llvm-dis [options] [filename]


The llvm-dis command is the LLVM disassembler. It takes an LLVM bitcode file and converts it into human-readable LLVM assembly language.

If filename is omitted or specified as -, llvm-dis reads its input from standard input.

If the input is being read from standard input, then llvm-dis will send its output to standard output by default. Otherwise, the output will be written to a file named after the input file, with a .ll suffix added (any existing .bc suffix will first be removed). You can override the choice of output file using the -o option.



Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, llvm-dis will refuse to write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option, llvm-dis will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.

-help Print a summary of command line options.

-o filename Specify the output file name. If filename is -, then the output is sent to standard output.


If llvm-dis succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

RELATED TO llvm-dis-3.4…



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