nodau <OPTION> [DATA]


This manual page documents briefly the nodau command.

nodau is a simple console notetaking program.



print this message

list [SEARCH]

list notes, accepts optional search term

new <NAME>

create new note, <NAME> must be unique

encrypt <NAME>

encrypt a new or existing note

decrypt <NAME>

decrypt an existing note

edit <NAME>

open an existing note for editing

append <NAME>

when piping data from stdin, append it to any existing data instead of overwritting

show <NAME>

display an existing note

del <SEARCH>

delete a note/notes, accepts name or search term


  • search terms with spaces do not need to be inside "quotes"

    <NAME> name of a note, list will search for names similar to the term, del will delete only an exact match

    t@<DATESTRING> matches notes created at a given date/time

    t-<DATESTRING> matches notes created before a given date/time

    t+<DATESTRING> matches notes created after a given date/time


  • <DATESTRING> can be made of any typical date format such as:


    dd, mm, yyyy hh:mm


  • By default nodau will use the EDITOR environment variable to edit notes, simply edit the file as usual, nodau will save the note to it's database when you exit the editor. If EDITOR is not set the nodau builtin editor will be used.

    Use of the builtin editor can be forced by setting `force_builtin_editor = true' in the nodau config file. Alternatively, the external_editor config setting can be set to use a specific editor regardless of the EDITOR environment variable value. `force_builtin_editor = true' takes precedence over EDITOR and external_editor settings.

    The builtin editor accepts standard printable characters, enter, and backspace. There is no support for moving the cursor with the arrow keys or mouse. To exit the editor and save the note, create a new line with only a dot (.) on it, or press escape.


  • Encrypting a note will apply DES encryption to the note using a passphrase which is requested from the user during the process. The passphrase is then required to decrypt, edit, or read the note. Decrypting a note will restore the note as plain text, and the passphrase will no longer be required for access.


  • The nodau config file is located at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nodau/nodau.conf which is typically ~/.config/nodau/nodau.conf.

    The following config settings are currently in use:


    external_editor name of a text editor executable (vim, nano,etc).

    force_builtin_editor true or false false

    import_old_db true or false true

    edit_autocreate true of false true

    If import_old_db value is true or not set, nodau will import notes from the 0.2.x database to the 0.3.x database.


This manual page was modified by Lisa Milne <[email protected]> from an original written by Salvatore Bonaccorso <[email protected]> for the Debian system (but may be used by others).