cleancss \kx [options] <source-file>


cleancss is a tool written in Javascript (Node.js) for minifying CSS files.

The minified file will be written to stdout or to a given output file.


cleancss accepts the following common options:

\*(T<-h, --help\*(T>

Output usage information

\*(T<-v, --version\*(T>

Output the version number

\*(T<-e, --remove-empty\*(T>

Remove empty declarations (e.g. a{})

\*(T<-b, --keep-line-breaks\*(T>

Keep line breaks


Remove all special comments (i.e. /*! special comment */)


Remove all special comments but the first one \*(T<-r, --root-path [root-path]\*(T> Set a root path to which resolve absolute @import rules \*(T<-o, --output [output-file]\*(T> Use [output-file] as output instead of stdout


$ cleancss one.css

$ cleancss -o one-min.css one.css

$ cat one.css two.css three.css | cleancss -o merged-and-minified.css

$ cat one.css two.css three.css | cleancss |  \

      gzip -9 -c > merged-minified-and-gzipped.css.gz

RELATED TO cleancss…



This manual has been written for the Debian project by Mike Gabriel <[email protected]> and may be used by others.