Manual page for google-pprof (part of gperftools)
google-pprof [options] <program> <profile>
Prints specified cpu- or heap-profile
Sort by cumulative data
Subtract <base> from <profile> before display
Report at address level
Report at source line level
Report at function level [default]
Report at source file level
Generate text report [default]
Generate Postscript and display
Generate source listing of matching routines
Generate disassembly of matching routines
Generate DOT file to stdout
Generate Postcript to stdout
Generate PDF to stdout
Generate GIF to stdout
Display in-use (mega)bytes [default]
Display in-use objects
Display allocated (mega)bytes
Display allocated objects
Display space in bytes
Ignore negaive differences
Show at most so many nodes [default=80]
Hide nodes below <f>*total [default=.005]
Hide edges below <f>*total [default=.001]
Focus on nodes matching <regexp>
Ignore nodes matching <regexp>
Set GV scaling [default=0]
google-pprof /bin/ls
Outputs one line per procedure
google-pprof --gv /bin/ls
Displays annotated call-graph via 'gv'
google-pprof --gv --focus=Mutex /bin/ls
Restricts to code paths including a .*Mutex.* entry
google-pprof --gv --focus=Mutex --ignore=string /bin/ls
Code paths including Mutex but not string
google-pprof --list=getdir /bin/ls
Dissassembly (with per-line annotations) for getdir()
google-pprof --disasm=getdir /bin/ls
Dissassembly (with per-PC annotations) for getdir()
Copyright © 2005 Google Inc.
Further documentation for google-pprof is maintained as a web page called cpu_profiler.html and is likely installed at one of the following locations: