gt gff3validator [option ...] [GFF3_file ...]


-typecheck [string]

check GFF3 types against "id" and "name" tags in given OBO file and validate parent (part-of) relationships. If no argument is given, the sofa.obo file from the gtdata/obo_files directory is used. If an argument is given, it is used as an OBO filename. In the case that such a file does not exist .obo is added to the argument and loading the resulting filename from the gtdata/obo_files directory is attempted. (default: undefined)

-xrfcheck [string]

check Dbxref and Ontology_term attributes for correct syntax according to a abbreviation definition file. If no argument is given, the GO.xrf_abbs file from the gtdata/xrf_abbr directory is used. If an argument is given, it is used as an specific filename for an abbreviation file. In the case that such a file does not exist, .xrf_abbr is added to the argument and loading the resulting filename from the gtdata/xrf_abbr directory is attempted. (default: undefined)


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