Imports an apache combined log into a mysql database. -d <database name> -t <table name> [-h <host name>] [-u <user name>] [-p <password>] [-f <filename>]
--host|-h <host name>
The host to connect to. Default is localhost.
--database|-d <database name>
The database to use. Required.
--username|-u <username>
The user to connect as.
--password|-p <password>
The user's password.
--table|-t <table name>
The name of the table in which to insert data.
--logfile|-f <file name>
The file to read from. If not given, data is read from stdin.
Print out this help message.
Print out the version of this software.
Aaron Jenson
Updated to work under Perl 5.6.1 by Edward Rudd
Michael A. Toth <[email protected]> - based on content of script
This man page was written using xml2man (1) by the same author.