Static java code analyzer
findbugs [general options] -textui [command line options...] [jar/zip/class files, directories...]
No files to be analyzed
-jvmArgs args
Pass args to JVM
-maxHeap size
Maximum Java heap size in megabytes (default=768)
-javahome <dir>
Specify location of JRE
General FindBugs options:
-project <project>
analyze given project
-home <home directory>
specify FindBugs home directory
-pluginList <jar1[:jar2...]>
specify list of plugin Jar files to load
set analysis effort level
lower priority of experimental Bug Patterns
ensure analysis effort is at least 'default'
same as -effort:min (for backward compatibility)
show list of available detector plugins
-userPrefs <filename>
user preferences file, e.g /path/to/project/.settings/edu.umd.cs.findbugs.core.prefs for Eclipse projects
Output options:
set timestamp of results to be current time
suppress error messages
report long bug codes
display progress in terminal window
-release <release name>
set the release name of the analyzed application
report of any confidence level including experimental bug patterns
report warnings of any confidence level
report only medium and high confidence warnings [default]
report only high confidence warnings
-maxRank <rank>
only report issues with a bug rank at least as scary as that provided
Don't combine warnings that differ only in line number
sort warnings by class
XML output (optionally with messages)
xdoc XML output to use with Apache Maven
Generate HTML output (default stylesheet is default.xsl)
Use emacs reporting format
Relaxed reporting mode (more false positives!)
Save training data (experimental); output dir defaults to '.'
Use training data (experimental); input dir defaults to '.'
-redoAnalysis <filename>
Redo analysis using configureation from previous analysis
-sourceInfo <filename>
Specify source info file (line numbers for fields/classes)
-projectName <project name>
Descriptive name of project
-reanalyze <filename>
redo analysis in provided file
-output <filename>
Save output in named file
analyze nested jar/zip archives (default=true)
Output filtering options:
-bugCategories <cat1[,cat2...]>
only report bugs in given categories
-onlyAnalyze <classes/packages>
only analyze given classes and packages; end with .* to indicate classes in a package, .- to indicate a package prefix
-excludeBugs <baseline bugs>
exclude bugs that are also reported in the baseline xml output
-exclude <filter file>
exclude bugs matching given filter
-include <filter file>
include only bugs matching given filter
Exclude any bugs that match suppression filter loaded from fbp file
Detector (visitor) configuration options:
-visitors <v1[,v2...]>
run only named visitors
-omitVisitors <v1[,v2...]>
omit named visitors
-chooseVisitors <+v1,-v2,...>
selectively enable/disable detectors
-choosePlugins <+p1,-p2,...>
selectively enable/disable plugins -adjustPriority <v1=(raise|lower)[,...]> raise/lower priority of warnings for given visitor(s)
Project configuration options:
-auxclasspath <classpath>
set aux classpath for analysis
read aux classpath from standard input
-sourcepath <source path>
set source path for analyzed classes
set exit code of process
output empty warning file if no classes are specified
get list of classfiles/jarfiles from standard input rather than command line
-cloud <id>
set cloud id
-cloudProperty <key=value>
set cloud property
-bugReporters <name,name2,-name3>
bug reporter decorators to explicitly enable/disable
print configuration and exit, without running analysis
print version, check for updates and exit, without running analysis
The full documentation for findbugs is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and findbugs programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info findbugs
should give you access to the complete manual.