usbmuxd [options]


usbmuxd stands for "USB multiplexing daemon". To the user/developer what it actually does is to proxy requests over a USB cable on directly to a listening TCP port on the iPhone.



Print this message.


Be verbose (use twice or more to increase).


Do not daemonize (implies one -v).


Change to this user after startup (needs usb privileges). If USER is not specified, defaults to usbmux.


Run in udev operation mode.


Tell a running instance to exit if there are no devices connected (must be in udev mode).


Tell a running instance to exit, even if there are still devices connected (always works).


Hector Martin "marcan" <[email protected]>

Nikias Bassen <[email protected]>

Paul Sladen <[email protected]>

Man page written to conform with Debian by Julien Lavergne.