busctl [OPTIONS...] [COMMAND] [NAME...]


busctl may be used to introspect and monitor the D-Bus bus.


The following options are understood:


Connect to the bus specified by ADDRESS instead of using suitable defaults for either the system or user bus (see --system and --user options).


When showing the list of endpoints, show a column containing the names of containers they belong to. See systemd-machined.service(8).


When showing the list of endpoints, show only "unique" names (of the form ":number.number").


The opposite of --unique – only "well-known" names will be shown.


When showing the list of endpoints, show only endpoints which have actually not been activated yet, but may be started automatically if accessed.


When showing messages being exchanged, show only the subset matching MATCH.


Do not print the legend, i.e. the column headers and the footer.


Talk to the service manager of the calling user, rather than the service manager of the system.


Talk to the service manager of the system. This is the implied default.

-H, --host=

Execute the operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or a username and hostname separated by "@", to connect to. The hostname may optionally be suffixed by a container name, separated by ":", which connects directly to a specific container on the specified host. This will use SSH to talk to the remote machine manager instance. Container names may be enumerated with machinectl -H HOST.

-M, --machine=

Execute operation on a local container. Specify a container name to connect to.

-h, --help

Print a short help text and exit.


Print a short version string and exit.


Do not pipe output into a pager.


The following commands are understood:


Show endpoints attached to the bus. This is the default if no command is specified.

monitor [NAME...]

Dump messages being exchanged. If NAME is specified, show messages to or from this endpoint. Otherwise, show all messages on the bus.

status NAME

Show process information and credentials of a bus endpoint.


Show command syntax help.

RELATED TO busctl…

dbus-daemon(1), \m[blue]D-Bus\m[]\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2, \m[blue]kdbus\m[]\s-2\u[2]\d\s+2, sd-bus(3), systemd(1), systemd-bus-proxyd(8), machinectl(1)




