gdaltindex [-tileindex field_name] [-write_absolute_path] [-skip_different_projection] [-t_srs target_srs] index_file [gdal_file]*


This program builds a shapefile with a record for each input raster file, an attribute containing the filename, and a polygon geometry outlining the raster. This output is suitable for use with MapServer as a raster tileindex.

  • The shapefile (index_file) will be created if it doesn't already exist, otherwise it will append to the existing file.

  • The default tile index field is 'location'.

  • Raster filenames will be put in the file exactly as they are specified on the commandline unless the option -write_absolute_path is used.

  • If -skip_different_projection is specified, only files with same projection ref as files already inserted in the tileindex will be inserted (unless t_srs is specified).

  • If -t_srs is specified, geometries of input files will be transformed to the desired target coordinate reference system. Note that using this option generates files that are NOT compatible with MapServer.

  • Simple rectangular polygons are generated in the same coordinate reference system as the rasters, or in target reference system if the -t_srs option is used.


gdaltindex doq_index.shp doq/*.tif


Frank Warmerdam [email protected]