

This manual page documents loch, which is part of the therion-viewer package.

loch is a 3D viewer which displays .lox files produced by therion and allows them to be examined.


loch takes no options.


Key and Mouse Controls

Function Mouse action Key
Zoom & Rotate Left click + drag
Zoom only Left click + drag up/down, then hold left and click right Ctrl + Up/Down
Rotate only Left click + drag left/right, then hold left and click right Left/Right
Pan Right click + drag Shift + Arrows
Tilt Middle (wheel) click + drag or wheel rotate Up/Down
Full screen Left double click F11
Context menu Right click

If continuous rotation is turned on, then rotation mouse movements change the speed or direction of rotation. If rotation is locked, then rotation mouse movements have no effect.


Loch is able to render large bitmaps that can be afterwards post processed and printed. Bitmaps can be exported in PDF, PNG or BMP formats. Configuration of export is done via the Rendering setup dialog. You can set the following features:

Size and Scaling

Screen shot: Screen copy will be saved into a file with no other changes.

Image width: The screen image will be exported with the specified width.

Image height: The screen image will be exported with the specified height.

Scale: The screen image will be exported with the specified scale.

Image options

Rendering resolution: Resolution of the image file used when image size or scale are specified.

Image size: Image size in pixels and uncompressed bytes calculated from previous settings.

White background: Force white background in exported image.


Sometimes empty rectangles appear in off screen rendered file. Changing the window size usually helps.

* Crashes have been observed on intel graphics cards unless the texture initialisations are removed in the code.

* Stereo mode does not work correctly on some graphics adapters.

* This help does not work.

RELATED TO therion-viewer…

therion (1), xtherion (1).

For full information see the Therion Manual in /usr/doc/therion/thbook which describes therion-viewer and its use in detail.


This manual page was adapted from existing docs by Wookey for the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.