Pre-processor for syrthes parallel version
syrthes-pp [-h] ( -n nb_part | -e nb_elt ) -m maillage [-o maillage_decoupe]
Split the initial mesh of a SYRTHES case in preparation of a parallel processing.
create an Ensight ASCII vizualisation file with the partitions
create an Ensight gold vizualisation file with the partitions
-n nb_part
number of partions to create
-e nb_elt
maximum number of element per partition
-l number
read of number 'domain' files
-f prefixe
prefix of the files (dom.1 dom.2 dom.3 ...
-m mesh
name of the initial mesh file (.syr)
-o nompart
prefix of the destination files
-d syrthes_data.syd
name of the SYRTHES data file
only if calculation needs periodicity or contact resistances
--toolpart metis
mesh partitioning thanks to METIS 5 --toolpart scotch mesh partitioning thanks to SCOTCH (default)
pp_syrthes -n 3 -m carre.syr -o carre
pp_syrthes -n 3 -m carre.syr -d -o carre
results :
Syrthes was written by EDF S.A. <[email protected]>
This manual page was written by Gilles Filippini <[email protected]> for Debian, from the syrthes-pp help message.