The following options may be used with any of the arguments available to the knife environment subcommand:

--chef-zero-port PORT

The port on which chef-zero will listen.


The configuration file to use.

-d, --disable-editing

Indicates that $EDITOR will not be opened; data will be accepted as-is.


Indicates that Knife will use the default value, instead of asking a user to provide one.

-e EDITOR, --editor EDITOR

The $EDITOR that is used for all interactive commands.


The name of the environment. When this option is added to a command, the command will run only against the named environment.

-F FORMAT, --format FORMAT

The output format: summary (default), text, json, yaml, and pp.

-h, --help

Shows help for the command.

-k KEY, --key KEY

The private key that Knife will use to sign requests made by the API client to the server.


Indicates whether colored output will be used.


Indicates that data will be shown after a destructive operation.

-s URL, --server-url URL

The URL for the server.

-u USER, --user USER

The user name used by Knife to sign requests made by the API client to the server. Authentication will fail if the user name does not match the private key.

-V, --verbose

Set for more verbose outputs. Use -VV for maximum verbosity.

-v, --version

The version of the chef-client.

-y, --yes

Indicates that the response to all confirmation prompts will be "Yes" (and that Knife will not ask for confirmation).

-z, --local-mode

Indicates that the chef-client will be run in local mode, which allows all commands that work against the server to also work against the local chef-repo.


The compare argument is used to compare the cookbook version constraints that are set on one (or more) environments.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment compare [ENVIRONMENT_NAME...] (options)


This argument has the following options:

-a, --all

Indicates that all environments found at the specified path will be uploaded.

-m, --mismatch

Use to show only matching versions.


To compare cookbook versions for a single environment:

$ knife environment compare development

to return something similar to:

apache     2.3.1
windows    4.1.2

To compare cookbook versions for multiple environments:

$ knife environment compare development staging

to return something similar to:

              development    staging
apache        2.3.1          1.2.2
windows       4.1.2          1.0.0
postgresql    1.0.0          1.0.0

To compare all cookbook versions for all environments:

$ knife environment compare --all

to return something similar to:

                   staging  development
ulimit             latest   latest
redisio            latest   latest
journly            latest   latest
aws                latest   latest
test               latest   latest
unicorn            latest   latest
sensu              latest   latest
runit              latest   latest
templater          latest   latest
powershell         latest   latest
openssl            latest   latest
rbenv              latest   latest
rabbitmq           latest   latest
postgresql         latest   latest
mysql              latest   latest
ohai               latest   latest
git                latest   latest
erlang             latest   latest
ssh_known_hosts    latest   latest
nginx              latest   latest
database           latest   latest
yum                latest   latest
xfs                latest   latest
apt                latest   latest
dmg                latest   latest
chef_handler       latest   latest
windows            1.0.0    4.1.2


The create argument is used to add an environment object to the server. When this argument is run, Knife will open $EDITOR to enable editing of the ENVIRONMENT description field (unless a description is specified as part of the command). When finished, Knife will add the environment to the server.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment create ENVIRONMENT_NAME -d DESCRIPTION


This argument has the following options:


The description of the environment. This value will populate the description field for the environment on the server.


To create an environment named "dev" with a description of "The development environment.":

$ knife environment create dev -d "The development environment."


The delete argument is used to delete an environment from a server.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment delete ENVIRONMENT_NAME


This command does not have any specific options.


To delete an environment named "dev", enter:

$ knife environment delete dev

Type Y to confirm a deletion.


The edit argument is used to edit the attributes of an environment. When this argument is run, Knife will open $EDITOR to enable editing of ENVIRONMENT attributes. When finished, Knife will update the server with those changes.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment edit ENVIRONMENT_NAME


This command does not have any specific options.


To edit an environment named "devops", enter:

$ knife environment edit devops


The from file argument is used to add or update an environment using a JSON or Ruby DSL description. It must be run with the create or edit arguments.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment [create | edit] from file FILE (options)


This argument has the following options:

-a, --all

Indicates that all environments found at the specified path will be uploaded.


To add an environment using data contained in a JSON file:

$ knife environment create devops from file "path to JSON file"


$ knife environment edit devops from file "path to JSON file"


The list argument is used to list all of the environments that are currently available on the server.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment list -w


This argument has the following options:

-w, --with-uri

Indicates that the corresponding URIs will be shown.


To view a list of environments:

$ knife environment list -w


The show argument is used to display information about the specified environment.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife environment show ENVIRONMENT_NAME


This command does not have any specific options.


To view information about the "dev" environment enter:

$ knife environment show dev

to return:

% knife environment show dev
chef_type:            environment
json_class:           Chef::Environment
name:                 dev


To view information in JSON format, use the -F common option as part of the command like this:

$ knife role show devops -F json

Other formats available include text, yaml, and pp.

