A commandline interface for subtle
subtler is a commandline tool, that allows interacting with a EWMH/NetWM compatible window manager and especially with subtle(1) from a shell.
The arguments of subtler are quite complex and allow a variety of spellings and different number of arguments. Most of the commands require at least one argument and return output of following format:
DISPLAY :<display number>
ID <number>
GEOMETRY <x>x<y>+<width>+<height>
NAME <string|number>
DATA <string|number>
Matching works either via plaintext, regex(7), id or window id if applicable. If a pattern matches more than once ALL matches are used.
If the PATTERN is - subtler will read from stdin.
Client listing <window id> <visibility> <view id> <geometry> <gravity> <flags> <instance name> (<class name>)
Gravity listing <gravity id> <geometry>
Screen listing <screen id> <geometry>
Tag listing <tag name>
Tray listing <window id> <instance name> (<class name>)
View listing <window id> <visibility> <view id> <view name>
<window id> Numeric (hex) id (e.g. 0xa00009)
<visibility> - = not visible, * = visible
<view id> Numeric id (e.g. 5)
<geometry> x x y + width + height
<flags> - = not set, + = fullscreen, ^ = float, * = stick, ~ = resize, = = zaphod, ! = fixed
<instance name> Window instance/resource name
<class name> Window class name
<gravity id> Numeric id of gravity (e.g. 2)
<screen id> Numeric id of a screen (e.g. 1)
<tag name> Name of a tag (e.g. terms)
-d, --display=DISPLAY
Connect to DISPLAY (default: :0)
-h, --help
Show this help and exit
-V, --version
Show version info and exit
-p, --proc
This creates a ruby proc from the given argument and yields the result of the group to it as parameter param.
subtler -cl -p "puts param.name"
subtler -cC -p "param.gravity = { terms: :left }"
-r, --reload
Reload subtle
-R, --restart
Restart subtle
-q, --quit
Quit subtle
-C, --current
Select current active window/view instead of passing it via argument.
Example: subtler -cCf
-X, --select
Select a window via pointer instead of passing it via argument.
Example: subtler -cXf
-c, --Client
Use client group
-g, --Gravity
Use gravity group
-e, --Screen
Use screen group
-s, --Sublet
Use sublet group
-t, --Tag
Use tag group
-y, --Tray
Use tray group
-v, --View
Use views group
-f, --find => PATTERN
Find client
Example: subtler -cf urxvt
-o, --focus => PATTERN
Set focus to client
Example: subtler -co urxvt
-F, --full => PATTERN
Toggle full
Example: subtler -cF urxvt
-O, --float => PATTERN
Toggle float
Example: subtler -cO urxvt
-S, --stick => PATTERN
Toggle stick
Example: subtler -cS urxvt
-N, --urgent => PATTERN
Toggle urgent
Example: subtler -cN urxvt
-l, --list
List all clients
-T, --tag => PATTERN
Add tag to client
Example: subtler -cT urxvt tag
-U, --untag => PATTERN NAME
Remove tag from client
Example: subtler -cU urxvt tag
-G, --tags => PATTERN
Show client tags
Example: subtler -cG urxvt
-Y, --gravity => PATTERN PATTERN
Set client gravity
Example: subtler -cY urxvt gravity
-E, --raise => PATTERN
Raise client window
Example: subtler -cE urxvt
-L, --lower => PATTERN
Lower client window
Example: subtler -cL urxvt
-k, --kill => PATTERN
Kill client
Example: subtler -ck urxvt
-a, --add => NAME GEOMETRY
Create new gravity
Example: subtler -ga test 0x0+100+100
-l, --list
List all gravities
Example: subtler -gl
-f, --find => PATTERN
Find a gravity
Example: subtler -gf center
-k, --kill => PATTERN
Kill gravity
Example: subtler -gk center
-l, --list
List all screens
Example: subtler -el
-f, --find => ID
Find a screen
Example: subtler -ef 0
-l, --list
List all sublets
Example: subtler -sl
-f, --find => PATTERN
Find sublet
Example: subtler -sf sublet
-u, --update
Updates value of sublet
Example: subtler -su
-D, --data => PATTERN DATA
Send data to sublet
Example: subtler -sD sublet something
-k, --kill => PATTERN
Kill sublet
Example: subtler -sk PATTERN
-a, --add => NAME
Create new tag
Example: subtler -ta tag
-f, --find => PATTERN
Find all clients/views by tag
Example: subtler -ta tag
-l, --list
List all tags
Example: subtler -tl
-I, --clients
Show clients with tag
Example: subtler -tI
-k, --kill => PATTERN
Kill tag
Example: subtler -tk PATTERN
-f, --find => PATTERN
Find a tray
Example: subtler -yf PATTERN
-l, --list
List all trays
Example: subtler -yl
-k, --kill => PATTERN
Kill tray
Example: subtler -yk PATTERN
-a, --add => NAME
Create new view
Example: subtler -va NAME
-f, --find => PATTERN
Find a view
Example: subtler -vf PATTERN
-l, --list
List all views
Example: subtler -vl
-T, --tag => PATTERN NAME
Add tag to view
Example: subtler -vT terms tag
-U, --untag => PATTERN NAME
Remove tag from view
Example: subtler -vT terms tag
-G, --tags
Show view tags
Example: subtler -vG terms
-I, --clients
Show clients on view
Example: subtler -vI terms
-k, --kill => PATTERN
Kill view
Example: subtler -vk terms
Report bugs at http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/issues
Homepage: http://subtle.subforge.org
Copyright (c) Christoph Kappel <[email protected]>