gtypist [ \,options\/... ] [ \,script-file \/]


`gtypist' is a typing tutor with several lessons for different keyboards and languages. New lessons can be written by the user easily.


-b --personal-best

track personal best typing speeds

-e % --max-error=%

default maximum error percentage (default 3.0); valid values are between 0.0 and 100.0

-n --notimer

turn off WPM timer in drills

-t --term-cursor

use the terminal's hardware cursor

-f P --curs-flash=\,P\/

cursor flash period P*.1 sec (default 10); valid values are between 0 and 512; this is ignored if -t is specified

-c F,B --colours=\,F\/,B

set initial display colours where available

-s --silent

don't beep on errors

-q --quiet

same as -s, --silent

-l L --start-label=\,L\/

start the lesson at label 'L' -w --word-processor try to mimic word processors

-k --no-skip

forbid the user to skip exercises

-i --show-errors

highlight errors with reverse video

-h --help

print this message

-v --version

output version information and exit

-S --always-sure

do not ask confirmation questions

--banner-colors=\,F\/,B,P,V set top banner colours (background, foreground,

package and version respectively)


set scoring mode (words per minute or characters per minute)

If not supplied, script-file defaults to '/usr/local/share/gtypist/gtypist.typ'. The path $GTYPIST_PATH is searched for script files.


  • To run the default lesson in english `gtypist.typ':

  • gtypist

  • To run the lesson in spanish:

  • gtypist esp.typ

  • To instruct gtypist to look for lesson `bar.typ' in a non standard directory:

  • GTYPIST_PATH="/home/foo" gtypist bar.typ

  • To run the lesson in the file `test.typ' of directory `temp', starting at label `TEST1', using the terminal's cursor, and run silently:

  • gtypist -t -q -l TEST1 /temp/test.typ


Written by Simon Baldwin


Report bugs to [email protected]


Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Simon Baldwin.

Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2008, 2011 GNU Typist Development Team. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details please see the file 'COPYING' supplied with the source code.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; again, see 'COPYING' for details. This program is released under the GNU General Public License.

RELATED TO gtypist…

The full documentation for gtypist is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and gtypist programs are properly installed at your site, the command

  • info gtypist

should give you access to the complete manual.