Make a dotplot, a.k.a. oxford grid, of alignments in last tabular format
last-dotplot --help last-dotplot [options] last-tabular-output dotplot.png last-dotplot [options] last-tabular-output dotplot.gif etc.
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-x WIDTH, --width=\,WIDTH\/
maximum width in pixels (default: 1000)
-y HEIGHT, --height=\,HEIGHT\/
maximum height in pixels (default: 1000)
-f FONTFILE, --fontfile=\,FONTFILE\/
TrueType or OpenType font file
-s FONTSIZE, --fontsize=\,FONTSIZE\/
TrueType or OpenType font size (default: 11)
-c FORWARDCOLOR, --forwardcolor=\,FORWARDCOLOR\/
Color for forward alignments (default: red)
-r REVERSECOLOR, --reversecolor=\,REVERSECOLOR\/
Color for reverse alignments (default: blue)