Compresses a workflow submit directory in a way that allows pegasus-dashboard, pegasus-statistics, pegasus-plots, and pegasus-analyzer to keep working.
pegasus-archive [-h][-v][-x] submit_dir
pegasus-archive significantly reduces the size of workflow submit directories by compressing the data in a way such that it remains accessible to tools such as pegasus-statistics, pegasus-plots, and pegasus-analyzer. It creates a .tar.gz archive of the submit files and logs that excludes files such as the stampede database, braindump file, and monitord logs, which are used by pegasus reporting tools.
-h, --help
Prints a usage summary with all the available command-line options.
-v, --verbose
Print detailed messages about the archiving process.
-x, --extract
Un-archive a previously archived submit directory. This option returns the submit directory to the state it was before pegasus-archive was applied to it.
Gideon Juve <\m[blue][email protected]\m[]\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2>
Pegasus Team \m[blue]\m[]
mailto:[email protected]