miqser [options] [RIB file...]


-h, -help

Print this help and exit


Print version information and exit


Wait for a keypress on completion

-o, -output=string

Set the output filename, default to <stdout>


Print the standard declarations to the resulting RIB

-v, -verbose=integer

Set log output level 0 = errors 1 = warnings (default) 2 = information 3 = debug

-i, -indentation=string

Set output indentation type space or 1 (default) tab or 2

-l, -indentlevel=integer

Set the indetation amount (default 4)


Set output compression type 0 = none (default) 1 = gzip

-b, -binary

Output a binary encoded RIB file

-frames f1 f2

Specify a starting/ending frame to render (inclusive).


Specify a range of frames to render, ',' separated with '-' to indicate ranges.

-nc, -nocolor

Disable colored output


Log messages to syslog


Override the initial archive searchpath(s) (default ".")

-ra, -readarchives

Interpolate all ReadArchive calls into the output

compiled Jun 5 2012 15:57:24


This manual page was created by Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <[email protected]> for Debian, with the help of 'help2man'. The original Aqsis project doesn't ship manual pages.

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