Wifite is a tool to audit WEP or WPA encrypted wireless networks. It uses aircrack-ng, pyrit, reaver, tshark tools to perform the audit.

This tool is customizable to be automated with only a few arguments and can be trusted to run without supervision.


  -check <file>	check capfile <file> for handshakes.
  -cracked		display previously-cracked access points


  -all		attack all targets.              [off]
  -i <iface>  	wireless interface for capturing [auto]
  -mac		Changes MAC address of 'iface' to a random MAC. [off]
  -c <channel>	channel to scan for targets      [auto]
  -e <essid>	target a specific access point by ssid (name)  [ask]
  -b <bssid>	target a specific access point by bssid (mac)  [auto]
  -showb	display target BSSIDs after scan               [off]
  -pow <db>	attacks any targets with signal strenghth > db [0]
  -q -quiet	do not print list of APs during scan           [off]


  -wpa		only target WPA networks (works with -wps -wep)   [off]
  -wpat <sec>	time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds) [500]
  -wpadt <sec>	time to wait between sending deauth packets (sec) [10]
  -strip	strip handshake using tshark or pyrit             [off]
  -crack <dic>	crack WPA handshakes using <dic> wordlist file    [off]
  -dict <file>	specify dictionary to use when cracking WPA [phpbb.txt]
  -aircrack	verify handshake using aircrack [on]
  -pyrit	verify handshake using pyrit    [off]
  -tshark	verify handshake using tshark   [on]


  -wep		only target WEP networks [off]
  -pps <num>	set the number of packets per second to inject [600]
  -wept <sec>	sec to wait for each attack, 0 implies endless [600]
  -chopchop	use chopchop attack      [on]
  -arpreplay	use arpreplay attack     [on]
  -fragment	use fragmentation attack [on]
  -caffelatte	use caffe-latte attack   [on]
  -p0841	use -p0841 attack        [on]
  -hirte	use hirte (cfrag) attack [on]
  -nofakeauth	stop attack if fake authentication fails    [off]
  -wepca <n>	start cracking when number of ivs surpass n [10000]
  -wepsave	save a copy of .cap files to this directory [off]


  -wps				only target WPS networks         [off]
  -wpst -wpstime <sec>	max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never)  [660]
  -wpsratio -wpsr <per>	min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total tries    [0]
  -wpsretry -wpsmaxr <num>	max number of retries for same PIN before giving up [0]


  -upgrade	Checks for new version
  -update	Checks for new version


  ./ -wps -wep -c 6 -pps 600


Dave M ([email protected])

This manual page was written by Daniel Echeverry <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others).