cron-deja-vu <options>


cron-deja-vu is a filter for cron generated mail. it expects mails which only differ in small amounts. Matching is done, by matching line by line against already learned mails. If a mail is matched, the header X-deja-vu is set to yes. Otherwise the header is set to, no and if specified the header X-deja-vuline will contain lines of the mail which did not match.



show program's version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-m <filename of mail>, --mail=<filename of mail>

test against mail from filename

-a <Maildir>, --add=<Maildir>

build database from maildir

-s <number of lines>, --show=<number of lines>

show first <num> of not matched lines in header

-d, --debug

show debug output