coqtop [ options ]


coqtop is the toplevel system of Coq, for interactive use. It reads phrases on the standard input, and prints results on the standard output.

For batch-oriented use of Coq, see coqc(1).


-h, --help

Help. Will give you the complete list of options accepted by coqtop.


add directory dir in the include path


recursively map physical dir to logical coqdir


set the toplevel name to be coqdir instead of Top


read state from file filename.coq


start with an empty initial state


write state in file filename.coq


load ML object file filenname


load ML file filename


load Coq file filename.v (Load filename.)


load verbosely Coq file filename.v (Load Verbose filename.)


load Coq object file filename.vo


load Coq object file filename.vo and import it (Require Import filename.)


compile Coq file filename.v (implies -batch )


verbosely compile Coq file filename.v (implies -batch )


run the native-code version of Coq


run the bytecode version of Coq


print Coq's standard library location and exit


print Coq version and exit


skip loading of rcfile


set the rcfile to filename


batch mode (exits just after arguments parsing)


boot mode (implies -q and -batch )


tells Coq it is executed under Emacs


dump globalizations in file f (to be used by coqdoc(1) )


to (de)activate special functions for Geoproof within Coqide (default is yes )


set sort Set impredicative


don't load opaque proofs in memory


export XML files either to the hierarchy rooted in the directory $COQ_XML_LIBRARY_ROOT (if set) or to stdout (if unset)


improve the legibility of the proof terms produced by some tactics

RELATED TO coqtop…

coqc(1), coq-tex(1), coqdep(1).

The Coq Reference Manual. The Coq web site: