funtable [\-c cols] [\-h] [\-n table] [\-p prog] [\-s sep] <iname>


[\s-1NB:\s0 This program has been deprecated in favor of the \s-1ASCII\s0 text processing support in funtools. You can now perform fundisp on funtools \s-1ASCII\s0 output files (specifying the table using bracket notation) to extract tables and columns.]

The funtbl script extracts a specified table (without the header and comments) from a funtools \s-1ASCII\s0 output file and writes the result to the standard output. The first non-switch argument is the \s-1ASCII\s0 input file name (i.e. the saved output from funcnts, fundisp, funhist, etc.). If no filename is specified, stdin is read. The \-n switch specifies which table (starting from 1) to extract. The default is to extract the first table. The \-c switch is a space-delimited list of column numbers to output, e.g. \-c \*(L"1 3 5\*(R" will extract the first three odd-numbered columns. The default is to extract all columns. The \-s switch specifies the separator string to put between columns. The default is a single space. The \-h switch specifies that column names should be added in a header line before the data is output. Without the switch, no header is prepended. The \-p program switch allows you to specify an awk-like program to run instead of the default (which is host-specific and is determined at build time). The \-T switch will output the data in rdb format (i.e., with a 2\-row header of column names and dashes, and with data columns separated by tabs). The \-help switch will print out a message describing program usage.

For example, consider the output from the following funcnts command:

  [sh] funcnts -sr snr.ev "ann 512 512 0 9 n=3"
  # source
  #   data file:        /proj/rd/data/snr.ev
  #   arcsec/pixel:     8
  # background
  #   constant value:   0.000000
  # column units
  #   area:             arcsec**2
  #   surf_bri:         cnts/arcsec**2
  #   surf_err:         cnts/arcsec**2

# summed background-subtracted results upto net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- 1 147.000 12.124 0.000 0.000 1600.00 0.092 0.008 2 625.000 25.000 0.000 0.000 6976.00 0.090 0.004 3 1442.000 37.974 0.000 0.000 15936.00 0.090 0.002

# background-subtracted results reg net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- 1 147.000 12.124 0.000 0.000 1600.00 0.092 0.008 2 478.000 21.863 0.000 0.000 5376.00 0.089 0.004 3 817.000 28.583 0.000 0.000 8960.00 0.091 0.003

# the following source and background components were used: source_region(s) ---------------- ann 512 512 0 9 n=3

reg counts pixels sumcnts sumpix ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- 1 147.000 25 147.000 25 2 478.000 84 625.000 109 3 817.000 140 1442.000 249

There are four tables in this output. To extract the last one, you can execute:

[sh] funcnts -s snr.ev "ann 512 512 0 9 n=3" | funtbl -n 4 1 147.000 25 147.000 25 2 478.000 84 625.000 109 3 817.000 140 1442.000 249

Note that the output has been re-formatted so that only a single space separates each column, with no extraneous header or comment information.

To extract only columns 1,2, and 4 from the last example (but with a header prepended and tabs between columns), you can execute:

[sh] funcnts -s snr.ev "ann 512 512 0 9 n=3" | funtbl -c "1 2 4" -h -n 4 -s "\t" #reg counts sumcnts 1 147.000 147.000 2 478.000 625.000 3 817.000 1442.000

Of course, if the output has previously been saved in a file named foo.out, the same result can be obtained by executing:

[sh] funtbl -c "1 2 4" -h -n 4 -s "\t" foo.out #reg counts sumcnts 1 147.000 147.000 2 478.000 625.000 3 817.000 1442.000

RELATED TO funtbl…

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