Convert asn.1 biological data to a flat format (old version)
asn2ff [\|-\|] [\|-A X\|] [\|-B X\|] [\|-C\|] [\|-G\|] [\|-L F\|] [\|-M\|] [\|-R\|] [\|-V F\|] [\|-a filename\|] [\|-b\|] [\|-d\|] [\|-e\|] [\|-f b/p/e/s/x/z\|] [\|-g\|] [\|-h F\|] [\|-k F\|] [\|-l filename\|] [\|-m r/d/s/c/k/l/e/p\|] [\|-n F\|] [\|-o filename\|] [\|-p F\|] [\|-q\|] [\|-r filename\|] [\|-s\|] [\|-t\|] [\|-v F\|] [\|-w\|] [\|-y\|] [\|-z\|]
asn2ff converts descriptions of biological sequences from NCBI's ASN.1 format to one of several flat-file formats. This program is built around a deprecated interface; please use asn2gb\FP(1) instead.
A summary of options is included below.
Print usage message
-A X
Show region starting at X (default is 0)
-B X
Show region ending at X (default is last position)
Show Bankit comments
Output is one top bioseq only in genome view
-L F
Use old (pre-Genbank 127.0) LOCUS line format
Output is map bioseqs only
For GenBank Release
-V F
Don't use VERSION
-a filename
Filename for ASN.1 input (default is stdin)
Input asnfile in binary mode
Use SeqMgr indexing
Input is a Seq-entry
-f b/p/e/s/x/z
Output Format:
GenBank (default)
Show gi numbers
-h F
Hide sequence
-k F
Don't use complex sets (phy-set,mut-set, pop-set)
-l filename
Log errors to filename
-m r/d/s/c/k/l/e/p
Output mode:
release (default)
partial report
-n F
Strict gene_binding
-o filename
Output Filename (default is stdout)
-p F
Omit new gene features
Output is one top bioseq only
-r filename
Output error logfile (default is stderr)
Input is a Seq-submit
Show verbose message text
-v F
Suppress error messages
Use HTML output format
Print help format only
New algorithm for orgnames
The National Center for Biotechnology Information.