C++ daemon/client for soulseek
museek [-c <filename>] [--config <filename>] [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]
Museekd is a headless client (daemon) for the Soulseek P2P network and for Soulfind Servers. It is configured with musetup and can be controlled with variety of interfaces and GUIs, such as Museeq and Mucous. It handles any chatting, transferring files, searching, managing of users or browsing of shares requested by the various interfaces or GUIs.
Before running, you will need a configure it with musetup(1).
Museekd accepts the following options:
-c <filename>, --config <filename>
Use a different config file.
-V, --version
Display Version and exit.
-d, --debug
Show debugging messages.
-h, --help
Display Help and exit.
To run this program the standard way type:
Alternativly you use a different config file with:
museekd --config config.xml
The default location for the museekd config file.
Hyriand <[email protected]>
daelstorm <[email protected]>