Phpab command line interface
phpab [\,switches\/] \,<directory1|/path/to/composer.json> \/[...\,<directoryN>\/]
phpab 1.16.0 - Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 by Arne Blankerts
-i, --include
File pattern to include (default: *.php)
-e, --exclude
File pattern to exclude
Blacklist classname or namespace (wildcards supported)
Whitelist classname or namespace (wildcards supported)
-b, --basedir
Basedir for filepaths
-t, --template
Path to code template to use
-o, --output
Output file for generated code (default: STDOUT)
-p, --phar
Create a phar archive (requires -o )
Compress phar archive using bzip2 (requires -p) (bzip2 required)
Compress phar archive using gzip (requires -p) (gzip required)
OpenSSL key file to use for signing phar archive (requires -p) (openssl required)
-c, --compat
Generate PHP 5.2 compatible code
-s, --static
Generate a static require file
-n, --nolower
Do not lowercase classnames for case insensitivity
-q, --quiet
Quiet mode, do not output any processing errors or information
--cache <file>
Enable caching and set filename to use for cache storage
Enables following symbolic links (not compatible with phar mode)
Dateformat string for timestamp
Linebreak style (CR, CRLF or LF, default: LF)
String used for indenting or number of spaces (default: 16 (compat 12) spaces)
Ignore Class Redeclarations in the same file
Use require_once instead of require when creating a static require file
Include all files in given directory when creating a phar
Specify explicit internal phar alias filename (default: output filename)
Do not check mimetype of files prior to parsing (default)
Do check mimetype of files prior to parsing
--var name=foo
Assign value 'foo' to variable 'name' to be used in (custom) templates
Run lint on generated code and exit
PHP binary to use for linting (default: \,/usr/bin/php\/ or c:\php\php.exe)
-h, --help
Prints this usage information
-v, --version
Prints the version and exits