bittornado / btcompletedir.bittornado(1)
Btcompletedir creates torrent meta-info files for all files/directories within a directory
bittorrent / btcompletedir.bittorrent(1)
Makes a .torrent file for every specified file
bittornado-gui / btcompletedirgui.bittornado(1)
Btcompletedirgui gui interface to create torrent meta-info files for all files/directories within a directory
bittorrent-gui / btcompletedirgui.bittorrent(1)
Gui tool for creating .torrent files
bittornado / btcopyannounce(1)
Btcopyannounce copy torrent announce information to other torrents
bittornado / btdownloadcurses.bittornado(1)
Btdownloadcurses curses bittornado download interface
bittorrent / btdownloadcurses.bittorrent(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
bittornado-gui / btdownloadgui.bittornado(1)
Btdownloadgui gui bittorrent download interface
bittornado / btdownloadheadless.bittornado(1)
Btdownloadheadless headless bittorrent download interface
bittorrent / btdownloadheadless.bittorrent(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
lifelines / btedit(1)
Direct editing of btree records
bogl-bterm / bterm(1)
Framebuffer terminal emulator
bti / bti(1)
Send a tweet to twitter.com from the command line
bti / bti-shrink-urls(1)
Convert urls to a shorter form using a web service
bittornado / btlaunchmany.bittornado(1)
Btlaunchmany launch multiple torrent downloads, using a text interface
bittorrent / btlaunchmany.bittorrent(1)
Multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittornado / btlaunchmanycurses.bittornado(1)
Btlaunchmanycurses launch multiple torrent downloads, using a curses interface
bittorrent / btlaunchmanycurses.bittorrent(1)
Multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittornado / btmakemetafile.bittornado(1)
Btmakemetafile generates torrent meta-info files for use with bittorrent
bittorrent / btmakemetafile.bittorrent(1)
Program to generate torrent info files for bittorrent
bittornado-gui / btmaketorrentgui(1)
Btmaketorrentgui gui program to generate torrent meta-info files for use with bittorrent
bluez / btmon(1)
Bluetooth monitor
bacula-common / btraceback(1)
Wrapper script around gdb and bsmtp
bittornado / btreannounce.bittornado(1)
Btreannounce change the announce address of a torrent file
bittorrent / btreannounce.bittorrent(1)
Change the announce address of a torrent file.
bittornado / btrename.bittornado(1)
Btrename change the suggested filename inside a bittorrent file
bittorrent / btrename.bittorrent(1)
Change the suggested filename inside a bittorrent file
btscanner / btscanner(1)
Ncurses-based scanner for bluetooth devices
bittornado / btsethttpseeds(1)
Btsethttpseeds sets http-seeds information in torrents
bittornado / btshowmetainfo.bittornado(1)
Btshowmetainfo display the meta-information in bittorrent files
bittorrent / btshowmetainfo.bittorrent(1)
Display information in bittorrent files
blktrace / btt(1)
Analyse block i/o traces produces by blktrace
bittornado / bttrack.bittornado(1)
Bttrack bittorrent tracker
bittorrent / bttrack.bittorrent(1)
Tracker for bittorrent
python-backup2swift / bu2sw(1)
Backup data to openstack swift
python3-backup2swift / bu2sw3(1)
Backup data to openstack swift
bubblefishymon / bubblefishymon(1)
System load meter with ducks and fish
aircrack-ng / buddy-ng(1)
A tool to work with easside-ng
buffer / buffer(1)
Very fast reblocking program
buffy / buffy(1)
Mail folder monitor. monitor new and unread messages in a collection of mail folders.
llvm-3.4 / bugpoint-3.4(1)
Automatic test case reduction tool
llvm-3.5 / bugpoint-3.5(1)
Automatic test case reduction tool
bugz / bugz(1)
Bugz command line interface to bugzilla
buici-clock / buici-clock(1)
Attractive x11 clock
lives-plugins / build-lives-rfx-plugin(1)
Builds rendered effects for lives
lives-plugins / build-lives-rfx-plugin-multi(1)
Builds rendered effects for lives
openstack-debian-images / build-openstack-debian-image(1)
Build a debian image to be used with openstack
kdesdk-scripts / build-progress.sh(1)
Show kde-build progress in your konsole/xterm title bar
python-pysnmp4 / build-pysnmp-mib(1)
Build pysnmp mib definitions from mib text files
simple-cdd / build-simple-cdd(1)
Create custom debian-installer cds
buildapp / buildapp(1)
Application to create common lisp images
buildbot / buildbot(1)
A tool for managing buildbot master instances
buildd / buildd(1)
Package autobuilder daemon
buildd / buildd-mail(1)
Mail answer processor for buildd
buildd / buildd-mail-wrapper(1)
Mail answer processor for buildd
buildd / buildd-uploader(1)
Upload built packages for buildd
buildd / buildd-vlog(1)
View current build log
buildd / buildd-watcher(1)
Watch buildd activity
golang-go.tools / builder(1)
Go continuous build client
pentium-builder / builder-c++(1)
G++ wrapper to facilitate pentium-optimizations
pentium-builder / builder-cc(1)
Gcc wrapper to facilitate pentium-optimizations
buildnotify / buildnotify(1)
Cruise control ci build monitor
buildbot-slave / buildslave(1)
A tool for managing buildbot slave instances
buildtorrent / buildtorrent(1)
A torrent file creation program.
bumblebee / bumblebeed(1)
Bumblebee daemon
bundler / bundle(1)
Ruby dependency management
bundler / bundle-config(1)
Set bundler configuration options
bundler / bundle-exec(1)
Execute a command in the context of the bundle
bundler / bundle-install(1)
Install the dependencies specified in your gemfile
bundler / bundle-package(1)
Package your needed .gem files into your application
bundler / bundle-update(1)
Update your gems to the latest available versions
bzip2 / bunzip2(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bup-doc / bup(1)
Backup program using rolling checksums and git file formats
bup-doc / bup-bloom(1)
Generates, regenerates, updates bloom filters
bup-doc / bup-cat-file(1)
Extract archive content (low-level)
bup-doc / bup-daemon(1)
Listens for connections and runs bupserver
bup-doc / bup-damage(1)
Randomly destroy blocks of a file
bup-doc / bup-drecurse(1)
Recursively list files in your filesystem
bup-doc / bup-fsck(1)
Verify or repair a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-ftp(1)
Ftp-like client for navigating bup repositories
bup-doc / bup-fuse(1)
Mount a bup repository as a filesystem
bup-doc / bup-help(1)
Open the documentation for a given bup command
bup-doc / bup-import-rdiff-backup(1)
Import a rdiff-backup archive
bup-doc / bup-import-rsnapshot(1)
Import a rsnapshot archive
bup-doc / bup-index(1)
Print and/or update the bup filesystem index
bup-doc / bup-init(1)
Initialize a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-join(1)
Concatenate files from a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-ls(1)
List the contents of a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-margin(1)
Figure out your deduplication safety margin
bup-doc / bup-memtest(1)
Test bup memory usage statistics
bup-doc / bup-meta(1)
Create or extract a metadata archive
bup-doc / bup-midx(1)
Create a multi-index (.midx) file from several .idx files
bup-doc / bup-mux(1)
Multiplexes data and error streams over a connection
bup-doc / bup-newliner(1)
Make sure progress messages don\[aq]t overlap with output
bup-doc / bup-on(1)
Run a bup server locally and client remotely
bup-doc / bup-random(1)
Generate a stream of random output
bup-doc / bup-restore(1)
Extract files from a backup set
bup-doc / bup-save(1)
Create a new bup backup set
bup-doc / bup-server(1)
The server side of the bup client-server relationship
bup-doc / bup-split(1)
Save individual files to bup backup sets
bup-doc / bup-tag(1)
Tag a commit in the bup repository
bup-doc / bup-tick(1)
Wait for up to one second
bup-doc / bup-web(1)
Start web server to browse bup repositiory
burn / burn(1)
Record from various sources to optical media (cd, dvd)
burn / burn-configure(1)
Create a configuration file for burn(1)
cpuburn / burnBX(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnK6(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnK7(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnMMX(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnP5(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnP6(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
systemd / busctl(1)
Introspect the bus
rss-glx / busyspheres(1)
Particle spheres.
buthead / buthead(1)
Copies all but the first few lines
buxon / buxon(1)
Rdf sioc:forum browser
avahi-ui-utils / bvnc(1)
Browse for ssh/vnc servers on the local network
bwbasic / bwbasic(1)
Bywater basic interpreter/shell
bwctl-client / bwctl(1)
Client application to request throughput tests.
bareos-tools / bwild(1)
Bareos's 'wildcard' engine
bwm-ng / bwm-ng(1)
Bandwidth monitor ng (next generation), a live bandwidth monitor for network and disk io.
bximage / bxcommit(1)
Interactive tool to commit redologs into flat disk images for bochs
bximage / bximage(1)
Interactive disk image creator for bochs
byacc / byacc(1)
An lalr(1) parser generator
byacc-j / byaccj(1)
An lalr(1) parser generator for java
byobu / byobu(1)
Wrapper script for seeding a user's byobu configuration and launching a text based window manager (either screen or tmux)
byobu / byobu-config(1)
Configuration utility for byobu
byobu / byobu-ctrl-a(1)
Configure byobu's ctrl-a behavior
byobu / byobu-disable(1)
Wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startup of byobu after login into text console
byobu / byobu-disable-prompt(1)
Add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell configuration
byobu / byobu-enable(1)
Wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startup of byobu after login into text console
byobu / byobu-enable-prompt(1)
Add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell configuration
byobu / byobu-export(1)
byobu / byobu-janitor(1)
Script for cleaning and upgrading environment after upgrades
byobu / byobu-keybindings(1)
Toggle on/off byobu's keybindings
byobu / byobu-launch(1)
Byobu launcher
byobu / byobu-launcher(1)
Byobu launcher
byobu / byobu-launcher-install(1)
Byobu launcher installation utility
byobu / byobu-launcher-uninstall(1)
Byobu launcher uninstallation utility
byobu / byobu-layout(1)
Save and restore byobu-tmux layouts
byobu / byobu-prompt(1)
Add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell configuration
byobu / byobu-quiet(1)
Silence all of byobu's status indicators and eliminate the hardstatus line
byobu / byobu-reconnect-sockets(1)
Sourcable script that updates gpg_agent_info and dbus_session_bus_address in the environment
byobu / byobu-screen(1)
Launch byobu with screen as the backend
byobu / byobu-select-backend(1)
Select your default byobu backend window manager
byobu / byobu-select-profile(1)
Select your byobu foreground and background colors
byobu / byobu-select-session(1)
Select and connect to a byobu session
byobu / byobu-shell(1)
Print the message of the day and launch a shell
byobu / byobu-silent(1)
Byobu-silent- silence all of byobu's status indicators, eliminate the hardstatus line, and the window list
byobu / byobu-status(1)
Displays status suitable for printing by the byobu_backend
byobu / byobu-status-detail(1)
Wrapper that uses a sensible pager
byobu / byobu-tmux(1)
Launch byobu with tmux as the backend
byobu / byobu-ugraph(1)
Helper script for notification history graphs
byobu / byobu-ulevel(1)
Helper script for notification level indicators
byzanz / byzanz(1)
Small screencast creator
byzanz / byzanz-playback(1)
Process a byzanz debug recording
byzanz / byzanz-record(1)
Record your desktop session to an animated gif
bzip2 / bzcat(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzip2 / bzcmp(1)
Compare bzip2 compressed files
bzip2 / bzdiff(1)
Compare bzip2 compressed files
bzip2 / bzegrep(1)
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2 / bzexe(1)
Compress executable files in place
bzip2 / bzfgrep(1)
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2 / bzgrep(1)
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2 / bzip2(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzip2 / bzip2recover(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzip2 / bzless(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzip2 / bzmore(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzr / bzr(1)
Bazaar next-generation distributed version control
bzr-builddeb / bzr-buildpackage(1)
Build a debian package from a bazaar branch
djvulibre-bin / bzz(1)
Djvu general purpose compression utility.
cdecl / c++decl(1)
Compose c and c++ type declarations
printer-driver-c2050 / c2050(1)
Ghostscript bitcymk to lexmark 2050 series protocol translator
capi4hylafax / c2faxrecv(1)
Receive fax using hylafax to isdn using capi
capi4hylafax / c2faxsend(1)
Send fax using hylafax to isdn using capi
c2hs / c2hs(1)
C-haskell interface generator
djvulibre-bin / c44(1)
Djvuphoto encode.
gcc / c89-gcc(1)
Ansi (1989) c compiler
gcc / c99-gcc(1)
Ansi (1999) c compiler
sloccount / c_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
urg-utils / c_urg-config(1)
Compiler, linker flags for liburg
cabal-debian / cabal-debian(1)
Create debian package meta data from a haskell cabal file.
cabextract / cabextract(1)
Program to extract files from microsoft cabinet (.cab) archives
cableswig / cableidx(1)
Generate index files from gccxml xml files.
libcaca-dev / caca-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libcaca
caca-utils / cacademo(1)
Libcaca's demonstration applications
caca-utils / cacafire(1)
Libcaca's demonstration applications
caca-utils / cacaplay(1)
Play libcaca files
caca-utils / cacaserver(1)
Telnet server for libcaca
caca-utils / cacaview(1)
Ascii image browser
nordugrid-arc-arex / cache-clean(1)
Administration tool for the a-rex cache.
nordugrid-arc-arex / cache-list(1)
List contents of the a-rex cache.
atfs / cacheadm(1)
Administer and configure atfs derived object cache
nocache / cachedel(1)
Drop pagecache for a file
nocache / cachestats(1)
Print cache statistics for a file
survex / cad3d(1)
Cad3d convert a survex .3d file into formats which can be read by cad and drawing packages
cadabra / cadabra(1)
Field-theory motivated computer algebra system
cadaver / cadaver(1)
A command-line webdav client for unix.
cadubi / cadubi(1)
Creative ascii drawing utility by ian
why / caduceus(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
cafeobj / cafeobj(1)
Algebraic specification and programming language
cain / cain(1)
Stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions
cairo-clock / cairo-clock(1)
An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
cairo-dock-core / cairo-dock(1)
A dock to launch your programs easily.
python-cairosvg / cairosvg-py2(1)
Cairosvg-py2 svg converter based on cairo
python3-cairosvg / cairosvg-py3(1)
Cairosvg-py3 svg converter based on cairo
caja / caja(1)
The mate file manager
caja / caja-autorun-software(1)
Autorun software in caja
caja / caja-connect-server(1)
Connect to server dialog for caja
caja / caja-file-management-properties(1)
Caja file management preferences
caja-sendto / caja-sendto(1)
Convenience application to send a file via email or instant messenger
cakephp-scripts / cake(1)
Cakephp application shell.
cakephp-instaweb / cakephp-instaweb(1)
Lightweight http server for developing cakephp applications
libcal3d12 / cal3d_converter(1)
Convert cal3d files from / to binary and xml (version 0.11.0)
calamaris / calamaris(1)
Generate text and graphical statistics out of log files from proxy-cache-servers
apcalc-common / calc(1)
Arbitrary precision calculator
calcoo / calcoo(1)
Scientific calculator (gtk+).
calcurse / calcurse(1)
Text-based organizer
calf-plugins / calfjackhost(1)
Jack wrapper for calf plugins
calibre / calibre(1)
Launch calibre graphical user interface
calibre / calibre-debug(1)
Run an embedded python interpreter for debug purposes
calibre / calibre-fontconfig(1)
Font configuration tool for calibre
calibre / calibre-parallel(1)
Parallel tool for calibre
valgrind / callgrind_annotate(1)
Post-processing tool for the callgrind
valgrind / callgrind_control(1)
Observe and control programs being run by callgrind
calligra-libs / calligra(1)
Calligra document opener
calligraactive / calligraactive(1)
Bring calligra to the smarphones and tablets
calligraauthor / calligraauthor(1)
Calligra word processor
calligra-libs / calligraconverter(1)
Calligra document converter
calligraflow / calligraflow(1)
Calligra flowchart and diagram tool
calligraplan / calligraplan(1)
Kde project planning and management tool
calligraplan / calligraplanwork(1)
Work package handler for the plan project planning tool
calligrasheets / calligrasheets(1)
Calligra spreadsheet application
calligrastage / calligrastage(1)
Calligra presentation tool
calligrawords / calligrawords(1)
Calligra word processor
xastir / callpass(1)
Generate pass-code associated with your callsign for authentication via xastir to aprs(tm) network.
calypso / calypso(1)
Caldav/carddav server with git storage
cam / cam(1)
Cpu's audio mixer for linux
gmerlin / camelot(1)
Gmerlin webcam application
camitk-actionstatemachine / camitk-actionstatemachine(1)
Camitk action state machine
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-cepgenerator(1)
Camitk extension project skeleton generator
libcamitk3 / camitk-config(1)
Camitk configuration utility
camitk-imp / camitk-imp(1)
Gui flagship application for camitk
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-testactions(1)
Camitk tests actions
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-testcomponents(1)
Camitk tests components
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-wizard(1)
Extension wizard for camitk developers
caml2html / caml2html(1)
Pretty print ocaml in html and latex
camlidl / camlidl(1)
A stub code generator for ocaml
camlmix / camlmix(1)
Preprocessor which converts text with embedded ocaml
camlp4 / camlp4(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4o(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4o.opt(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4r(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4r.opt(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp5 / camlp5(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5o(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5o.opt(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5r(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5r.opt(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5sch(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilecharmap(1)
A charmap database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilecharmap.byte(1)
A charmap database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilecharmap.opt(1)
A charmap database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilelocaledef(1)
A localedef database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilelocaledef.byte(1)
A localedef database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilelocaledef.opt(1)
A localedef database translators for camomile.
camorama / camorama(1)
Gnome2 video4linux viewer
camping / camping(1)
Small ruby web framework for mvc type applications
python-mlpy / canberra(1)
Command line interface to canberra in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
gnome-session-canberra / canberra-gtk-play(1)
Play a sound event
python-mlpy / canberraq(1)
Command line interface to canberraq in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
cups-client / cancel(1)
Cancel jobs
lprng / cancel(1)
Remove jobs from the line printer spooling queue
courier-mta / cancelmsg(1)
Cancel an e-mail message
canna / canlisp(1)
Parse canlisp commands
canna-utils / cannacheck(1)
Display information about japanese input system canna
canna / cannakill(1)
Terminate operation of the kana-kanji conversion server cannaserver
canna / cannaserver(1)
Kana-kanji conversion server
canna-utils / cannastat(1)
Display information about the kana-kanji conversion server
checkbox-ng / canonical-certification-server(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
checkbox-ng / canonical-driver-test-suite-cli(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
cantata / cantata(1)
A kde client for mpd
capistrano / cap(1)
Cap cap is an utlity to invoke capistrano tasks.
capi4hylafax / capi4hylafaxconfig(1)
Generate a configuration for capi4hylafax.
capiutils / capifax(1)
A fax send application for capi
capistrano / capify(1)
Capify stub out the files 'config/deploy.rb' and 'capifile' on rails application.
xviewg / capitalize(1)
Change case of text
cappuccino / cappuccino(1)
A small utility to let your boss think that you're working hard.
libcap2-bin / capsh(1)
Capability shell wrapper
ncurses-bin / captoinfo(1)
Convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
ucommon-utils / car(1)
Crytographic archiver.
graphite-carbon / carbon-aggregator(1)
Buffer metrics over time before reporting to carbon-cache
graphite-carbon / carbon-cache(1)
Accepts metrics over various protocols and writes them to disk
graphite-carbon / carbon-client(1)
Graphite client to reroute carbon data
graphite-carbon / carbon-relay(1)
Replication and sharding data
a2ps / card(1)
Print reference card of program options
libpam-pkcs11 / card_eventmgr(1)
Pcsc-lite event manager
opensc / cardos-tool(1)
Displays information about card os-based security tokens or format them
cardpeek / cardpeek(1)
A gui tool to explore the contents of iso 7816 smart cards.
caret / caret(1)
Interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface reconstructions of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex
caret / caret5(1)
Interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface reconstructions of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex
caret / caret_command(1)
Interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface reconstructions of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex
carmetal / carmetal(1)
Carmetal dynamic geometry software
node-carto / carto(1)
Carto map stylesheet compiler
mono-devel / caspol(1)
No manpage for this program.
ruby-cassiopee / cassie(1)
Search a string in another string with errors allowed
cassiopee / cassiopee(1)
Manual page for cassiopee version 1.0
cassiopee / cassiopeeknife(1)
coreutils / cat(1)
Concatenate files and print on the standard output
canna-utils / catdic(1)
Download a dictionary
catdoc / catdoc(1)
Reads ms-word file and puts its content as plain text on standard output
catdvi / catdvi(1)
A dvi to plain text converter
aterm-ml / caterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
catfish / catfish(1)
File searching tool which is configurable via the command line
omniorb / catior(1)
Utility for viewing components of a stringified ior
freewnn-cserver / catod(1)
To convert the text format of a dictionary to binary
freewnn-cserver / catof(1)
To convert the text format of grammatical rules into
catdoc / catppt(1)
Reads ms-powerpoint file and puts its content on standard output
ruby-stomp / catstomp(1)
Send input to stomp destination
survex / cavern(1)
Cavern process raw survey data
cb2bib / cb2bib(1)
Software to extract bibliographic references from various sources
argyll / cb2ti3(1)
Convert colorblind raw device profile data to argyll data.
cedar-backup2 / cback(1)
Local and remote backups to cd-r/cd-rw media
cedar-backup2 / cback-amazons3-sync(1)
Synchronize a local directory with an amazon s3 bucket
cedar-backup2 / cback-span(1)
Span staged data among multiple discs
coinor-cbc / cbc(1)
Cbc mixed integer programming solver
qdbm-util / cbcodec(1)
Popular encoders and decoders
cbm / cbm(1)
Display the current traffic on all network devices
cbmc / cbmc(1)
Bounded model checker for c/c++ and java programs
cbootimage / cbootimage(1)
Cbootimage tegra bct and bootable flash image generator/compiler
cbp2make / cbp2make(1)
Code::blocks makefile generation tool
cbrpager / cbrpager(1)
Viewer for cbr and cbz (comic book archive) files
qdbm-util / cbtest(1)
Test cases for qdbm cabin
ccache / ccache(1)
A fast c/c++ compiler cache
shishi / ccache2shishi(1)
Shishi user ticket conversion tool
ccal / ccal(1)
Displays a calendar
ccrypt / ccat(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccbuild / ccbuild(1)
Ccbuild strict c++ developer's build utility
cccc / cccc(1)
C and c++ code counter, a software metrics tool
cccd / cccd(1)
Yet another cd player with cddb support
mono-devel / cccheck(1)
Perform static code contracts verification for clr assemblies.
ccd2iso / ccd2iso(1)
Convert img format to iso format
ccrypt / ccdecrypt(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccrypt / ccencrypt(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
psi3 / ccenergy(1)
Coupled cluster singles and doubles energy program
libcommoncpp2-dev / ccgnu2-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libcommoncpp2
ccrypt / ccguess(1)
Search for ccrypt encryption keys
hercules / cckd2ckd(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / cckdcdsk(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / cckdcomp(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / cckddiag(1)
Hercules cckd dasd diagnostic tool
hercules / cckdswap(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
cclive / ccl(1)
Media stream extraction tool
cclib / cclib-cda(1)
Command-line interface for charge decomposition analysis with cclib
cclib / cclib-get(1)
A command-line interface to cclib
cclive / cclive(1)
Media stream extraction tool
cmake-curses-gui / ccmake(1)
Cmake curses dialog command-line reference
liwc / ccmtcnvt(1)
Convert c++ comments to c comments
graphviz / ccomps(1)
Connected components filter for graphs
ccontrol / ccontrol(1)
Wrapper to control distcc, ccache and more
ccontrol / ccontrol-init(1)
Initialize ccontrol setup
cconv / cconv(1)
A iconv based simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
ccrypt / ccrypt(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
libccss-tools / ccss-stylesheet-to-gtkrc(1)
Ccss-stylesheet-to-gtkrc program to dump css files to gtkrc format
argyll / cctiff(1)
Color correct a tiff file using any sequence of icc profiles or calibrations.
argyll / ccxxmake(1)
Create ccmx or ccss.
ccze / ccze(1)
A robust log colorizer
ccze / ccze-cssdump(1)
Dump ccze color setup into css format
cd-circleprint / cd-circleprint(1)
Create a round label for a cd
colord / cd-create-profile(1)
Color manager profile creation tool
cd-discid / cd-discid(1)
Read cd and get cddb discid information
libcdio-utils / cd-drive(1)
Manual page for cd-drive version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
colord / cd-fix-profile(1)
Color manager testing tool
cd-hit / cd-hit-2d-para(1)
Divide a big clustering job into pieces to run cd-hit-2d or cd-hit-est-2d jobs
cd-hit / cd-hit-para(1)
Divide a big clustering job into pieces to run cd-hit or cd-hit-est jobs
libcdio-utils / cd-info(1)
Manual page for cd-info version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
libcdio-utils / cd-paranoia(1)
An audio cd reading utility which includes extra data verification features
libcdio-utils / cd-read(1)
Manual page for cd-read version 0.83
tkdesk / cd-tkdesk(1)
Change directory of tkdesk's current file browser or list window
cd5 / cd5(1)
Compute checksum of individual track on cd-roms
cdtool / cdadd(1)
Add information for a new cd to .cdtooldb
cdargs / cdargs(1)
Bookmarks and browser for cd shell built-in
tinycdb / cdb(1)
Constant database manipulation tool
cdbackup / cdbackup(1)
Streaming backup to cd-r(w)/dvr-r(w)
freecdb / cdbdump(1)
Dump the contents of a constant database
cdbfasta / cdbfasta(1)
Creates an index file for records from a multi-fasta file.
freecdb / cdbget(1)
Search for a record in a constant database
freecdb / cdbmake(1)
Create a constant database
cdbs / cdbs-edit-patch(1)
Create or edit a cdbs simple-patchsys.mk patch
freecdb / cdbstats(1)
Print constant database statistics
cdbfasta / cdbyank(1)
Query an index file created with cdbfasta.
cdcat / cdcat(1)
Media catalog program
cdcd / cdcd(1)
Command driven cd player
cdck / cdck(1)
cdtool / cdclose(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdcover / cdcover(1)
Creating data-cd covers
cdtool / cdctrl(1)
Command line cdrom control
icedax / cdda2mp3(1)
Cdda2ogg, cdda2mp3 extract audio cd audio tracks and encode them
icedax / cdda2ogg(1)
Cdda2ogg, cdda2mp3 extract audio cd audio tracks and encode them
abcde / cddb-tool(1)
Get cddb information
libcddb-get-perl / cddbget(1)
Gets cddb info of a cd
cdde / cdde(1)
Compact disc detect & execute
cde / cde(1)
Package everything required to execute a linux command on another computer
cde / cde-exec(1)
Execute binary within a package generated by cde
cdebootstrap / cdebootstrap(1)
Bootstrap a debian system
cdebootstrap-static / cdebootstrap-static(1)
Bootstrap a debian system
cdecl / cdecl(1)
Compose c and c++ type declarations
cdtool / cdeject(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdftools / cdf16bit(1)
Convert 32-bit precision netcdf files to 16-bit
cd-hit / cdhit(1)
Quickly group sequences
cd-hit / cdhit-2d(1)
Quickly group sequences in db1 or db2 format
cd-hit / cdhit-454(1)
Quickly group sequences, optimised for 454 data
cd-hit / cdhit-est(1)
Run cd-hit algorithm on rna/dna sequences
cd-hit / cdhit-est-2d(1)
Run cd-hit algorithm on rna/dna sequences in db1 or db2 format
colordiff / cdiff(1)
A wrapper tool for colordiff
cdtool / cdinfo(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdir(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdlabelgen / cdlabelgen(1)
Cd/dvd labels, jewel case inserts, and envelopes creator. generates frontcards and traycards for cd cases, single-cd envelopes, dvd case inserts, as well as output suitable for direct printing on cd/dvd.
cdtool / cdloop(1)
Restart a cd when it ceases playing
cdtool / cdown(1)
Query cddb database for info on a disc
cdparanoia / cdparanoia(1)
An audio cd reading utility which includes extra data verification features
cdtool / cdpause(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdplay(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
gnome-applets / cdplayer_applet(1)
Cd player applet for the gnome panel.
cdrdao / cdrdao(1)
Reads and writes cds in disc-at-once mode
cdtool / cdreset(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdbackup / cdrestore(1)
Streaming restore from cd-r(w)/dvd-r(w)
cdrskin / cdrskin(1)
Burns preformatted data to cd, dvd, and bd via libburn.
udftools / cdrwtool(1)
Perform various actions on a cd-r, cd-rw, and dvd-r
cdtool / cdshuffle(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdstop(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
freewnn-cserver / cdtoa(1)
To convert the binary format of a dictionary back to
cdtool / cdtool(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdtool2cddb(1)
Convert .cdtooldb file to set of cddb files
cduce / cduce(1)
Cduce the cduce compiler/interpreter/toplevel
cduce / cduce_mktop(1)
Cduce_mktop produce a customized cduce toplevel/compiler.
qpxtool / cdvdcontrol(1)
Tool to get full control on your plextor optical device
cdtool / cdvolume(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdw / cdw(1)
Front-end for cdrecord, mkisofs, growisofs, mkudffs and other tools
vcdimager / cdxa2mpeg(1)
Manual page for cdxa2mpeg 0.7.24
cec-utils / cec-client(1)
Cec connection client utility
cec-utils / cec-config(1)
Cec connection configuration utility
cecilia / cecilia(1)
Sound synthesis and audio signal processing environment
python-celery-common / celery(1)
Celery celery worker daemon
python-celery-common / celerybeat(1)
Celerybeat celery periodic task server
python-celery-common / celeryd(1)
Celeryd celery worker daemon
python-celery-common / celeryd-multi(1)
Camqadm tool for shell scripts to start multiple workers.
celestia-glut / celestia-glut(1)
A real-time visual space simulation
celestia-gnome / celestia-gnome(1)
A real-time visual space simulation
cellwriter / cellwriter(1)
Grid-entry handwriting recognition input panel
regina-normal / censuslookup(1)
Search for triangulations in regina's census databases
ceph-common / ceph-crush-location(1)
Get crush location
cereal / cereal(1)
Client program to attach to cereal session
cernlib-base-dev / cernlib(1)
Print cern library dependencies
mono-devel / cert2spc(1)
Transform multiple x.509 certificates to a software publisher certificate
certmonger / certmaster-getcert(1)
mono-devel / certmgr(1)
Mono certificate manager (cli version)
gnutls-bin / certtool(1)
Gnutls certificate tool
cervisia / cervisia(1)
Graphical cvs frontend
confluence / cf(1)
Confluence compiler
hercules / cfba2fba(1)
contextfree / cfdg(1)
Image generator based on context-free grammars
lcdf-typetools / cfftot1(1)
Convert postscript font from cff to type 1
cfget / cfget(1)
Get values from a config file
mrtg / cfgmaker(1)
Creates mrtg.cfg files (for mrtg-2.17.4)
fityk / cfityk(1)
Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
cflow / cflow(1)
Analyze control flow in c source files
heat-cfntools / cfn-create-aws-symlinks(1)
Creates symlinks for the cfn-* scripts in this directory to /opt/aws/bin
heat-cfntools / cfn-get-metadata(1)
Implements cfn-get-metadata cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-hup(1)
Implements cfn-hup cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-init(1)
Implements cfn-init cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-push-stats(1)
Implements cfn-push-stats cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-signal(1)
Implements cfn-signal cloudformation functionality
fte / cfte(1)
Compiles fte config files
cfv / cfv(1)
Verify file consistency with .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5, md5sum, sha1sum, .torrent, par, or par2 files
cgvg / cg(1)
Recursively grep for a pattern and store it.
valgrind / cg_annotate(1)
Post-processing tool for cachegrind
valgrind / cg_diff(1)
Compares two cachegrind output files
valgrind / cg_merge(1)
Merges multiple cachegrind output files into one
libcgal-dev / cgal_create_cmake_script(1)
Create a cmake script for applications using cgal
cgroup-tools / cgclassify(1)
Move running task(s) to given cgroups
cgroup-tools / cgclear(1)
Unload the cgroup filesystem
cgroup-tools / cgcreate(1)
Create new cgroup(s)
cgdb / cgdb(1)
Curses based frontend to gdb
cgroup-tools / cgdelete(1)
Remove control group(s)
cgroup-tools / cgexec(1)
Run the task in given control groups
cgroup-tools / cgget(1)
Print parameter(s) of given group(s)
libfcgi0ldbl / cgi-fcgi(1)
Bridge from cgi to fastcgi
libcgicc5-dev / cgicc-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of cgicc
cgiemail / cgiecho(1)
Cgi form-to-mail conversion tools
cgiemail / cgiemail(1)
Cgi form-to-mail conversion tools
cgiemail / cgifile(1)
Cgi form-to-mail conversion tools
cgmanager / cgm(1)
A client script for cgmanager
cgminer / cgminer(1)
Multi-threaded multi-pool gpu, fpga and cpu bitcoin miner.
cgminer / cgminer-api(1)
Api access to cgminer.
cgns-convert / cgnames(1)
Manual page for axisymmetryangle a
cgns-convert / cgnscheck(1)
Check a cgns file
cgns-convert / cgnsconvert(1)
Convert a cgns file
cgns-convert / cgnsdiff(1)
Diff two cgns files
cgns-convert / cgnslist(1)
List the content of a cgns file
cgns-convert / cgnsversion(1)
Returns the cgns version of the file
gpsd-clients / cgps(1)
Test clients for gpsd
cgpt / cgpt(1)
Utility for chromeos-specific gpt partitions
codesearch / cgrep(1)
Like grep(1) over all indexed files
cgroup-tools / cgset(1)
Set the parameters of given cgroup(s)
cgroup-tools / cgsnapshot(1)
Generate the configuration file for given controllers
acl / chacl(1)
Change the access control list of a file or directory
passwd / chage(1)
Change user password expiry information
prime-phylo / chainsaw(1)
Cut a gene tree based on a reconciliation
potool / change-po-charset(1)
Change the charset value in content-type header of a gettext po file
grinder / change_paired_read_orientation(1)
Reverses the orientation of each paired-end fasta sequence
reprepro / changestool(1)
Verify, dump, modify, create or fix debian .changes files
changetrack / changetrack(1)
Track changes to files
chaosreader / chaosreader(1)
Trace network sessions and export it to html format
wcstools / char2sp(1)
charactermanaj / charactermanaj(1)
Program to edit character avatars
python-chardet / chardet(1)
Universal character encoding detector
python3-chardet / chardet3(1)
Universal character encoding detector
python-chardet / chardetect(1)
Universal character encoding detector
python3-chardet / chardetect3(1)
Universal character encoding detector
gucharmap / charmap(1)
Unicode character picker and font browser
gnome-applets / charpick_applet(1)
Character picker applet for the gnome panel.
argyll / chartread(1)
Read target test chart.
chase / chase(1)
Chase symbolic links
chasen / chasen(1)
Chasen \(hy japanese morphological analysis system
chasen-dictutils / chasen-config(1)
Japanese morphological analysis system
e2fsprogs / chattr(1)
Change file attributes on a linux file system
coreutils / chcon(1)
Change file security context
kdesdk-scripts / cheatmake(1)
Fool make into not rebuilding certain files
debian-goodies / check-enhancements(1)
Check-enhancements - show enhancement packages
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 / check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks(1)
Preliminary manpage dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks
ubuntu-dev-tools / check-mir(1)
Check support status of dependencies
gnulib / check-module(1)
Program to check gnulib modules.
source-highlight / check-regexp(1)
Test regular expressions from the command line
sendfile / check-sendfile(1)
Check if some files have arrived
debian-security-support / check-support-status(1)
Check installed packages for security support
ubuntu-dev-tools / check-symbols(1)
Verify symbols exported by a new library version
trac-subtickets / check-trac-subtickets(1)
Checks consistency of subtickets in trac.
kdelibs5-dev / checkXML(1)
An xml lint tool for kde docbook xml documents.
pyfai / check_calib(1)
loki / check_het(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
nagios-plugins-contrib / check_ssl_cert(1)
Checks the validity of x.509 certificates
liburdfdom-tools / check_urdf(1)
Try parsing a urdf file to validate it
devscripts / checkbashisms(1)
Check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts
checkbox-ng / checkbox(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
checkbox-ng / checkbox-cli(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
checkbox-ng / checkbox_ng(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
libgetdata-tools / checkdirfile(1)
Checkdirfile verify dirfile database metadata
din / checkdotdin(1)
Din this program's purpose is to be an audio synthesizer of a 3rd kind.
spark / checker(1)
Spark proof checker
flactag / checkflac(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
checkgmail / checkgmail(1)
System tray applet to check a gmail account for new mail
netdiag / checkint(1)
Show active network interfaces
isomd5sum / checkisomd5(1)
Checkisomd5 check an md5 checksum implanted by implantisomd5
check / checkmk(1)
Awk script for generating c unit tests for use with the check unit testing framework.
libxbase64-bin / checkndx(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
debian-goodies / checkrestart(1)
Check which processes need to be restarted after an upgrade
lksctp-tools / checksctp(1)
Check if kernel supports sctp
ncbi-tools-bin / checksub(1)
A validator for ncbi asn.1 seq-submit data
cheese / cheese(1)
Tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam
python-cheetah / cheetah(1)
Python template command-line tool
python-cheetah / cheetah-compile(1)
Python template command-line tool
chef / chef-shell(1)
The man page for the chef-shell command line tool. chef-shell is a recipe debugging tool that allows the use of breakpoints within recipes. chef-shell runs as an interactive ruby (irb) session. chef-shell supports both recipe and attribute file syntax, as well as interactive debugging features. chef-shell is the new name for shef as of chef 11.x. chef-shell is backwards compatible and aside from the name change, has the same set of functionality as with previous releases. the chef-shell executable can be run as a command-line tool.
indigo-utils / chemdiff(1)
Finding duplications and visual comparison of two files containing multiple structures
chemeq / chemeq(1)
Chemical equation parser and renderer
chemical-structures / chemstruc(1)
Calls a browser to view molecular structures
chemtool / chemtool(1)
Chemical structures editor
python-cherrypy3 / cherryd(1)
cherrytree / cherrytree(1)
A hierarchical note taking application
passwd / chfn(1)
Change real user name and information
coreutils / chgrp(1)
Change group ownership
chicken-bin / chicken(1)
A scheme-to-c translator
chicken-bin / chicken-bug(1)
Generates a bug report from user input
chicken-bin / chicken-install(1)
Download and install extension libraries for chicken scheme
chicken-bin / chicken-profile(1)
Generate a report from profile-information
chicken-bin / chicken-status(1)
List installed extension libraries
chicken-bin / chicken-uninstall(1)
Uninstall extension library
jmol-applet / chime2jmol(1)
Convert chime into jmol scripts
chimera2 / chimera2(1)
X/athena world-wide web client
chimeraslayer / chimeraslayer(1)
Detects likely chimeras in pcr amplified dna
libchipcard-tools / chipcard-tool(1)
A commandline client to access smart cards via libchipcard
chipw / chipw(1)
Editor for chip's challenge??? and tile world.
chirp / chirpw(1)
A tool for programming two-way radio equipment
canna-utils / chkconc(1)
List concatenation for hinshi
pcp / chkhelp(1)
Check performance metrics help text files
mpqc-support / chkmpqcval(1)
Run the mpqc validation suite chkmpqcval - check the .out files for correctness
chkrootkit / chkrootkit(1)
Determine whether the system is infected with a rootkit
liwc / chktri(1)
Check for trigraphs in c source code
mono-devel / chktrust(1)
Check the trust of a pe executable.
chm2pdf / chm2pdf(1)
A tool convert chm to pdf format
libchm-bin / chm_http(1)
Simplistic web server to allow browsing of chm files without extracting them.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / chmcmd-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal htmlhelp (chm) compiler
fp-utils-2.6.4 / chmls-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal chm utility
coreutils / chmod(1)
Change file mode bits
canna / chmoddic(1)
Change access rights for a directory
choosewm / choosewm(1)
Select a window manager to be used.
choqok / choqok(1)
Blogging client for kde4
chordii / chordii(1)
Produce a professional looking postscript sheet-music from an ascii file containing lyrics and chords information.
choreonoid / choreonoid(1)
An integrated robotics gui environment
coreutils / chown(1)
Change file owner and group
karma-tools / chprop(1)
Change file properties on the rio karma
chromium / chromium(1)
The web browser from google
chronicle / chronicle(1)
A simple blog compiler.
chronicle / chronicle-entry-filter(1)
Convert blog files to html, if required.
chronicle / chronicle-ping(1)
Send outgoing ping requests for new pages.
chronicle / chronicle-rss-importer(1)
Import entries from an rss feed to chronicle
chronicle / chronicle-spooler(1)
Automatically post pre-written entries.
chrony / chrony(1)
Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate
chrony / chronyc(1)
Command-line interface for chronyd
chrpath / chrpath(1)
Change the rpath or runpath in binaries
util-linux / chrt(1)
Manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
passwd / chsh(1)
Change login shell
nslcd-utils / chsh.ldap(1)
Change login shell in ldap
chemtool / cht(1)
Chemtool drawings analyzer
chuck / chuck(1)
Chuck audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance
chuck / chuck.alsa(1)
Chuck audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance
chuck / chuck.oss(1)
Chuck audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance
kbd / chvt(1)
Change foreground virtual terminal
rcs / ci(1)
Check in rcs revisions
cbflib-bin / cif2cbf(1)
Convert a cif to a cbf file
cifs-utils / cifscreds(1)
Manage ntlm credentials in kernel keyring
sysstat / cifsiostat(1)
Report cifs statistics.
mono-devel / cilc(1)
Mono cil-to-c binding generator
codesearch / cindex(1)
Prepares the trigram index for csearch(1)
weboob / cineoob(1)
Search movies and persons around cinema
cinnamon / cinnamon(1)
cinnamon-screensaver / cinnamon-screensaver(1)
Screen saver and locker
cinnamon-screensaver / cinnamon-screensaver-command(1)
Controls cinnamon screensaver
cinnamon-session / cinnamon-session(1)
Start the gnome desktop environment
cinnamon-session / cinnamon-session-properties(1)
Configure applications to start on login
cinnamon-session / cinnamon-session-quit(1)
End the current gnome session
cinnamon-settings-daemon / cinnamon-settings-daemon(1)
Cinnamon settings daemon
cinnamon / cinnamon2d(1)
bluez / ciptool(1)
Bluetooth common isdn access profile (cip)
graphviz / circo(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
python-circuits / circuits.bench(1)
Simple benchmaking of the circuits library
python3-circuits / circuits.bench3(1)
Simple benchmaking of the circuits library
python-circuits / circuits.web(1)
Web server and testing tool
python3-circuits / circuits.web3(1)
Web server and testing tool
vpnc / cisco-decrypt(1)
Decrypts an obfuscated cisco vpn client pre-shared key
citadel-mta / citmail(1)
Citadel /usr/sbin/sendmail replacement
libcitygml0-bin / citygml2vrml(1)
Convert citygml files to vrml
libcitygml0-bin / citygmltest(1)
Parsing citygml file
djvulibre-bin / cjb2(1)
Simple djvubitonal encoder.
printer-driver-cjet / cjet(1)
Converts hp pcl to canon capsl format
latex-cjk-common / cjklatex(1)
Use \*(lx directly on a big5 encoded .tex file bg5pdflatex - use pdf\*(lx directly on a big5 encoded .tex file bg5+latex - use \*(lx directly on a big5+ encoded .tex file bg5+pdflatex - use pdf\*(lx directly on a big5+ encoded .tex file cef5latex - use \*(lx directly on a big5 encoded .tex file
libjpeg-turbo-progs / cjpeg(1)
Compress an image file to a jpeg file
console-setup / ckbcomp(1)
Compile a xkb keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or kbdcontrol
console-setup-mini / ckbcomp(1)
Compile a xkb keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or kbdcontrol
console-setup-mini / ckbcomp-mini(1)
Compile a xkb keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or kbdcontrol
hercules / ckd2cckd(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
python-twisted-conch / ckeygen(1)
Manipulate public/private keys
ckport / ckport(1)
Portability analysis and security checking tool
cksfv / cksfv(1)
Tests and creates simple file verification (sfv) listings
coreutils / cksum(1)
Checksum and count the bytes in a file
cl-launch / cl(1)
389-ds-base / cl-dump(1)
Dump and decode directory server replication change log
cl-launch / cl-launch(1)
heartbeat / cl_status(1)
Check status of the high-availability linux (linux-ha) subsystem
clamassassin / clamassassin(1)
Email virus filter wrapper for clamav for use in procmail and other applications
libclamav-dev / clamav-config(1)
Script to get information about libclamav
clamav / clambc(1)
Bytecode analysis and testing tool
clamav-daemon / clamconf(1)
Clam antivirus configuration utility
clamdscan / clamdscan(1)
Scan files and directories for viruses using clam antivirus daemon
clamav-daemon / clamdtop(1)
Monitor the clam antivirus daemon
clamfs / clamfs(1)
An anti-virus protected file system
clamav / clamscan(1)
Scan files and directories for viruses
clamav / clamsubmit(1)
File submission utility for clamav
clamtk / clamtk(1)
Graphical user interface (gui) for clam antivirus
clamz / clamz(1)
Download mp3 music files from amazon.com
clang-3.4 / clang-apply-replacements-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-apply-replacements 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-apply-replacements-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-apply-replacements 3.5
clang-3.4 / clang-check-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-check 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-check-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-check 3.5
clang-format-3.4 / clang-format-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-format 3.4
clang-format-3.5 / clang-format-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-format 3.5
clang-format-3.4 / clang-format-diff-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-format-diff.py 3.4
clang-format-3.5 / clang-format-diff-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-format-diff.py 3.5
clang-modernize-3.4 / clang-modernize-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-modernize 3.4
clang-modernize-3.5 / clang-modernize-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-modernize 3.5
clang-3.4 / clang-tblgen-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-tblgen 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-tblgen-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-tblgen 3.5
clang-3.4 / clang-tidy-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-tidy 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-tidy-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-tidy 3.5
clasp / clasp(1)
A conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver
palp / class-11d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class-4d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class-5d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class-6d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
ladr4-apps / clausefilter(1)
Filter formulas with models
ladr4-apps / clausetester(1)
Check formulas in models
libclaw-dev / claw-config(1)
Claw-config show information about installed libclaw libraries
claws-mail / claws-mail(1)
A gtk+ based fast email and news client
claws-mail-acpi-notifier / claws-mail-acpi-notifier(1)
Mail notification using laptops mail led
claws-mail-address-keeper / claws-mail-address-keeper(1)
Keep unknown outgoing addresses in address book
claws-mail-archiver-plugin / claws-mail-archiver-plugin(1)
Archiver plugin for claws mail
claws-mail-attach-remover / claws-mail-attach-remover(1)
Attachments remover from mails
claws-mail-attach-warner / claws-mail-attach-warner(1)
Missing attachments warning before sending
claws-mail-bogofilter / claws-mail-bogofilter(1)
Scanning mails for spam with bogofilter.
claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin / claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin(1)
Spam filtering using the bsfilter program.
claws-mail-clamd-plugin / claws-mail-clamd-plugin(1)
Clamav plugin for claws mail
claws-mail-extra-plugins / claws-mail-extra-plugins(1)
Claws mail extra plugins meta-package.
claws-mail-fancy-plugin / claws-mail-fancy-plugin(1)
Html rendering of mails using webkit library.
claws-mail-feeds-reader / claws-mail-feeds-reader(1)
Feeds (rss/atom) reader plugin for claws mail mailer
claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin / claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin(1)
Inserts headers containing some download information.
claws-mail-gdata-plugin / claws-mail-gdata-plugin(1)
Access to gdata (google(tm) services) plugin.
claws-mail-libravatar / claws-mail-libravatar(1)
Display senders profile image from a libravatar server
claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin / claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin(1)
Mbox handling plugin for claws mail mailer
claws-mail-multi-notifier / claws-mail-multi-notifier(1)
Multiple notification modules for new mail.
claws-mail-newmail-plugin / claws-mail-newmail-plugin(1)
Message header summary to a log file.
claws-mail-pdf-viewer / claws-mail-pdf-viewer(1)
Display portable document format (pdf) and postscript\(rg attachments.
claws-mail-pgpinline / claws-mail-pgpinline(1)
Handling of pgp/inline signed and/or encrypted mails.
claws-mail-pgpmime / claws-mail-pgpmime(1)
Handling of pgp/mime signed and/or encrypted mails.
claws-mail-python-plugin / claws-mail-python-plugin(1)
Python scripting and console plugin.
claws-mail-smime-plugin / claws-mail-smime-plugin(1)
Handling of s/mime signed and/or encrypted mails.
claws-mail-spam-report / claws-mail-spam-report(1)
Report spam messages to various sites.
claws-mail-spamassassin / claws-mail-spamassassin(1)
Filtering messages through spamassassin.
claws-mail-tnef-parser / claws-mail-tnef-parser(1)
Tnef parser plugin for claws mail.
claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin / claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin(1)
Vcalendar plugin for claws mail
cldump / cldump(1)
Clarion database extractor
ncbi-tools-bin / cleanasn(1)
Clean up irregularities in ncbi asn.1 objects
cleancss / cleancss(1)
Css file minifyer
xutils-dev / cleanlinks(1)
Remove dangling symbolic links and empty directories
digikam / cleanup_digikamdb(1)
Cleanup the digikam databases to reduce their sizes and increase access speed
ncurses-bin / clear(1)
Clear the terminal screen
bash / clear_console(1)
Clear the console
clearcut / clearcut(1)
Relaxed neighbor joining
clementine / clementine(1)
Clementine a modern music player and library organizer
clex / clex(1)
File manager
logtools / clfmerge(1)
Merge common-log format web logs based on time-stamps
logtools / clfsplit(1)
Split common-log format web logs based on ip address
clfswm / clfswm(1)
A(nother) common lisp full screen window manager
libclhep-dev / clhep-config(1)
Script to return configuration of clhep
libbg1-dev / cli-generate(1)
Generate source and documentation from cli descriptions
mono-runtime-common / cli-wrapper(1)
No manpage for this program.
xymon-client / clientupdate(1)
Xymon client update utility
clif / clif(1)
C-like interpreter framework (v0.92)
gringo / clingo(1)
A combination of clasp and gringo
clinica / clinica(1)
Simple medical records manager
cliofetion / cliofetion(1)
Open source command line fetion protocol client
clipf / clipf(1)
Personal finance manager with command line interface
clipit / clipit(1)
Lightweight gtk+ clipboard manager
cliquer / cliquer(1)
Find cliques in weighted and unweighted graphs.
clirr / clirr(1)
Check source and binary compatibility of java libraries
convlit / clit(1)
Program to manipulate microsoft reader .lit files
colormake / clmake(1)
Color wrapper for make(1) and less(1)
colormake / clmake-short(1)
Color wrapper for make(1) and less(1)
cloc / cloc(1)
Count, and compute differences of, lines of source code and comments.
xview-clients / clock(1)
Display the time in an icon or window
xenomai-runtime / clocktest(1)
Xenomai clock test
clog / clog(1)
Colorized log tail
clojure1.2 / clojure1.2(1)
A jvm-based dynamic programming language
clojure1.4 / clojure1.4(1)
A jvm-based dynamic programming language
clojure1.6 / clojure1.6(1)
A jvm-based dynamic programming language
clojure1.2 / clojurec1.2(1)
Clojure compiler
clojure1.4 / clojurec1.4(1)
Clojure compiler
clojure1.6 / clojurec1.6(1)
Clojure compiler
ctn / clone_study(1)
Generic ctn manual page
cloog-isl / cloog-isl(1)
The chunky loop generator
cloog-ppl / cloog-ppl(1)
The chunky loop genertor
closure-compiler / closure-compiler(1)
Optimising compiler for ecmascript (javascript) programs
cloud-utils / cloud-publish-image(1)
Publish a cloud image
cloud-utils / cloud-publish-tarball(1)
Publish a cloud archive
cloud-utils / cloud-run-instances(1)
Wrapper for euca-run-instances that supports an option for injecting public ssh keys retrievable from launchpad.net
cloudprint / cloudprint(1)
Share cups printers with google cloud print
coinor-clp / clp(1)
Linear program solver
clsync / clsync(1)
Live sync tool, written in gnu c
clustershell / clubak(1)
Format output from clush/pdsh-like output and more
clustershell / clush(1)
Execute shell commands on a cluster
clustalo / clustalo(1)
General purpose multiple sequence alignment program for proteins
clustalw / clustalw(1)
Multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein sequences
clustalx / clustalx(1)
A multiple sequence alignment program
graphviz / cluster(1)
Find clusters in a graph and augment the graph with this information.
postgresql-client-9.4 / clusterdb(1)
Cluster a postgresql database
libclutter-imcontext-0.1-bin / clutter-scan-immodules(1)
Clutter-scan-immodules program to scan immodules and generate configuration files
clzip / clzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
config-manager / cm(1)
Cm work with configs.
tkremind / cm2rem(1)
Convert sun's "cm" input file to remind format
wigeon / cm_to_wigeon(1)
Helper for wigeon (pintail 16s dna anomaly detection)
jbofihe / cmafihe(1)
Lojban word glosser
cmake / cmake(1)
Cmake command-line reference
cmake-qt-gui / cmake-gui(1)
Cmake gui command-line reference
infernal / cmalign(1)
Align sequences to a covariance model
cmatrix / cmatrix(1)
Simulates the display from "the matrix"
infernal / cmbuild(1)
Construct covariance model(s) from structurally annotated rna multiple sequence alignment(s)
infernal / cmcalibrate(1)
Fit exponential tails for covariance model e-value determination
infernal / cmconvert(1)
Convert infernal covariance model files
cmdtest / cmdtest(1)
Blackbox testing of unix command line tools
xview-clients / cmdtool(1)
Run a shell (or other program) in an openwindows enhanced terminal window
infernal / cmemit(1)
Sample sequences from a covariance model
mew-beta-bin / cmew(1)
Create mew's database file
mew-bin / cmew(1)
Create mew's database file
infernal / cmfetch(1)
Retrieve covariance model(s) from a file
cmigemo / cmigemo(1)
C/migemo library 1.3 driver
cmigrep / cmigrep(1)
Search in ocaml compiled interface files
diffutils / cmp(1)
Compare two files byte by byte
libcmph-tools / cmph(1)
Minimum perfect hashing tool
infernal / cmpress(1)
Prepare a covariance model database for cmscan
infernal / cmscan(1)
Search sequence(s) against a covariance model database
infernal / cmsearch(1)
Search covariance model(s) against a sequence database
infernal / cmstat(1)
Summary statistics for a covariance model file
cmtk / cmtk(1)
The computational morphometry toolkit
cmtk / cmtk-asegment(1)
Atlas-based segmentation
cmtk / cmtk-asegment_sri24(1)
Segmentation using sri24 atlas
cmtk / cmtk-average_affine(1)
Average affine transformations
cmtk / cmtk-average_images(1)
Average images
cmtk / cmtk-average_labels(1)
Label image averaging
cmtk / cmtk-avg_adm(1)
Average using adm
cmtk / cmtk-concat_affine(1)
Concatenate affine transformations
cmtk / cmtk-convert_warp(1)
Convert nonrigd transformations.
cmtk / cmtk-convertx(1)
Convert between image file formats and data types.
cmtk / cmtk-dbtool(1)
Image/transformation database maintenance and query tool
cmtk / cmtk-dcm2image(1)
Dicom to image
cmtk / cmtk-describe(1)
Describe image and transformation file formats and parameters
cmtk / cmtk-destripe(1)
Destripe volume image data.
cmtk / cmtk-detect_adni_phantom(1)
Detect adni phantom landmarks in phantom image
cmtk / cmtk-detect_spheres_matched_filter(1)
Detect spheres
cmtk / cmtk-dof2mat(1)
Degrees of freedom to matrix
cmtk / cmtk-dwi_mask_bad_slices(1)
Find bad slices in set of diffusion-weighted images.
cmtk / cmtk-epiunwarp(1)
Unwarp echo planar images
cmtk / cmtk-fib2image(1)
Draw image from point coordinates of fiber tracks from .fib file.
cmtk / cmtk-fibxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformations to point coordinates in .fib file.
cmtk / cmtk-film(1)
Fix interleaved motion using inverse interpolation
cmtk / cmtk-filter(1)
Filter a volume image
cmtk / cmtk-fit_affine_dfield(1)
Fit affine transformation to nonrigid transformation
cmtk / cmtk-fit_affine_xform(1)
Fit single affine transformation to concatenated list
cmtk / cmtk-fit_affine_xform_landmarks(1)
Fit affine transformation to landmarks
cmtk / cmtk-fit_spline_dfield(1)
Deformation field to transformation
cmtk / cmtk-fit_spline_xform(1)
Fit single b-spline transformation to concatenated transformation list
cmtk / cmtk-fview(1)
Fusion viewer.
cmtk / cmtk-geomatch(1)
Check whether the geometries (e.g., grid dimensions, pixel sizes, spatial coordinates) or two or more images match.
cmtk / cmtk-glm(1)
General linear model
cmtk / cmtk-gmm(1)
Gaussian mixture model segmentation
cmtk / cmtk-gregxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformations to lists of point coordinates
cmtk / cmtk-groupwise_affine(1)
Affine population registration
cmtk / cmtk-groupwise_init(1)
Affine initialization for groupwise registration
cmtk / cmtk-groupwise_warp(1)
Nonrigid population registration
cmtk / cmtk-hausdorff(1)
Hausdorff distance.
cmtk / cmtk-histogram(1)
Image histogram
cmtk / cmtk-imagemath(1)
Image operations
cmtk / cmtk-interleaved_bad_slices(1)
Find bad slices in a time series of interleaved images (e.g., a resting-state fmri series).
cmtk / cmtk-jidb(1)
Fix interleaved motion using joint iterative deblurring
cmtk / cmtk-levelset(1)
Levelset segmentation
cmtk / cmtk-lmsba(1)
Local voting.
cmtk / cmtk-lsba(1)
Local voting.
cmtk / cmtk-lvote(1)
Local voting.
cmtk / cmtk-make_initial_affine(1)
Initialize affine transformation
cmtk / cmtk-mat2dof(1)
Matrix to degrees of freedom
cmtk / cmtk-mcaffine(1)
Multi-channel affine registration
cmtk / cmtk-mcwarp(1)
Multi-channel nonrigid registration
cmtk / cmtk-mk_adni_phantom(1)
Generate adni phantom image
cmtk / cmtk-mk_analyze_hdr(1)
Make analyze header file
cmtk / cmtk-mk_nifti_hdr(1)
Make nifti header file
cmtk / cmtk-mk_phantom_3d(1)
Generate phantom image
cmtk / cmtk-mrbias(1)
Mr image intensity bias field correction
cmtk / cmtk-overlap(1)
Overlap computation
cmtk / cmtk-probe(1)
Probe image data.
cmtk / cmtk-pxsearch(1)
Search image neighborhoods for pixels.
cmtk / cmtk-reformatx(1)
Volume reformatter
cmtk / cmtk-registration(1)
Rigid and affine registration
cmtk / cmtk-registrationx(1)
Rigid and affine registration
cmtk / cmtk-regress(1)
cmtk / cmtk-reorient(1)
cmtk / cmtk-sba(1)
Shape-based averaging of label images
cmtk / cmtk-sbai(1)
Shape-based averaging and interpolation of label images
cmtk / cmtk-sequence(1)
Value sequence
cmtk / cmtk-similarity(1)
Image similarity
cmtk / cmtk-split(1)
Split images
cmtk / cmtk-statistics(1)
Image statistics
cmtk / cmtk-stream_pixels(1)
Stream pixel data from one or more images to standard output.
cmtk / cmtk-streamxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformation to point coordinates from text stream.
cmtk / cmtk-sympl(1)
Symmetry plane computation
cmtk / cmtk-symplx(1)
Symmetry plane computation
cmtk / cmtk-ttest(1)
cmtk / cmtk-unsplit(1)
Unsplit images
cmtk / cmtk-unwarp_image_phantom(1)
Create transformation to unwarp an image based on a phantom description
cmtk / cmtk-vol2csv(1)
Compute regional volumes and write to csv file.
cmtk / cmtk-volume_injection(1)
Volume injection
cmtk / cmtk-volume_reconstruction(1)
Volume reconstruction
cmtk / cmtk-vtkxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformation to point coordinates in vtk file.
cmtk / cmtk-warp(1)
B-spline nonrigid registration
cmtk / cmtk-warp2ps(1)
Deformation to postscript
cmtk / cmtk-warpx(1)
B-spline nonrigid registration
cmtk / cmtk-xform2dfield(1)
Transformation to deformation field
cmtk / cmtk-xform2itk(1)
Convert affine transformations to itk format.
cmtk / cmtk-xform2scalar(1)
Extract scalar measures from transformations and deformation fields
cmus / cmus(1)
C* music player
cmus / cmus-remote(1)
Control cmus
netpbm / cmuwmtopbm(1)
Convert a cmu window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
cnee / cnee(1)
Record, replays or distributes x11 data
cnrun / cnrun(1)
A neuronal network simulator
cntlm / cntlm(1)
Authenticating http(s) proxy with tcp/ip tunneling and acceleration
tesseract-ocr / cntraining(1)
Character normalization training for tesseract
python-grib-doc / cnvgrib1to2(1)
Convert a grib1 file to grib2 format
python-grib-doc / cnvgrib2to1(1)
Convert a grib2 file to grib1 format
rcs / co(1)
Check out rcs revisions
coala / coala(1)
A versatile compiler from action languages to answer set programs
coala / coala.bin(1)
A versatile compiler from action languages to answer set programs
atlc / coax(1)
Determine impedance of a coaxial structure, where the inner may be offset from the centre if necessary.
open-cobol / cobc(1)
Cobol compiler
open-cobol / cobcrun(1)
Cobol compiler
python-cobe / cobe(1)
Markov chain based text generator library and chatbot
cobertura / cobertura-check(1)
Cobertura-check show which classes do not have adequate test coverage
cobertura / cobertura-instrument(1)
Cobertura-instrument add coverage instrumentation to existing classes
cobertura / cobertura-merge(1)
Cobertura-merge merge multiple data files into a single data file
cobertura / cobertura-report(1)
Cobertura-report generate coverage reports
sloccount / cobol_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
coccinella / coccinella(1)
A jabber based im client with integrated whiteboard
coco-cpp / cococpp(1)
Coco/r compiler generator (c++ version)
coco-cs / cococs(1)
Coco/r compiler generator (c-sharp version)
coco-java / cocoj(1)
Coco/r compiler generator (java version)
code2html / code2html(1)
Converts a program source code to html
pythoncard-tools / codeEditor(1)
A python-aware code editor written using the pythoncard gui framework
code-saturne-bin / code_saturne(1)
Main user script of code_saturne.
code-aster-run / codeaster(1)
Codeaster command
code-aster-gui / codeaster-client(1)
Launch the astk gui
code-aster-run / codeaster-get(1)
Symbolic link to as_run command
code-aster-gui / codeaster-gui(1)
Launch the astk gui
code-aster-run / codeaster-parallel_cp(1)
Codeaster-parallel_cp command
pmccabe / codechanges(1)
Computes the amount of code changes between two code trees or single files
codegroup / codegroup(1)
Encode / decode binary file as five letter codegroups
codelite / codelite(1)
A lightweight and powerful c/c++ ide
codelite / codelite-make(1)
A makefile generator based on codelite's workspace
codelite / codelite_fix_files(1)
Convert a codelite project and workspace from the dos environment to the *nix environment
kbd / codepage(1)
Extract a codepage from an msdos codepage file
coderay / coderay(1)
Scans a file and generates syntax-highlighted html output
coderay / coderay_stylesheet(1)
Output the default cascading stylesheet used by coderay.
codfis / codfis(1)
Tool to generate italian fiscal codes
coffeescript / coffee(1)
Interpreter and compiler for the coffeescript language
python-coherence / coherence(1)
Is a python upnp framework which enabling your application to participate in digital living networks, at the moment primarily the upnp universe. its goal is to relieve your application from all the membership and upnp related tasks as much as possible. the core of coherence provides a (hopefully complete) implementation of:
python-springpython / coily(1)
Command-line management tool for spring python
libcoin80-dev / coin-config(1)
Display coin library configuration
coinst / coinst(1)
Computes the co-installability kernel of a package repostory
coinst / coinst-upgrades(1)
Finding upgrade issues between to versions of a debian distribution
coinst-viewer / coinst_viewer(1)
View co-installability kernel generated by coinst for x
byobu / col1(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col2(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col3(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col4(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col5(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col6(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col7(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col8(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col9(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
git-cola / cola(1)
The highly caffeinated git gui
coldfire / coldfire(1)
Coldfire a freescale coldfire 5206 emulator
docbook-dsssl / collateindex.pl(1)
Generate docbook index files
collatinus / collatinus(1)
Programma ad latinam morphologiam et lemmata extrahenda
python-rgain / collectiongain(1)
Large scale replay gain calculating tool
collectl / collectl(1)
Collects data that describes the current system status.
pcp-import-collectl2pcp / collectl2pcp(1)
Import collectl data to a pcp archive
argyll / collink(1)
Link icc profiles.
collectl-utils / colmux(1)
Multiplex communications to multiple systems running collectl from a single system
colordiff / colordiff(1)
A tool to colorize diff output
apt-listdifferences / colordiff-git(1)
A tool to colorize diff output
rss-glx / colorfire(1)
colorgcc / colorgcc(1)
Colorization wrapper for gcc
colorhug-client / colorhug-ccmx(1)
Ccmx loader for the colorhug colorimeter
colorhug-client / colorhug-cmd(1)
A command line utlity for the colorhug colorimeter
colorhug-client / colorhug-flash(1)
A firmware updater for the colorhug colorimeter
dict / colorit(1)
A script for markuping the text input
colormake / colormake(1)
Color wrapper for make(1)
colormake / colormake-short(1)
Color wrapper for make(1)
liballegro4-dev / colormap(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
colord / colormgr(1)
Color manager testing tool
colorname / colorname(1)
Utility to associate a name to a color
colortail / colortail(1)
Log colorizer that makes log checking easier
colortest-python / colortest-python(1)
Display color test chart and convert between color values
collectl-utils / colplot(1)
Plots collectl data using gnuplot
argyll / colprof(1)
Create icc profile.
colrconv / colrconv(1)
Hamradio convers client with sound and ncurses color support
autogen / columns(1)
Columnize input text
argyll / colverify(1)
Verify cie values.
mummer / combineMUMs(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
tesseract-ocr / combine_tessdata(1)
Combine/extract/overwrite tesseract data
patchutils / combinediff(1)
Create a cumulative unified patch from two incremental patches
xymon / combostatus(1)
Xymon combination test tool
ivtools-bin / comdraw(1)
Drawtool with distributed command interpreter
comgt / comgt(1)
Option globetrotter gprs/edge/3g/hsdpa and vodafone 3g/gprs datacard control tool
comix / comicthumb(1)
Thumbnailer for cbz, cbr and cbt archives.
coinst / comigrate(1)
Managing package migrations from debian unstable to testing
comix / comix(1)
Comic book viewer
coreutils / comm(1)
Compare two sorted files line by line
ruby-commander / commander(1)
commit-patch / commit-partial(1)
Commit patches to darcs, git, mercurial, bazaar, monotone, subversion, or cvs repositories
commit-patch / commit-patch(1)
Commit patches to darcs, git, mercurial, bazaar, monotone, subversion, or cvs repositories
ctn / commit_agent(1)
Generic ctn manual page
libucommon-dev / commoncpp-config(1)
Script to get information about common c++ library
biosquid / compalign(1)
Compare two multiple alignments
rivet / compare-histos(1)
Generate comparison histograms
imagemagick / compare-im6(1)
Mathematically and visually annotate the difference between an image and its reconstruction.
ants / compareTwoCompositeTransforms(1)
Part of ants registration suite
octomap-tools / compare_octrees(1)
Compare two octrees for accuracy / compression
comparepdf / comparepdf(1)
Compare two pdf files textually or visually
weboob / comparoob(1)
Compare products
compartment / compartment(1)
Secure program/service wrapper
ruby-compass / compass(1)
Stylesheet framework streamlining creation and maintenance of css
compface / compface(1)
Compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
comerr-dev / compile_et(1)
Error table compiler
ladr4-apps / complex(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
mime-support / compose(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
a2ps / composeglyphs(1)
Generate an encoding vector or new font for postscript
imagemagick / composite-im6(1)
Overlaps one image over another.
ncompress / compress(1)
Compress and expand data
comprez / comprez(1)
Safely (un)tar and (de)feather files and directories
biosquid / compstruct(1)
compton / compton(1)
A compositor for x11
compton / compton-trans(1)
An opacity setter tool
sloccount / compute_all(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
sloccount / compute_sloc_lang(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
ivtools-bin / comterp(1)
Distributed command interpreter demonstrator
fbset / con2fbmap(1)
Shows and sets mapping between consoles and framebuffer devices.
concalc / concalc(1)
Console calculator
concavity / concavity(1)
Predictor of protein ligand binding sites from structure and conservation
concordance / concordance(1)
For programming your logitech harmony remote control
htcondor / condor_advertise(1)
htcondor / condor_check_userlogs(1)
htcondor / condor_checkpoint(1)
htcondor / condor_chirp(1)
htcondor / condor_cod(1)
htcondor / condor_compile(1)
htcondor / condor_config_val(1)
htcondor / condor_configure(1)
htcondor / condor_continue(1)
htcondor / condor_dagman(1)
htcondor / condor_dagman_metrics_repor(1)
htcondor / condor_drain(1)
htcondor / condor_fetchlog(1)
htcondor / condor_findhost(1)
htcondor / condor_gather_info(1)
htcondor / condor_gpu_discovery(1)
htcondor / condor_history(1)
htcondor / condor_hold(1)
htcondor / condor_install(1)
htcondor / condor_master(1)
htcondor / condor_off(1)
htcondor / condor_on(1)
htcondor / condor_ping(1)
htcondor / condor_pool_job_report(1)
htcondor / condor_power(1)
htcondor / condor_preen(1)
htcondor / condor_prio(1)
htcondor / condor_procd(1)
htcondor / condor_q(1)
htcondor / condor_qedit(1)
htcondor / condor_qsub(1)
htcondor / condor_reconfig(1)
htcondor / condor_release(1)
htcondor / condor_reschedule(1)
htcondor / condor_restart(1)
htcondor / condor_rm(1)
htcondor / condor_rmdir(1)
htcondor / condor_router_history(1)
htcondor / condor_router_q(1)
htcondor / condor_router_rm(1)
htcondor / condor_run(1)
htcondor / condor_set_shutdown(1)
htcondor / condor_sos(1)
htcondor / condor_stats(1)
htcondor / condor_status(1)
htcondor / condor_store_cred(1)
htcondor / condor_submit(1)
htcondor / condor_submit_dag(1)
htcondor / condor_suspend(1)
htcondor / condor_tail(1)
htcondor / condor_transfer_data(1)
htcondor / condor_urlfetch(1)
htcondor / condor_userlog(1)
htcondor / condor_userprio(1)
htcondor / condor_vacate(1)
htcondor / condor_vacate_job(1)
htcondor / condor_version(1)
htcondor / condor_wait(1)
htcondor / condor_who(1)
qmail / condredirect(1)
Perhaps redirect mail to another address
cone / cone(1)
Read and send e-mail messages
confetti / confetti(1)
Configuration file parser generator
autoconf / config.guess(1)
Guess the build system triplet
autoconf2.59 / config.guess2.59(1)
Guess the build system triplet
autoconf2.64 / config.guess2.64(1)
Guess the build system triplet
autoconf / config.sub(1)
Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
autoconf2.59 / config.sub2.59(1)
Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
autoconf2.64 / config.sub2.64(1)
Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
simh / config11(1)
Calculate the floating address space layout of a pdp-11 or vax
xymon / confreport.cgi(1)
Xymon configuration report
congruity / congruity(1)
A simple gui to program logitech(r) harmony(r) remotes
brazilian-conjugate / conjugue(1)
brazilian-conjugate / conjugue-ISO-8859-1(1)
brazilian-conjugate / conjugue-UTF-8(1)
astronomical-almanac / conjunct(1)
Find dates of equinox or new or full moon
imagemagick / conjure-im6(1)
Interprets and executes scripts written in the magick scripting language (msl).
connect-proxy / connect(1)
Connect-proxy connect over socks4/5 proxy
connect-proxy / connect-proxy(1)
Connect-proxy connect over socks4/5 proxy
connectagram / connectagram(1)
Word unscrambling game
connman-ui / connman-ui-gtk(1)
Gtk tray icon for connman
connman / connmanctl(1)
wcstools / conpix(1)
cons / cons(1)
A software construction system
geneweb / consang(1)
Computer genealogical consanguinities
conspy / conspy(1)
Virtual console spy tool
context / context(1)
debroster / control_roster(1)
Programs to gloat at expos.
grace / convcal(1)
Convert dates to different formats
inn / convdate(1)
Convert time/date strings and numbers
device-tree-compiler / convert-dtsv0(1)
Device tree compiler -- conversion to version 1
imagemagick / convert-im6(1)
Convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.
lilypond / convert-ly(1)
Manual page for convert-ly 2.18.2
foxtrotgps / convert2gpx(1)
Converts a foxtrotgps logfile to gpx
foxtrotgps / convert2osm(1)
Converts foxtrotgps logfiles into .osm files
syrthes-tools / convert2syrthes4(1)
Convert mesh files to syrthes format
ir.lv2 / convert4chan(1)
Is a utility for converting pairs of stereo impulse response files to to a single 'true stereo' 4-channel files. ir.lv2 - lv2 ir reverb plugin supports these so-called 'true stereo' impulses.
cbflib-bin / convert_image(1)
Convert images to cbf format using a template
octomap-tools / convert_octree(1)
Convert between octomap octree file formats
mira-assembler / convert_project(1)
Convert assembly and sequencing file types
profphd-utils / convert_seq(1)
Conversion of sequence and alignment formats
geda-utils / convert_sym(1)
Convert a viewlogic symbol/schematic to geda gschem format
ruby-shoulda-context / convert_to_should_syntax(1)
Converts a regular test::unit ruby source file into one that uses shoulda syntax.
convertall / convertall(1)
A very flexible unit converter
leptonica-progs / convertfilestopdf(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / convertfilestops(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / convertformat(1)
Image processing library
omniorb / convertior(1)
Utility for creating a new ior from existing. changing the hostname of an existing stringified ior
python-potr / convertkey(1)
Convert otr key file from old to new format
leptonica-progs / convertsegfilestopdf(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / convertsegfilestops(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / converttopdf(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / converttops(1)
Image processing library
intercal / convickt(1)
Convert intercal files between formats
convmv / convmv(1)
Converts filenames from one encoding to another
fuse-convmvfs / convmvfs(1)
Utility that mirrors a whole filesystem tree from one charset to another.
weboob / cookboob(1)
Search and consult recipes
coolmail / coolmail(1)
3d animated mail notificaion utility
bibutils / copac2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
xapian-tools / copydatabase(1)
Perform a document-by-document copy of one or more xapian databases
libxbase64-bin / copydbf(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
copyfs / copyfs(1)
Versioning file system for fuse
copyfs / copyfs-daemon(1)
Copyfs daemon
copyfs / copyfs-fversion(1)
Manage file revisions
copyfs / copyfs-mount(1)
Mounts a versioned file system
blast2 / copymat(1)
Convert ascii matrices into a database suitable for quick reading
copyright-update / copyright-update(1)
Update copyright information in files
coq / coq-tex(1)
Process coq phrases embedded in latex files
coq / coq_makefile(1)
The coq proof assistant makefile generator
coq / coqc(1)
The coq proof assistant compiler
coq / coqchk(1)
The coq proof checker compiled libraries verifier
coq / coqchk.opt(1)
The coq proof checker compiled libraries verifier
coq / coqdep(1)
Compute inter-module dependencies for coq and caml programs
coq / coqdoc(1)
A documentation tool for the coq proof assistant
coqide / coqide(1)
The coq proof assistant graphical interface
coqide / coqide.byte(1)
The coq proof assistant graphical interface
coqide / coqide.opt(1)
The coq proof assistant graphical interface
libcoq-ocaml-dev / coqmktop(1)
The coq proof assistant user-tactics linker
coq / coqtop(1)
The coq proof assistant toplevel system
coq / coqtop.byte(1)
The bytecode coq toplevel
coq / coqtop.opt(1)
The native-code coq toplevel
coq / coqwc(1)
Print the number of specification, proof and comment lines in coq files
spambayes / core_server(1)
The primary server for spambayes.
coriander / coriander(1)
Control and display dc1394 camera images
corkscrew / corkscrew(1)
Tunnel tcp connections through http proxies
cortina / cortina(1)
A desktop wallpaper management application for the gnome desktop
python-couchdb / couchdb-dump(1)
A couchdb dump utility
python-couchdb / couchdb-load(1)
A couchdb load utility
python-couchdb / couchpy(1)
A couchdb python view server
sloccount / count_extensions(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
sloccount / count_unknown_ext(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
courier-authlib / courierlogger(1)
Courier syslog wrapper
courier-mlm / couriermlm(1)
The courier mailing list manager
courier-base / couriertcpd(1)
The courier mail server tcp server daemon
courier-ssl / couriertls(1)
The courier mail server tls/ssl protocol wrapper
ruby-coveralls / coveralls(1)
Coveralls api client utility
covered / covered(1)
Verilog code coverage analyzer
mgetty-fax / coverpg(1)
Create a fax coverpg on stdout
cowdancer / cow-shell(1)
Start a copy-on-write session and invoke a shell.
cowbell / cowbell(1)
An easy-to-use tag editor for your music files
ubuntu-dev-tools / cowbuilder-dist(1)
Multi-distribution pbuilder/cowbuilder wrapper
cowdancer / cowdancer-ilistcreate(1)
Create .ilist file for use with cowdancer.
cowdancer / cowdancer-ilistdump(1)
Dump contents of ilist file.
devscripts / cowpoke(1)
Build a debian source package in a remote cowbuilder instance
coreutils / cp(1)
Copy files and directories
cmake / cpack(1)
Cpack command-line reference
djvulibre-bin / cpaldjvu(1)
Djvudocument encoder for low-color images.
canna-utils / cpdic(1)
User dictionary copy tool
uima-utils / cpeGui(1)
Graphical tool that allows you to assemble and run cpe
wcstools / cphead(1)
atfs / cphist(1)
Copy an atfs history to another directory
noweb / cpif(1)
Selectively update files
cpio / cpio(1)
Copy files to and from archives
cpipe / cpipe(1)
Copy stdin to stdout while counting bytes and reporting progress
cplay / cplay(1)
A front-end for various audio players
cpm / cpm(1)
Console password manager
cpmtools / cpmchattr(1)
Change file attributes on cp/m files
cpmtools / cpmchmod(1)
Change file mode on cp/m files
cpmtools / cpmcp(1)
Copy files from and to cp/m disks
cpmtools / cpmls(1)
List sorted contents of directory
cpmtools / cpmrm(1)
Remove files on cp/m disks
cppcheck / cppcheck(1)
Tool for static c/c++ code analysis
cpphs / cpphs(1)
Liberalised cpp-a-like preprocessor for haskell
hugs / cpphs-hugs(1)
Liberalised cpp-a-like preprocessor for haskell
cppman / cppman(1)
C++ manual page viewer / fetcher
cppo / cppo(1)
Lightweight cpp-like preprocessor for ocaml
libcppunit-dev / cppunit-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of cppunit
cpqarrayd / cpqarrayd(1)
Arraycontoller monitoringdaemon
cproto / cproto(1)
Generate c function prototypes and convert function definitions
cpuburn / cpuburn(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpufrequtils / cpufreq-aperf(1)
Calculates the average frequency over a time period
cpufrequtils / cpufreq-info(1)
Utility to retrieve cpufreq kernel information
gnome-applets / cpufreq-selector(1)
Cpufreq-selector tool to set cpu frequency
cpufrequtils / cpufreq-set(1)
A small tool which allows to modify cpufreq settings.
cpufreqd / cpufreqd-get(1)
Issues "get" commands to cpufreqd.
cpufreqd / cpufreqd-set(1)
Issues "set" commands to cpufreqd.
cpuid / cpuid(1)
Dump cpuid information for each cpu
cpulimit / cpulimit(1)
Limits the cpu usage of a process
cqrlog / cqrlog(1)
Advanced logging program for hamradio operators
blcr-util / cr_checkpoint(1)
Checkpoints a process, process group, or session.
blcr-util / cr_restart(1)
Restarts a process, process group, or session from a checkpoint file.
blcr-util / cr_run(1)
Runs a subprocess with checkpoint library loaded.
cramfsswap / cramfsswap(1)
Swap endianess of a cram filesystem (cramfs)
crashmail / crashexport(1)
Export crashmail configuration
crashmail / crashgetnode(1)
Lookup node in crashmail nodelist
crashmail / crashlist(1)
Compile a crashmail nodelist
crashmail / crashlistout(1)
List the mail files waiting to go out in the specified directory.
crashmail / crashmail(1)
A fidonet *.jam and msg tosser
crashmail / crashmaint(1)
Do maintanence on crashmail message bases
crashme / crashme(1)
Test operating environment software robustness
crashmail / crashstats(1)
Display crashmail statistics
crashmail / crashwrite(1)
Creates pkt file from text file
libarchive-zip-perl / crc32(1)
Compute crc-32 checksums for the given files
cream / cream(1)
A set of macros that makes the vim easier to use for beginners
cpm / create-cpmdb(1)
Console password manager database creation
microhope / create-microhope-env(1)
Program to create a local copy of the development files and of the libraries of microhope for the end user.
mono-tools-devel / create-native-map(1)
C/c# mapping creator
fcitx-tools / createPYMB(1)
Fcitx pinyin related tools
atlc / create_bmp_for_circ_in_circ(1)
Bitmap generator for circular conductor inside circular conductor (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_circ_in_rect(1)
Bitmap generator for a circular conductor inside a rectangular conductor (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_microstrip_coupler(1)
Bitmap generator for microstrip coupler (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect(1)
Bitmap generator for rectangular conductor inside rectangular conductor (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect_coupler(1)
Part of atlc
atlc / create_bmp_for_rect_in_circ(1)
Part of atlc
ctn / create_common(1)
Generic ctn manual page
cloop-utils / create_compressed_fs(1)
Convert and extract a filesystem to/from a cloop volume
kdesdk-scripts / create_cvsignore(1)
Create preliminary .cvsignore in the current directory
thuban / create_epsg(1)
Convert the epsg file of proj into a python .proj file
ctn / create_greyscale_module(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / create_icons(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / create_icons.94(1)
Generic ctn manual page
kdesdk-scripts / create_makefile(1)
Creates makefile.in and makefile from a makefile.am
kdesdk-scripts / create_makefiles(1)
Recreates all makefiles beneath a directory
ctn / create_print_entry(1)
Generic ctn manual page
postgresql-client-9.4 / createdb(1)
Create a new postgresql database
ctn / createdirectory(1)
Generic ctn manual page
fuse-emulator-utils / createhdf(1)
Createhdf create a blank ide hard disk image in .hdf format
postgresql-client-9.4 / createlang(1)
Install a postgresql procedural language
postgresql-client-9.4 / createuser(1)
Define a new postgresql user account
cricket / cricket(1)
A program to manage the collection and display of time-series data
cricket / cricket-compile(1)
A program to manage the collection and display of time-series data
crip / crip(1)
A terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool
xymon / criticaleditor.cgi(1)
Xymon critical systems view editor cgi
xymon / criticalview.cgi(1)
Xymon critical systems view cgi
critterding / critterding(1)
Evolving artificial life
wcstools / crlf(1)
mono-devel / crlupdate(1)
Mono certficate revocation list downloader and updater
qdbm-util / crmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm curia
cron-deja-vu / cron-deja-vu(1)
Is a mail filter designed to handle recurring cron mails
cronometer / cronometer(1)
Nutrient intake and exercise tracker
cron / crontab(1)
Maintain crontab files for individual users (vixie cron)
systemd-cron / crontab(1)
Maintain crontab files for individual users
crosshurd / crosshurd(1)
Cross-install a debian gnu/hurd system
crossroads / crossroads(1)
Crossroads load balancer & fail over utility
vboot-utils / crossystem(1)
Chrome os firmware/system interface utility
crrcsim / crrcsim(1)
A model-airplane flight simulation program
qdbm-util / crtest(1)
Test cases for qdbm curia
crtmpserver / crtmpserver(1)
Is a high performance streaming platform written on c++
qdbm-util / crtsv(1)
Mutual converter between tsv and qdbm curia database
crudini / crudini(1)
A utility for manipulating ini files
crunch / crunch(1)
Generate wordlists from a character set
rxvt-ml / crxvt(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
rxvt-ml / crxvt-big5(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
rxvt-ml / crxvt-gb(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
mcrypt / crypt(1)
Encrypt or decrypt files
cryptcat / cryptcat(1)
Twofish encryption enabled version of nc(1)
expect / cryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
libcrypto++-utils / cryptest(1)
Test driver for crypto++, a c++ class library of cryptographic primitives
cryptkeeper / cryptkeeper(1)
Encfs system tray applet for gnome
opensc / cryptoflex-tool(1)
Utility for manipulating schlumberger cryptoflex data structures
proj-bin / cs2cs(1)
Cartographic coordinate system filter
chicken-bin / csc(1)
Driver program for the chicken scheme compiler
cscope / cscope(1)
Interactively examine a c program
cscope / cscope-indexer(1)
Script to index files for cscope
coinor-csdp / csdp(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-complement(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-graphtoprob(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-randgraph(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-theta(1)
Semidefinite program solver
codesearch / csearch(1)
Like grep(1) over all indexed files
djvulibre-bin / csepdjvu(1)
Djvu encoder for separated data files.
cpuset / cset(1)
Manage cpusets functions in the linux kernel
cpuset / cset-proc(1)
Manage processes running in cpusets
cpuset / cset-set(1)
Manage sets of cpus
cpuset / cset-shield(1)
Cpuset supercommand which implements cpu shielding
votca-csg / csg_boltzmann(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_call(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_density(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_dump(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_fmatch(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_gmxtopol(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_imcrepack(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_inverse(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_map(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_part_dist(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_property(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_resample(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_stat(1)
Part of the votca package
sloccount / csh_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
mono-csharp-shell / csharp(1)
Interactive c# shell
canna-utils / cshost(1)
Server access control program for canna
chicken-bin / csi(1)
The chicken scheme interpreter
csoundqt / csoundqt(1)
Gui interface and ide for the csound synthesis system
coreutils / csplit(1)
Split a file into sections determined by context lines
python-cssutils / csscapture_py2(1)
Downloads css stylesheets.
python3-cssutils / csscapture_py3(1)
Downloads css stylesheets.
python-cssutils / csscombine_py2(1)
Utility to combine several stylesheets into one.
python3-cssutils / csscombine_py3(1)
Utility to combine several stylesheets into one.
cssmin / cssmin(1)
Yui cascading style sheet (css) compressor
python-cssutils / cssparse_py2(1)
A css parser.
python3-cssutils / cssparse_py3(1)
A css parser.
csstidy / csstidy(1)
Css parser and optimiser
clearsilver-dev / cstest(1)
Render a clearsilver template combined with a dataset
liwc / cstr(1)
Print out string literals in c source code
xml2 / csv2(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
csv2latex / csv2latex(1)
Csv2latex convert a csv file into a latex document
mipe / csv2mipe(1)
Generates mipe file based on 3 tab-delimited files
python-odf / csv2ods(1)
Create opendocument spreadsheet from comma separated values
translate-toolkit / csv2po(1)
Convert comma-separated value (.csv) files to gettext po localization files.
python-rdflib-tools / csv2rdf(1)
Converts csv to rdf
recutils / csv2rec(1)
Csv to rec converter
translate-toolkit / csv2tbx(1)
Convert comma-separated value (.csv) files to a termbase exchange (.tbx) glossary file
csvimp / csvimp(1)
Import csv files to xtuple schema
xymon / csvinfo.cgi(1)
Cgi program to show host information from a csv file
csvtool / csvtool(1)
Tool for performing manipulations on csv files from shell scripts
cableswig / cswig(1)
Generate python and tcl wrappers from c++ code.
csync2 / csync2(1)
Cluster synchronization tool, 2nd generation
ctioga2 / ct2-make-movie(1)
Manual page for ct2-make-movie
erlang-common-test / ct_run(1)
Program used for starting common test from the
exuberant-ctags / ctags-exuberant(1)
Generate tag files for source code
emacs24-common / ctags.emacs24(1)
Generate tag file for emacs, vi
byobu / ctail(1)
Watch and colorize a logfile
texlive-binaries / ctangle(1)
Translate cweb to c and/or tex
cwebx / ctanglex(1)
Translate cweb(x) to c (or c++) and/or tex
texlive-extra-utils / ctanify(1)
Prepare a package for upload to ctan
ctdb / ctdb(1)
Ctdb management utility
ctdb / ctdbd(1)
The ctdb cluster daemon
ctdb / ctdbd_wrapper(1)
Wrapper for ctdbd
cmake / ctest(1)
Ctest command-line reference
texlive-binaries / ctie(1)
Merge or apply cweb change files
openctm-tools / ctmconv(1)
File format converter for 3d models
openctm-tools / ctmviewer(1)
3d viewer for models of various file formats
ctn / ctn_manpage(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ctn_version(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ctndisp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ctnnetwork(1)
Generic ctn manual page
styx / ctoh(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
ctorrent / ctorrent(1)
Download bittorrent files from command line
canna / ctow(1)
Convert canna text-form dictionary into wnn text-form dictionary
ctpl / ctpl(1)
Ctpl command-line template parsing tool
ctsim / ctsimtext(1)
A text-based computed tomography simulator
python-ctypeslib / ctypeslib(1)
Convert header files to xml intermediates xml2py - convert xml intermediates to python ctypes interface
cuba-partview / cuba-partview(1)
Partition viewer for the cuba library
cube2font / cube2font(1)
Utility program designed to create font bitmaps for cube engine games
cubemap / cubemap(1)
Scalable video reflector, designed to be used with vlc
yorick-cubeview / cubeview(1)
View 3d fits files
aspcud / cudf2lp(1)
A preprocessor for cudf documents
cue2toc / cue2toc(1)
Convert cue to toc format
cuetools / cuebreakpoints(1)
Report track breakpoints from a cue or toc file
cuetools / cueconvert(1)
Convert files between cue and toc formats
cuetools / cueprint(1)
Report disc and track information from a cue or toc file
cuetools / cuetag(1)
Tag files based on cue/toc file information
cup / cup(1)
Lalr parser generator for java(tm)
libcups2-dev / cups-config(1)
Get cups api, compiler, directory, and link information.
cups-client / cupstestdsc(1)
Test conformance of postscript files
cups-client / cupstestppd(1)
Test conformance of ppd files
curl / curl(1)
Transfer a url
libcurl4-gnutls-dev / curl-config(1)
Get information about a libcurl installation
libcurl4-nss-dev / curl-config(1)
Get information about a libcurl installation
libcurl4-openssl-dev / curl-config(1)
Get information about a libcurl installation
curlftpfs / curlftpfs(1)
Mount a ftp host as a local directory
nacl-tools / curvecpclient(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpmakekey(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpmessage(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpprintkey(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpserver(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
customdeb / customdeb(1)
Customizes a binary debian package
coreutils / cut(1)
Remove sections from each line of files
cutecom / cutecom(1)
Graphical serial terminal.
cutemaze / cutemaze(1)
A single player word finding game based on boggle
autocutsel / cutsel(1)
Show information about the x clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
cutycapt / cutycapt(1)
Utility to capture webkit's rendering of a web page
freewnn-cserver / cuum(1)
To start the front-end processor.
cvc3 / cvc3(1)
Automatic smt theorem prover
gplcver / cver(1)
Verilog simulator
vlc-nox / cvlc(1)
The vlc media player
freefem++ / cvmsh2(1)
A 2d mesh converter
cvs / cvs(1)
Concurrent versions system
cvs-autoreleasedeb / cvs-autoreleasedeb(1)
Automatic release of debian packages from cvs
cvs-buildpackage / cvs-buildpackage(1)
Build debian packages from a cvs repository.
kdesdk-scripts / cvs-clean(1)
Delete all files and directories not registered with cvs
devscripts / cvs-debc(1)
View contents of a cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
devscripts / cvs-debi(1)
Install cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
devscripts / cvs-debrelease(1)
Upload a cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
devscripts / cvs-debuild(1)
Build a debian package using cvs-buildpackage and debuild
cvs-buildpackage / cvs-inject(1)
Inject a debian source package into a cvs repository
cvs-mailcommit / cvs-mailcommit(1)
Send cvs commitments via mail
cvs-buildpackage / cvs-upgrade(1)
Upgrade a debian source package kept in a cvs repository
cvs2svn / cvs2bzr(1)
Convert a cvs repository into a bazaar repository
cvs2cl / cvs2cl(1)
Convert cvs log messages to changelogs
cvs2svn / cvs2git(1)
Convert a cvs repository into a git repository
cvs2svn / cvs2svn(1)
Convert a cvs repository into a subversion repository
cvsservice / cvsaskpass(1)
Prompt for a password for the cvs dcop service
kdesdk-scripts / cvsbackport(1)
Backport the last change in head to a branch
cvschangelogbuilder / cvschangelogbuilder(1)
Cvschangelogbuilder build cvs changelogs and cvs html reports
kdesdk-scripts / cvscheck(1)
Offline status report for files in a checked-out cvs module.
cvsutils / cvschroot(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsco(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsdelta / cvsdelta(1)
Manage and summarize the differences between a cvs project and local files.
cvsutils / cvsdiscard(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsdo(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
kdesdk-scripts / cvsforwardport(1)
Forwardport the last change in a branch to head
cvsgraph / cvsgraph(1)
A cvs/rcs repository grapher
kdesdk-scripts / cvslastchange(1)
Display the last change committed to cvs for a file
kdesdk-scripts / cvslastlog(1)
Prints the log entry for the last commit for a file.
mgdiff / cvsmgdiff(1)
Uses mgdiff to display differences between any two cvs revisions.
cvsutils / cvsnotag(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvspurge(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
kdesdk-scripts / cvsrevertlast(1)
Revert files in cvs by one version
cvsservice / cvsservice(1)
A dcop service for accessing cvs repositories
gforge-common / cvssh(1)
Cvssh cvs shell for @forgename@ / general execution wrapper lite!
cvstrac / cvstrac(1)
Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under cvs
cvsutils / cvstrim(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsu(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsutils(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
xserver-xorg-core / cvt(1)
Calculate vesa cvt mode lines
gnustep-base-runtime / cvtenc(1)
File encoding converter
cw / cw(1)
Sound characters as morse code on the soundcard or console speaker
cwcp / cwcp(1)
Curses-based morse tutor program
freewnn-cserver / cwddel(1)
To delete characters/words from the binary format
freewnn-cserver / cwdreg(1)
To register characters/words into the binary format
texlive-binaries / cweave(1)
Translate cweb to c and/or tex
cwebx / cweavex(1)
Translate cweb(x) to c (or c++) and/or tex
texlive-binaries / cweb(1)
Translate cweb to c and/or tex
webp / cwebp(1)
Compress an image file to a webp file
cwebx / cwebx(1)
Translate cweb(x) to c (or c++) and/or tex
cw / cwgen(1)
Generate groups of random characters for morse code practice
freewnn-cserver / cwnnstat(1)
To show the current status of cserver.
freewnn-cserver / cwnntouch(1)
To rewrite the header of the dictionary.
palp / cws-11d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws-4d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws-5d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws-6d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
xpmutils / cxpm(1)
Check an xpm (x pixmap) file, versions xpm 1, 2, or 3.
cxref / cxref(1)
C cross referencing & documenting tool.
cxref / cxref-cc(1)
Compile and document/cross-reference a c source file
cxref / cxref-cpp(1)
A modified c preprocessor to use with cxref.
cxref / cxref-cpp-configure(1)
A program to generate the cxref-cpp.defines file for cxref-cpp.
cxref / cxref-cpp.upstream(1)
A modified c preprocessor to use with cxref.
cxref / cxref-query(1)
A program to query the cross reference database from cxref.
kdesdk-scripts / cxxmetric(1)
Simple source metrics for c and c++
cxxtest / cxxtestgen(1)
Performs test discovery to create a cxxtest test runner
libcxxtools-dev / cxxtools-config(1)
Output compiler flags for cxxflags usage
cycle / cycle(1)
A calendar for women
xenomai-runtime / cyclictest(1)
Xenomai high resolution timer test
cyclist / cyclist(1)
Convert max/msp binary files to text file format
cyclograph / cyclograph(1)
Route altimetry plotting application
rss-glx / cyclone(1)
Tornado screen saver.
console-cyrillic / cyr(1)
Setup cyrillic on linux console
cython / cython(1)
Compile cython code (.pyx) into c to build a python extension
dvb-apps / czap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
d-shlibs / d-devlibdeps(1)
Check and list dependencies of development library packages
d-feet / d-feet(1)
D-bus viewer and debugger
d-rats / d-rats(1)
A communication tool for d-star
d-rats / d-rats_mapdownloader(1)
The d-rats map download utility
d-rats / d-rats_repeater(1)
A data exchange gateway for d-rats
d-shlibs / d-shlibmove(1)
Move shared library files around in debian package creation process
daa2iso / daa2iso(1)
Converts daa and gbi files to iso format.
dacs / dacs(1)
A distributed access control system
dacs / dacsacl(1)
List, check, or re-index access control rules
dacs / dacsauth(1)
Authentication check
dacs / dacscheck(1)
Authorization check
dacs / dacsconf(1)
Display configuration directives
dacs / dacscookie(1)
Create dacs credentials and emit as a cookie
dacs / dacscred(1)
Acquire and manage dacs credentials
dacs / dacsemail(1)
Simple outgoing email agent
dacs / dacsexpr(1)
Dacs expression language shell and interpreter
dacs / dacsgrid(1)
Administer grid-based one-time passwords
dacs / dacshttp(1)
Perform an http/https request
dacs / dacsinfocard(1)
Manage infocard accounts
dacs / dacsinit(1)
Configure a minimal dacs federation interactively
dacs / dacskey(1)
Generate encryption keys for dacs
dacs / dacslist(1)
List jurisdictions
dacs / dacspasswd(1)
Manage dacs accounts
dacs / dacsrlink(1)
Create and administer rule links
dacs / dacssched(1)
Rule-based command scheduling
dacs / dacstoken(1)
Administer hash-based one-time passwords
dacs / dacstransform(1)
Rule-based document transformation
dacs / dacsversion(1)
Display version information
dacs / dacsvfs(1)
Access objects through the dacs virtual filestore
dact / dact(1)
Compress or expand a file or stream
dadadodo / dadadodo(1)
Exterminate all rational thought
daemon / daemon(1)
Turns other processes into daemons
daemonfs / daemonfs(1)
A real time file monitoring software
daemonlogger / daemonlogger(1)
Simple network logger and soft tap daemon
dailystrips / dailystrips(1)
View web comic strips more conveniently
dailystrips / dailystrips-clean(1)
Remove old downloaded dailystrips
dailystrips / dailystrips-update(1)
Download updated dailystrips definitions
daisy-player / daisy-player(1)
Player for daisy digital talking books or audio-cd's
sshfp / dane(1)
Generate tlsa/hastls dns records by scanning ssl/tls sites
dapl2-utils / dapltest(1)
Test for the direct access programming library (dapl)
dar / dar(1)
Create, test, list, extract, compare, merge, isolate dar archives
dar / dar_cp(1)
'cp' clone command that is able to copy data located after an i/o error
dar / dar_manager(1)
Compiles several archives contents in a database to ease file restoration
dar / dar_slave(1)
Disk archive slave for remote access to a dar archive
dar-static / dar_static(1)
Create, test, list, extract, compare, merge, isolate dar archives
dar / dar_xform(1)
Disk archive "re-slicer"
darcs / darcs(1)
An advanced revision control system
darcs-monitor / darcs-monitor(1)
Darcs add-on that sends mail about newly pushed changes
dares / dares(1)
Rescue files from damaged cds and dvds
darkice / darkice(1)
An icecast / shoutcast live audio streamer
darksnow / darksnow(1)
A simple frontend to darkice
darnwdl / darnwdl(1)
Program to view wdl files
darts / darts(1)
Program to do common prefix search interactively
hercules / dasdcat(1)
hercules / dasdconv(1)
hercules / dasdcopy(1)
hercules / dasdinit(1)
hercules / dasdisup(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdload(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdls(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdpdsu(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdseq(1)
Hercules dsorg=ps retrieval command
cruft / dash-search(1)
Match arguments against cruft filter patterns
dasher / dasher(1)
Graphical predictive text entry system
liballegro4-dev / dat(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
liballegro4-dev / dat2c(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
liballegro4-dev / dat2s(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
fp-utils-2.6.4 / data2inc-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal binary to pascal include file converter.
freetds-bin / datacopy(1)
Move table data between two servers
datapacker / datapacker(1)
Tool to pack files into the minimum number of bins
datapm / datapm(1)
Data packaging system and utilities
coreutils / date(1)
Print or set the system date and time
ucspi-tcp / date@(1)
Prints the date on a remote host.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / date@(1)
Print the date on a host
datefudge / datefudge(1)
Pretend the system time is different
xymon / datepage.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to view pre-built reports by date
dateutils / dateutils.dadd(1)
Add duration to date/time and print the result.
dateutils / dateutils.dateutils(1)
Command line date and time utilities
dateutils / dateutils.dconv(1)
Convert date/times between calendrical systems.
dateutils / dateutils.ddiff(1)
Compute duration from date/time (the reference date/time) to the other
dateutils / dateutils.dround(1)
Round date/time to the next occurrence of rndspec.
dateutils / dateutils.dseq(1)
Generate a sequence of date/times from first to last, optionally in steps of
dateutils / dateutils.dsort(1)
Sort contents of file chronologically.
dateutils / dateutils.dtest(1)
Like test(1) but for dates.
dateutils / dateutils.dzone(1)
Convert date/times between timezones.
dateutils / dateutils.strptime(1)
Parse input from stdin according to one of the given formats formats.
libcarp-datum-perl / datum_strip(1)
Strips most carp::datum calls lexically
dav-text / dav(1)
A minimalist ncurses-based text editor.
davix / davix-get(1)
Download tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-http(1)
Http query tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-ls(1)
Listing tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-mkdir(1)
Directory creation tool based on libdavix.
davix / davix-put(1)
Upload tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-rm(1)
Deletion tool based on libdavix.
python-webdav / davserver(1)
Davserver -webdav server implementation in python
tesseract-ocr / dawg2wordlist(1)
Convert a tesseract dawg to a wordlist
dawgdic-tools / dawgdic-build(1)
Build a dawg-based dictionary
dawgdic-tools / dawgdic-find(1)
Find words in a dawg-based dictionary
docbook-utils / db2dvi(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2html(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2pdf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2ps(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2rtf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook2x / db2x_manxml(1)
Make man pages from man-xml
docbook2x / db2x_texixml(1)
Make texinfo files from texi-xml
docbook2x / db2x_xsltproc(1)
Xslt processor invocation wrapper
db5.1-util / db5.1_archive(1)
Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db5.1-util / db5.1_checkpoint(1)
Periodically checkpoint transactions
db5.1-util / db5.1_deadlock(1)
Detect and abort deadlocks
db5.1-util / db5.1_dump(1)
Write database to flat-text format
db5.1-util / db5.1_hotbackup(1)
Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db5.1-util / db5.1_load(1)
Load data from standard input
db5.1-util / db5.1_printlog(1)
Dumps berkeley db log files in a human-readable format
db5.1-util / db5.1_recover(1)
Restore the database to a consistent state
db5.1-util / db5.1_stat(1)
Display statistics for berkeley db environments
db5.1-util / db5.1_upgrade(1)
Upgrade the berkeley db version to the current release version.
db5.1-util / db5.1_verify(1)
Verifies the structure databases
db5.3-util / db5.3_archive(1)
Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db5.3-util / db5.3_checkpoint(1)
Periodically checkpoint transactions
db5.3-util / db5.3_deadlock(1)
Detect and abort deadlocks
db5.3-util / db5.3_dump(1)
Write database to flat-text format
db5.3-util / db5.3_hotbackup(1)
Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db5.3-util / db5.3_load(1)
Load data from standard input
db5.3-util / db5.3_printlog(1)
Dumps berkeley db log files in a human-readable format
db5.3-util / db5.3_recover(1)
Restore the database to a consistent state
db5.3-util / db5.3_stat(1)
Display statistics for berkeley db environments
db5.3-util / db5.3_upgrade(1)
Upgrade the berkeley db version to the current release version.
db5.3-util / db5.3_verify(1)
Verifies the structure databases
wise / dba(1)
Dba characterising shared regulatory regions of genomic dna
dbacl / dbacl(1)
A digramic bayesian classifier for text recognition.
dballe / dbadb(1)
Manage the db-alle database
dballe / dbaexport(1)
Export data from db-all.e
dballe / dbamsg(1)
Work with encoded meteorological data
dbar / dbar(1)
Ascii progresbar
dballe / dbatbl(1)
Manage on-disk reference tables for db-alle
dbmix / dbcat(1)
Send audio data to db fourier synthesis daemon
dropbear / dbclient(1)
Lightweight ssh client
dbconfig-common / dbconfig-generate-include(1)
Generate custom format db include files
dbconfig-common / dbconfig-load-include(1)
Parse custom format db config files
dbeacon / dbeacon(1)
Distributed ipv4/ipv6 multicast beacon
dbench / dbench(1)
Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
ruby-dbf / dbf-rb(1)
Command-line utility for the dbf library
dbf2mysql / dbf2mysql(1)
Convert between xbase and mysql databases
shapelib / dbfadd(1)
Add a row to an xbase dbf file
shapelib / dbfcreate(1)
Create an empty xbase dbf file
shapelib / dbfdump(1)
Dump xbase dbf files as text
dbmix / dbfsd(1)
Db fourier synthesis daemon
libxbase64-bin / dbfutil1(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
libxbase64-bin / dbfxtrct(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
389-ds-base / dbgen(1)
Random ldif database creator
dbmix / dbin(1)
Connect sound card input to db fourier synthesis daemon
dblatex / dblatex(1)
Convert docbook to latex, dvi, postscript, and pdf
dbmix / dbmixer(1)
Mixer application for the dbmix sound system
psi3 / dboc(1)
Diagonal born-oppenheimer correction using hf and ci wave functions.
pcp / dbpmda(1)
Debugger for performance co-pilot pmdas
389-ds-base / dbscan(1)
Scans a directory server database index file and dumps the contents
mono-xsp2 / dbsessmgr2(1)
Session state database manager
mono-xsp4 / dbsessmgr4(1)
Session state database manager
dbtoepub / dbtoepub(1)
Convert docbook xml to .epub
dbus / dbus-cleanup-sockets(1)
Clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus / dbus-daemon(1)
Message bus daemon
dbus-x11 / dbus-launch(1)
Utility to start a message bus from a shell script
dbus / dbus-monitor(1)
Debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus / dbus-run-session(1)
Start a process as a new d-bus session
dbus / dbus-send(1)
Send a message to a message bus
dbus / dbus-uuidgen(1)
Utility to generate uuids
libdbus-c++-bin / dbusxx-introspect(1)
Produce d-bus xml interface descriptions.
libdbus-c++-bin / dbusxx-xml2cpp(1)
Generate proxy and adapter interfaces.
lifelines / dbverify(1)
Check a lifelines database
dbview / dbview(1)
View dbase iii files
samba-common-bin / dbwrap_tool(1)
Low level tdb/ctdb manipulation tool using the dbwrap interface
dc / dc(1)
An arbitrary precision calculator
python-debiancontributors / dc-tool(1)
Manage contributions to contributors.debian.org
libdc1394-utils / dc1394_reset_bus(1)
Resets the ieee1394 bus
libdc1394-utils / dc1394_vloopback(1)
Send format0 video to v4l vloopback device
dc3dd / dc3dd(1)
Convert and copy a file
libdca-utils / dcadec(1)
Decode dts coherent acoustics audio streams
dcraw / dccleancrw(1)
Canon (crw) raw photo file recovery utility
dcap / dccp(1)
dcfldd / dcfldd(1)
Enhanced version of dd for forensics and security
dcraw / dcfujigreen(1)
Alternative processing for fuji raw images
dcraw / dcfujiturn(1)
Alternative rotation for dcraw processed images
dcraw / dcfujiturn16(1)
Alternative rotation for dcraw processed images
devscripts / dch(1)
Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a source package
ubuntu-dev-tools / dch-repeat(1)
Repeats a changelog entry into an older release
dchroot / dchroot(1)
Enter a chroot environment
dchroot-dsa / dchroot-dsa(1)
Enter a chroot environment
ftnchek / dcl2inc(1)
Postprocess ftnchek .dcl files to create separate include files
dclock / dclock(1)
Digital clock for x
ivtools-bin / dclock(1)
Digital clock
minc-tools / dcm2mnc(1)
Convert sets of dicom files to one or more minc format files.
mricron / dcm2nii(1)
Convert dicom or par/rec image into the nifti format
mricron / dcm2niigui(1)
Magnetic resonance image conversion, viewing and analysis
dcmtk / dcm2pdf(1)
Extract pdf file from dicom encapsulated pdf
dcmtk / dcm2pnm(1)
Convert dicom images to pgm/ppm, png, tiff or bmp
dcmtk / dcm2xml(1)
Convert dicom file and data set to xml
ctn / dcm_add_fragments(1)
Dump element from dicom file to another
ctn / dcm_create_object(1)
Create a object in a dicom file
ctn / dcm_ctnto10(1)
Convert a ctn dicom file to part 10 conforming format.
ctn / dcm_diff(1)
Compare the attributes in two dicom files.
ctn / dcm_dump_compressed(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_dump_element(1)
Dump element from a dicom file into to another
ctn / dcm_dump_file(1)
Dump the contents of a dicom file
ctn / dcm_make_object(1)
Make a dicom information object from an ascii description.
ctn / dcm_map_to_8(1)
Map original pixel data (10, 12 bit) to 8 bit
ctn / dcm_mask_image(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_modify_elements(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_modify_object(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_print_dictionary(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_resize(1)
Resize a dicom image
ctn / dcm_rm_element(1)
Remove an element from a dicom file
ctn / dcm_rm_group(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_snoop(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_strip_odd_groups(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_template(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_to_html(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_to_text(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_verify(1)
Verify dicom file
ctn / dcm_vr_patterns(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_x_disp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
dcmtk / dcmcjpeg(1)
Encode dicom file to jpeg transfer syntax
dcmtk / dcmcjpls(1)
Encode dicom file to jpeg-ls transfer syntax
dcmtk / dcmconv(1)
Convert dicom file encoding
dcmtk / dcmcrle(1)
Encode dicom file to rle transfer syntax
devscripts / dcmd(1)
Expand file lists of .dsc/.changes files in the command line
dcmtk / dcmdjpeg(1)
Decode jpeg-compressed dicom file
dcmtk / dcmdjpls(1)
Decode jpeg-ls compressed dicom file
dcmtk / dcmdrle(1)
Decode rle-compressed dicom file
dcmtk / dcmdspfn(1)
Export standard display curves to a text file
dcmtk / dcmdump(1)
Dump dicom file and data set
dcmtk / dcmftest(1)
Test if file uses dicom part 10 format
dcmtk / dcmgpdir(1)
Create a general purpose dicomdir
dcmtk / dcmj2pnm(1)
Convert dicom images to pgm/ppm, png, tiff, jpeg or bmp
dcmtk / dcml2pnm(1)
Convert dicom images to pgm/ppm, png, tiff or bmp
dcmtk / dcmmkcrv(1)
Add 2d curve data to image
dcmtk / dcmmkdir(1)
Create a dicomdir file
dcmtk / dcmmklut(1)
Create dicom look-up tables
dcmtk / dcmodify(1)
Modify dicom files
dcmtk / dcmp2pgm(1)
Read dicom image and presentation state and render bitmap
dcmtk / dcmprscp(1)
Dicom basic grayscale print management scp
dcmtk / dcmprscu(1)
Print spooler for presentation state viewer
dcmtk / dcmpschk(1)
Checking tool for presentation states
dcmtk / dcmpsmk(1)
Create dicom grayscale softcopy presentation state
dcmtk / dcmpsprt(1)
Read dicom images and presentation states and render print job
dcmtk / dcmpsrcv(1)
Network receive for presentation state viewer
dcmtk / dcmpssnd(1)
Network send for presentation state viewer
dcmtk / dcmqridx(1)
Register a dicom image file in an image database index file
dcmtk / dcmqrscp(1)
Dicom image archive (central test node)
dcmtk / dcmqrti(1)
The terminal initiator telnet client program
dcmtk / dcmquant(1)
Convert dicom color images to palette color
dcmtk / dcmscale(1)
Scale dicom images
dcmtk / dcmsign(1)
Sign and verify dicom files
voxbo / dcmsplit(1)
Remove identifying fields from dicom files
dcmtk / dcod2lum(1)
Convert hardcopy characteristic curve file to softcopy format
dconf-cli / dconf(1)
Simple tool for manipulating a dconf database
dconf-editor / dconf-editor(1)
Graphical editor for dconf
dconf-service / dconf-service(1)
D-bus service for writes to the dconf database
dcmtk / dconvlum(1)
Convert verilum files to dcmtk display files
dcraw / dcparse(1)
Extract embeded thumbnail image and print ciff/tiff data to screen
dcraw / dcraw(1)
Command-line decoder for raw digital photos
dctrl2xml / dctrl2xml(1)
Debian control data to xml converter
dicom3tools / dcunrgb(1)
Acr/nema dicom ps3 ... dicom ps3 - convert rgb to grayscale file
dput / dcut(1)
Debian archive .commands file upload tool
dput-ng / dcut(1)
Debian archive command file upload tool
coreutils / dd(1)
Convert and copy a file
devscripts / dd-list(1)
Nicely list .deb packages and their maintainers
ddate / ddate(1)
Convert gregorian dates to discordian dates
ddccontrol / ddccontrol(1)
A utility to control monitor parameters via software
ddd / ddd(1)
The data display debugger
ddir / ddir(1)
Display hierarchical directory tree
djvulibre-bin / ddjvu(1)
Command line djvu decoder.
ddns3-client / ddns3(1)
Ddns.nu remote update client
ddns3-client / ddns3-client(1)
Ddns.nu remote update client
gddrescue / ddrescue(1)
Data recovery tool
gddrescue / ddrescuelog(1)
Tool for ddrescue logfiles
dds2tar / dds-dd(1)
Tool to read a dds device.
dds2tar / ddstool(1)
Simple shell script to manage dds tapes
ncbi-tools-x11 / ddv(1)
Deuxd-viewer for multiple sequence alignment
kbd / deallocvt(1)
Deallocate unused virtual consoles
deb-gview / deb-gview(1)
Gnome viewer for .deb package files and contents
devscripts / deb-reversion(1)
Simple script to change the version of a .deb file
quilt / deb3(1)
Convert debian source package to new 3.0 (quilt) format
debarchiver / debarchiver(1)
Tool to sort debian packages into a package archive.
devscripts / debc(1)
View contents of a generated debian package
devscripts / debchange(1)
Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a source package
devscripts / debclean(1)
Clean up a sourcecode tree
debconf-kde-helper / debconf-kde-helper(1)
Provide kde debconf frontend
debdelta / debdelta(1)
Compute changes between debian packages
debdelta / debdelta-upgrade(1)
Downloads all deltas that may be used to 'apt-get upgrade', and apply them.
debdelta / debdeltas(1)
Compute deltas between debian packages
devscripts / debdiff(1)
Compare file lists in two debian packages
debdry / debdry(1)
Merge manually and automatically generated debian/ packaging.
debian-goodies / debget(1)
Fetch a .deb for a package in apt's database
devscripts / debi(1)
Install current version of generated debian package
debian-builder / debian-builder(1)
Rebuild a debian package from its source code.
distro-info / debian-distro-info(1)
Provides information about debian's distributions
debian-reference-common / debian-reference(1)
Post-installation user's guide
haskell-debian-utils / debian-report(1)
Report differences in packages referenced by two sources.list files.
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc-sgml(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2dbk(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2dvi(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2html(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2info(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latex(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latexdvi(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latexpdf(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latexps(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2pdf(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2ps(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2texinfo(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2text(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2textov(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2wiki(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
vdr-dev / debianize-vdrplugin(1)
Debianize a vdr plugin source archive
debirf / debirf(1)
Build an initrd to boot a full debian system entirely from ram
debian-goodies / debman(1)
Read man pages from uninstalled packages
debian-goodies / debmany(1)
Select manpages or documentation files from installed packages, packages from the repository or .deb-files for viewing using "man", "sensible-pager" or an alternative viewer.
debmirror / debmirror(1)
Debian partial mirror script, with ftp, http or rsync and package pool support
debomatic / debomatic(1)
Automatic build machine for debian source packages
deborphan / deborphan(1)
Orphaned package finder
debpartial-mirror / debpartial-mirror(1)
Debpartial-mirror debpartial-mirror is a program to generate partial debian packages archives mirrors.
debdelta / debpatch(1)
Applies a patch to recreate a debian package.
debpear / debpear(1)
Automatically builds and installs pear packages as debian packages
devscripts / debpkg(1)
Wrapper for dpkg
debram / debram(1)
Look .debs up in the debian ramification
devscripts / debrelease(1)
A wrapper around dupload or dput
debroster / debroster(1)
Programs to gloat at expos.
devscripts / debrsign(1)
Remotely sign a debian .changes and .dsc file pair using ssh
ncbi-tools-bin / debruijn(1)
De bruijn sequence generator
debsecan / debsecan(1)
Debian security analyzer
debsig-verify / debsig-verify(1)
Verify signatures for a debian format package
devscripts / debsign(1)
Sign a debian .changes and .dsc file pair using gpg
devscripts / debsnap(1)
Retrieve old snapshots of debian packages
debsums / debsums(1)
Check the md5 sums of installed debian packages
debtags / debtags(1)
Command line interface to access and manipulate debian package tags
debtags / debtags-submit-patch(1)
Submit tag patches to http://debtags.debian.net
debtree / debtree(1)
Show relationships between packages
gnustep-common / debugapp(1)
A wrapper for openapp.
devscripts / debuild(1)
Build a debian package
pbuilder / debuild-pbuilder(1)
A "debuild" wrapper to satisfy build-dependency before debuild
decibel-audio-player / decibel-audio-player(1)
A simple audio player
decibel-audio-player / decibel-audio-player-remote(1)
Control decibel audio player remotely
i2c-tools / decode-dimms(1)
Decode the information found in memory module spd eeproms
i2c-tools / decode-vaio(1)
Decode the information found in the sony vaio laptop identification eeproms
direwolf-docs / decode_aprs(1)
Decode arps messages
sugarplum / decode_teergrube(1)
Reveal the sender of a sugarplum teergrube address
pmccabe / decomment(1)
Remove comments from c and c++ files
expect / decryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
dee-tools / dee-tool(1)
Tool for introspecting dee data.
gnustep-base-runtime / defaults(1)
Read or modify gnustep user defaults
id-utils / defid(1)
ispell / defmt-c(1)
A sample ispell deformatter for c, c++, and shell sources
ispell / defmt-sh(1)
A sample ispell deformatter for c, c++, and shell sources
freetds-bin / defncopy(1)
Extract procedures and views from a microsoft server.
debian-goodies / degrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
patchutils / dehtmldiff(1)
Get usable diff from an html page
deja-dup / deja-dup(1)
Manual page for deja-dup 32.0
deja-dup / deja-dup-preferences(1)
Manual page for deja-dup-preferences 32.0
libgts-bin / delaunay(1)
Constructs the constrained delaunay triangulation of the input
ucspi-tcp / delcr(1)
Removes a cr (015) at the end of each line of input, if a cr is present.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / delcr(1)
Remove a cr before each lf
libxbase64-bin / deletall(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
trac-email2trac / delete_spam(1)
Deletes spam tickets from trac.
wcstools / delhead(1)
dovecot-core / deliver(1)
Dovecots local mail delivery agent
fp-utils-2.6.4 / delp-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal file deletion tool.
mummer / delta-filter(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
deluge / deluge(1)
A bittorrent client
deluge-console / deluge-console(1)
A bittorrent client curses interface
deluge-gtk / deluge-gtk(1)
A bittorrent client gtk interface
deluge-web / deluge-web(1)
A bittorrent client ajax web interface
deluged / deluged(1)
A bittorrent client daemon
xapian-tools / delve(1)
Inspect the contents of a xapian database
wcstools / delwcs(1)
canna-utils / delwords(1)
Deleting words from specified dictionary collectively
kmtrace / demangle(1)
Undo c++ name mangling for symbols
gromacs-data / demux(1)
Convert xplor distance restraints to gromacs format
denemo / denemo(1)
Gtk+ frontend to gnu lilypond
denemo-data / denemo_file_update(1)
File update tool for denemo.
devscripts / dep3changelog(1)
Generate a changelog entry from a dep3-style patch header
depqbf / depqbf(1)
A solver for quantified boolean formulae
listaller-devtools / depscan(1)
Detect binary dependencies
icu-devtools / derb(1)
Disassemble a resource bundle
haskell-derive-utils / derive(1)
Deriving instances for data types in haskell
libderiving-ocaml-dev / deriving(1)
Camlp4 with deriving syntax extension.
multicat / desaggregartp(1)
Reorders incoming packets and reconstitutes the original rtp stream.
atlc / design_coupler(1)
For designing directional couplers (part of the atlc package)
qt4-designer / designer-qt4(1)
Visual user interface designer for qt4.
desklaunch / desklaunch(1)
A small utility for creating desktop icons
deskmenu / deskmenu(1)
A root menu for x
gnome-pkg-tools / desktop-check-mime-types(1)
Compare mime types in installed .desktop files
desktop-file-utils / desktop-file-edit(1)
Installation and edition of desktop files
desktop-file-utils / desktop-file-install(1)
Installation and edition of desktop files
desktop-file-utils / desktop-file-validate(1)
Validate desktop entry files
desktopnova / desktopnova(1)
Change your desktop wallpaper automatically
desktopnova / desktopnova-daemon(1)
Daemon for desktopnova
desktopnova-tray / desktopnova-tray(1)
Control the desktopnova daemon
desmume / desmume(1)
Nintendo ds emulator
desmume / desmume-cli(1)
Nintendo ds emulator
desmume / desmume-glade(1)
Nintendo ds emulator
desproxy / desproxy(1)
A tcp tunnel for http proxies
desproxy / desproxy-dns(1)
Dns for dynamic connections
desproxy / desproxy-inetd(1)
Desproxy for inetd
desproxy / desproxy-socksserver(1)
Using desproxy with dynamic connections
psi3 / detcas(1)
Determinant configuration interaction / complete active
psi3 / detcasman(1)
Determinant configuration interaction /
pyfai / detector2nexus(1)
texlive-binaries / detex(1)
A filter to strip tex commands from a .tex file.
fcode-utils / detok(1)
Openbios detokenizer
renameutils / deurlname(1)
Remove url-encoded characters from file names.
genisoimage / devdump(1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
devede / devede(1)
A simple application to create video dvds
devhelp / devhelp(1)
A developers help program.
multistrap / device-table.pl(1)
devilspie / devilspie(1)
Perform actions on windows as they are created
devilspie2 / devilspie2(1)
Perform scripted actions on windows as they are created
devio / devio(1)
Program to read and write from block devices
udevil / devmon(1)
Automounts and unmounts optical and removable drives
texlive-binaries / devnag(1)
Devanagari for tex preprocessor
devscripts / devscripts(1)
Scripts to ease the lives of debian developers
coreutils / df(1)
Report file system disk space usage
freedink-dfarc / dfarc(1)
An integrated frontend and .dmod installer.
libdirectfb-bin / dfbg(1)
Directfb background configuration tool
dff / dff(1)
A powerful, efficient and modular digital forensics tool.
spass / dfg2ascii(1)
Transforms dfg files into pretty printed ascii files
spass / dfg2dfg(1)
Calculate approximations of problems
spass / dfg2otter(1)
Transforms dfg clause files into otter format
spass / dfg2otter.pl(1)
Transforms dfg clause files into otter format including otter options
spass / dfg2tptp(1)
Transforms dfg files into tptp files
debian-goodies / dfgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
qfits-tools / dfits(1)
Display fits file header information
fondu / dfont2res(1)
Convert macintosh dfont font file format to macintosh resource fork format
sumo / dfrouter(1)
Builds vehicle routes for sumo using detector values
dfu-util / dfu-util(1)
Device firmware update (dfu) usb programmer
conquest-dbase / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
conquest-mysql / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
conquest-postgres / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
conquest-sqlite / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
debian-goodies / dglob(1)
Expand package names or files matching a pattern
ptscotch / dgmap(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
ptscotch / dgmap-int32(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
ptscotch / dgmap-int64(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
ptscotch / dgmap-long(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
simh / dgnova(1)
Simulate a data general nova computer
ptscotch / dgord(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgord-int32(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgord-int64(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgord-long(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
debian-goodies / dgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
ptscotch / dgscat(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgscat-int32(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgscat-int64(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgscat-long(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgtst(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgtst-int32(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgtst-int64(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgtst-long(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
dh-exec / dh-exec(1)
Debhelper executable file helpers
dh-exec / dh-exec-illiterate(1)
Write literate debhelper config files!
dh-exec / dh-exec-install(1)
Install (and possibly rename) files.
dh-exec / dh-exec-subst(1)
Debhelper executable file substition scripts
dh-make-drupal / dh-make-drupal(1)
Builds a debian package for the requested drupal project
gosa-dev / dh-make-gosa(1)
Debianizes the source of a given gosa plugin
dh-make-php / dh-make-pear(1)
Create debian source packages from pear modules
dh-make-php / dh-make-pecl(1)
Create debian source packages from pecl extensions
dh-ada-library / dh_ada_library(1)
Help packaging ada libraries for debian
bash-completion / dh_bash-completion(1)
Install bash completions for package
config-package-dev / dh_configpackage(1)
Add maintainer script rules to displace, hide, or transform files
dkms / dh_dkms(1)
Correctly handle dkms usage by a kernel module package
dpatch / dh_dpatch_patch(1)
Apply patches listed in debian/patches/00list
dpatch / dh_dpatch_unpatch(1)
Unapply patches listed in debian/patched
gnome-pkg-tools / dh_gnome(1)
Tools for the debian gnome packaging team
gnome-pkg-tools / dh_gnome_clean(1)
Tools for the debian gnome packaging team
dh-kpatches / dh_installkpatches(1)
Install kernel patch into package build directories
desktop-profiles / dh_installlisting(1)
Install .listing files to be used by desktop-profiles package
xml-core / dh_installxmlcatalogs(1)
Install and register xml catalog files
yorick-dev / dh_installyorick(1)
Install yorick add-on packages
zope-debhelper / dh_installzope(1)
Install zope product and extension files into package build directories
zope-debhelper / dh_installzopeinstance(1)
Install a zope instance into package build directories
dh-lisp / dh_lisp(1)
Register common lisp source and implementations
dh-lua / dh_lua(1)
Postprocess a lua package
dh-metainit / dh_metainit(1)
Install metainit files into package build directories
python-numpy / dh_numpy(1)
Adds numpy depends to python:depends substvar
dh-python / dh_pypy(1)
Calculates pypy dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
python-support / dh_pysupport(1)
Use the python-support framework to handle python modules
python / dh_python2(1)
Calculates python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
dh-python / dh_python3(1)
Calculates python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
python-scour / dh_scour(1)
Run scour optimizer on shipped svg files
python-sip-dev / dh_sip(1)
Set the correct dependencies for python packages using sip
python3-sip-dev / dh_sip3(1)
Set the correct dependencies for python3 packages using sip
dh-virtualenv / dh_virtualenv(1)
Deploy a python package in a self-contained virtualenv
libxine2-dev / dh_xine(1)
Calculates xine-lib dependencies
mozilla-devscripts / dh_xul-ext(1)
Calculate xul extension dependencies
zathura-dev / dh_zathura(1)
Adds zathura depends to misc:depends substvar
display-dhammapada / dhamma(1)
Display a verse from the dhammapada
dnsmasq-utils / dhcp_lease_time(1)
Query remaining time of a lease on a the local dnsmasq dhcp server.
dnsmasq-utils / dhcp_release(1)
Release a dhcp lease on a the local dnsmasq dhcp server.
dhelp / dhelp(1)
Debian online help
debian-goodies / dhomepage(1)
Show the homepage of a package in a browser
di-netboot-assistant / di-netboot-assistant(1)
Debian-installer netboot assistant
dia-common / dia(1)
A diagram drawing program
dia2code / dia2code(1)
Generate code from dia files
mcrl2 / diagraphica(1)
Interactive visual analysis of an lts
gnuradio / dial_tone(1)
Dial tone example
dialign-tx / dialign-tx(1)
Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
dialign / dialign2-2(1)
Multiple alignment program using the segment-to-segment approach
dialog / dialog(1)
Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
erlang-dialyzer / dialyzer(1)
The dialyzer, a discrepancy analyzer for erlang programs
erlang-diameter / diameterc(1)
Diameterc [options] file
dianara / dianara(1)
A pump.io client for the desktop
diatheke / diatheke(1)
A command line bible reader
dvb-apps / dib3000-watch(1)
A program to check dvb cards.
canna / dicar(1)
Archive binary dictionary
dico / dico(1)
A dict client
le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc / dico(1)
Search a word in a french dictionary
ctn / dicom_echo(1)
Generic ctn manual page
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomdump(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomfind(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
dicomnifti / dicomhead(1)
Prints a dump of the header data in dicom images
pixelmed-apps / dicomimageviewer(1)
Dicom image viewer
voxbo / dicominfo(1)
Dump dicom header information
dicompyler / dicompyler(1)
Radiation therapy research platform
dicomscope / dicomscope(1)
Dicom viewer
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomtodicom(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomtonifti(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
dish / dicp(1)
Tool for parallel sysadmin of multiple hosts
dict / dict(1)
Dict protocol client
dict / dict_lookup(1)
Dict protocol client
dictconv / dictconv(1)
Dictionary file converter
dictfmt / dictfmt(1)
Formats a dict protocol dictionary database
dictfmt / dictfmt_index2suffix(1)
Creates a .suffix file from a dictd database .index file
dictfmt / dictfmt_index2word(1)
Creates a .word index file from a dictd database .index file
diction / diction(1)
Print wordy and commonly misused phrases in sentences
dict / dictl(1)
Wrapper script for dict that permits using utf-8 encoded dictionaries on a terminal that is not utf-8 aware.
dictfmt / dictunformat(1)
Create a raw database file from a .dict and .index file
dictzip / dictunzip(1)
Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
dictzip / dictzcat(1)
Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
dictzip / dictzip(1)
Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
didiwiki / didiwiki(1)
Simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver
didjvu / didjvu(1)
Djvu encoder with foreground/background separation
dietlibc-dev / diet(1)
Mangle gcc command line arguments
diffutils / diff(1)
Compare files line by line
devscripts / diff2patches(1)
Extract non-debian/ patches from .diff.gz files
diffutils / diff3(1)
Compare three files line by line
pyfai / diff_tomo(1)
graphviz / diffimg(1)
Calculates intersection between two images
apt-file / diffindex-download(1)
Download utility for debian contents files
apt-file / diffindex-rred(1)
Restricted restricted ed
diffmon / diffmon(1)
Monitor files on your system.
diffpdf / diffpdf(1)
Compare two pdf files textually or visually
survex / diffpos(1)
Diffpos compare the contents of two .3d files
enscript / diffpp(1)
Pretty-print diff outputs with gnu enscript
diffstat / diffstat(1)
Make histogram from diff-output
diffuse / diffuse(1)
Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
dnsutils / dig(1)
Dns lookup utility
knot-dnsutils / dig(1)
digikam / digikam(1)
Digital photo management application for kde
digikam / digitaglinktree(1)
Export tag structure of photos in digikam to the filesystem.
digitemp / digitemp(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
digitemp / digitemp_DS2490(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
digitemp / digitemp_DS9097(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
digitemp / digitemp_DS9097U(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
engauge-digitizer / digitizer(1)
Interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into numbers
graphviz / dijkstra(1)
Single-source distance filter
dillo / dillo(1)
Web browser
dimbl / dimbl(1)
Distributed timbl
din / din(1)
Din this program's purpose is to be an audio synthesizer of a 3rd kind.
ding / ding(1)
Dictionary lookup program for unix
dicomnifti / dinifti(1)
Converts dicom files into the nifti format
diodon / diodon(1)
Gtk+ clipboard manager.
yagiuda / dipole(1)
Yagi-uda project file. computez z of a dipole
coreutils / dir(1)
List directory contents
dir2ogg / dir2ogg(1)
Convert mp3, wav, and m4a files to ogg format
dvd-slideshow / dir2slideshow(1)
Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from pictures in a directory.
vclt-tools / dir2vclt(1)
Convert directory or file into vclt playlist
dirac / dirac_decoder(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
dirac / dirac_encoder(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
dirac / dirac_instrumentation(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
dirac / dirac_unittest(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
coreutils / dircolors(1)
Color setup for ls
dircproxy / dircproxy-crypt(1)
Generate encrypted password for dircproxy
dirdiff / dirdiff(1)
Display differences and merge changes between directory trees
libdirectfb-dev / directfb-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of directfb
libdirectfb-dev / directfb-csource(1)
C code generation utility for directfb surfaces
foomatic-filters / directomatic(1)
Universal print filter/rip wrapper
directoryassistant / directoryassistant(1)
User friendly ldap addressbook frontend
ladr4-apps / directproof(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
directvnc / directvnc(1)
A vnc client for the linux framebuffer device
directvnc / directvnc-xmapconv(1)
Produce directvnc's xmodmap keyboard layout files
direnv / direnv(1)
Unclutter your .profile
direnv / direnv-stdlib(1)
The ".envrc" stdlib
direwolf-docs / direwolf(1)
Soundcard tnc for aprs
libgetdata-tools / dirfile2ascii(1)
Dirfile2ascii output dirfile database vectors as ascii text
dirmngr / dirmngr(1)
Crl and ocsp daemon
dirmngr / dirmngr-client(1)
Crl and ocsp daemon
coreutils / dirname(1)
Strip last component from file name
genisoimage / dirsplit(1)
Splits directory into multiple with equal size
dput-ng / dirt(1)
Dput information retrieval tool
dirvish / dirvish-locate(1)
Locate file versions in dirvish images
disc-cover / disc-cover(1)
Create front and back covers for audio cds
flactag / discid(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
mono-devel / disco(1)
Mono's web service discovery tool
grok / discogrok(1)
Discover grok patterns in input
discover / discover(1)
Discover hardware detection utility
discover / discover-config(1)
Discover-config config script
discus / discus(1)
Print a report of disk space usage
texlive-binaries / disdvi(1)
`disassemble' a (p)tex or xetex dvi file
dish / dish(1)
Tool for parallel sysadmin of multiple hosts
fdutils / diskd(1)
diskscan / diskscan(1)
Scan a disk for failed and near failure sectors
fdutils / diskseekd(1)
expect / dislocate(1)
Disconnect and reconnect processes
mknbi / disnbi(1)
Display etherboot image
argyll / dispcal(1)
Calibrate a display.
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI(1)
A graphical user interface for the argyll cms display calibration utilities
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-3DLUT-maker(1)
3d lut creator
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-VRML-to-X3D-converter(1)
Vrml to x3d converter
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-apply-profiles(1)
Icc profile loader
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-curve-viewer(1)
Icc profile information
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-profile-info(1)
Icc profile information
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-synthprofile(1)
Synthetic profile creator
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-testchart-editor(1)
Testchart editor
disper / disper(1)
On-the-fly display switcher
display-dhammapada / display-dhammapada(1)
Display a verse from the dhammapada
imagemagick / display-im6(1)
Displays an image or image sequence on any x server.
console-cyrillic / displayfont(1)
Display linux console font
argyll / dispread(1)
Read a display.
argyll / dispwin(1)
Test display patch window, set video luts, install profiles.
dissy / dissy(1)
Graphical frontend for objdump
distcc / distcc(1)
Distributed c/c++/objc compiler with distcc-pump extensions
distcc-pump / distcc-pump(1)
Accelerate remote compilation with distcc
distcc / distccd(1)
Distributed c/c++ compiler server
distccmon-gnome / distccmon-gnome(1)
Gtk monitor for distcc a distributed client and server
distcc / distccmon-text(1)
Displays current compilation jobs in text form.
distro-info / distro-info(1)
Provides information about the distributions' releases
ditaa / ditaa(1)
Convert ascii diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
ditrack / ditrack(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
divxcomp / divxcomp(1)
Calculate approx. size for ripped avi movies
python-django-common / django-admin(1)
Utility script for the django web framework
python-django-celery / djcelerymon(1)
Djcelerymon django admin monitor
djinn / djinn(1)
Generate haskell expressions from types
djmount / djmount(1)
File system client for mounting network media servers
libjpeg-turbo-progs / djpeg(1)
Decompress a jpeg file to an image file
djtools / djscript(1)
A text formatter for the hp deskjet printer.
djview4 / djview4(1)
Standalone djvu viewer
djvulibre-bin / djvm(1)
Manipulate bundled multi-page djvu documents.
djvulibre-bin / djvmcvt(1)
Convert multi-page djvu documents.
djvulibre-bin / djvu(1)
Djvu and djvulibre.
ocrodjvu / djvu2hocr(1)
Djvu to hocr converter
djvubind / djvubind(1)
Create high-quality djvu files, including positional ocr, metadata, and bookmarks.
djvulibre-bin / djvudigital(1)
Creates djvu files from ps or pdf files.
djvulibre-bin / djvudump(1)
Display internal structure of djvu files.
djvulibre-bin / djvuextract(1)
Extract chunks from djvu image files.
djvulibre-bin / djvumake(1)
Assemble djvu image files.
djvulibre-bin / djvups(1)
Convert djvu documents to postscript.
djvulibre-bin / djvused(1)
Multi-purpose djvu document editor.
djvuserve / djvuserve(1)
Generate indirect djvu documents on the fly.
djvusmooth / djvusmooth(1)
Graphical editor for djvu
djvulibre-bin / djvutoxml(1)
Djvulibre xml tools.
djvulibre-bin / djvutxt(1)
Extract the hidden text from djvu documents.
djvulibre-bin / djvuxml(1)
Djvulibre xml tools.
djvulibre-bin / djvuxmlparser(1)
Djvulibre xml tools.
libdbuskit-dev / dk_make_protocol(1)
Tool to generate protocol declarations from d-bus introspection data
dkim-milter-python / dkim-milter(1)
Pure-python dkim milter
dkim-milter-python / dkim-milter.py(1)
Pure-python dkim milter
dkimproxy / dkim_responder(1)
Filters incoming email traffic according to the domain keys specifications
libmail-dkim-perl / dkimproxy-sign(1)
Computes a dkim signature for an email message
libmail-dkim-perl / dkimproxy-verify(1)
Insert here a description
python-dkim / dkimsign(1)
Script for dkim signing messages on stdin
python-dkim / dkimverify(1)
Script for dkim verifying messages on stdin
dkopp / dkopp(1)
python-mlpy / dlda-landscape(1)
Command line interface to dlda-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
pccts / dlg(1)
Dfa lexical analyzer generator
dlint / dlint(1)
Internet domain name system (dns) error checking utility
brickos / dll(1)
A user-program downloader for the rcx.
dlocate / dlocate(1)
Program to view debian package information
gigtools / dlsdump(1)
List informations about a dls (downloadable sound) file.
dlume / dlume(1)
Handy and easy to use addressbook.
lightdm / dm-tool(1)
A tool to control the display manager
uw-mailutils / dmail(1)
Procmail mail delivery module
libdmalloc-dev / dmalloc(1)
Program used to set the environment for debugging using the dmalloc debugging library.
hercules / dmap2hrc(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
ax25-tools / dmascc_cfg(1)
Configure dmascc devices
suckless-tools / dmenu.default(1)
Dynamic menu
suckless-tools / dmenu.xft(1)
Dynamic menu
util-linux / dmesg(1)
Print or control the kernel ring buffer
dmg2img / dmg2img(1)
Convert compressed dmg to standard (hfsplus) image disk files
dmitry / dmitry(1)
Deepmagic information gathering tool
dmtcp / dmtcp(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_checkpoint(1)
Start a process under dmtcp control.
dmtcp / dmtcp_command(1)
Send a command to the dmtcp_coordinator remotely.
dmtcp / dmtcp_coordinator(1)
Coordinates checkpoints between multiple processes.
dmtcp / dmtcp_discover_rm(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_launch(1)
Start a process under dmtcp control.
dmtcp / dmtcp_nocheckpoint(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_restart(1)
Restart processes from given checkpoint images.
dmtcp / dmtcp_rm_loclaunch(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_ssh(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_sshd(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtx-utils / dmtxquery(1)
Extract information from dmtxread output
dmtx-utils / dmtxread(1)
Scan data matrix barcodes
dmtx-utils / dmtxwrite(1)
Create data matrix barcodes
xdmx-tools / dmxtodmx(1)
Dmx configuration file parser and printer
dnaclust / dnaclust(1)
Program to cluster large number of short dna sequences
mummer / dnadiff(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
anfo / dnaindex(1)
Index dna file for use with anfo
wise / dnal(1)
Dnal ...
dnet-progs / dncopy(1)
Copy files to/from a vms system
dnet-progs / dndel(1)
Delete a file on a vms system
dnet-progs / dndir(1)
Display vms directories
libdumbnet-dev / dnet-config(1)
Provide compiler and linker information for libdumbnet
dnet-progs / dnetcat(1)
Opens a decnet connection
dnet-progs / dnetstat(1)
Lists decnet connections
dnet-progs / dnlogin(1)
Connect as a terminal to a decnet system
dnet-progs / dnping(1)
Loopbacks diagnostic packets through a remote node
dnet-progs / dnprint(1)
Submit a batch job on a vms system dnprint - print a file on a vms system
dns2tcp / dns2tcpc(1)
A tunneling tool that encapsulate tcp traffic over dns.
dns2tcp / dns2tcpd(1)
A tunneling tool that encapsulate tcp traffic over dns.
dns-browse / dns_browse(1)
Dns_browse gui front-end to dns_tree
dns-browse / dns_tree(1)
Dns_tree command-line frontend to dig
hostname / dnsdomainname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
udns-utils / dnsget(1)
Dns lookup utility
dnshistory / dnshistory(1)
Processes various log file formats doing dns ip address lookups. store these pairs in a database for later retrieval.
ndisc6 / dnssort(1)
Sort dns hostnames
dnet-progs / dnsubmit(1)
Submit a batch job on a vms system dnprint - print a file on a vms system
dnswalk / dnswalk(1)
A dns database debugger
dnet-progs / dntask(1)
Execute vms command procedures
dnet-progs / dntype(1)
Copy files to/from a vms system
gromacs-data / do_dssp(1)
Assign secondary structure and calculate solvent accessible surface area
gromacs-data / do_dssp_d(1)
Assign secondary structure and calculate solvent accessible surface area
unoconv / doc2odt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / doc2pdf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
sgml2x / docbook-2-fot(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-html(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-mif(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-pdf(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-ps(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-rtf(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
docbook-to-man / docbook-to-man(1)
Docbook-to-man convert docbook sgml into roff -man macros
docbook-utils / docbook2dvi(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
gjots2 / docbook2gjots(1)
Convert a docbook file to gjots format (on stdout)
docbook-utils / docbook2html(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2man(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2man-spec.pl(1)
Convert docbook refentries to man pages
docbook2odf / docbook2odf(1)
Convert docbook document to oasis open document
docbook-utils / docbook2pdf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2ps(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2rtf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2tex(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2texi(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2texi-spec.pl(1)
Convert docbook booksto texinfo documents
docbook-utils / docbook2txt(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook2x / docbook2x-man(1)
Convert docbook to man pages
docbook2x / docbook2x-texi(1)
Convert docbook to texinfo
doc-central / doccentral(1)
Web-based documentation browser
docdiff / docdiff(1)
Docdiff character/word-oriented diff
docky / docky(1)
A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows easier and quicker. docky is fully integrated into the gnome desktop and features a no non-sense approach to configuration and usage. it just works.
doclifter / doclifter(1)
Translate troff requests into docbook
doconce / doconce(1)
Run a doconce command
doctorj / doctorj(1)
Javadoc analyzer and spell-checker
php-doctrine-orm / doctrine(1)
Doctrine command line interface
php-doctrine-dbal / doctrine-dbal(1)
Doctrine command line interface
php-doctrine-dbal / doctrine-dbal.php(1)
Doctrine command line interface
uima-utils / documentAnalyzer(1)
Tool for testing annotators and aes
ecere-dev / documentor(1)
Ecere api reference tool
docx2txt / docx2txt(1)
Convert microsoft ooxml files to plain text.
xenomai-runtime / dohell(1)
Generate load, in parallel of the latency test
python-doit / doit(1)
Automation tool
python3-doit / doit3(1)
Automation tool
dokuwiki / dokuwiki-addsite(1)
Create a new site driven by dokuwiki
dokuwiki / dokuwiki-delsite(1)
Remove and existing site driven by dokuwiki
dolfin-bin / dolfin-convert(1)
Convert to dolfin xml format
dolfin-bin / dolfin-get-demos(1)
Install dolfin demos in user's home direcotry
dolfin-bin / dolfin-order(1)
Order a dolfin mesh according to the ufc ordering scheme
dolfin-bin / dolfin-plot(1)
Simple command-line plotting
dolfin-bin / dolfin-version(1)
Display the dolfin version number
dh-ocaml / dom-apply-patches(1)
Applies all patches found in debian/patches/series in a new local branch patch-queue
dh-ocaml / dom-git-checkout(1)
Checkout the git repository of a pkg-ocaml-maint package
dh-ocaml / dom-mrconfig(1)
Generates a config file for mr
dh-ocaml / dom-new-git-repo(1)
Creates a new git repository in pkg-ocaml-maint space
dh-ocaml / dom-safe-pull(1)
Safely pull changes from git remote
dh-ocaml / dom-save-patches(1)
Creates a patch for each commit in branch patch-queue
hostname / domainname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
doodle / doodle(1)
A tool to search the meta-data in your files
doodled / doodled(1)
A daemon to keep your doodle database up-to-date
golang-doozer-bin / doozer(1)
Doozer lock service command line client
dosage / dosage(1)
A comic strip downloader and archiver
dosbox / dosbox(1)
An x86/dos emulator with sound/graphics
doscan / doscan(1)
Denial of service capable auditing of networks
doschk / doschk(1)
Checks filenames for sysv and dos compatibility
texlive-font-utils / dosepsbin(1)
Extract ps/wmf/tiff sections from dos eps binary files
pixelmed-apps / doseutility(1)
Dose utility viewer
graphviz / dot(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
graphviz / dot2gxl(1)
Gxl-gv converters
ruby-graphviz / dot2ruby(1)
Create a ruby script from a graphviz script
dot2tex / dot2tex(1)
Graphviz to latex converter
dotmcp / dot_mcp(1)
Mcp for s3d
libtextwrap-dev / dotextwrap(1)
Line-folding (text-wrapping) filter program with i18n support
mailutils / dotlock.mailutils(1)
Lock mail spool files.
liblockfile-bin / dotlockfile(1)
Utility to manage lockfiles
dots / dots(1)
A braille typesetting program for gnome
acedb-other-dotter / dotter(1)
Sequence dotplots with image enhancement tools.
graphviz / dotty(1)
A customizable graph editor
plotutils / double(1)
The gnu plotting utilities.
doublecmd-common / doublecmd(1)
Twin-panel (commander-style) file manager.
dov4l / dov4l(1)
Set parameters on a video4linux device
dovecot-core / doveadm(1)
Dovecots administration utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-altmove(1)
Move matching mails to the alternative storage (dbox-only)
dovecot-core / doveadm-auth(1)
Test authentication for a user
dovecot-core / doveadm-batch(1)
Execute multiple commands for multiple users
dovecot-core / doveadm-config(1)
Dovecots configuration dumping utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-copy(1)
Move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox doveadm-copy - copy messages matching the given search query into another mailbox
dovecot-core / doveadm-deduplicate(1)
Expunge duplicate messages
dovecot-core / doveadm-director(1)
Manage dovecot directors
dovecot-core / doveadm-dump(1)
Dump the content of dovecots binary mailbox index/log
dovecot-core / doveadm-exec(1)
Easily execute commands from dovecots libexec_dir
dovecot-core / doveadm-expunge(1)
Expunge messages matching given search query
dovecot-core / doveadm-fetch(1)
Fetch partial/full messages or message information
dovecot-core / doveadm-flags(1)
Add, remove or replace messages flags
dovecot-core / doveadm-force-resync(1)
Repair broken mailboxes
dovecot-core / doveadm-help(1)
Show information about doveadm commands
dovecot-core / doveadm-import(1)
Import messages matching given search query
dovecot-core / doveadm-index(1)
Index mailboxes
dovecot-core / doveadm-instance(1)
Manage the list of running dovecot instances
dovecot-core / doveadm-kick(1)
Disconnect users by user name and/or ip address
dovecot-core / doveadm-log(1)
Locate, test or reopen dovecots log files
dovecot-core / doveadm-mailbox(1)
Commands related to handling mailboxes
dovecot-core / doveadm-mount(1)
Manage the list of mountpoints where mails are stored
dovecot-core / doveadm-move(1)
Move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox doveadm-copy - copy messages matching the given search query into another mailbox
dovecot-core / doveadm-penalty(1)
Show current penalties
dovecot-core / doveadm-purge(1)
Remove messages with refcount=0 from mdbox files
dovecot-core / doveadm-pw(1)
Dovecots password hash generator
dovecot-core / doveadm-quota(1)
Initialize/recalculate or show current quota usage
dovecot-core / doveadm-reload(1)
Dovecots administration utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-search(1)
Show a list of mailbox guids and message uids matching given search query.
dovecot-core / doveadm-stop(1)
Dovecots administration utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-user(1)
Perform a user lookup in dovecots userdbs
dovecot-core / doveadm-who(1)
Show who is logged in to the dovecot server
dovecot-core / doveconf(1)
Dovecots configuration dumping utility
dovecot-core / dovecot(1)
A secure and highly configurable imap and pop3 server
dovecot-core / dovecot-lda(1)
Dovecots local mail delivery agent
downtimed / downtime(1)
Display system downtime records made by downtimed(8)
downtimed / downtimes(1)
Display system downtime records made by downtimed(8)
doxygen / doxygen(1)
Documentation system for various programming languages
doxygen / doxyindexer(1)
Creates a search index from raw search data
doxypy / doxypy(1)
Python input filter for doxygen
doxygen / doxysearch(1)
Search engine used for searching in doxygen documentation.
doxygen-gui / doxywizard(1)
A tool to configure and run doxygen on your source files
dozzaqueux / dozzaqueux(1)
Chemical simulator for aqueous mixtures
speech-tools / dp(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
dpatch / dpatch(1)
Patch maintenance system for debian
dpatch / dpatch-convert-diffgz(1)
Convert a debian .diff.gz to a dpatch file
dpatch / dpatch-edit-patch(1)
Maintain dpatch patches for a debian source package
dpatch / dpatch-list-patch(1)
List available patches
canna / dpbindic(1)
Convert a binary-form dictionary into a text-form dictionary
dphys-config / dphys-config(1)
Daily auto-install/update and/or remove config files
debian-goodies / dpigs(1)
Show which installed packages occupy the most space
vde2 / dpipe(1)
Bi-directional pipe command
dpkg / dpkg(1)
Package manager for debian
dpkg-dev / dpkg-architecture(1)
Set and determine the architecture for package building
dpkg-awk / dpkg-awk(1)
Utility to read a dpkg style db file
dpkg-dev / dpkg-buildflags(1)
Returns build flags to use during package build
dpkg-dev / dpkg-buildpackage(1)
Build binary or source packages from sources
dpkg-dev / dpkg-checkbuilddeps(1)
Check build dependencies and conflicts
ruby-debian / dpkg-checkdeps(1)
Utility to check deb dependency
dpkg / dpkg-deb(1)
Debian package archive (.deb) manipulation tool
devscripts / dpkg-depcheck(1)
Determine packages used to execute a command
dpkg-dev / dpkg-distaddfile(1)
Add entries to debian/files
devscripts / dpkg-genbuilddeps(1)
Generate a list of packages used to build this package
dpkg-dev / dpkg-genchanges(1)
Generate debian .changes files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-gencontrol(1)
Generate debian control files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-gensymbols(1)
Generate symbols files (shared library dependency information)
dpkg / dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)
Works around known dpkg limitations in maintainer scripts
dpkg-dev / dpkg-mergechangelogs(1)
3-way merge of debian/changelog files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-name(1)
Rename debian packages to full package names
dpkg-dev / dpkg-parsechangelog(1)
Parse debian changelog files
dpkg / dpkg-query(1)
A tool to query the dpkg database
dpkg-repack / dpkg-repack(1)
Put an unpacked .deb file back together
ruby-debian / dpkg-ruby(1)
Utility to read a dpkg style db file, dpkg-awk clone
dpkg-dev / dpkg-scanpackages(1)
Create packages index files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-scansources(1)
Create sources index files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-shlibdeps(1)
Generate shared library substvar dependencies
dpkg-dev / dpkg-source(1)
Debian source package (.dsc) manipulation tool
dpkg / dpkg-split(1)
Debian package archive split/join tool
dpkg / dpkg-trigger(1)
A package trigger utility
dpkg-dev / dpkg-vendor(1)
Queries information about distribution vendors
dpkg-www / dpkg-www(1)
Program to remotely open a www debian package browser
hydra / dpl4hydra(1)
Generates a (d)efault (p)assword (l)ist as input for thc hydra
dpm / dpm-addfs(1)
Add a filesystem to a disk pool
dpm / dpm-addpool(1)
Define a new disk pool
dpm / dpm-drain(1)
Drain a component of the light weight disk pool manager
dpm / dpm-getspacemd(1)
Get space metadata
dpm / dpm-getspacetokens(1)
Get list of space tokens
python-dpm / dpm-listspaces(1)
Display disk pool manager pools and space reservations
dpm / dpm-modifyfs(1)
Modify the parameters of a disk pool filesystem
dpm / dpm-modifypool(1)
Modify a disk pool definition
dpm / dpm-ping(1)
Check if disk pool manager is alive and print its version number
dpm / dpm-qryconf(1)
Display the disk pool manager configuration
dpm / dpm-register(1)
Register external files in dpns
dpm / dpm-releasespace(1)
Release space
dpm / dpm-replicate(1)
Replicate a file given the surl or the pfn
dpm / dpm-reservespace(1)
Reserve space
dpm / dpm-rmfs(1)
Remove a filesystem from a disk pool definition
dpm / dpm-rmpool(1)
Remove a disk pool definition
dpm / dpm-updatespace(1)
Update space
qdbm-util / dpmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm depot
dpm / dpns-chgrp(1)
Change group ownership of a dpns directory/file in the name server
dpm / dpns-chmod(1)
Change access mode of a dpns directory/file in the name server
dpm / dpns-chown(1)
Change owner and group of a dpns directory/file in the name server
dpm / dpns-entergrpmap(1)
Define a new group entry in virtual id table
dpm / dpns-enterusrmap(1)
Define a new user entry in virtual id table
dpm / dpns-getacl(1)
Get dpns directory/file access control lists
dpm / dpns-listgrpmap(1)
Query about a given group or list all existing groups in virtual gid table
dpm / dpns-listusrmap(1)
Query about a given user or list all existing users in virtual uid table
dpm / dpns-ln(1)
Make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the dpns name server
dpm / dpns-ls(1)
List dpns name server directory/file entries
dpm / dpns-mkdir(1)
Make dpns directory in the name server
dpm / dpns-modifygrpmap(1)
Modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid
dpm / dpns-modifyusrmap(1)
Modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid
dpm / dpns-ping(1)
Check if name server is alive and print its version number
dpm / dpns-rename(1)
Rename a dpns file or directory in the name server
dpm / dpns-rm(1)
Remove dpns files or directories in the name server
dpm / dpns-rmgrpmap(1)
Suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid or group name
dpm / dpns-rmusrmap(1)
Suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid or user name
dpm / dpns-setacl(1)
Set dpns directory/file access control lists
kcachegrind-converters / dprof2calltree(1)
Convert perl's dprof profiling data to kcachegrind calltree format
ladr4-apps / dprofiles(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
canna / dpromdic(1)
Convert the binary-form romaji-to-kana conversion table into the text-form table
qdbm-util / dptest(1)
Test cases for qdbm depot
qdbm-util / dptsv(1)
Mutual converter between tsv and qdbm depot database
dput / dput(1)
Package upload tool for debian
dput-ng / dput(1)
Debian package upload tool
dradio / dradio(1)
Danmarks radio netradio player
dradio / dradio-config(1)
Generate dradio configuration
dragbox / dragbox(1)
Command line drag-and-drop tool for gnome.
dragonplayer / dragon(1)
A video player that has a usability focus
pyfai / drawMask_pymca(1)
freefem++ / drawbdmesh(1)
A two - dimensional mesh viewer
drawterm / drawterm(1)
Connect to plan 9 cpu servers from other operating systems
ivtools-bin / drawtool(1)
Idraw with extensions
drawxtl / drawxtl(1)
Display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
drc / drc(1)
A program for acoustic compensation of audio systems
dreampie / dreampie(1)
An interactive python shell
rss-glx / drempels(1)
Hallucinatory desktop enhancer.
driconf / driconf(1)
Dri configuration gui
driftnet / driftnet(1)
Capture images from network traffic and display them in an x window; optionally, capture audio streams and play them.
ldnsutils / drill(1)
Get (debug) information out of dns(sec)
bilibop-common / drivemap(1)
Show block devices in a tree of dependencies
gnome-applets / drivemount_applet(1)
Drive mount applet for the gnome panel.
drmips / drmips(1)
Educational mips simulator
ostinato / drone(1)
Starts server component of ostinato.
droopy / droopy(1)
Mini web server to let others upload files to your computer.
dropbear / dropbearconvert(1)
Convert between dropbear and openssh private key formats
dropbear / dropbearkey(1)
Create private keys for the use with dropbear(8) or dbclient(1)
postgresql-client-9.4 / dropdb(1)
Remove a postgresql database
postgresql-client-9.4 / droplang(1)
Remove a postgresql procedural language
postgresql-client-9.4 / dropuser(1)
Remove a postgresql user account
drpython / drpython(1)
Simple and customizable editor for the python language
plastimatch / drr(1)
Create a digitally reconstructed radiograph
drslib / drs_checkthredds(1)
drslib / drs_tool(1)
Command-line interface to drslib
drumkv1 / drumkv1(1)
An old-school drum-kit sampler
drumstick-tools / drumstick-buildsmf(1)
A drumstick command line utility for building a simple smf (standard midi file).
drumstick-tools / drumstick-drumgrid(1)
A drumstick utility emulating a drum box.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpmid(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding midi events.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpove(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding ove (overture) files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpsmf(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding standard midi files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpwrk(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding wrk (cakewalk) files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-guiplayer(1)
A drumstick gui utility for playing midi files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-metronome(1)
A drumstick command line utility for playing a metronome pattern.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-playsmf(1)
A drumstick command line utility for playing standard midi files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-sysinfo(1)
A drumstick command line utility to get information about the alsa sequencer.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-testevents(1)
A drumstick command line utility for testing alsa sequencer events.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-timertest(1)
A drumstick command line utility for testing alsa timers.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-vpiano(1)
A drumstick gui virtual piano utility.
drush / drush(1)
Shell scripting interface for drupal
389-ds-base / ds-logpipe(1)
Create and read from a named pipe instead of a log file
saods9 / ds9(1)
Image tool for astronomy
devscripts / dscextract(1)
Extract a single file from a debian source package
devscripts / dscverify(1)
Verify the validity of a debian package
dsdp / dsdp5(1)
Semidefinite program solver
dselect / dselect(1)
Debian package management frontend
dsh / dsh(1)
Distributed shell, or dancer's shell
pdsh / dshbak(1)
Format output from pdsh command
389-ds-base / dsktune(1)
Reports memory, network, and file system tuning settings which can affect the performance of the directory server
opencaster / dsmcc-receive(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
splash / dsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
dcmtk / dsr2html(1)
Render dicom sr file and data set to html/xhtml
dcmtk / dsr2xml(1)
Convert dicom sr file and data set to xml
dcmtk / dsrdump(1)
Dump dicom sr file and data set
dssi-utils / dssi_analyse_plugin(1)
Describe a dssi plugin
dssi-utils / dssi_list_plugins(1)
List available dssi plugins
dssi-utils / dssi_osc_send(1)
Send osc messages to dssi applications.
dssi-utils / dssi_osc_update(1)
Send a dssi `update' osc request
dvb-apps / dst_test(1)
A twinhan dst and clones test utility.
dstat / dstat(1)
Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics
dovecot-core / dsync(1)
Dovecots mailbox synchronization utility
ditrack / dt(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
ditrack / dt-createdb(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
ditrack / dt-upgrade-0.7-db(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
texlive-binaries / dt2dv(1)
Convert a dtl text representation of a tex dvi file to a binary dvi file
dtach / dtach(1)
Simple program that emulates the detach feature of screen.
dtaus / dtaus(1)
Converter for dtaus files
device-tree-compiler / dtc(1)
Device tree compiler
dtc-xen / dtc-xen_userconsole(1)
Helps to have a user connect to a xen physical console
vim-scripts / dtd2vim(1)
Creates xml data file for vim7 omni completion from dtds
mono-devel / dtd2xsd(1)
Xml schema generator from xml document that contains dtd.
device-tree-compiler / dtdiff(1)
Compare two different device-tree
dtdinst / dtdinst(1)
Xml dtd to xml instance format converter
gnuserv / dtemacs(1)
Contact emacs with gnuclient, starting emacs if no answer.
dapl2-utils / dtest(1)
Simple udapl send/receive and rdma test
qfits-tools / dtfits(1)
Display fits table
vpb-utils / dtmfcheck(1)
Scan a wav file for dtmf tones
simh / dtos8cvt(1)
Tape conversion utility
systemtap-sdt-dev / dtrace(1)
Dtrace compatibile user application static probe generation tool.
dtrx / dtrx(1)
Cleanly extract many archive types
libdca-utils / dtsdec(1)
Decode dts coherent acoustics audio streams
coreutils / du(1)
Estimate file space usage
atlc / dualcoax(1)
Determine impedance of a coaxial structure with two concentric dielectrics.
sumo / duarouter(1)
Shortest path router and due computer for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo
libdv-bin / dubdv(1)
Insert audio into a digital video stream
duck / duck(1)
The debian url checker
libdumbnet-dev / dumbnet-config(1)
Provide compiler and linker information for libdumbnet
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 / dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks(1)
Preliminary manpage dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks
xawtv-tools / dump-mixers(1)
Dump oss mixer settings to standard output
slic3r / dump-stl(1)
Dump stl into perl syntax for writing slic3r tests
dcmtk / dump2dcm(1)
Convert ascii dump to dicom file
ctn / dump_commit_requests(1)
Generic ctn manual page
pyliblo-utils / dump_osc(1)
Prints incoming osc messages
xsettingsd / dump_xsettings(1)
Prints x11 application settings from an xsettings provider
dumpasn1 / dumpasn1(1)
Asn.1 object dump/syntax check program
ice35-services / dumpdb(1)
Examine a freeze database
pax-utils / dumpelf(1)
Dump internal elf structure
libxbase64-bin / dumphdr(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
libraw1394-tools / dumpiso(1)
Dump ieee 1394 isochronous channel packets
kbd / dumpkeys(1)
Dump keyboard translation tables
python-pdfminer / dumppdf(1)
Dumps internal contents of a pdf files
console-cyrillic / dumppsf(1)
libxbase64-bin / dumprecs(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
dvbstream / dumprtp(1)
Get an rtp unicast/multicast/broadcast stream and output it
libgcrypt20-dev / dumpsexp(1)
Debug tool for s-expressions
whitedune / dune(1)
Graphical vrml97 editor and animation tool
libdune-common-dev / dunecontrol(1)
Control program for the dune build system
pescetti / dup2dds(1)
Dup2dds converts duplimate (dup) format to dds
magicrescue / dupemap(1)
Creates a database of file checksums and uses it to eliminate duplicates
duplicity / duplicity(1)
Encrypted incremental backup to local or remote storage.
dupload / dupload(1)
Utility to upload debian packages
duply / duply(1)
A shell frontend to duplicity for simplified backups
vserver-debiantools / dupvserver(1)
Creates a new debian vserver by copying an other one.
texlive-binaries / dv2dt(1)
Convert a binary tex dvi file to dtl text representation
dv4l / dv4l(1)
Make a dv1394 camcorder available for video4linux programs
dv4l / dv4lstart(1)
Redirect v4l api to access a camcorder from a v4l program
dvb-tools / dvb-fe-tool(1)
Dvbv5 tool for frontend settings inspect/change
dvb-tools / dvb-format-convert(1)
Dvbv5 tool for file format conversions
dvbackup / dvbackup(1)
Dvbackup converter from arbitrary data to a dv stream
dvbcut / dvbcut(1)
Qt application for cutting parts out of dvb streams
dvb-apps / dvbdate(1)
A program to show the actual time.
dvblast / dvblast(1)
Simple and powerful dvb streaming application
dvb-apps / dvbnet(1)
A dvb network interface manager.
dvb-apps / dvbscan(1)
A program to produce dvb-t channels.conf files.
dvbsnoop / dvbsnoop(1)
dvbstream / dvbstream(1)
Transmit a dvb transport stream via rtp
dvb-apps / dvbtraffic(1)
A program to show satellite traffic.
dvbtune / dvbtune(1)
Dvbtune command-line tuning application for dvb cards
libdv-bin / dvconnect(1)
Receive or transmit raw dv using the video1394 device
libavc1394-tools / dvcont(1)
Send control commands to dv cameras
dvd+rw-tools / dvd+rw-booktype(1)
Format dvd+-rw/-ram disk with a logical format
growisofs / dvd+rw-format(1)
Format dvd+-rw/-ram disk
dvd+rw-tools / dvd+rw-mediainfo(1)
Display information about dvd drive and disk
dvd-slideshow / dvd-menu(1)
Creates a dvd navigation menu with buttons.
dvd+rw-tools / dvd-ram-control(1)
Checks features of dvd-ram discs
dvd-slideshow / dvd-slideshow(1)
Creates a slideshow movie in dvd video format from a list of pictures and effects.
dvdauthor / dvdauthor(1)
Assembles multiple mpeg program streams into a suitable dvd filesystem
dvdbackup / dvdbackup(1)
Tool to backup dvds
dvdauthor / dvddirdel(1)
Dvddirdel deletes a previously authored dvd directory structure in dir
dvdisaster / dvdisaster(1)
Data loss/scratch/aging protection for cd/dvd media
dvdtape / dvdtape(1)
Write a dlt tape for manufacturing a digital versatile disc.
dvdauthor / dvdunauthor(1)
Dvdunauthor removes dvd-video file structure
dvdwizard / dvdwizard(1)
Dvdwizard automated creation of dvd structure
ogmtools / dvdxchap(1)
Extract chapter information from dvds
dvi2dvi / dvi2dvi(1)
Tweaks dvi files
texlive-base / dvi2fax(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to g3 fax format
dvi2ps / dvi2ps(1)
Convert a dvi file to postscript
texlive-binaries / dvi2tty(1)
Preview a tex dvi-file on an ordinary ascii terminal
texlive-binaries / dvibook(1)
Rearrange pages in dvi file into signatures
texlive-binaries / dviconcat(1)
Concatenate dvi files
texlive-binaries / dvicopy(1)
Produce modified copy of dvi file
dvidvi / dvidvi(1)
Selects and/or re-arranges pages in a tex dvi file
dvipng / dvigif(1)
A dvi-to-png translator
texlive-binaries / dvihp(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to hewlett-packard pcl
ghostscript / dvipdf(1)
Convert tex dvi file to pdf using ghostscript and dvips
texlive-binaries / dvipdfm(1)
Produce pdf files directly from dvi files
texlive-binaries / dvipdfmx(1)
Produce pdf files directly from dvi files
dvipng / dvipng(1)
A dvi-to-png translator
texlive-binaries / dvipos(1)
Compute positions in a dvi file
dvipsk-ja / dvips(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to postscript
texlive-binaries / dvips(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to postscript
texlive-base / dvired(1)
Print dvi-files
texlive-binaries / dviselect(1)
Extract pages from dvi files
texlive-binaries / dvisvgm(1)
Converts dvi files to the xml-based svg format
texlive-binaries / dvitodvi(1)
Rearrange pages in a dvi file
texlive-binaries / dvitomp(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to a metapost mpxfile
texlive-binaries / dvitype(1)
Translate a dvi file for humans
dvtm / dvtm(1)
Dynamic virtual terminal manager
dwarfdump / dwarfdump(1)
Dumps dwarf debug information of an elf object
dwb / dwbem(1)
Dwb extension manager
dwb / dwbremote(1)
Dwb remote control
webp / dwebp(1)
Decompress a webp file to an image file
dwm / dwm(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.default(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.maintainer(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.web(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.winkey(1)
Dynamic window manager
binutils / dwp(1)
The dwarf packaging utility
dwww / dwww(1)
Access documentation via www
dwz / dwz(1)
Dwarf optimization and duplicate removal tool
dx / dx(1)
Start the data explorer visualization system. optionally directly start the user interface (dxui), the executive (dxexec), the data prompter, the module builder or the tutorial.
dime / dxf2vrml(1)
Program to convert .dxf formatted 3-d datasets to .vrml format.
dime / dxfsphere(1)
Generate a triangle mesh approximating a sphere by recursive subdivision in .dxf format using libdime
dancer-xml / dxml-db2html(1)
Obtain html output from docbook xml document
dancer-xml / dxml-db2latex(1)
Obtain latex output from docbook xml document
dancer-xml / dxml-getelement(1)
Obtain element from xml file using dancer-xml parser
dxpc / dxpc(1)
Differential x protocol compressor
dynalogin-server / dynalogind(1)
Dynalogin server daemon
dynamite / dynamite(1)
Pkware data compression decompressor
dynare / dynare++(1)
Compute higher order approximations of dsge models
dzedit / dzeX11(1)
The cern zebra documentation editor
dzedit / dzedit(1)
The cern zebra documentation editor
debian-goodies / dzegrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
dzen2 / dzen2(1)
General-purpose messaging and notification for x11
dzen2 / dzen2-dbar(1)
Simple gadget that you can use in combination with dzen to display a progressbar.
dzen2 / dzen2-gcpubar(1)
Graphical cpu usage meter
dzen2 / dzen2-gdbar(1)
Generates fully graphical progress meters
dzen2 / dzen2-textwidth(1)
Calculate the width in pixels of text for a given font.
debian-goodies / dzfgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
debian-goodies / dzgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
zope-common / dzhandle(1)
Dzhandle debian/ubuntu zope packages handling command line utility
ncbi-epcr / e-PCR(1)
E-pcr find sequence tagged sites (sts) in dna sequences
e00compr / e00conv(1)
Converts arc/info e00 files from one level of compression to another.
e2tools / e2cp(1)
Copies files from/to an e2fs filesystem
e2tools / e2ln(1)
Create hard links on an ext2 filesystem
e2ps / e2lpr(1)
Converts plain text into postscript
e2tools / e2ls(1)
List files and directories on an ext2 filesystem
e2tools / e2mkdir(1)
Creates a directory on an ext2 filesystem
exactimage / e2mtiff(1)
Any to multi-page tiff converter of the exactimage toolkit
e2tools / e2mv(1)
Moves or renames files on an ext2fs filesystem
e2ps / e2ps(1)
Converts plain text into postscript
e2tools / e2rm(1)
Removes files and directories on an ext2 filesystem
e2tools / e2tail(1)
A basic version of the tail command for an ext2 filesystem
e3 / e3(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3em(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3ne(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3pi(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3vi(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3ws(1)
A mini text editor
ebook-speaker / eBook-speaker(1)
Read aloud ebooks and other text formats using a software speech-synthesizer
etktab / eTktab(1)
Tk based ascii guitar tab editor
eancheck / eancheck(1)
Check digit validator for ean, plu and upc barcode numbers
ecere-dev / ear(1)
Ecere archiver
predict / earthtrack(1)
Combine xplanet and predict
tempest-for-eliza / easy_eliza(1)
Wrapper around tempest_for_eliza
qtoctave / easy_plot(1)
A qt front-end for octave plotting
easychem / easychem(1)
Draw high-quality molecules and chemical 2d formulas
easyh10 / easyh10(1)
Manage the iriver h10 mp3 player
easymp3gain-gtk / easymp3gain-gtk(1)
Gtk+ gui frontend for mp3gain
easymp3gain-qt / easymp3gain-qt(1)
Qt gui frontend for mp3gain
easytag / easytag(1)
Tag editor for mp3, ogg vorbis files and more
eatmydata / eatmydata(1)
Transparently disable fsync() and other data-to-disk synchronization calls
eb-utils / ebappendix(1)
Format appendix file for a cd-rom book
eb-utils / ebfont(1)
Get font data of local defined characters in cd-rom books
ebhttpd / ebhtcheck(1)
A lint for ebhttpd configuration
ebhttpd / ebhtcontrol(1)
A controller for ebhttpd
ebhttpd / ebhttpd(1)
A specialized http server for cd-rom books
bibutils / ebi2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
eb-utils / ebinfo(1)
List information about a cd-rom book
eblook / eblook(1)
Look in an electronic dictionary
ebnetd / ebncheck(1)
A lint for ebnetd configuration
ebnetd / ebncontrol(1)
A controller for ebnetd
ebnetd-common / ebndaily(1)
Get stats for ebnetd and send it to admins
ebnetd / ebnetd(1)
The ebnet server
ebnetd-common / ebnupgrade(1)
Smooths transition from old ndtpd
eboard / eboard-addtheme(1)
A program to easily install new eboard board and sound themes.
eboard / eboard-config(1)
Program to get information about the installed eboard.
calibre / ebook-viewer(1)
View ebook
ebook2cw / ebook2cw(1)
Convert ebooks to morse code audio files (mp3/ogg)
ebook2cwgui / ebook2cwgui(1)
Graphical user interface for ebook2cw (text to morse converter)
eb-utils / ebrefile(1)
Refile a catalog file in a cd-rom book
emacs24-common / ebrowse.emacs24(1)
Create a class hierarchy database
eb-utils / ebstopcode(1)
Analyze a text stop code of a cd-rom book
ebumeter / ebumeter(1)
A audio loudness meter for jack audio connection kit
eb-utils / ebunzip(1)
Compress a cd-rom book
ebumeter / ebur128(1)
A command line app measuring loudness on audio files.
eb-utils / ebzip(1)
Compress a cd-rom book
eb-utils / ebzipinfo(1)
Compress a cd-rom book
minc-tools / ecattominc(1)
Convert an ecat format file (version 6.x or 7.x) to a minc format file
ecere-dev / ecc(1)
Ec compiler
pixelmed-apps / ecgviewer(1)
Ecg viewer
coreutils / echo(1)
Display a line of text
echoping / echoping(1)
Tests a remote host with tcp or udp
echoping / echoping_dns(1)
Echoping plugin which queries a dns server
echoping / echoping_ldap(1)
Echoping plugin which connects to a ldap server
echoping / echoping_postgresql(1)
Echoping plugin which connects to a postgresql rdbms server
echoping / echoping_random(1)
Echoping plugin which just sleeps a random time
echoping / echoping_whois(1)
Echoping plugin which connects to a whois server
dcmtk / echoscu(1)
Dicom verification (c-echo) scu
ecj / ecj(1)
Manual page for eclipse jdt compiler
ecl / ecl(1)
Embeddable common lisp
ecl / ecl-config(1)
Embeddable common lisp configuration query
eclipse-platform / eclipse(1)
Extensible tool platform and java ide
simh / eclipseemu(1)
Simulate a eclipse computer
gmp-ecm / ecm(1)
Integer factorization using ecm, p-1 or p+1
ecm / ecm-compress(1)
Selectively strips error correction codes from cd images
ecm / ecm-uncompress(1)
Regenerate error correction codes from ecm files
exactimage / econvert(1)
Image converter of the exactimage toolkit
ecere-dev / ecp(1)
Ec precompiler (symbol file generator)
libecpg-dev / ecpg(1)
Embedded sql c preprocessor
libtntnet-dev / ecppc(1)
Compiler for ecpp(7)
libtntnet-dev / ecppl(1)
Language-extractor for ecpp(7)
libtntnet-dev / ecppll(1)
Language-linker for ecpp
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-add-passphrase(1)
Add an ecryptfs mount passphrase to the kernel keyring.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-find(1)
Use inode numbers to match encrypted/decrypted filenames
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-generate-tpm-key(1)
Generate an ecryptfs key for tpm hardware.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring(1)
Unwrap a wrapped passphrase from file and insert into the kernel keyring.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-mount-private(1)
Interactive ecryptfs private mount wrapper script.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-recover-private(1)
Find and mount any encrypted private directories
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase(1)
Unwrap an ecryptfs wrapped passphrase, rewrap it with a new passphrase, and write it back to file.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-rewrite-file(1)
Force a file to be rewritten (reencrypted) in the lower filesystem
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-setup-private(1)
Setup an ecryptfs private directory.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-setup-swap(1)
Ensure that any swap space is encrypted
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-stat(1)
Present statistics on encrypted ecryptfs file attributes
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-umount-private(1)
Ecryptfs private unmount wrapper script.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase(1)
Unwrap an ecryptfs mount passphrase from file.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-verify(1)
Validate an ecryptfs encrypted home or encrypted private configuration
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase(1)
Wrap an ecryptfs mount passphrase.
ecere-dev / ecs(1)
Ec symbol loader generator
ed / ed(1)
Line-oriented text editor
tkdesk / ed-tkdesk(1)
Edit a file using tkdesk's editor
rhash / ed2k-link(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
ed2k-hash / ed2k_hash(1)
A tool for generating ed2k-links
edac-utils / edac-util(1)
Edac error reporting utility.
edbrowse / edbrowse(1)
Text editor and web browser
exactimage / edentify(1)
Image indentifiction tool of the exactimage toolkit
edfbrowser / edfbrowser(1)
Graphical program to set up you freesci configuration
aghermann / edfcat(1)
Edf file channel mixer/converter.
aghermann / edfhed(1)
Edf header dumper/editor.
aghermann / edfhed-gtk(1)
A simple edf header editor
pymca / edfviewer(1)
Simple edf file viewer
graphviz / edgepaint(1)
Edge coloring to disambiguate crossing edges
wcstools / edhead(1)
edisplay / edisplay(1)
Fast image viewer
mime-support / edit(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
hylafax-client / edit-faxcover(1)
Edit faxcover.ps
devscripts / edit-patch(1)
Tool for preparing patches for debian source packages
gnats-user / edit-pr(1)
Edit a problem report in the gnats database
octomap-tools / edit_octree(1)
Octree editor
crip / editcomment(1)
Program to edit comments of ogg vorbis files
gromacs-data / editconf(1)
Convert and manipulates structure files
gromacs-data / editconf_d(1)
Convert and manipulates structure files
crip / editfilenames(1)
Filename editor for crip
editmoin / editmoin(1)
Edit moinmoin wiki pages in your favourite editor
editorconfig / editorconfig(1)
Editorconfig command
editorconfig / editorconfig-0.11.5(1)
Editorconfig command
editra / editra(1)
Simple multi-platform text editor
libedje-bin / edje_cc(1)
An edje compiler
libedje-bin / edje_decc(1)
An edje decompiler
libedje-bin / edje_recc(1)
An edje recompiler
mailagent / edusers(1)
Edit users list created by package
refdb-clients / eenc(1)
Perform password encryption for refdb clients
eep24c / eep24c(1)
Read and write 24cxxx eeprom devices
libeet-bin / eet(1)
Small tool to handle eet files.
efax / efax(1)
Send/receive faxes with class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem (please read the fax man page first.)
efax-gtk / efax-0.9a(1)
Send/receive faxes with class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem (please read the fax man page first.)
efax-gtk / efax-gtk(1)
Gui front end for efax program
efax-gtk / efax-gtk-faxfilter(1)
Wrapper around efax-gtk-socket-client
efax-gtk / efax-gtk-socket-client(1)
A client of efax-gtk to work with lpd/lprng
acedb-other / efetch(1)
Retrieve entries from sequence databases.
eficas / eficas(1)
Eficas command
eficas / eficasQt(1)
Eficasqt command
efivar / efivar(1)
Tool to manipulate uefi variables
efax / efix(1)
Convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale formats
efax-gtk / efix-0.9a(1)
Convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale formats
eflite / eflite(1)
A speech server for festival lite
efte / efte(1)
Text editor
easygit / eg(1)
Git for mere mortals
python-wheel-common / egg2wheel(1)
Convert eggs to pep 427 format binary wheels.
eggdrop / eggdrop(1)
An irc bot
gcpegg / eggsh(1)
Global consciousness project reg software
grep / egrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
eiciel / eiciel(1)
Gnome acl file permissions editor
id-utils / eid(1)
Query id database and report results.
opensc / eidenv(1)
Utility for accessing visible data from electronic identity cards
epub-utils / einfo(1)
Shows information of an epub document
mafft / einsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
eiskaltdcpp-cli / eiskaltdcpp-cli-jsonrpc(1)
Simple command line interface for eiskaltdc++ daemon written on perl
eiskaltdcpp-daemon / eiskaltdcpp-daemon(1)
Simple daemon controllable via xmlrpc or jsonrpc
eiskaltdcpp-gtk / eiskaltdcpp-gtk(1)
Gui based on gtk (based on freedc++ and linuxdc++)
eiskaltdcpp-gtk3 / eiskaltdcpp-gtk3(1)
Gui based on gtk (based on freedc++ and linuxdc++)
eiskaltdcpp-qt / eiskaltdcpp-qt(1)
Gui based on qt
eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini / eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini(1)
Gui based on qt
opencaster / eitsecactualtoanother(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / eitsecfilter(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / eitsecmapper(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
eject / eject(1)
Eject removable media
ekg / ekg(1)
A gadu-gadu compatible client.
ekg / ekg-ncurses(1)
A gadu-gadu compatible client.
ekg2-core / ekg2(1)
Opensource im client for unix systems
ekg / ekglogs(1)
A logs lister for ekg
ekiga / ekiga(1)
Sip and h.323 voice over ip and videoconferencing for un*x
ekiga / ekiga-config-tool(1)
Ekiga gconf setup configuration assistant.
ekg / ekl2(1)
Ekg history viewer.
elastix / elastix(1)
Perform image registration
elog / elconv(1)
Conversion program for elog messages
electric / electric(1)
A vlsi design system
electrum / electrum(1)
Lightweight bitcoin client
pymca / elementsinfo(1)
Periodic table with atomic constants used by pymca
elfrc / elfrc(1)
Elfrc a resource compiler for elf systems
elida / elida(1)
Process source package in mail request
elida / elidad(1)
Builds packages using pbuilder and runs piuparts and lintian
elinks-data / elinks(1)
Lynx-like alternative character mode www browser
eliom / eliom-distillery(1)
Scaffolding for your eliom-projects.
eliom / eliomc(1)
The eliom build tools
eliom / eliomcp(1)
The eliom build tools
eliom / eliomdep(1)
The eliom build tools
eliom / eliomopt(1)
The eliom build tools
elk-lapw / elk-bands(1)
Plotting program for elk band structures
elk-lapw / elk-lapw(1)
All-electron full-potential linearised augmented-plane wave code
elki / elki(1)
Elki: data mining framework
elki / elki-cli(1)
Elki: data mining framework
bcc / elksemu(1)
Embedded linux kernel subset emulator
xemacs21-bin / ellcc.xemacs21(1)
Program to compile an emacs dynamic module
elog / elog(1)
Utility program for electronic logbook elog
elvis-tiny / elvis-tiny(1)
Tiny vi-compatible editor
elyxer / elyxer(1)
Convert lyx files to html
elza / elza(1)
Elza script language for automating http requests
emacs24-common / emacs.emacs24(1)
Gnu project emacs
emacs24-common / emacsclient.emacs24(1)
Tells a running emacs to visit a file
emacspeak / emacspeak(1)
Speech output interface to emacs
trac-email2trac / email2trac(1)
Creates and amends trac tickets from e-mail.
ember / ember(1)
3d client for the worldforge project.
ember / ember.bin(1)
3d client for the worldforge project.
libembryo-bin / embryo_cc(1)
A small compiler
emerillon / emerillon(1)
Map viewer for gnome
emesene / emesene(1)
An instant messaging client
emdebian-grip / emgrip(1)
Converts a .deb to emdebian grip on-the-fly
emdebian-grip / emgrip-build(1)
Build wrapper script for emdebian grip
emms / emms-print-metadata(1)
Print information about music files
empathy / empathy(1)
Gnome multi-protocol chat and call client
empathy / empathy-accounts(1)
Accounts configuration dialog for empathy instant messaging client
empty-expect / empty(1)
Run processes under pseudo-terminal sessions
exactimage / empty-page(1)
Empty page detector of the exactimage toolkit
python-empy / empy(1)
A powerful and robust templating system for python
python3-empy / empy3(1)
A powerful and robust templating system for python
emu8051 / emu8051(1)
Simulator/emulator for the intel 8051 family of microcontrollers
emu8051 / emu8051-cli(1)
Simulator/emulator for the intel 8051 family of microcontrollers
emu8051 / emu8051-gtk(1)
Simulator/emulator for the intel 8051 family of microcontrollers
asn1c / enber(1)
Convert the unber xml output back into ber
enblend / enblend(1)
Combine images using a multiresolution spline
enblend / enblend-mp(1)
Combine images using a multiresolution spline
enca / enca(1)
Detect and convert encoding of text files
netpipes / encapsulate(1)
Multiplex several channels over a single socket with sampling of remote process exit status, and provide conversation termination without closing the socket. netpipes 4.2
encfs / encfs(1)
Mounts or creates an encrypted virtual filesystem
encfs / encfsctl(1)
Administrative tool for working with encfs filesystems
enchant / enchant(1)
A spellchecker
enchant / enchant-lsmod(1)
Show information about available spell-checking modules and dictionaries.
snmp / encode_keychange(1)
Produce the keychange string for snmpv3
libdv-bin / encodedv(1)
Encode a series of images to a digital video stream
enca / enconv(1)
Detect and convert encoding of text files
encuentro / encuentro(1)
Busque, descargue, y vea el maravilloso contenido ofrecido por el canal encuentro, paka paka, bacua, educ.ar y otros. note: this program is strongly oriented to spanish speaking people, as the content of canal encuentro and the other channels is only in spanish.
bibutils / end2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
libbiblio-endnotestyle-perl / endnote-format(1)
Frontend to the biblio::endnotestyle perl package
bibutils / endx2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
gromacs-data / eneconv(1)
Convert energy files
gromacs-data / eneconv_d(1)
Convert energy files
enemies-of-carlotta / enemies-of-carlotta(1)
A simple mailing list manager
enfuse / enfuse(1)
Poor man's hdr
enfuse / enfuse-mp(1)
Poor man's hdr
engauge-digitizer / engauge(1)
Interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into numbers
engrampa / engrampa(1)
Archive manager for mate
e17 / enlightenment(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
e17 / enlightenment_imc(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
e17 / enlightenment_remote(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
e17 / enlightenment_start(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
ctn / enq_ctndisp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / enq_ctnnetwork(1)
Generic ctn manual page
enscribe / enscribe(1)
Enscribe convert images to sound
enscript / enscript(1)
Convert text files to postscript, html, rtf, ansi, and overstrikes
ensymble / ensymble(1)
Ensymble developer utilities for symbian os
ent / ent(1)
entagged / entagged(1)
Java audio file tagger
ncbi-tools-x11 / entrez(1)
A graphical client for the ncbi entrez retrieval system
ncbi-tools-x11 / entrez2(1)
A graphical client for the ncbi entrez retrieval system
liwc / entrigraph(1)
Convert c source code to use trigraphs
enum / enum(1)
Seq- and jot-like enumerator
libchm-bin / enum_chmLib(1)
Lists the contents of a chm file.
libchm-bin / enumdir_chmLib(1)
Lists the contents of chm file(s).
coreutils / env(1)
Run a program in a modified environment
python-srs / envfrom2srs(1)
Rewrites the envelope sender address in view of remailing it
gettext-base / envsubst(1)
Substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
alsa-tools-gui / envy24control(1)
Gui control tool for envy24 (ice1712) based soundcards, under alsa.
eog / eog(1)
A gnome image viewer
eom / eom(1)
The eye of mate image viewer
eot-utils / eotinfo(1)
Display data from an eot file in a readable way
epigrass / epgeditor(1)
Graphical editor of .epg models for epigrass
epigrass / epigrass(1)
Scientific tool for simulations and scenario analysis in network epidemiology
photopc / epinfo(1)
Extract technical information from digital camera generated files
epiphany-browser / epiphany(1)
Simple to use web browser for gnome
epiphany-browser / epiphany-browser(1)
Simple to use web browser for gnome
epigrass / epirunner(1)
Command line version of epigrass
episoder / episoder(1)
Tv show episode reminder.
ecere-dev / epj2make(1)
Cross-platform makefile generator for ecere ide project files (.epj)
texlive-formats-extra / eplain(1)
Expanded plain tex
epm / epm(1)
Create software packages.
erlang-base / epmd(1)
Erlang port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [dbgextra...] [-port no] [-daemon] [-relaxed_command_check]starts the port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [-port no] [-names|-kill|-stop name]communicates with a running port mapper daemon
erlang-base-hipe / epmd(1)
Erlang port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [dbgextra...] [-port no] [-daemon] [-relaxed_command_check]starts the port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [-port no] [-names|-kill|-stop name]communicates with a running port mapper daemon
epm / epminstall(1)
Add a directory, file, or symlink to a list file.
epoptes / epoptes(1)
A computer lab administration tool
ghostscript / eps2eps(1)
Ghostscript postscript "distiller"
psutils / epsffit(1)
Fit encapsulated postscript file (epsf) into constrained size
epsilon-bin / epsilon(1)
Powerful open source wavelet image compressor
python-epsilon / epsilon-benchmark(1)
Python script statistics collector
epstool / epstool(1)
Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in eps files.
texlive-font-utils / epstopdf(1)
Convert an eps file to pdf
calibre / epub-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from an epub ebook file
epubcheck / epubcheck(1)
Validation tool for epub
python-epydoc / epydoc(1)
Generate api documentation from python docstrings
python-epydoc / epydocgui(1)
Graphical interface to epydoc
pylint / epylint(1)
Emacs and flymake compatible pylint
groff / eqn2graph(1)
Convert an eqn equation into a cropped image
gladtex / eqn2img(1)
eqonomize / eqonomize(1)
A personal finances program
aqsis / eqsl(1)
Gui frontend for command line tools from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard"
equalx / equalx(1)
A feature rich equations editor
equivs / equivs-build(1)
Make a debian package to register local software
equivs / equivs-control(1)
Create a configuration file for equivs-build
eric / eric(1)
A full-fledged python ide and debugger
eric / eric5(1)
A full-fledged python ide and debugger
eric / eric5_api(1)
Eric5 api generator
eric / eric5_compare(1)
Simple graphical compare tool
eric / eric5_configure(1)
Configuration editor for eric5
eric / eric5_diff(1)
Simple graphical diff tool
eric / eric5_doc(1)
Eric5 documentation generator
eric / eric5_editor(1)
Simplified version of the eric4 editor
eric / eric5_helpviewer(1)
Eric5 and qt help browser
eric / eric5_iconeditor(1)
Icon editor for eric5
eric / eric5_plugininstall(1)
Plugin installation utility for eric5
eric / eric5_pluginrepository(1)
Utility to show the contents of the eric5 plugin repository
eric / eric5_pluginuninstall(1)
Plugin uninstallation utility for eric5
eric / eric5_qregexp(1)
A gui editor for qt style regular expressions
eric / eric5_qregularexpression(1)
A gui editor for qt style regular expressions
eric / eric5_re(1)
A gui editor for python style regular expressions
eric / eric5_snap(1)
Simple utility to do snapshots of the screen.
eric / eric5_sqlbrowser(1)
Eric5 sql browser
eric / eric5_tray(1)
Traystarter for eric5
eric / eric5_trpreviewer(1)
Previewer for ui translations
eric / eric5_uipreviewer(1)
Previever for qt designer *.ui files
eric / eric5_unittest(1)
A gui for displaying python unit test results
eric / eric5_webbrowser(1)
Eric5 web browser
erlang-base / erl(1)
The erlang emulator
erlang-base-hipe / erl(1)
The erlang emulator
erlang-base / erl_call(1)
Call/start a distributed erlang node
erlang-base-hipe / erl_call(1)
Call/start a distributed erlang node
erlang-dev / erlang-depends(1)
Calculates erlang dependencies
sloccount / erlang_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
erlang-base / erlc(1)
erlang-base-hipe / erlc(1)
ncbi-tools-bin / errhdr(1)
Produce a c header file from a set of messages
moreutils / errno(1)
Look up errno names and descriptions
ruby-erubis / erubis(1)
Eruby style template engine for multiple languages
mesa-utils-extra / es2_info(1)
List opengl es extensions
mesa-utils-extra / es2gears(1)
``gears'' demo for gles2
mesa-utils-extra / es2gears_screen(1)
``gears'' demo for gles2
mesa-utils-extra / es2gears_x11(1)
``gears'' demo for gles2
mesa-utils-extra / es2tri(1)
A draw demonstration using x/egl and opengl es 2.x
tstools / es2ts(1)
Convert es to ts
esajpip / esa_jpip_server(1)
Start esa jpip server
opencaster / esaudio2pes(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / esaudioinfo(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
printer-driver-min12xxw / esc-m(1)
Ease viewing output of driver data
escputil / escputil(1)
Maintain epson stylus inkjet printers
erlang-base / escript(1)
Erlang scripting support
erlang-base-hipe / escript(1)
Erlang scripting support
pulseaudio-esound-compat / esd(1)
Pulseaudio esd wrapper script
libesd0-dev / esd-config(1)
The enlightened sound daemon
pulseaudio-esound-compat / esdcompat(1)
Pulseaudio esd wrapper script
tstools / esdots(1)
Analyze the video items contained in an elementary stream
esekeyd / esekeyd(1)
Ese key daemon is a multimedia keyboard driver for linux
tstools / esfilter(1)
Output a filtered or truncated version of a es
tstools / esmerge(1)
Merge audio and video es into a ts
esmtp / esmtp(1)
Libesmtp to sendmail compatibility interface
esniper / esniper(1)
A lightweight ebay sniping tool
esorex / esorex(1)
Eso recipe execution tool
espctag / espctag(1)
Edit tags of spc files (id666)
espeak / espeak(1)
A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer.
espeakedit / espeakedit(1)
Espeak voice editor
esperanza / esperanza(1)
A xmms2 client.
hevea / esponja(1)
Optimize html code.
tstools / esreport(1)
Report the content of a video es
tstools / esreverse(1)
Reverse an es stream
hyperestraier / estcall(1)
Command line interface of the node api
hyperestraier / estcmd(1)
Command line interface of the core api
libestraier-dev / estconfig(1)
Configuration utility of hyper estraier
hyperestraier / estfxasis(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxfilter(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxmantotxt(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxmsotohtml(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxpdftohtml(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estload(1)
Stresser for web applications
hyperestraier / estmaster(1)
Master process of node servers
hyperestraier / estwaver(1)
Command line interface of web crawler
wise / estwise(1)
Estwise comparison of a related protein to cdna (or ests)
wise / estwisedb(1)
Estwisedb a database of proteins vs a database of est/cdna sequences
hyperestraier / estwolefind(1)
Listing wwwoffle cache for hyper estraier
opencaster / esvideompeg2info(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / esvideompeg2pes(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
emacs24-common / etags.emacs24(1)
Generate tag file for emacs, vi
xemacs21-bin / etags.xemacs21(1)
Generate tag file for emacs, vi
eterm / eterm-utils(1)
Eterm accessory programs
texlive-binaries / etex(1)
Extended (plain) tex
lilypond / etf2ly(1)
Manual page for etf2ly (lilypond) 2.18.2
ethstats / ethstats(1)
Ethstats quickly display statistics of network interfaces
ethstatus / ethstatus(1)
Console-based ethernet statistics monitor
etm / etm(1)
Manage events and tasks using simple text files
etsf-io / etsf_io(1)
Manual page for etsf_io
euca2ools / euare-accountaliascreate(1)
Create an alias for an account, a.k.a. an account name
euca2ools / euare-accountaliasdelete(1)
Delete an account's alias, a.k.a. its account name
euca2ools / euare-accountaliaslist(1)
List your account's aliases
euca2ools / euare-accountcreate(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] create a new account
euca2ools / euare-accountdel(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] delete an account
euca2ools / euare-accountdelpolicy(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] remove a policy from an account
euca2ools / euare-accountgetpolicy(1)
Display an account's policy
euca2ools / euare-accountgetsummary(1)
Display account-level information about account entity usage and iam quotas
euca2ools / euare-accountlist(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] list all of the cloud's accounts
euca2ools / euare-accountlistpolicies(1)
[eucalyptus only] list one specific policy or all policies attached to an account. if no policies are attached to the account, the action still succeeds.
euca2ools / euare-accountuploadpolicy(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] attach a policy to an account
euca2ools / euare-getldapsyncstatus(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] show the status of the cloud's ldap synchronization
euca2ools / euare-groupaddpolicy(1)
Add a new policy to a group. to add more complex policies than this tool supports, see euare-groupuploadpolicy.
euca2ools / euare-groupadduser(1)
Add a user to a group
euca2ools / euare-groupcreate(1)
Create a new group
euca2ools / euare-groupdel(1)
Delete a group
euca2ools / euare-groupdelpolicy(1)
Remove a policy from a group
euca2ools / euare-groupgetpolicy(1)
Display a group's policy
euca2ools / euare-grouplistbypath(1)
List your account's groups
euca2ools / euare-grouplistpolicies(1)
List one specific policy or all policies attached to a group. if no policies are attached to the group, the command still succeeds.
euca2ools / euare-grouplistusers(1)
List all the users in a group
euca2ools / euare-groupmod(1)
Change the name and/or path of a group
euca2ools / euare-groupremoveuser(1)
Remove a user from a group
euca2ools / euare-groupuploadpolicy(1)
Attach a policy to a group
euca2ools / euare-servercertdel(1)
Delete a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-servercertgetattributes(1)
Show the arn and guid of a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-servercertlistbypath(1)
List your account's server certificates
euca2ools / euare-servercertmod(1)
Change the name and/or path of a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-servercertupload(1)
Upload a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-useraddcert(1)
Upload a signing certificate
euca2ools / euare-useraddkey(1)
Create a new access key for a user
euca2ools / euare-useraddloginprofile(1)
Create a password for the specified user
euca2ools / euare-useraddpolicy(1)
Add a new policy to a user. to add more complex policies than this tool supports, see euare-useruploadpolicy.
euca2ools / euare-usercreate(1)
Create a new user and optionally add the user to a group or generate an access key for the user
euca2ools / euare-usercreatecert(1)
[eucalyptus only] create a new signing certificate
euca2ools / euare-userdeactivatemfadevice(1)
Deactivate an mfa device
euca2ools / euare-userdel(1)
Delete a user
euca2ools / euare-userdelcert(1)
Delete a signing certificate
euca2ools / euare-userdelkey(1)
Delete an access key
euca2ools / euare-userdelloginprofile(1)
Delete a user's password
euca2ools / euare-userdelpolicy(1)
Remove a policy from a user
euca2ools / euare-userenablemfadevice(1)
Enable an mfa device
euca2ools / euare-usergetattributes(1)
Display a user's arn and guid
euca2ools / euare-usergetinfo(1)
[eucalyptus only] display information about a user
euca2ools / euare-usergetloginprofile(1)
Verify that a user has a password
euca2ools / euare-usergetpolicy(1)
Display a user's policy
euca2ools / euare-userlistbypath(1)
List your account's users
euca2ools / euare-userlistcerts(1)
List a user's signing certificates
euca2ools / euare-userlistgroups(1)
List all groups a user is a member of
euca2ools / euare-userlistkeys(1)
List a user's access keys
euca2ools / euare-userlistmfadevices(1)
List a user's mfa devices
euca2ools / euare-userlistpolicies(1)
List one specific policy or all policies attached to a user. if no policies are attached to the user, the action still succeeds.
euca2ools / euare-usermod(1)
Change the name and/or path of a user
euca2ools / euare-usermodcert(1)
Change the status of a signing certificate from active to inactive, or vice versa
euca2ools / euare-usermodkey(1)
Change the status of an access key from active to inactive, or vice versa
euca2ools / euare-usermodloginprofile(1)
Update a user's password
euca2ools / euare-userresyncmfadevice(1)
Re-synchronize an mfa device with the server
euca2ools / euare-userupdateinfo(1)
[eucalyptus only] update a user's information
euca2ools / euare-useruploadpolicy(1)
Attach a policy to a user
euca2ools / euca-allocate-address(1)
Allocate a public ip address
euca2ools / euca-associate-address(1)
Associate an elastic ip address with a running instance
euca2ools / euca-attach-volume(1)
Attach an ebs volume to an instance
euca2ools / euca-authorize(1)
Add a rule to a security group that allows traffic to pass
euca2ools / euca-bundle-image(1)
Prepare an image for uploading to a cloud
euca2ools / euca-bundle-instance(1)
Bundle an s3-backed windows instance
euca2ools / euca-bundle-vol(1)
Create a bundled iamge based on the running machine's filesystem
euca2ools / euca-cancel-bundle-task(1)
Cancel an instance bundling operation
euca2ools / euca-confirm-product-instance(1)
Verify if a product code is associated with an instance
euca2ools / euca-copy-image(1)
Copy an image from another region
euca2ools / euca-create-group(1)
Create a new security group
euca2ools / euca-create-image(1)
Create an ebs image from a running or stopped ebs instance
euca2ools / euca-create-keypair(1)
Create a new ssh key pair for use with instances
euca2ools / euca-create-snapshot(1)
Create a snapshot of a volume
euca2ools / euca-create-tags(1)
Add or overwrite tags for one or more resources
euca2ools / euca-create-volume(1)
Create a new volume
euca2ools / euca-delete-bundle(1)
Delete a previously-uploaded bundle
euca2ools / euca-delete-group(1)
Delete a security group
euca2ools / euca-delete-keypair(1)
Delete a key pair
euca2ools / euca-delete-snapshot(1)
Delete a snapshot
euca2ools / euca-delete-tags(1)
Delete tags from one or more resources
euca2ools / euca-delete-volume(1)
Delete a volume
euca2ools / euca-deregister(1)
De-register an image. after you de-register an image it cannot be used to launch new instances.
euca2ools / euca-describe-addresses(1)
Show information about elastic ip addresses
euca2ools / euca-describe-availability-zones(1)
Display availability zones within the current region
euca2ools / euca-describe-bundle-tasks(1)
Describe current instance-bundling tasks
euca2ools / euca-describe-group(1)
Show information about security groups
euca2ools / euca-describe-groups(1)
Display information about regions
euca2ools / euca-describe-image-attribute(1)
Show information about an attribute of an image
euca2ools / euca-describe-images(1)
Show information about images
euca2ools / euca-describe-instance-attribute(1)
Show one of an instance's attributes.
euca2ools / euca-describe-instance-types(1)
[eucalyptus only] show information about instance types
euca2ools / euca-describe-instances(1)
Show information about instances
euca2ools / euca-describe-keypairs(1)
Display information about available key pairs
euca2ools / euca-describe-regions(1)
Display information about regions
euca2ools / euca-describe-snapshots(1)
Show information about snapshots
euca2ools / euca-describe-tags(1)
List tags associated with your account's resources
euca2ools / euca-describe-volumes(1)
Display information about volumes
euca2ools / euca-detach-volume(1)
Detach a volume from an instance
euca2ools / euca-disassociate-address(1)
Disassociate an elastic ip address from an instance
euca2ools / euca-download-bundle(1)
Download a bundled image from the cloud
euca2ools / euca-get-console-output(1)
Retrieve console output for the specified instance
euca2ools / euca-get-password(1)
Retrieve the administrator password for an instance running windows
euca2ools / euca-get-password-data(1)
Retrieve the encrypted administrator password for an instance running windows. the encrypted password may be decrypted using the private key of the key pair given when launching the instance.
euca2ools / euca-import-keypair(1)
Import a public rsa key as a new key pair
euca2ools / euca-modify-image-attribute(1)
Modify an attribute of an image
euca2ools / euca-modify-instance-type(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] modify an instance type
euca2ools / euca-modify-snapshot-attribute(1)
Modify an attribute of a snapshot
euca2ools / euca-monitor-instances(1)
Enable monitoring for one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-reboot-instances(1)
Reboot one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-register(1)
Register a new image
euca2ools / euca-release-address(1)
Release an elastic ip address
euca2ools / euca-reset-image-attribute(1)
Reset an attribute of an image to its default value
euca2ools / euca-revoke(1)
Remove a rule from a security group
euca2ools / euca-run-instances(1)
Launch instances of a machine image
euca2ools / euca-start-instances(1)
Start one or more stopped instances
euca2ools / euca-stop-instances(1)
Stop one or more running instances
euca2ools / euca-terminate-instances(1)
Terminate one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-unbundle(1)
Recreate an image from its bundled parts
euca2ools / euca-unmonitor-instances(1)
Disable monitoring for one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-upload-bundle(1)
Upload a bundle prepared by euca-bundle-image to the cloud
euca2ools / euca-version(1)
Display the euca2ools suite's version
mpdcron / eugene(1)
Mpdcron statistics client
eukleides / eukleides(1)
Eukleides interpreter to postscript
eukleides / euktoeps(1)
Eukleides to encapsulated postscript converter
eukleides / euktopdf(1)
Eukleides to pdf converter
eukleides / euktopst(1)
Eukleides interpreter to pstricks
eukleides / euktotex(1)
Eukleides to pstricks converter
euca2ools / eulb-apply-security-groups-to-lb(1)
[vpc only] associate one or more security groups with a load balancer. all previous associations with security groups will be replaced.
euca2ools / eulb-attach-lb-to-subnets(1)
[vpc only] add a load balancer to one or more subnets
euca2ools / eulb-configure-healthcheck(1)
Configure health checking for instance registerd with a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy(1)
Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the server application generates a cookie and adds it to its responses. the load balancer will then use this cookie to route requests from each user to the same back end instance. this type of policy can only be associated with http or https listeners,
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb(1)
Create a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb-cookie-stickiness-policy(1)
Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the load balancer automatically generates cookies that it uses to route requests from each user to the same back end instance. this type of policy can only be associated with http or https listeners.
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb-listeners(1)
Add one or more listeners to a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb-policy(1)
Add a new policy to a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-delete-lb(1)
Delete a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-delete-lb-listeners(1)
Delete one or more listeners from a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-delete-lb-policy(1)
Delete a policy from a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-deregister-instances-from-lb(1)
Remove one or more instances from a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-describe-instance-health(1)
Show the state of instances registered with a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-describe-lb-policies(1)
Show information about load balancer policies
euca2ools / eulb-describe-lb-policy-types(1)
Show information about load balancer policy types
euca2ools / eulb-describe-lbs(1)
Show information about load balancers
euca2ools / eulb-detach-lb-from-subnets(1)
[vpc only] remove a load balancer from one or more subnets
euca2ools / eulb-disable-zones-for-lb(1)
Remove a load balancer from one or more availability zones
euca2ools / eulb-enable-zones-for-lb(1)
Add a load balancer to one or more availability zones
euca2ools / eulb-register-instances-with-lb(1)
Add one or more instances to a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert(1)
Change the certificate that terminates a load balancer'slistener's ssl connections
euca2ools / eulb-set-lb-policies-for-backend-server(1)
Change the policies associated with a port on which load-balanced back end servers listen.
euca2ools / eulb-set-lb-policies-of-listener(1)
Change the policy associated with a load balancer listener
euler / euler(1)
Interactive mathematical program
rss-glx / euphoria(1)
Floating wisps.
eureka / eureka(1)
Doom editor
euca2ools / euscale-create-auto-scaling-group(1)
Create a new auto-scaling group
euca2ools / euscale-create-launch-config(1)
Create a new auto-scaling instance launch configuration
euca2ools / euscale-create-or-update-tags(1)
Create or update one or more resource tags
euca2ools / euscale-delete-auto-scaling-group(1)
Delete an auto-scaling group
euca2ools / euscale-delete-launch-config(1)
Delete an auto-scaling instance launch configuration
euca2ools / euscale-delete-notification-configuration(1)
Delete an auto-scaling group's notification configuration
euca2ools / euscale-delete-policy(1)
Delete a scaling policy
euca2ools / euscale-delete-scheduled-action(1)
Delete a scheduled action
euca2ools / euscale-delete-tags(1)
Delete one or more resource tags
euca2ools / euscale-describe-adjustment-types(1)
Describe policy adjustment types usable with scaling policies
euca2ools / euscale-describe-auto-scaling-groups(1)
Describe auto-scaling groups
euca2ools / euscale-describe-auto-scaling-instances(1)
Describe instances in auto-scaling groups
euca2ools / euscale-describe-auto-scaling-notification-types(1)
List all notification types supported by the service
euca2ools / euscale-describe-launch-configs(1)
Describe auto-scaling instance launch configurations
euca2ools / euscale-describe-metric-collection-types(1)
Describe auto-scaling metrics and granularities
euca2ools / euscale-describe-notification-configurations(1)
Describe notification actions associated with auto-scaling groups
euca2ools / euscale-describe-policies(1)
Describe auto-scaling policies
euca2ools / euscale-describe-process-types(1)
List all types of scaling processes
euca2ools / euscale-describe-scaling-activities(1)
Describe past and current auto-scaling activities
euca2ools / euscale-describe-scheduled-actions(1)
Describe scheduled auto-scaling group actions
euca2ools / euscale-describe-tags(1)
Describe auto-scaling tags
euca2ools / euscale-describe-termination-policy-types(1)
List all termination policies supported by the service
euca2ools / euscale-disable-metrics-collection(1)
Disable monitoring of an auto-scaling group's group metrics
euca2ools / euscale-enable-metrics-collection(1)
Enable monitoring of an auto-scaling group's group metrics
euca2ools / euscale-execute-policy(1)
Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health status
euca2ools / euscale-put-notification-configuration(1)
Create or replace an auto-scaling group's notification configuration
euca2ools / euscale-put-scaling-policy(1)
Create or update an auto-scaling group's scaling policy
euca2ools / euscale-put-scheduled-update-group-action(1)
Schedule a scaling action for an auto-scaling group
euca2ools / euscale-resume-processes(1)
Resume an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling processes
euca2ools / euscale-set-desired-capacity(1)
Set an auto-scaling group's desired capacity
euca2ools / euscale-set-instance-health(1)
Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health status
euca2ools / euscale-suspend-processes(1)
Suspend an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling processes
euca2ools / euscale-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group(1)
Manually terminate an auto-scaling instance
euca2ools / euscale-update-auto-scaling-group(1)
Update an auto-scaling group's parameters
brltty / eutp(1)
Eurobraille file transferring
euca2ools / euwatch-delete-alarms(1)
Delete alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-describe-alarm-history(1)
Retrieve history for one alarm or all alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-describe-alarms(1)
Describe alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-describe-alarms-for-metric(1)
Describe alarms for a single metric.
euca2ools / euwatch-disable-alarm-actions(1)
Disable all actions for one or more alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-enable-alarm-actions(1)
Enable all actions for one or more alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-get-stats(1)
Show a metric's statistics
euca2ools / euwatch-list-metrics(1)
Show a list of monitoring metrics
euca2ools / euwatch-put-data(1)
Add data points or statistics to a metric
euca2ools / euwatch-put-metric-alarm(1)
Create or update an alarm
euca2ools / euwatch-set-alarm-state(1)
Temporarily set the state of an alarm
octomap-tools / eval_octree_accuracy(1)
Evaluates the statistical accuracy
gtkwave / evcd2vcd(1)
Converts evcd files to vcd files
evemu-tools / evemu-describe(1)
Print information and events from an input device
evemu-tools / evemu-device(1)
Create a virtual input device and replay an event sequence
evemu-tools / evemu-event(1)
Create a virtual input device and replay an event sequence
evemu-tools / evemu-play(1)
Create a virtual input device and replay an event sequence
evemu-tools / evemu-record(1)
Print information and events from an input device
flowscan / event2vrule(1)
Adds 'events' to rrdtool graphs
omnievents / eventc(1)
Create a corba eventchannel and register it in the naming service
music-bin / eventcounter(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
omnievents / eventf(1)
Connect (federate) two corba eventchannels
music-bin / eventgenerator(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
xymon / eventlog.cgi(1)
Cgi program to report the xymon eventlog
music-bin / eventlogger(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
omnievents / events(1)
Stream events from or to a corba eventchannel
music-bin / eventselect(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
music-bin / eventsink(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
music-bin / eventsource(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
vim-gui-common / eview(1)
Easy vim, edit a file with vim and setup for modeless editing
evilvte / evilvte(1)
Highly customizable terminal emulator based on vte
evilwm / evilwm(1)
Minimalist window manager for x
vim-gui-common / evim(1)
Easy vim, edit a file with vim and setup for modeless editing
evince-common / evince(1)
Gnome document viewer the evince document viewer application for the gnome desktop environment
evince-common / evince-thumbnailer(1)
Create png thumbnails from postscript and pdf documents
evolution / evolution(1)
Groupware suite for gnome containing e-mail, calendar, addressbook, to-do list and memo tools
evolvotron / evolvotron(1)
Creates generative art by an interactive evolutionary process.
evolvotron / evolvotron_mutate(1)
Render an evolvotron function tree to an image.
evolvotron / evolvotron_render(1)
Render an evolvotron function tree to an image.
evtest / evtest(1)
Input device event monitor and query tool
ctn / ex1_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex2_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex3_acceptor(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex3_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex4_acceptor(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex4_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
mummer / exact-tandems(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
exaile / exaile(1)
Music manager and player
qmail / except(1)
Reverse the exit code of a program
openchangeclient / exchange2mbox(1)
Convert exchange mailbox to mbox file
liballegro4-dev / exedat(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
exempi / exempi(1)
Command line tool to manipulate xmp metadata
exfalso / exfalso(1)
Audio tag editor
exif / exif(1)
Shows exif information in jpeg files
spatialite-bin / exif_loader(1)
Upload jpeg/exif photos into a db
libjpeg-turbo-progs / exifautotran(1)
Transforms exif files so that orientation becomes 1
exiftags / exifcom(1)
Display or set the usercomment tag contained in a jpeg exif section
exifprobe / exifgrep(1)
Select and reformat the output of exifprobe
exifprobe / exifprobe(1)
Probe and report structure and metadata content of camera image files
exiftags / exiftags(1)
Output the properties contained in a jpeg exif section
exiftags / exiftime(1)
Display or adjust date & time exif tags; list files ordered by their exif date & time tags
exiftran / exiftran(1)
Transform digital camera jpeg images \# \#
exim4-dev / exim4-localscan-plugin-config(1)
Get information necessary to build and package exim4 plugins
exiv2 / exiv2(1)
Image metadata manipulation tool
xjdic / exjdxgen(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
extra-xdg-menus / exmendis(1)
Enable or disable extra menus for gnome, kde and other xdg menu-spec compliant desktops
extra-xdg-menus / exmenen(1)
Enable or disable extra menus for gnome, kde and other xdg menu-spec compliant desktops
exmh / exmh(1)
An introduction to the exmh mail user interface.
exo-utils / exo-csource(1)
C code generation utility for arbitrary data
exo-utils / exo-desktop-item-edit(1)
Create icons on the desktop
exo-utils / exo-open(1)
Open urls and launch preferred applications
exo-utils / exo-preferred-applications(1)
Xfce preferred applications framework
exonerate / exonerate-client(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
snap / exonpairs(1)
Snap module exonpairs
sloccount / exp_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
coreutils / expand(1)
Convert tabs to spaces
expect / expect(1)
Programmed dialogue with interactive programs, version 5
expect / expect_autoexpect(1)
Generate an expect script from watching a session
expect / expect_cryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
expect / expect_decryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
expect / expect_dislocate(1)
Disconnect and reconnect processes
expect / expect_kibitz(1)
Allow two people to interact with one shell
expect / expect_mkpasswd(1)
Generate new password, optionally apply it to a user
expect / expect_multixterm(1)
Drive multiple xterms separately or together
expect / expect_passmass(1)
Change password on multiple machines
expect / expect_tknewsbiff(1)
Pop up a window when news appears
expect / expect_unbuffer(1)
Unbuffer output
expect / expect_xkibitz(1)
Allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
expeyes / expeyes(1)
An interactive board to control the expeyes box
expeyes-doc-common / expeyes-doc(1)
Program to display the user manual of expeyes and expeyes-junior.
expeyes / expeyes-junior(1)
An interactive board to control the expeyes-junior box
expeyes-doc-common / expeyes-junior-doc(1)
Program to display the user manual of expeyes and expeyes-junior.
expeyes-doc-common / expeyes-progman-jr-doc(1)
Program to display the user manual of expeyes and expeyes-junior.
gitit / expireGititCache(1)
Requests cache expiration for gitit pages
s3ql / expire_backups(1)
Intelligently expire old backups
passwd / expiry(1)
Check and enforce password expiration policy
coreutils / expr(1)
Evaluate expressions
node-express-generator / express(1)
The quickest way to start using express framework
rlplot / exprlp(1)
Generate publication quality graphs exprlp - convert rlplot files to vector based graphic files
python-expyriment / expyriment-cli(1)
Command line interface for expyriment, a python library for cognitive and neuroscientific experiments
exrtools / exrblur(1)
Perform a gaussian blur on an openexr image
exrtools / exrchr(1)
Apply chromatic adaptation to an openexr image
openexr-viewers / exrdisplay(1)
Displays an exr image on the screen
openexr / exrenvmap(1)
For creating openexr environment maps.
openexr / exrheader(1)
Utility to print an openexr image file's header
exrtools / exricamtm(1)
Performs tone mapping on an openexr image (icam)
openexr / exrmakepreview(1)
For creating preview images for openexr files.
openexr / exrmaketiled(1)
For generating tiled and rip/mipmapped images.
exrtools / exrnlm(1)
Perform non-linear masking correction on an openexr image
exrtools / exrnormalize(1)
Normalize an openexr image
exrtools / exrpptm(1)
Performs tone mapping on an openexr image (photoreceptor)
exrtools / exrstats(1)
Display statistics about the contents of an openexr image
openexr / exrstdattr(1)
A utility for modifying openexr standard attributes.
exrtools / exrtools(1)
A collection of utilities for manipulating openexr images
exrtools / exrtopng(1)
Convert an openexr image to png format
magic / ext2sim(1)
Convert hierarchical ext\|(5) extracted-circuit files to flat sim\|(5) files
magic / ext2spice(1)
Convert hierarchical ext\|(5) extracted-circuit files to flat spice\| files
extace / extace(1)
Waveform viewer
magic / extcheck(1)
Check hierarchical ext\|(5) files for global node connectivity and summarize number of fets, nodes, etc.
survex / extend(1)
Extend produce an extended elevation from a .3d file
kdesdk-scripts / extend_dmalloc(1)
Analyze return-addresses from dmalloc logfiles.
miniupnpc / external-ip(1)
Finds the external ip of your gateway
extlinux / extlinux(1)
Install the \s-1syslinux\s+1 bootloader on a ext2/ext3/ext4/btrfs filesystem
puppet-common / extlookup2hiera(1)
A 'puppet extlookup'-csv converter
extract / extract(1)
Determine meta-information about a file
liba52-0.7.4-dev / extract_a52(1)
Extract atsc a/52 audio from a mpeg stream.
libchm-bin / extract_chmLib(1)
Extracts a chm file into a directory.
cloop-utils / extract_compressed_fs(1)
Convert and extract a filesystem to/from a cloop volume
libdca-utils / extract_dca(1)
Extract dts coherent acoustics audio from a mpeg stream.
libdca-utils / extract_dts(1)
Extract dts coherent acoustics audio from a mpeg stream.
mpeg2dec / extract_mpeg2(1)
Extract mpeg video streams from a multiplexed stream.