euca-download-bundle -b BUCKET [-m FILE | -p PREFIX] [-d DIR] [--region USER@REGION | -U URL] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h]


Download a bundled image from the cloud


You must run euca-unbundle-image on the bundle you download to obtain the original image.

optional arguments:

-b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET

bucket to download the bucket from (required)

-m FILE, --manifest FILE

use a local manifest file to figure out what to download

-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX

download the bundle that begins with a specific prefix (e.g. "fry" for "fry.manifest.xml")

-d DIR, --directory DIR

The directory to download the parts to.

--region USER@REGION

name of the region and/or user in config files to use to connect to the service

-U URL, --url URL

storage service endpoint URL -I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID -S KEY, --secret-key KEY


show debugging output


launch interactive debugger on error


show the program's version and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit