Compute a (new) root for the tree.
reroot [OPTIONS] tree-file
This program reroots the trees in <treefile> on an selected edge.
The default is to output a random rerooting, but you can also choose to give the edge to put the root on, or an outgroup, or even all possible rootings.
Output is written to stdout unless the exhaustive rooting is chosen. Then -o is giving the prefix for filenames to use and the results are written to <prefix>_<n>.tree, where <n> is the node number of the head of the edge.
Warning! In the current implementation all time/length info is lost.
Display help
-V, --version
Print version and exit
-S, --read-tree-from-stdin
read tree from STDIN (no <tree-file>)
-f, --input-format prime|inputxml
The input format. Default is prime
-e, --exhaustive
Do all possible rootings
-o, --output-file-prefix file-prefix
The stem for filenames
-n, --node-index INT
Reroot tree at edge leading to node
-g, --outgroup STRING
Root tree at smallest subtree containing the leaves listed in a commaseparated arguments
Successful program execution.
Some error occurred
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