dfg2otter [options] <infile> <outfile>


dfg2otter is a C-program to transform problem input files in \s-1DFG\s0 syntax into Otter syntax. It accepts all options from \s-1SPASS\s0, although only a subset has an effect on translation.

dfg2otter negates conjecture formulae of the \s-1SPASS\s0 input file before printing the Otter usable list. The \s-1SPASS\s0 conjecture formula list is translated into a disjunction of the negated single conjectures. If the \s-1SPASS\s0 input file consits of clauses, these are not modified.

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Thomas Hillenbrand, Dalibor Topic and Christoph Weidenbach

Contact : [email protected]