suspicious-source [options]


suspicious-source is a script that outputs a list of files which are not common source files. This should be run in the root of a source tree to find files which might not be the "preferred form of modification" that the GPL and other licenses require.

The files inside version control system directories (like .bzr/ or CVS/) are not considered.


-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print more information.

-d directory, --directory=directory

Check the files in the specified directory instead of the current directory.

-m mimetype, --mimetype=mimetype

Add mimetype to list of white-listed MIME types.

-e extension, --extension=extension

Add extension to list of white-listed extensions.


suspicious-source and this manpage have been written by Benjamin Drung <[email protected]>.

Both are released under the ISC license.