dfrouter [\,OPTION\/]\,*\/


SUMO dfrouter Version 0.21.0

  • Copyright (C) 2001-2014 DLR and contributors;

Builds vehicle routes for SUMO using detector values.

Configuration Options:

-c, --configuration-file FILE

Loads the named config on startup

--save-configuration FILE

Saves current configuration into FILE

--save-template FILE

Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE

--save-schema FILE

Saves the configuration schema into FILE


Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema

Input Options:

-n, --net-file FILE

Loads the SUMO-network FILE

-d, --detector-files FILE

Loads detector descriptions from FILE

-f, --measure-files FILE

Loads detector flows from FILE(s)

Output Options:

-o, --routes-output FILE

Saves computed routes to FILE


Forces DFROUTER to compute routes for in-between detectors

--detector-output FILE

Saves typed detectors to FILE

--detectors-poi-output FILE

Saves detector positions as pois to FILE

--emitters-output FILE

Saves emitter definitions for source detectors to FILE


Add vehicle types to the emitters file (PKW, LKW)

--emitters-poi-output FILE

Saves emitter positions as pois to FILE

--variable-speed-sign-output FILE

Saves variable seed sign definitions for sink detectors to FILE

--end-reroute-output FILE

Saves rerouter definitions for sink detectors to FILE --validation-output FILE --validation-output.add-sources

Processing Options:


Derive missing flow values from upstream or downstream (not working!)

-h, --highway-mode

Switches to highway-mode


Only warn about unparseable detectors


Recomputes detector types even if given


Recomputes routes even if given


Keeps routes even if they have exhausted max-search-depth


Keeps routes even if a shorter one exists

--max-search-depth INT

Number of edges to follow a route without passing a detector


Writes only emission times

--disallowed-edges STR

Do not route on these edges


Allow turnarounds as route continuations

--min-route-length FLOAT

Minimum distance in meters between start and end node of every route

--time-factor TIME

Multiply flow times with TIME to get seconds

--time-offset TIME

Subtracts TIME seconds from (scaled) flow times

--time-step TIME

Expected distance between two successive data sets


Write calibrators to FILE --include-unused-routes --revalidate-flows


Removes empty detectors from the list --strict-sources


Try to determine further inflows to an inbetween detector when computing split probabilities

--scale FLOAT

Scale factor for flows

Defaults Options:

--departlane STR

Assigns a default depart lane

--departpos STR

Assigns a default depart position

--departspeed STR

Assigns a default depart speed

--arrivallane STR

Assigns a default arrival lane

--arrivalpos STR

Assigns a default arrival position

--arrivalspeed STR

Assigns a default arrival speed

Time Options:

-b, --begin TIME

Defines the begin time; Previous defs will be discarded

-e, --end TIME

Defines the end time; Later defs will be discarded; Defaults to one day

Report Options:

-v, --verbose

Switches to verbose output


Prints option values before processing

-?, --help

Prints this screen

-V, --version

Prints the current version

-X, --xml-validation STR

Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "auto" or "always") STR

Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "auto" or "always")

-W, --no-warnings

Disables output of warnings

-l, --log FILE

Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)

--message-log FILE

Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)

--error-log FILE

Writes all warnings and errors to FILE


Lists detectors with no flow (enable -v)


Prints aggregated detector flows


Disable console output of route parsing step

Random Number Options:


Initialises the random number generator with the current system time

--seed INT

Initialises the random number generator with the given value


  • dfrouter -c <CONFIGURATION>

  • run routing with options from file


Report bugs at <>.

Get in contact via <[email protected]>.

  • Copyright (C) 2001-2014 DLR and contributors;

SUMO dfrouter Version 0.21.0 is part of SUMO.

SUMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see