Gui flagship application for camitk
camitk-imp [OPTIONS]... [FILES]...
camitk-imp is build using CamiTK 3.3
Please visit for more information.
(c) UJF-Grenoble 1, CNRS, TIMC-IMAG UMR 5525
camitk-imp is a medical image analysis and modeling software. This is the flagship GUI application of a larger framework called CamiTK (Computer Assisted Medical Interventions Tool Kit) designed to ease the collaborative work of a research team.
The targeted users are in R&D departments or laboratories. camitk-imp provides an easy and interactive access to all your data and algorithm parameters.
camitk-imp can visualize medical images from a lot of different (standard) formats, offers image processing and segmentation algorithms to reconstruct a mesh geometry and run a biomechanical simulation.
Print usage information and exit.
Print CamiTK version message and exit
Disable CamiTK application console and redirect everything to the standard output (default=off)
CamiTK and camitk-imp is currently developed by the UJF-Grenoble 1, CNRS, in the TIMC-IMAG UMR 5525 laboratory.
The full documentation and tutorial for camitk-imp is available at <>