cython [\,options\/] \,sourcefile.{pyx,py} \/...


Cython ( is a compiler for code written in the Cython language. Cython is based on Pyrex by Greg Ewing.


-V, --version

Display version number of cython compiler

-l, --create-listing

Write error messages to a listing file

-I, --include-dir <directory>

Search for include files in named directory (multiple include directories are allowed).

-o, --output-file <filename>

Specify name of generated C file

-t, --timestamps

Only compile newer source files

-f, --force

Compile all source files (overrides implied -t)

-v, --verbose

Be verbose, print file names on multiple compilation

-p, --embed-positions

If specified, the positions in Cython files of each function definition is embedded in its docstring.

--cleanup <level>

Release interned objects on python exit, for memory debugging. Level indicates aggressiveness, default 0 releases nothing.

-w, --working <directory>

Sets the working directory for Cython (the directory modules are searched from)


Output debug information for cygdb

--gdb-outdir <directory>

Specify gdb debug information output directory. Implies --gdb.

-D, --no-docstrings

Strip docstrings from the compiled module.

-a, --annotate

Produce a colorized HTML version of the source.


Produce #line directives pointing to the .pyx source


Output a C++ rather than C file.


Generate a main() function that embeds the Python interpreter.


Compile based on Python-2 syntax and code semantics.


Compile based on Python-3 syntax and code semantics.


Change some compile time errors to runtime errors to improve Python compatibility


Add cincluded headers to any auto-generated header files.


Abort the compilation on the first error

--warning-errors, -Werror

Make all warnings into errors

--warning-extra, -Wextra

Enable extra warnings -X, --directive <name>=<value>[,<name=value,...] Overrides a compiler directive