Tree reconstruction synopsis tree_recon [options] -m in.dist description reconstruct phylogenetic tree from phylip matrix in.dist. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information input / output: -m, --matrix file name phylip distance matrix file. must contain at least three species. valid filetype is: dist. -o, --out-file file path to write output to. valid filetypes are: dot and newick. default: algorithm options: -b, --build method tree building method. nj: neighbour-joining, min: upgma single linkage, max: upgma complete linkage, avg: upgma average linkage, wavg: upgma weighted average linkage. neighbour-joining creates an unrooted tree. we root that tree at the least joined pair. one of nj, min, max, avg, and wavg. default: nj. contact and references for questions or comments, contact: tobias rausch [email protected] seqan homepage: version tree_recon version: 1.02 last update july 17, 2012