vborient <infile> <outfile> <new orientation> [-from <orient>]


vborient is part of the VoxBo suite of tools for brain image analysis.

vborient re-orients 3D and 4D volumes along the major axes, using simple three-letter codes for (R)ight, (L)eft, (I)nferior, (S)uperior, (A)nterior, and (P)osterior. E.g., an axial image in radiological orientation is RPI.

To get a complete list of available flags, run the program with no arguments.


Pre-built VoxBo binaries are available for Linux, OSX, and Cygwin, and via the NeuroDebian project ( for Debian derivatives.


VoxBo is provided with no warranty whatsoever.


For an historical roster of the VoxBo development team, visit

RELATED TO vborient…

For detailed help on any VoxBo command-line program, run it with no arguments. For graphical programs, use the -h flag. For more help with VoxBo, for information about the mailing list, or to report bugs, visit the web site at

For information about file format support in VoxBo, see voxbo-fileformats(7). For general information about VoxBo, see voxbo(7).