netmrg-gatherer [ OPTIONS ]


netmrg-gatherer performs tests on all enabled hosts in NetMRG. It will store results in RRD files using RRDTOOL(1) and perform actions in response to events.



Displays usage information and exits.


Displays software version and exits.


-t num threads

Run no more than the specified number of threads simultaneously.


Become a daemon.

-M mode

Mode of operation. This option controls the manner in which the gatherer operates. The modes currently supported are "once" (the default, best used manually or via cron) which runs all tests once then exits, and "wait" (best used when daemonized) which will run all tests, wait for the gatherer interval to expire, and then repeat.

Note: To run netmrg-gatherer daemonized, the recommended set of options at this point is "-X -S -M wait" which will daemonize, repeat the gather cycle on each interval, and write output to syslog.



Syslog. Logs messages to syslog instead of stdout.


Bland. Disables color output. By default, netmrg-gatherer will display color output when connected to a terminal, but will use bland output when its output is written to a file. This option should only be needed when the detection mechanism has failed, or the user doesn't want to see colors when running the program by hand.


All. Displays all log messages.


Most. Displays more messages than default.


Quiet. Silences all output.

-l level mask

Only outputs messages that match the specified level mask.

-c component mask

Only outputs messages that match the specified component mask.


Safe. Tries to keep sensitive information out of the displayed messages.


-C config file

Uses the specified XML configuration file.

-K config file

Parses the specified XML configuration file and exits.


-H host

Uses the specified host name for connecting to the database.

-D database

Uses the specified database name.

-u user name

Uses the specified user name for connecting to the database.

-p [ password ]

Uses the specified password for connecting to the database. If no password is specified, the user is prompted to enter one.


-i device id

Performs an interface recache on the specified device.

-d device id

Performs a disk recache on the specified device.

Note: Recaching options are intended for use by the web interface. These options should not be generally used by end users.