Confluence compiler
cf [options] [file] [arguments]
Confluence is a functional programming language for reactive system design, including digital logic systems (ASIC, FPGA) and control oriented hard real-time software.
The Confluence compiler (cf) translates a Confluence description into Verilog and VHDL (for digital logic synthesis), C (for simulation and software targets), and NuSMV (for formal verification, via model checking).
-h OR -help Prints this information then exits.
-b filename OR -base_env filename
Sets the base environment for the compilation. Overrides the CF_ENV
environment variable. If CF_ENV not defined and -base_env option not set, the base environment defaults to /usr/share/confluence/
-e integer OR -error_limit integer
Sets the maximum number of reported errors. A negative number reports all errors.
-c OR -compile_only Parses and compiles, but does not evaluate a program.
-o name
Sets the output file name. Default is out.fnf.
-test Run the built in unit tests.
CF_ENV A filename that specifies the base environment (commonly
CF_LIB The directory location of the Confluence standard library (optional).
Tom Hawkins ([email protected])
Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Tom Hawkins