Road network generator for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo
netgenerate [\,OPTION\/]\,*\/
SUMO netgenerate Version 0.21.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 DLR and contributors;
Road network generator for the microscopic road traffic simulation SUMO.
Either "--grid", "--spider" or "--rand" must be supplied.
In dependance to these switches other options are used.
-c, --configuration-file FILE
Loads the named config on startup
--save-configuration FILE
Saves current configuration into FILE
--save-template FILE
Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE
--save-schema FILE
Saves the configuration schema into FILE
Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema
-g, --grid
Forces NETGEN to build a grid-like network
--grid.number INT
The number of junctions in both dirs
--grid.length FLOAT
The length of streets in both dirs
--grid.x-number INT
The number of junctions in x-dir; Overrides --grid-number
--grid.y-number INT
The number of junctions in y-dir; Overrides --grid-number
--grid.x-length FLOAT
The length of horizontal streets; Overrides --grid-length
--grid.y-length FLOAT
The length of vertical streets; Overrides --grid-length
--grid.attach-length FLOAT
The length of streets attached at the boundary; 0 means no streets are attached
-s, --spider
Forces NETGEN to build a spider-net-like network
--spider.arm-number INT
The number of axes within the net INT
The number of circles of the net FLOAT
The distances between the circles
Omit the central node of the network
-r, --rand
Forces NETGEN to build a random network
--rand.iterations INT
Describes how many times an edge shall be added to the net
--rand.bidi-probability FLOAT
Defines the probability to build a reverse edge --rand.max-distance FLOAT --rand.min-distance FLOAT --rand.min-angle FLOAT --rand.num-tries INT --rand.connectivity FLOAT --rand.neighbor-dist1 FLOAT --rand.neighbor-dist2 FLOAT --rand.neighbor-dist3 FLOAT --rand.neighbor-dist4 FLOAT --rand.neighbor-dist5 FLOAT --rand.neighbor-dist6 FLOAT
-o, --output-file FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE
--plain-output-prefix FILE
Prefix of files to write plain xml nodes, edges and connections to
--junctions.join-output FILE
Writes information about joined junctions to FILE (can be loaded as additional node-file to reproduce joins
-M, --map-output FILE
Writes joined edges information to FILE
--amitran-output FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE using Amitran format
--matsim-output FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE using MATsim format
--opendrive-output FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE using OpenDRIVE format
--dlr-navteq-output FILE
The generated net will be written to dlr-navteq files with the given PREFIX
Street names will be included in the output (if available)
Writes original names, if given, as parameter
--street-sign-output FILE
Writes street signs as POIs to FILE
--tls.set STR
Interprets STR as list of junctions to be controlled by TLS
--tls.unset STR
Interprets STR as list of junctions to be not controlled by TLS
Turns on TLS guessing
Includes node clusters into guess
Tries to cluster tls-controlled nodes INT
Use INT as green phase duration
-D, --tls.yellow.min-decel FLOAT
Defines smallest vehicle deceleration
Given yellow times are patched even if being too short
--tls.yellow.time INT
Set INT as fixed time for yellow phase durations
--tls.half-offset STR
TLSs in STR will be shifted by half-phase
--tls.quarter-offset STR
TLSs in STR will be shifted by quarter-phase
--tls.default-type STR
TLSs with unspecified type will use STR as their algorithm
--keep-edges.min-speed FLOAT
Only keep edges with speed in meters/second > FLOAT
--remove-edges.explicit STR
Remove edges in STR
--keep-edges.explicit STR
Only keep edges in STR
--keep-edges.input-file FILE
Only keep edges in FILE STR
Only keep edges which are located within the given boundary (given either as CARTESIAN corner coordinates <xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax> or as polygon <x0,y0,x1,y1,...>) STR
Only keep edges which are located within the given boundary (given either as GEODETIC corner coordinates <lon-min,lat-min,lon-max,lat-max> or as polygon <lon0,lat0,lon1,lat1,...>)
All nodes will be unregulated
--keep-nodes-unregulated.explicit STR
Do not regulate nodes in STR
Do not regulate district nodes
Omits internal links
Disables building turnarounds
Disables building turnarounds at tls-controlled junctions
Disables building connections to left
Turn off normalizing node positions
--offset.x FLOAT
Adds FLOAT to net x-positions
--offset.y FLOAT
Adds FLOAT to net y-positions
Flips the y-coordinate along zero
Enable roundabout-guessing
Assumes left-hand traffic on the network
Joins junctions that are close to each other (recommended for OSM import)
--junctions.join-dist FLOAT
Determines the maximal distance for joining junctions (defaults to 10)
Allow driving onto a multi-lane road if there are foes on other lanes (at roundabouts)
Allow driving onto a multi-lane road if there are foes on other lanes (everywhere)
Guess pedestrian sidewalks based on edge speed
--sidewalks.guess.max-speed FLOAT
Add sidewalks for edges with a speed equal or below the given limit
--sidewalks.guess.min-speed FLOAT
Add sidewalks for edges with a speed above the given limit
Guess pedestrian crossings based on the presence of sidewalks
--tls.join-dist FLOAT
Determines the maximal distance for joining traffic lights (defaults to 20)
-L, --default.lanenumber INT
The default number of lanes in an edge
-S, --default.speed FLOAT
The default speed on an edge (in m/s)
-P, --default.priority INT
The default priority of an edge
--default.sidewalk-width FLOAT
The default width of added sidewalks
-j, --default-junction-type STR
[traffic_light|priority|right_before_left] Determines the type of the build junctions
-v, --verbose
Switches to verbose output
Prints option values before processing
-?, --help
Prints this screen
-V, --version
Prints the current version
-X, --xml-validation STR
Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "auto" or "always") STR
Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "auto" or "always")
-W, --no-warnings
Disables output of warnings
-l, --log FILE
Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--message-log FILE
Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--error-log FILE
Writes all warnings and errors to FILE
Initialises the random number generator with the current system time
--seed INT
Initialises the random number generator with the given value
netgenerate -c <CONFIGURATION>
create net from given configuration
netgenerate --grid [grid-network options] -o <OUTPUTFILE>
create grid net
netgenerate --spider [spider-network options] -o <OUTPUTFILE>
create spider net
netgenerate --rand [random-network options] -o <OUTPUTFILE>
create random net
Report bugs at <>.
Get in contact via <[email protected]>.
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 DLR and contributors;
SUMO netgenerate Version 0.21.0 is part of SUMO.
SUMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see