Look up words on dictionaries
mate-dictionary mate-dictionary [options]
or select Dictionary from the Accessories submenu of the Applications menu.
MATE Dictionary provides dictionary definitions of words, using a dictionary source.
For full documentation see the MATE Dictionary online help.
--look-up word
Looks up the specified word using the pre-defined dictionary source.
-s source or --source source
Uses the specified source for looking up words. This does not affect the global settings.
-l or --list-sources
Lists all the sources available.
-n or --no-window
Using this switch with the --look-up will print the definitions found on the console without launching the GUI.
Display help information.
All the configuration is handled using Gsettings.
MATE Dictionary was originally written by Spiros Papadimitriou (<[email protected]>), Mike Hughes (<[email protected]>) and Bradford Hovinen (<[email protected]>).
Emmanuele Bassi (<[email protected]>) rewrote it from scratch.
This manual page was originally written by Jochen Voss <[email protected]>.