INFO:root:Enter, port=54321. INFO:root:Enter. usage: usage: pyFAI-integrate [options] file1.edf file2.edf ...

PyFAI-integrate is a graphical interface (based on Python/Qt4) to perform azimuthal integration on a set of files. It exposes most of the important options available within pyFAI and allows you to select a GPU (or an openCL platform) to perform the calculation on.

positional arguments:


Files to be integrated

optional arguments:

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-V, --version

show program's version number and exit

-v, --verbose

switch to verbose/debug mode

-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

Directory or file where to store the output data

-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT

output data format (can be HDF5)

-s SLOW, --slow-motor SLOW

Dimension of the scan on the slow direction (makes sense only with HDF5)

-r RAPID, --fast-motor RAPID

Dimension of the scan on the fast direction (makes sense only with HDF5)


Process the dataset without showing the user interface.

PyFAI-integrate saves all parameters in a .azimint.json (hidden) file. This JSON file is an ascii file which can be edited and used to configure online data analysis using the LImA plugin of pyFAI. Nota: there is bug in debian6 making the GUI crash (to be fixed inside pyqt)