pads_backannotate -h\||--help

pads_backannotate -V\||--version

pads_backannotate [options] infile1.sch [infile2.sch ...]


The pads_backannotate program reads an engineering change order (ECO) file generated by the PADS program and backannotates the requested changes to a gschem schematic or schematics. Refer to the PADS manual for a complete description of the ECO file format.


-h, --help

prints help message and exits

-n, --nocopy

Leave the modified schematic files in new files whose names are generated by appending .new to the original file names. The default is to overwrite the original.

-v, --verbose

operate verbosely

-V, --version

prints version information and exits


pads_backannotate will return 0 if all files processed successfully, non-zero if the command did not complete successfully.


Rather than parsing and processing schematic files directly, this utility should be rewritten using the gEDA scheme API. This would take advantage of the existing parsers for the schematic files.

Reference designator renaming is fully supported. Pin and gate swapping is parsed but not automatically applied to the schematic database. Instead, a report listing the manual pin and gate swapping that is required. The other features of the ECO file are not supported yet.

RELATED TO pads_backannotate…

gnetlist(1), gschem(1)

Also refer to "Forward/Backward Annotation Between gEDA/gaf and PADS PowerPCB" which may be found at