turnin [ OPTIONS ] -c [ course-name ] files


Submits assignments to be graded. We submit to the default project if it is not specified as an option.


-c, --course

Sets the course to which we'll submit our assignments.


A list of files we wish to submit. They will be compressed using tar(1) and gzip(1) formats before being copied to the submission directory.



Print turnin's version

-h, --help

Print a help message

-l, --list

Prints a list of projects, along with whether or not they are enabled and shows which project is the default project.

-p, --project

Sets the project to which we'll submit our assignments.

-C, --config

Path to an alternate configuration file

-v, --verbose

Prints a list of submitted files once they have been submitted.

-k, --keyid

Cryptographically signs an assignment using gpg(1)

-w, --legal

Print warranty and license information.



List the projects in the course world-cheeses.


Submit the file stilton-recipe to the default project in the course world-cheeses.


Submit the file stilton-recipe to the project stilton in the course world-cheeses.


/etc/ ~/.turnin-ng/submissions

RELATED TO turnin…


The full documentation for turnin is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and turnin programs are properly installed at your site, the command

  • info turnin-ng

should give you access to the complete manual.


Turnin-NG and this manpage were written by Ryan Kavanagh <[email protected]> in the summer of 2009 and are still actively maintained. Turnin-NG is a replacement for the 'project' and 'turnin' commands written in 1990 for the SPARC architecture by an unknown author.

Both Turnin-NG and this manpage are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.