Never ending september date
sdate [-e|--epoch yyyy-mm] [-l|--lib library] [--] [command]
sdate runs a command in an environment wherein it wraps the libc localtime() and gmtime() calls such that the program will use the eternal September date. The wrapper functions are in a shared library /usr/lib/libsdate/* which is loaded through the LD_PRELOAD mechanism of the dynamic loader. (See
-e yyyy-mm, --epoch yyyy-mm
Specify an alternative epoch, default is 1993-09.
-l library, --lib library
Specify an alternative wrapper library.
Any command you want to be ran. Use \(oq--\(cq if in the command you have other options that may confuse sdate's option parsing.
Display help.
Display version.
/usr/lib/libsdate/* The shared library containing the wrapper functions.
Every command executed within sdate needs to be linked to the same version of the C library as sdate itself.
sdate is distributed under the GNU General Public License. (GPL v2 or later).
Christoph Berg