mtbl_info FILE [FILE]...


mtbl_info(1) displays the following information about the MTBL files specified on the command line.

file name – the name of the MTBL file.

file size – the total size of the MTBL file, in bytes.

index bytes – the total number of bytes and proportion of the total file size consumed by the index.

data block bytes – the total number of bytes and proportion of the total file size consumed by data blocks.

data block size – the maximum size of an uncompressed data block.

data block count – the total number of data blocks.

entry count – the total number of key-value entries.

key bytes – the total number of bytes that all keys in the file would occupy if stored end-to-end in a byte array with no delimiters.

value bytes – the total number of bytes that all values in the file would occupy if stored end-to-end in a byte array with no delimiters.

compression algorithm – the algorithm used to compress data blocks. Possible values are "none", "snappy" and "zlib".

compactness – a rough metric comparing the total number of bytes in the key-value entries with the total size of the MTBL file. It is calculated as (file size) / (key bytes + value bytes), and thus takes into account the gains of data block compression and prefix key compression against the overhead of the index, trailer, and data block offset arrays.