exaile [OPTION]... [URI]


Playback Options:

-n, --next

Play the next track

-p, --prev

Play the previous track

-s, --stop

Stop playback

-a, --play


-u, --pause


-t, --play-pause

Pause or resume playback


Stop playback after current track

Collection Options:


Add tracks from LOCATION to the collection

Playlist Options:


Exports the current playlist to LOCATION

Track Options:

-q, --query

Query player


Retrieves the current playback state and track information as FORMAT


TAGS to retrieve from the current track, use with --format-query


Show a popup with data of the current track


Print the title of current track


Print the album of current track


Print the artist of current track


Print the length of current track


Set rating for current track to N%


Get rating for current track


Print the current playback position as time


Print the current playback progress as percentage

Volume Options:

-i N, --increase-vol=\,N\/

Increases the volume by N%

-l N, --decrease-vol=\,N\/

Decreases the volume by N%

-m, --toggle-mute

Mutes or unmutes the volume


Print the current volume percentage

Other Options:


Start new instance

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit


Show program's version number and exit.


Start minimized (to tray, if possible)


Toggle visibility of the GUI (if possible)


Start in safe mode - sometimes useful when you're running into problems


Force import of old data from version 0.2.x (Overwrites current data)


Do not import old data from version 0.2.x


Make control options like --play start Exaile if it is not running

Development/Debug Options:


Set data directory


Set data and config directory


Limit log output to MODULE


Limit log output to LEVEL


Show debugging output


Enable debugging of xl.event. Generates LOTS of output


Add thread name to logging messages.


Limit xl.event debug to output of TYPE


Reduce level of output --startgui


Disable D-Bus support


Disable HAL support.