dh_installlisting [debhelper options] [filename(s)]


dh_installlisting is a debhelper program that handles installing listing files used by the desktop-profiles package into the correct location in package builddirectories (\s-1NOTE:\s0 this command is provided by the desktop-profiles package, so don't forget to build-depends on it). It also updates the cache of profile assignments (when it exists) to reflect the added metadata.

If a file named debian/package.listing exists (or debian/listing in case of the main package) it is installed in etc/desktop-profiles. In addition any files given as argument will be installed in etc/desktop-profiles as package_file.listing. The format of .listing files is described in desktop-profiles\|(7).

A dependancy on desktop-profiles will be added to misc:Depends by using this script.

RELATED TO dh_installlisting…

debhelper\|(7) desktop-profiles\|(7) update-profile-cache\|(1)


Bart Cornelis (cobaco) <[email protected]>