matchbox-remote [options]


-t <matchbox theme name>

Switch Matchbox theme


Output current Matchbox theme


Request Matchbox to exit


Page to next window


Page to previous window -desktop Toggle desktop visibility


Activate mb-applet-menu-launcher

-panel-toggle [panel id]

Toggle panel visibility


Toggle input method (requires input manager)


Toggle compositing engine (if enabled)


Reload keyboard shortcut configuration (if enabled)


Output help


matchbox-remote connects to a running matchbox-window-manager process to get information about its state or send it instructions.

matchbox-window-manager is a window manager for the X Window System running on non-desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited.


matchbox-remote was written by Matthew Allum <[email protected]>.