
  • last-pair-probs --help last-pair-probs [options] alignments1 alignments2

Read alignments of paired DNA reads to a genome, and: (1) estimate the distribution of distances between paired reads, (2) estimate the probability that each alignment represents the genomic source of the read.


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-r, --rna

assume the reads are from potentially-spliced RNA

-e, --estdist

just estimate the distribution of distances

-m M, --mismap=\,M\/

don't write alignments with mismap probability > M (default: 0.01)

-f BP, --fraglen=\,BP\/

mean distance in bp

-s BP, --sdev=\,BP\/

standard deviation of distance

-d PROB, --disjoint=\,PROB\/

prior probability of disjoint mapping (default: 0.02 if -r, else 0.01)

-c CHROM, --circular=\,CHROM\/

specifies that chromosome CHROM is circular (default: chrM)