usage: usage: detector2nexus [options] [options] -o nxs.h5

Convert a complex detector definition (multiple modules, possibly in 3D) into a single NeXus detector definition together with the mask (and much more in the future)

optional arguments:

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-V, --version

show program's version number and exit

-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

Output nexus file, unless detector_name.h5

-n NAME, --name NAME

name of the detector

-m MASK, --mask MASK

mask corresponding to the detector


Base detector name (see documentation of pyFAI.detectors


Geometric distortion file from FIT2D

-dx DX, --x-corr DX

Geometric correction for pilatus

-dy DY, --y-corr DY

Geometric correction for pilatus

-p PIXEL, --pixel PIXEL

pixel size (comma separated): x,y

-S SHAPE, --shape SHAPE

shape of the detector (comma separated): x,y

-d DARK, --dark DARK

Dark noise to be subtracted

-f FLAT, --flat FLAT

Flat field correction

-v, --verbose

switch to verbose/debug mode

This summarizes detector2nexus