direnv stdlib


Outputs a bash script called the stdlib. The following commands are included in that script and loaded in the context of an ".envrc". Additionnaly to that, it also loads the file in "~/.direnvrc" if it exists.


  • has command: Returns 0 if the command is available. Returns 1 otherwise. It can be a binary in the PATH or a shell function.


if has curl; then
  echo "Yes we do"
  • expand_path rel_path [relative_to]: Outputs the absolute path of rel_path relative to relative_to or the current directory.


cd /usr/local/games
expand_path ../foo
# output: /usr/local/foo
  • dotenv [dotenv_path]: Loads a ".env" file into the current environment

  • user_rel_path abs_path: Transforms an absolute path abs_path into a user-relative path if possible.


echo $HOME
# output: /home/user
user_rel_path /home/user/my/project
# output: ~/my/project
user_rel_path /usr/local/lib
# output: /usr/local/lib
  • find_up filename: Outputs the path of filename when searched from the current directory up to /. Returns 1 if the file has not been found.


cd /usr/local/my
mkdir -p project/foo
touch bar
cd project/foo
find_up bar
# output: /usr/local/my/bar
  • source_env fileordir_path: Loads another ".envrc" either by specifying its path or filename.

  • source_up [filename]: Loads another ".envrc" if found with the find_up command.

  • direnv_load [command-generating-dump-output] Applies the environment generated by running argv as a command. This is useful for adopting the environment of a child process - cause that process to run "direnv dump" and then wrap the results with direnv_load.


direnv_load opam-env exec -- direnv dump
  • PATH_add path: Prepends the expanded path to the PATH environment variable. It prevents a common mistake where PATH is replaced by only the new path.


# output: /home/user/my/project
PATH_add bin
echo $PATH
# output: /home/user/my/project/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
  • path_add varname path: Works like PATH_add except that it's for an arbitrary varname.

  • load_prefix prefix_path: Expands some common path variables for the given prefix_path prefix. This is useful if you installed something in the prefix_path using ./configure --prefix=$prefix_path && make install and want to use it in the project.

Variables set:



./configure --prefix=$HOME/rubies/ruby-1.9.3
make && make install
# Then in the .envrc
load_prefix ~/rubies/ruby-1.9.3
  • layout type: A semantic dispatch used to describe common project layouts.

  • layout go: Sets the GOPATH environment variable to the current directory.

  • layout node: Adds "$PWD/node_modules/.bin" to the PATH environment variable.

  • layout perl: Setup environment variables required by perl's local::lib See

    for more details

  • layout python: Creates and loads a virtualenv environment under $PWD/.direnv/virtualenv. This forces the installation of any egg into the project's sub-folder.

  • layout ruby: Sets the GEMHOME environment variable to `$PWD/.direnv/ruby/RUBYVERSION. This forces the installation of any gems into the project's sub-folder. If you're using bundler it will create wrapper programs that can be invoked directly instead of using thebundle exec` prefix.

  • use program_name [version]: A semantic command dispatch intended for loading external dependencies into the environment.


use_ruby() {
  echo "Ruby $1"
use ruby 1.9.3
# output: Ruby 1.9.3
  • use rbenv: Loads rbenv which add the ruby wrappers available on the PATH.

  • rvm ...: Should work just like in the shell if you have rvm installed.


Copyright (C) 2014 zimbatm

and contributors under the MIT licence.

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